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So we have 2 large dogs (Rotty and a Lab) and they love to leave me little presents dotted around the garden each day.We have mostly picked up the dog poo with a disposable rubber glove and a carrier bag but this involves bending down low and causing back pain.I was looking on Amazon to see what other alternatives were out there and after much consideration I decided to go with this pooper scooper.I have to say it’s a joy to use, compared to bending down and feeling the previous days digested meals from your loving pets.I also bought a black plastic dustbin from Amazon too, the type with the lid that clips down on the top. I stick the large bag which the dog biscuits come in,into the bin and that is what goes away to the landfill sites.The item works really well and makes dog poo duties much easier and quicker to carry out and I’m so glad I made this purchase. The pan and the brush handles both extend to suit your height requirements and it’s so easy to use.The only thing I would say, and this is not a negative but more wishful thinking on my side. I wish it had a larger pickup pan in order to fit 2 or 3 piles of poo in at the same time to prevent walking back to the bin to offload. If you have 1 dog or smaller dogs, then this is perfect and will bring much joy to your life too. If you have 2 or more larger dogs, you may want to consider one with a slightly larger pan to be 100% content with life.I highly recommend this product but get the bin too to compliment task in hand.Oh one other thing I forgot to mention...Some other pooper scoopers drag the poo along the grass and sometimes leavesa snail trail of poo. This product seems to leave little or no trace and picks up nicely from gravel and artificial grass too.Go on, you know you want one
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I was a bit sceptical about buying this after reading some of the negative reviews. However, I have found it perfect for my needs. I have two Sealyham Terriers (about the same size as Highland White Terriers) and this picks their poos up lovely. I think it would've dealt with our dear old Springer Spaniel's poos too without issue. I go around the garden twice a day and can pick up all their poos in one go. The first time I used it I did manage to squash a poo and it was then more difficult to pick up. Once I got the hang of it though I had no problems. I put the scoop very close to the poo and give the poo a light flick with the flat side of the 'shovel'. It pops straight in the scoop.I had a rather soft squidgy poo in the garden the other day which was a bit more difficult to collect as it did want to stick to the scoop and 'shovel' blade and there was a small residue left on the grass; but to be honest I think this would've been the case whatever method or gadget was used. I personally have a bucket of disinfectant in the corner of the garden and after I've tipped the poos into an old carrier bag (which I dispose of in a dog litter bin at the entrance to the woods at the bottom of our close) I pop the 'working' ends in the disinfect and leave it there till I need to use it again.I personally am very pleased with this item and so long as you have properly formed dog poos (I do leave them for a few minutes to harden up a bit and to allow the smell to dissipate some) can't see why anyone should have a problem.
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This is an excellent solution to cleaning up after my two dogs in the garden. I just wish I had bought one years ago! I was about to purchase a similar item which was designed for horse poo collection, had it in the basket when this appeared on the page and I decided it was a better design for my needs.Previously we had been using a variety of seaside beach spades made for children to collect deposits, they weren't the right shape, without a rake collection was haphazard and there is the danger of grandchildren wanting to play with them!This is a set of long handled collecting pan and long handled rake/scraper. The aluminium handles are extendible to a length to suit you.The heads of the tools are plastic and easy to clean and will not rust.The two tools clip together,and I will offer a tip here: when you unclip the tools make sure the clip is pushed back on to whichever handle you leave it on - or it can drop into your collection!I found this really good with the rake side of the rake/scraper for getting the dog deposits off the lawn especially on our unevenly growing and due for a cut lawn and it is easy to take it to the bin and tip it in.I imagine the scraper side would be great for path or patio areas or less firm deposits.I can collect quite a few deposits from my two Miniature Schnauzers, it would hold less if your dogs are bigger of course.
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I will say straight away, this item is worth every penny of the £10.00 odd that I paid. Some reviews seemed to indicate the gadget was a bit flimsy, with bendy poles etc, Not true! The poles are hollow plastic about 1.5 inches in diameter and are rigid, there is no "whip" in them at all. I took notice of one review that said the extension part is the weak spot so I made sure I only extended as little as possible, just enough to make sure I didn't have to stoop to do the job and I am sure, by leaving a good length of upper pole inside the lower pipe, this has given added strength and makes the job of scooping much more efficient. My dog only "goes" at home so I wasn't buying for taking walking and I think there are probably much better,smaller items for that job. This works well on grass and concrete , I leave it standing in a corner of the garden and the rain washes it clean or on doggy "off" days, I just run a watering can of water over each part and its ready to go. I am actually thinking of buying another one and just storing it until needed because past experience has shown me that anything that works really well will be taken off the market and replaced with a new "improved" version that ends up being rubbish!!
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This poop scoop is fantastic !yes - admittedly - on first impressions it's just a slightly posher , long handled fork and dustpan :0) and I was bit sceptical as to how it would work.But there's so much more to this product - and where would you get a fork and dustpan for £10 anyway !Cleaning up the dog and chicken mess in the garden is a very hateful job - I normally go round picking it up with individual poo bags - which ends up being very fiddly and also hurts my back.This poop scoop makes life so much easier !The long handles really help with my lower back issues plus the design really works.One one side of the `scoop'is a fork which is brilliant for getting up poo amongst the grassThe other side is smooth and great for getting stuff off firmer surfaces such as patios.The only thing to watch out for is you need to ensure the `pan' element is completely flat to the floor or the poo wont get pushed in very easily - but that's pretty much the same with a dustpan and brush anywayHubbie is always rolling his eyes when I mention I've ordered a new `gadget' - and unfortunately 9 times out of 10 they're pretty useless - but this is great - and for once it shut him up !:0)
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My cocker spaniel dog is more like a horse - without going into too much detail he likes to wander along whilst doing his business. This makes poop scooping time consuming and back aching. This buy is by far the best money I have spent in ages!I am 5ft 8 and did wonder if I would be stooped when using it but nope, almost upright which is fantastic given that I have a bad back!It took a couple of goes to get it right (I was digging and pushing rather than 'flicking' with the fork.) Once I got it right it's much easier than bending down and using a trowel and bag, even in long grass, which my garden normally is as I hate mowing. The kids also now help clear the garden without fear of getting close to the poop which is a bonus.For the smaller dog mess the shovel side makes things easier, again using the flick motion (this is where I think people are getting it wrong when complaining that this product doesn't work.) All in all a fantastic buy.It is also made of plastic which means it can be cleaned off easily and the bucket and fork/shovel clips together for neat storage.
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Easy to use and easy to store. I have three dogs - G.S.D sloppy poos, Border Terrier firm, Poodle firm. Lots of poo to clear up everyday on hourly basis or so. Have always have the green scissor type scoop from major pet supermarket and poo got stuck to the claws, had to get my face right next to poo to pick up and then put in bag - could only pick up one poo at a time. This arms length scoop is fab. I just run round and scrape GSD's and other poo all together in one round and put it in a plastic dustbin with a bin bag in it and empty the bag out every week into wheelie bin. This has made a pain in the butt job, so easy, I actually don't mind doing it now. Gadget all plastic and clips together to store outside,cleans in rain or with hose when hose patio down. Even the kids can use it safely. Whatever you use you get poo on the scraper tool as there is no way you avoid this and people who complain about this shouldn't have dogs!!!!! buy one - you won't regret it... I certainly don't! Came quickly, packaged in a huge box! Thank you to the supplier and the manufacturer!
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My dog may be lazy and inattentive on occasion, but I happen to know he is also ferociously intelligent - and yet no amount of training seems to have made any difference. We have TRIED and TRIED to get him to operate this scoop but he simply won't cooperate. The nearest we've got is to making him poo beside the scoop, but as to him using the scoop to dispose of it afterwards: no bloody chance.Obviously I don't want to use the scoop myself, for fear it will set an example to Leo that his behaviour is permissible (Leo is my dog). He HAS. To LEARN. However, the hardwood floors of my usually spotless home are now littered with Leo's unmentionables,and there is very little floor left to see - making it a dreadful chore to manoeuvre around the house with dignity. I don't wish to be vulgar but I am writing this review now while sat at my desk, tissues jammed up each nostril, with my feet suspended dementedly in the air. If any circus is in need of an aerial acrobat, I'm getting plenty of practice.
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I wish I had bought this a long time ago, it's a real 'back saver' - no more needless bending and peering through the long blades of grass, with a rusty shovel and stick!I bought this for my mum who is a senior; I am physically disabled myself and can no longer help to collect the dog poop off the grass and patio. I felt badly watching her messing about with the shovel and stick so surprised her with this arms length poop scooper from Company of Animals - she was really pleased.It has claws one side to collect the poop off the grass, and a flat edge for flat surfaces, such as the patio. The handles on each - the scoop and the 'spade' - are easily screwed and unscrewed to fix the desired length of handle to suit you.Only niggle is that the green colour (although green is my favourite colour) does blend in with the grass - I would suggest a bright blue or pink colour for better contrast.Review written by a happy customer who is a disabled, design student, and dog 'mother'.
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This is an absolutely brilliant jobby wheeker that makes it so much easier to lift dog jobbies from the grass. I used to totally dread going out into the back garden to do dog patrol, but this makes the task almost enjoyable (but not quite).I am 6ft 5" and I don't really have to bend down to do the clean up anymore. The stems of both tools are telescopically adjustable so should suit almost all people.It takes a bit of practice to master the technique of expert scooping however.1- Press the scoop/shovel part down into the grass.2- Don't stand behind the scoop because the jobby can fly past the scoop onto your shoes and ankles, stand slightly to the side.3 - Use the rake part to quickly flick the jobby into the scoop,then in the case of a soft runny one, you may have to do two or three deep raking motions to remove most of the remaining skid marks.Hope this helps and I highly recommend paying a bit more and buying this tool rather than the cheaper ones for sale.
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This scoop is great and works very well on short or 'needing a cut' grass using the forked side, and on the other side of this is a straight edge which I didn't know about from the picture, this is good for concrete paving. I have 3 dogs ranging from large to small so have alot of poop to scoop! The handle is long enough for me not to bend (I'm 5'6). I can get about 4 of the larger poops onto the shovel at once. The fork handle clips into a connector on the shovel handle and then the whole thing stands up on it's own. Each handle came in 2 parts which connect easily and securely. I find the product sturdy and very light to use. I would definately recommend this product.Just so you know it's Feb 2013 now & I'm still using this product.It's left in an open garage or outside all year round.Occasionally the upper part feels abit wobbly as if it's coming loose but I just give it a light tap downwards & all is well again. Still think it's a great product :).
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I got my elderly father one of these last summer as we found him a little friend to keep him company after loosing mum, a shih tzu called Chloe who is the sweetest little thing, old dog just like dad!! He finds it very useful as he's not good on his legs and bending is impossible, so it's easy for him to pick up after her, well now I have had to order one myself after my back has become a real pain, literally!! I have 2 dogs and they leave quite a few parcels for me so I ordered myself one, It is so easy, the first time I used it I was wowed by how easy it picks up the nasty stuff! it then goes into a bag and in with the household rubbish, I leave a low bucket by the back door with water and a dash of washing liquid (the one for soft hands!)and it cleans very easily then just replenish the water. Simple ingenious invention, after bending for so long rain or shine making my back worse than ever I should have got one years ago!!
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Best thing bought for not a very pleasant Job !! Makes it so much easier to deal with pet waste.No more bending and using doggy bags that split or can get messy !! This is height adjustable and quite sturdy.Forked on one side and scrapper on other so makes things really easy to just flick mess into holder/scooper then tip out into waste.It has become my chore as hubby not used to having a dog. We got our Staffy, Sam, from a rescue centre so things were quite emotional at the time as he had been brought into the centre quite neglected and was very very thin.Now he has grown rather big and absolutely loves 'food'and therefore produces a lot of 'waste'.This makes this product very useful and makes an unpleasant job easier and less unpleasant.It is quick and is easy to use on both grass and gravel/concrete.Keeps my garden really clean especially as we have grandchildren.Would not go back to doggy bags except for walks.
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During the horrible cold wet winter we’ve had, clearing my garden of dog poo has been a major chore. It’s still a chore (frankly you shouldn’t have a dog if you’re not prepared to put up with it!), but this useful tool does mean that you can keep it a long way away from yourself, and you don’t have to bend down. I wrap an old carrier bag, or an extra large dog poo bag, round the shovel bit, and it’s quite easy to push/scrape the poo into it. Advice elsewhere on not standing in range of flickage was helpful, and then it’s quite easy to wrap the bag round your trawl and dispose of it wherever you normally do. For the really squeamish, I use an old pair of gardening gloves (not the dainty cloth lady’s ones - they’re far too absorbent!)..Not changed my life - but certainly removed some of the more revolting aspects!
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Wonderful piece of equipment, why didn't I look to purchase one years ago? I have always owned, at least one dog, and worked in vets and kennels, so have done more than my fair share of 'poo picking' .This item makes the job of clearing up after my dogs, in the garden, so, so, much easier.Owning 5 dogs means approximately 10 pick ups a day, at least. I no longer have to stoop down to collect each piece - about 70 of them a week.Fabulous design, study plastic, with strong handles, that neatly clip, tidily together. Both handles are adjustable so they can be put to the length, that is comfortable and easy to use.One side of rake has strong, wide prongs, with an angled scraper on the other side,just brilliant!I can honestly say that I whole heartily recommended this product.
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