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For Kerbl Litter Box Minka, 504 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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ok... i read a few reviews before I bought my first one so I was cautious.When you have one cat who likes to 'think' outside the box you can cope with their little foible, but when you take in two rescue kittens who like to jump in and kick their legs while doing a few 360s it gets a bit much.I needed to introduce them to something that could let them kick about as much as they liked without incurring constant sweeping-up for me.This is fit for that purpose.I needed something that was easy for them to get into. I propped the door open and waited for them to show some interest... results within a day, and they soon worked out how to push against the swing door when I stopped propping it open.I needed to have a few more in different places (one per cat and one extra)so I bought two more and they're using them too.Some people have said it doesn't hold together when picking it up, but I tend to move from box to box with my bag and my scoop/sieve (I use a clumping litter), so this isn't an issue for me.Some people have said that the carbon filter isn't effective, but when you have one cat who will only pee in an open box and poo on the newspaper next to it... well, unless I clean as she goes, odour is always an issue in this house, so I can't assess that.As far as I'm concerned, I can't see how a closed litter box for twice, thrice, or four times what this costs could tick any more boxes than this one does.I've just bought my third one and plan two more. The more stations they have, the more contented they can be, and the cleaner and sweeter-smelling I can keep my home... apart from the one who won't use them ;)Cheap but well fit for purpose, hence the five stars.
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King Tobias Warrior (KTW) has been using a litter tray with Catsan HL but the Catsan gets all over my floor (and the smell after hes taken a dump - oh lawd!) so I brought this and Kerbl Litter Box Kira, 57 x 39 x 41 cm, White/ Bordeaux (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00L46GHLU?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00)I was afraid he would find it too enclosed, thats why I got one with a flap (this one) and one without a flap (KIRA) but the box is much bigger then I anticipated. I used this one first and KTW took to it like a champ! I use the filter (it came free so why not use it?) and even though I can still smell when hes done a poo,it doesnt smell up the whole room/house and its so much better then using a tray!Im returning KIRA and buying another one of these, but the green one for variety haha!PS: I knocked off one star because it doesnt lock into place well. I dont feel safe lifting it from the holder so I just lift it like a box (two hands either side) but outside of that, its a great product!EDIT: I just realised that I have to push in the sides in order for the box to feel more sturdy/not break apart when I lift it so Ive changed my initial 4 stars to 5!!!
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Great product. Bought this as my new 4 month old kitten was constantly throwing his litter all over my kitchen floor. That can't happen with this litter box. It only arrived today and I worried he wouldn't use it, as he rarely seems to bother with anything I buy for him (bought him a lovely cat bad - he won't go near it lol). Needn't have worried, he took to it straight away after I'd shown it to him and opened the flap to show him his litter tray inside it. Even the flap didn't phase him. For now I've just put his previous litter tray inside it & he had no problem using it.Some reviewers have said it's flimsy, but I wouldn't agree. Yes, you'd be asking for trouble if you pick it up by the handle and move it with a full litter tray inside,but I found it well made and it fits together well. It is also easy to open, which makes scooping out the litter tray a piece of cake. Wish I'd got one of these right from the get go. Highly recommended.
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Got this exact same model 2 years ago from Argos for quite a bit more than this I think. The quality is good and I hope it lasts another 2 years. The size is not the greatest if you have a large cat, I've seen mine using it without the lid (was just finishing cleaning the litter box and he decided to use it... again!) and noticed how he struggles to turn inside the base even without the lid on, so I can only imagine how tight the space must be once the lid is placed. Unfortunately, I had to return a bigger litter box I ordered (from a different seller) due to to a faulty door, and in terms of length this looks bigger than the other one too. On another note,I wouldn't attempt to lift it by the handle since the white lid is quite loose and that could lead to a messy disaster! *ew* But all in all, good litter box and would buy again if I need it for a normal sized cat.
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Excellent product, I was very reluctant before ordering it if this would actually make any difference to the smell, but the carbon filter in my opinion works brilliantly. The flap works excellent from both sides and my kitten who was only 6 weeks when we got this had no problems getting in and out. This is a great litter box that looks great and doesn't look cheap or flimsy; as well as that it serves its purpose for what we wanted it for and really contains the smell. It's durable and seems like it will last for quite some time but most importantly my kitten likes it and feels comfortable with using it. Highly recommended! I certainly read a lot of reviews before ordering and this is by far the best one at this price bracket,so don't hesitate because this has not dissapointed us.
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The main reason we go this was to stop our youngest dog having the munchies whenever our cat used the litter box... There is nothing worse than having to race your dog to the litter tray, or finding little bits of kitty litter over the carpet.I was a bit apprehensive about getting this, as our cat has always had an open litter tray, but she adapted to this almost straight away. It's super easy to clean and very spacious. It does take up a bit of room, but that's to be expected. Although I can guarantee that this product will eliminate any kick back mess, upset doggy stomachs, and is easy to use,I can't guarantee you that your cat won't still find a way to peep her head through the door and make eye contact with you whilst she is doing her business.
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I got 2 new kittens and therefore my old kitty litter tray was not enough for them, George (my little ginger) likes to spread the litter about the house when he's done, Elizabeth (my B&W queen) like to dig at the sides and make as much noise to let everyone in the house know shes been potty... then I got these beauties... no more litter spread about the house, however the noise of scratching about after potty time is often loud. These trays are big enough however do feel thin and easily broken but mine are doing well. My only issue with them is the filter on top, the cats are able to pull it out and destroy them, also just because it has a flap on it,it does not mean that the kitty poop smell is contained.
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I do like this product as it keeps the surroundings rather clean. I have a few of those boxes and would never go back to one that's uncovered. I had to remove the flap though as neither of my cats wanted to use it when it was attached, but that's not a problem.One thing that could be improved - the hatches that keep the litter box together..... All works fine till the point when I need to move the box - it just comes apart. If you get one, make sure that you support the box from the bottom. Fortunately I don't need to move it often, so it is not a big problem, but the hatches could be better.Also, it would be a good if there was a better selection of colours.


I brought the brown one first and loved it so much, I got this one in green for variety (but I do prefer the brown, only coz of the colour but I didnt want to have two of the same box/colour)Just be sure to clip in the sides so the bottom doesnt fall off. Outside of that, Id highly recommend it.Please be advised: This item alone doesnt conceal the smell - this item combined with Precious Cat Dr. Elsey's Ultra Cat Litter = an enjoyable scooping experience - with VERY MINIMAL ODOUR! Its a little pricey but SO worth it! http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0009X29WK?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00


Bought this litter tray because our previous one was far too big and was taking too much space in the down stairs bathroom.It's easy to remove the lid to empty the litter, just wished the cat flap fitted more snuggly and didn't leave a narrow gap on the sides as this can allow the smells to escape. The charcoal filter is a pain to put into the slot properly, not well thought out, mine still is only half in, eventually i gave up trying.Having said that it is a nice looking litter tray and not too pricey if you can live with the problem with the filter


Great large litter box with high sides and slightly higher back. My two cats share this happily. It's super easy to clip and unclip and easy to clean. I use litter tray liners but always clean the base and top with litter wipes also. The door swings well and doesn't get stuck. The high back and sides are crucial for me as one of my cats pees quite high, it's like a rocket stream LOL! With this tray there has been no leaks at all. Lightweight to pick up also. I've had a few over the years but this is my favourite and excellent value for money.


With 2 8-week old kittens, I’ve been looking for an additional litter tray and I’m left really pleased with this choice. This litter tray has a thinner slimline design so takes up less space. It also has a small filter at the top to help with any unpleasant odours. The step depth isn’t too much for my kittens but still keeps in all the litter if you don’t click the lid into place, and the swing door shifts easily for little bodies. Lightweight, sturdy and well made.Approx. dimensions when lid is on: Height 41cm Width 27cm Depth 49cm


The cat litter tray is great for keeping the smells in but be careful when emptying as the lid does not attach amazingly well to the base. I don’t know where to find carbon filter replacements. My cat also got stuck in the flap while I was replacing the litter as i placed it on the floor while emptying. Maybe my cat is just an idiot but she was a touch frightened after and had to tape the door up for a while as we struggled to get her out. Keeps all the litter in though and talk so she has space and privacy.


Bought for my poor old elderly cat who start having accidents. She was mainly blind so I did have to remove the flap at the front for her, which was a shame as obviously that meant the smell escaped easily but it was still a good thing to have as it stopped her kicking litter everywhere due to the sides. The sides also stopped her mess coming out which was what happened when we bought a basic tray, as due to her lack of eyesight she couldn't quite manage to aim properly. I would recommend to anyone.


Great value for money. We have actually been using it for a few weeks with the door off so that out cat can get used to it.It looks a lot nicer that an open letter tray. The reason I have not given this 5 stars is because the clips that hold the lid on are quite loose so if you lift the box with the top handle without checking the clips first then you may end up with dirty litter on the floor!Unlike other reviewred, I was pleased with the condition the litter box arrived in. No scuffs on mine.

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