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For Trixie Vico Litter Tray, with Hood, 1134 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.3.

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One of the cheaper models, yet made of thick, heavy plastic, great colour, and with secure and easy to fasten clips on the sides to connect it together. As with all hooded litter trays, you should start off with just the base, then a week or so later add the lid, and then the door flap a week later - all to get the cat used to using this type of tray. The tray is large and with two young cats and a larger older one, I find they all have lots of space to manouver. It's also nice and deep, though the lip at the front is lower than my previous hooded tray - though still high enough. My one anticipated concern (I say anticipated as I have not yet got to the stage of using the door flap yet)is that the door looks quite flimsy - or the little plastic nubs to attatch it to the lid do anyway. I worry about them snapping off after alot of use. It would be nice if the flap was sturdier, or if replacement doors could be bought. The one strange thing about the tray is concerning the handle on the roof, which is sort of cut out of the plastic, and underneath it is a detatchable bowl shaped piece of plastic that is clipped to the underside of the roof. It seems to serve no purpose and I have no idea of its function. Saying that, it does no harm and once clipped on stays put, so it doesn't pose a problem. It's just weird that it's there. Anyway overall I'd give the tray 10/10Note - it was so good I'm buying another, and original is still in use a couple of years laterUPDATE: when I added the door I found that it hung straight downwards, and as the front of the hood slopes downwards at an angle, this means that the door flap does not hang at a 'closed' position. There is an inch of air which lets all the smell out. A good point to this is that it might be less intimidating to cats not used to using a closed tray. A bad point is that my oldest cat didn't agree and in fact decided to poo on the carpet instead. I suppose the door still works well to slow the progress of the cat as it leaves, minimising trailing. The door came off and will remain off. ALSO : the weird plastic bit on the roof had to be reinforced with superglue, as one cat seems to enjoy standing on the plastic to push it through, making it fall into the litter below.Tip: use wood based litter - I found it hardly trails at all
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I bought this in burgundy last year as my cat tends to throw litter everywhere and she had a litter of kittens who copied Mum!!Working full-time on long shifts the last thing I wanted to do was come home and scrub the floor plus the smell was terrible. This solved the mess problem beautifully. I bought some carbon filters to put in the top and it controlled the smell nicely too. My only prob being the round piece at the top did tend to fall off. Once the kittens were gone,Mum who is half feral disappeared before I could get her spayed.. Came back heavily pregnant again the other week. Had her kittens in a small igloo I bought also from Amazon.I didn't have any cat litter so lined this with a pet pad hoping she'd use it till I could get cat litter.Ahem!! Woken in the middle of the night by horrendous screeching and there she was a furious newborn kitten in her jaws and about to deposit him with his siblings in the litter tray to his fury! She's now made it their new home. It's just the right size for a litter of newborns and I think she feels much more secure in there with the flap so she can go in and out at will than she ever did in the small crate I had her in last year. The circle bit on the top was constantly falling off when I used it as a litter tray but it seems jammed on securely without the constant shaking of the box used as a litter tray. Would really recommend this not just as a litter box but as a home for the cat to sleep in too
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I wanted to replace our existing hooded cat litter tray as it had got rather grimey and I preferred not to do a deep clean. I thought that might end up my only option until I found this litter tray. It isn’t as robust as the old one and is a shade smaller than I really wanted, but it has four proper clips to hold the top on the base that are good enough to allow you to pick the whole thing up if necessary and move it.It needs some self assembly with the access flap fitting the opposite way to that expected (it works either way for the cat but only hangs correctly one way). There is also a clip that fits under the handle in the top. All straightforward and easy,even removing the flap to refit wasn’t too bad.I mentioned it is slightly smaller than the existing tray but it is still plenty big enough for my elderly cat to get into with ease. The younger one may also decide to use it now that it has been refreshed. It is a pretty colour, not that you want to advertise such things, but it does look nicer than the tatty old one. I am pleased with it and would buy the same one again when another refresh is necessary.
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I purchased this litter tray for my kitten a few weeks before we got him (Feb, 2017). It arrived in a smaller box than anticipated, as the litter tray lid was inside the base. I popped it together within a few minutes, added litter, and it was ready to go. I recently bought a second one for my cat (who is now 1.5 years) as there was a small hole forming at the base of the tray, in the back corner. I am quite a tidy person, and to be honest, I could of put off buying a new tray for a few more months, however was concerned there would be leakage. I feel as though the reason the hole formed was due to my cat being an indoor cat, and when you use something a few times a day for a whole year and a half,you're bound to have some small wearage to it.I personally would recommend this litter tray. The only issue myself and Mowgli (my cat) have, is the little dome under the handle isn't used. He stands on his litter tray after using it to pop it through, so I've thrown it. This is not a major issue, it doesn't really affect the way he uses it. 10/10, Mowgli stamped approval! Would recommend.
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Thank goodness for litter trays with covers as my kitten hasn't quite got her aim under control and seems to enjoy attempting to dig for Australia or play with the plastic liner. This neatly controls all that. The size is better and though not quite as neat and small as a previous lidded tray we had (which was from the 80's, so that may be why!) it is far less bulky than some I've seen. The 5 month old kitten has loads of room and I suppose as long as you haven't got a large cat it will be fine. The sides of the tray are high - I bought the extra giant litter liners to fit. The door to it isn't very well fitted though, so much that when it was attached it used to hang with quite a large gap.I took it off anyway. Not sure whether this cuts down on smells at all, but least it is out of sight. It does have some sort of attachment on the inside under the handle, think this may be meant to reduce smells or maybe you could add a filter here. Not really any instructions though.Anyway, apart those little niggles this is a neat sturdy item that serves its purpose well.
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Bought this for my sister's cat who was making a right mess when digging to use her previous cat litter tray. This is quite a HUGE cat litter tray and would be recommended for someone that has a spacious place. Its a nice colour and it matched the bathroom deco which was a plus. Upon opening the delivery box my sister was quite disappointed to find the top part of the cat litter tray (white part) was full of scratches and dirt. After a good clean the cat was good to go. She was initially scared to go in with the flap in place, so my sister removed it for a couple of hours until her cat was confident enough to go in with it on. Before you know it she was going into the tray while the flap was on and doing her business with no care in the world,lol. It's a shame it didn't mask the smell of her horrendous poo but for £12 you cant expect miracles!All in all a good buy and has helped my sis have less cleaning to do. Her cat can now dig until her heart's content without my sister having a mini fit! Lol.
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Pros:1. Size of the litter box is big enough to fit three 2-month old kittens at once. My kittens sometimes use this box to play too; lol!2. The handle is sturdy and you can easily lift the litter box if & when needed.3. Color of the box is decent.4. Best part about this box is that it has a got reference line kind of a thing inside (or atleast I think so). Filling up the litter upto this line is recommended for easy scooping, less odor etc.Cons:1. The front door absolutely makes no sense to me, because it is just one way! The cat could get in without an issue, but can not come out because the door is stuck. So, better use it without the door.2. There is this weird cap like thing at the top,near the handle of the box. It keeps falling off every now and then. So I just glued it up. If you remove the cap, you there will be a hole in the lid of the box. They might have provided it for ventilation.Overall, it is a good product at such a low price.
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Bought this for my very first cat, 3 month old British Shorthair girl.Researched a lot about litter tray and also was advised to get litter tray with hood so I chose this one.From the very first day when she arrived from breeder, she used this litter tray with hood and never had problem, never missed!All I did was using litter where her breeder used and introduced her to litter.No smell, easy to assemble, use and clean.So I am happy with this product except one thing, the hole and the cover on top.It does keep dropping and once she managed to put her head through the hole but unable to get out and panicked.I am going to superglue the top but wanted to know the reason for the hole....Anyway,conbination of this litter tray, litter and scoop make my life with my fur baby really easy.Her litter: Snowflake Value Wood Based Cat Litter (This is the right size for the litter scoop to catch only poop)Litter scoop: Armitage Cat Litter Scoop Deluxe
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Much bigger than I thought, lovely colour and quick delivery.As yet, I haven't put cat litter in it as I am allowing my cat to adapt to it (she currently is used to a simple box tray), but she is climbing inside it often to explore, so I know she is comfortable and can handle the flap-door.Just a couple of notes:1. When I started to put the two parts together, the top looked as if it might have been a used litter box. I immediately realised this was not the case, but the *minor* marking on the top was a surprise. I've since managed to clean it off.2. At first, it appears the flap-door doesn't fit, as it has a gap almost an inch - had I not read the reviews prior to purchasing I would not have realised that to correct it I only need to turn it around so that the inward dip of the 'flap'is on the outside. Anyone thinking the door doesn't fit simply needs to turn it around.But, overall, I'm very happy and so is my cat.
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Because it looks like a carrier (complete with a handle on top) it doesn't look offensive in whichever room you put it in. The colour isn't as rich/deep as in the image. The flap, as everyone else has mentioned, is poorly designed with a centre of gravity that doesn't suit the slant of the cut-out in the lid making it hang three inches inside the lid at the bottom. You can fix this with a bit of cheap diy: either attach a weight to the bottom lip of the flap to pull it in line with the cut-out (e.g. fishing weight) or do what I did and loop a plastic tie around the bottom lip of the lid and cut it so about half an inch is sticking straight up. When your cat leaves the litter box,the flap will swing inward but will be stopped by the tie at the perfect spot. The tie is flexible enough for your cat to easily push the flap open from either side. If your cat likes to chew on things though, he might try to nibble on this...
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Have inherited a neighbours cat who has taken up residence in my garden, put box out which cat was living in quite happily but thought it could not carry on living like a hobo. Saw this and purchased, covered handle grip in plastic to stop rain getting in put bedding in and cat is perfectly happy with her new apartment. Wedged under garden furniture to keep in place stopping wind picking it up. Even has cat flap. The cat has never been a house cat and just seems to like my deck and garden as peaceful. Looked at actual outdoor cat houses which were upward of £50 expensive for any cat let alone one that is not yours. Saw these in garden centre for £20 plus, then found this one on here for fraction of price.Well made and ideal for any cat who prefers living outside, larger than it looks online absolute bargain and very content hobo cat, I know it is supposed to be litter box but works as apartment too.
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Was ordered on Prime, arrived following day in the evening.Kitten now uses it which is fab :-)✔ Tray itself is spacious enough for my kitten to use.✔ Easy clips that can come on and off much better than other more expensive trays✔ Beautiful colour✔ Easy to clean by taking lid off✔ Flap was removed for ease of access (for now). Easily put back on :-)❌ Little circle purple thing was removed as it was of no use really❌ No filters - will still smell so need to clean properly and thoroughly (which is done anyway so no problem for me but may be for others).❌ may be too big for a smaller kitten❌ HORRIBLE PACKAGING! ❌ (main reason for 4 star review)Was sent in a huge box, packaging was half open /not shut properly. Hence why other people received this item broken... was lucky my one was fine.Please package this item properly to avoid damage.Thank you Amazon :-)
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i was a bit skeptical about buying this, will it be another piece of throw away plastic ... ?It was actually ... a good buy !! the colours are 2 shades of purple, the top comes easily away from the bottom, the clips feel sturdy enough. The whole item feels like solid plastic, not bendy at all !! i would clearly rest something on the top and not worry about it collapsing !!The top part comes with a plastic circular disc, u clip this in place and it supposed to stop smells coming out .. ( how this works with the front having a hole witha flap i dont know )Anyways, the cats managed to dis-lodge this within 2 days, so this piece is kinda useless ! neither here nor there really though to be honest,its not important !!so yes ,.... im happy with this, it performs well, even my british short hairs can fit their butts in it !!yes id buy another !!
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We were unsure about whether our kittens would take to an enclosed box as had used an open tray for the first few months but ordered one of these as was worth a shot. Best thing we’ve bought for them without exception - we’ve since bought 2 more to replace all the trays we had.The little tinkers can spread litter in a 5 mile radius with an open tray, but apart from a little directly outside the doors now and again, we are now litter fountain free!The boxes were easy to put together, clip the ‘bowl’ bit under the hood, pop some litter in the tray and clip the hood to the tray - job done! They are sturdy, not too big (but big/tall enough for larger cats too), easy to pull apart and wash,murdermitten-proof, and take the weight of 2 kitties fighting on them!Delivery was quick and product well packaged.Overall, a fab product and service.
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We have two of these trays and my cats prefer them to the other trays that we have and have had. They are good value and sturdy enough for the price. The lid has a circular cut out in it, under the handle. The cats periodically knock it off and it lands in the litter, but I think that's because they are all rather large cats. It's not a problem.They are made of plastic, which means that the cats can scratch it - and they do. Eventually this means that the surface becomes roughened, making it more difficult to clean. This has happened with every plastic litter tray I have ever had, so it is not peculiar to just this brand. It just takes a bit more effort to clean, and never really looks clean anymore.the cats don't mind though! It will not stop me buying more when the current two are needing to be replaced.
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