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HOW HAVE I COPED WITHOUT THIS LITTER. Anyone considering it, especially with multiple cats just try it seriously. (NOTE: this is all with reference to the multi cat, extra power one, i havent tried the normal one)Yes the cost per bag is really high - thats why i hadnt tried it before. But honestly its worth it for how good it is with odours, and this one sack has lasted me a month with 6 cats?!??Ive been in animal rescue over a decade and tried every kind of litter possible in that time frame, and i cant express how much i wish id tried this sooner.Because of the very high price of this, i tried different brand corn based cat litters thinking they would be as good because theyre all corn based - and they were pretty good,but not excellent. The other corn based ones i tried still had cat pee smell build up in a couple of days when just scooping the pee clumps, so it would be a full empty and wash down every couple of days. They were far better at covering smell than the wood based id previously used, but i could still smell cat and i was still having to throw whole litter boxes frequently as it didnt clump tightly.As this had a special price offer i thought I'll try it as a one off - honestly from the very first day i knew i couldnt go back to another litter even if it cost me a bit more than the previous ones, the odour suppression is amazing, even with poo smells from rescue cats with iffy tummies... As soon as they cover it, smell completely gone. Cat with a water infection on antibiotics with very strong pee - could not smell it AT ALL in this litter. I am blown away by how good the odour control is.The next thing i noticed is how tightly it clumps when wet, never seen anything like it before in all the other litters ive tried. Very very easy to just scoop the lump. Doesnt stick to the litter box like other clumping litters?! So i dont have to dig a sticky mess from the bottom. And it dries out the poos very quickly with a minor coating of litter sticking to them. Just scoop the clumps and the box is genuinely fresh again with no bits or lingering smell.Ive only done a full empty and clean of the main litterboxes twice this month, which is unheard of for this house, and that wasnt even because they were smelling, they were still odourless - it was me being overly safe over germs as im not used to *not* having to wash the boxes down every few days.Because so little is wasted, ive still got enough left in the bag until the next one arrives (have set it to buy monthly). I was previously going through 2x 10L bags of a cheaper corn litter per week, this sack per month actually works out a tiny bit cheaper than that was!Additional positives: barely tracks out of the litter boxes, even on very fluffy feet! Not dusty, and the litter itself fresh out the bag smells lovely.The only single tiny fault i can find, is it is SO absorbent and drying, that if a wet clump is missed and left for too long and starts to dry out, and can crumble slightly as scooped, so a little of the dirty litter ends up left in the box - but it STILL doesnt smell.Honestly, if you are consideirng this litter just try it, you wont regret it.
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OK, I admit it is sad to be so excited about cat litter, but with 3 Siamese cats (1 adult cat and 2 kittens) I was highly motivated to find a cat litter that doesn't get dispersed around the house, traps nasty niffs, is easy to scoop out of the tray and is economical. With our house on the market, these things are more important than at any other time! A tall order you might think, but HALLELUJAH, It seems the search is at an end thanks to the Worlds Best Cat Litter - Multiple Cat Clumping Formula.This cat litter is by far the best for clumping quickly (even when our adult cat does her "pee special" which seems to go on forever).Pee doesn't sink to the bottom as quickly as with wood based litters we have tried and so is easier to scoop.The litter is quite a sweet-smelling corn maize and very fine in consistency compared to others I've seen. This seems to make it easier to remove with litter scoops of differing sizes since the dry and unused litter sifts out easily leaving a single clump for discarding. In our experience It is best to wait until the liquids have had a minute or so to fully sink in and solidify before trying to remove the clumps."Solids" are dealt with equally effectively acquiring a coating similar to breadcrumbs allowing easy removal of the offending objects and making it less likely that kitten feet will thoughtfully tramp "gifts" around the house.We have been pleasantly surprised with how well it traps the nasty niffs, even on very warm days, and the cats used it without hesitation from the start (although one kitten nibbled some on first sniffing it, presumably due to the nice smell and enjoyable crunch - apparently this does them no harm and just acts as roughage...)We are delighted to report that this litter doesn't get tracked out from the tray anywhere near as much as other litters we have tried. The fine consistency seems to make it harder for litter to become trapped between the cat's toes and ejected later in a less convenient spot. This alone has made it better than other cat-lit for those of us that are less than keen on vacuuming or being down on hands and knees with a dustpan and brush...We use this litter with a "Smart Cat The Ultimate Litter Box" that I also got from Amazon. It is shaped like a baby bath and has really helped to minimise the amount of litter that the cats kick out the sides of the tray whilst finding the perfect spot to relieve themselves. I would highly recommend the tray to use with it if you have the space for it, and the same problem. This combined with a mat to catch any litter kicked out the front and cat toileting is no longer the bane of my life.The 12.7Kg bag lasts for about a month for 3 indoor cats - so though it is not the cheapest litter on the market it is pretty economical, and it is also at a very good price through "Subscribe and Save" on Amazon. Given the comprehensive range of benefits and the fact that I throw less good lit away with the used due to its great clumping ability, I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this and agree that it really IS the world's best cat litter!
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Over the years we've used various brands of litter, which all did the job - just not as well as this one does. We've been using this litter for 5yrs now after our breeder recommended it - Although more expensive than our previous brand, we decided to give it a go, and haven't looked back since!We have two Birmans which are kept solely indoors, and two litter trays filled using Worlds Best Multi cat litter. We do a twice a day scoop of any clumps or solids from the trays, and then completely change the litter and wash the box once a month. Compared to our old litter which needed completely emptying 1-2 times a week this is so much easier! It's super useful if your in a rush and just need to pop home to "sort the cats out",you can literally just scoop out the lumps, flush and go. One 12.7KG bag will last us about 5 months for two trays. Quick Tip - don't completely fill the tray, it's doesn't need to be anywhere near as deep as other litters do as it clumps.I do like the fact that you can flush this litter. It was one of the main things that attracted us to changing over. It means no more bags of soiled litter piling up in your dustbin on a daily basis. Or worse, when one of the bags has a hole in that you didn't notice before and sends dirty cat litter all over your floor as soon as you pick it up... We usually scoop straight into the toilet and flush - done.Regarding the "dust free" claim. I do agree that it is virtually dust free, virtually being the optimum word. When pouring into the litter tray to fill, you don't get choking dust flying up everywhere like all the other brands I've tried. However you do get a dust residue in the tray or container your storing it in. Plus, when my older cat decides to go wandering across our black worktops she leaves a trail of dusty footprints behind her...Smell wise - you do get an odd tangy smell from this litter, I guess because of the corn kernels, but it's not a bad smell, nor is it a dusty smell like some others. It masks odours very well - We had to have one in our bedroom for a while when we were moving house, and you couldn't smell the tray at all. I did try the standard Worlds Best litter once as the multiple was out of stock, and did notice the difference. Not sure if that's because I have two cats, but in general it didn't seem to trap the smells as well, and needed fresh litter much earlier than the multiple does.The only final comment that I would make is that because the kernels are so small, I do find that they get stuck between my cats paws and therefore are trailed around the house quite a bit... It's not as bad as some other litters I've tried, but it does still happen. We have mats outside of each tray, and they too require daily emptying back into the tray as they just fill up with kernels from where the cats walk in and out.
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We don't have multiple cats, but we happened to try the multi-cat version first and as our cat is ridiculously picky, we've been loath to try the non-multi-cat version in case madam finds it inferior...We originally started looking for an alternative litter as our geriatric cat's asthma began to worsen, leading us to search for a less dusty alternative. She also had the unfortunate habit of using her litter box while still damp from a bath, leading to horribly uncomfortable (one can imagine) clay balls between her toes and a trip right back into the water (which she naturally did not appreciate).Clumping litter was a must; we tried a non-clumping version and hated the mess.Our cat took to this fairly fast--we tried the standard trick of sprinkling some onto her usual litter, then working a scoop in, then two... and then we set out a second tray with just this, and she never went back to her old box. Kitty-approved!This litter has the advantage of being flushable which has been an absolute revelation: much less waste, much less odour. We find it comparable to clumping clay litter for urine and poo odour, though it does have its own scent (which is, one must admit, a bit pee-like on its own). The scent is actually a fairly good indicator of when the litter needs to be replaced: once we can smell it more strongly, it gets tossed and we pour out new litter. It's just as long-lasting in that regard, but with the advantage of being biodegradable. Now that we switched our cat to raw-food feeding, her poo doesn't smell at all (no, really; you'd have to get right in there when it's fresh) and this lasts even longer.In terms of tracked litter, our Himalayan's fluffy paws do distribute it as they do any litter, but as this is lighter we find she picks up less, and therefore the mess doesn't go as far--which makes it far easier to contain and sweep up.It's a touch more dusty than I would like but hasn't triggered or worsened her asthma, so that's been great. Overall, I would highly recommend it for anyone looking for a flushable litter or just an alternative to clay.
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I have tried a number of cat litters after rescuing a pair of indoor cats in a very poor state. Due to their history, the cats had thus developed some unsavoury habits which caused them to dig and crumble their mess in the litter tray.I have tried a huge variety of litters over the last few years from wood based, clumping, clay, even limestone, cardboard, wheat and 'crystals'.On hardwood and stone floors I found that the wood-based litter would track on the cats paws, consequently dry and thus breakdown into a almost powdery substance that scatters across the entire room should there be a draught.The limestone too scatters across the floor from outs cats tufty longhair toe pads, but inadvertently,get caught under the mop and litter tray (when moved) and thus end up scratching the stone tiles, causing irreversible damage to my floors.The Clay and clumping type forms a "cloyee", sludgy mess. This requires the tray to need constant deep cleaning as the mess settles on the base of the tray.The card based littler absorbent only to a certain extent and does not cover odours very well.I really liked this one, especially with my particularly messy cats as not only does it clump on sight (mess doesn't sink to the bottom), it doesn't form a sludgy mess, it is so much easier to scoop, which means the entier contents need emptying out less often. But also smells very much like my garden lavender - not chemical at all.Did I mention how well it covers odours?!?The cats are also very happy too as it doest stick to their paws like the other types therefore less mess and less of a need for them to incessantly drag their paws across the tray and mats to wipe away residue.One thing to bear in mind though, If your cats are of the pale coloured persuasion, then the litter does have a tendency to stain the hocks and pads: a rather unpleasant pale yellow, due to its corn based nature, hence the removal of one star. As I like the product so much, I'm willing to put up with this shortfall.I just wish it was cheaper!! Pleease!
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I got my first cats in June (~12 months and 18 months old) and initially tried out Pettex Pampus Woodbase Cat Litter because of the large number of positive reviews and the low price. Having never owned cats and therefore cat litter trays I didn't know what to expect and had no experience of how cat litter should perform. Here's my comparison between Pampus and World's Best:Liquids: The Pampus breaks down into a fine mulch, which is damp and starts to smell strongly over the course of a few days. It isn't possible to remove the affected litter and leave the clean litter because the mulch is fine and the good litter is in large pellets, so you end up waiting for the tray to smell bad and then dump the whole contents and refill.The World's Best forms a solid clump, which is easily scooped out and leaves the good litter behind. The clumps seem to capture the smell too, so the trays stay fresher for longer.Solids: One of the cats is a bit rubbish at covering his solid waste. Using the Pampus he seemed entirely unable to cover them but with World's Best he is successful more times than not, so the smell from the trays has improved very markedly in this department too.Value: World's Best is a good deal more expensive than Pampus. However, it has the following benefits:1) Reduced smell due to clumping of liquids and covering of solids2) Very quick and easy to clean out the tray because of the clumping3) Reduced amount of litter waste, so the bags last much, much longer. I was refilling the trays completely on a weekly basis with Pampus but having used the World's Best for two weeks, after the initial fill i have only done one small top up to replace litter that has been removed with the liquid and solid waste clumps. I suspect that over time the World's Best will work out to be the same cost if not less than the Pampus.I don't mean to give the Pampus litter a hard time but I have direct experience of both and feel that it is only fair to share that with everyone.
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clumps very well, flushes down the toilet without clogging it ( and doesn't swell up to a massive ball of pulp like our 2nd favourite litter does) and it doesn't track much either. Five stars for that!Now for the but, it doesn't last anywhere near as long as it says and since it's expensive to begin with it does end up being really expensive when you replace it often.We have a multi cat household (4-7 depending on number of fosters) and they all tend to go where everyone else goes, despite there being multiple toilets across the house which all get cleaned twice a day.With multiple cats digging, the litter starts to break down into small particles fairly quickly,at which point it does not do it's job properly anymore.If the cats tip-toed onto the litter, peed and left than the litter itself would probably last as long as stated on the pack, but with at least 4 cats going several times a day and all of them digging and tossing the litter we can't leave each tray for more than 7 days max ( similar to cheaper litters) at which point the litter is going powdery, won't clump and smells, which makes this litter around 4-5 times as much as the Cat's Best Öko Plus we usually order.Having said that it is initially better than the the other litters but with multiple cats it will still require changing quite frequently. So you may want to opt for a cheaper litter and simply change that a little more often to achieve the same great result (e.g. you can change the Cat's Öko plus (similar style, compostable litter) every 3 days and still spend less than you do changing this one every 10 days...)The reason we are going back to this one is that we do flush the cat poo and this litter won't form a pulpy sludge in the toilette and it does track an awful lot less than the others we tried over the years.
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Excellent product and it was purchased for the Alexandra Bastedo ABC Animal Sanctuary in England. Alexandra is an actress with a varied career (check out her web site & links below for more) and starred in the 1960’s British espionage & action adventure (w/sci-fi) television series The Champions. This item was purchased as a gift off her ABC (Alexandra Bastedo Champions) Animal Sanctuary “Wish List” that you may view here on Amazon and purchase items to help out the animals & sanctuary. This is a registered charity as you can see by the links I have provided below. You can copy and paste the links to make them work if needed.Alexandra Bastedo Champions (ABC)Animal Sanctuary: [...]Alexandra Bastedo's ABC Animal Sanctuary video (0:45): [...]ABC Animal Sanctuary 16th June 2012 video (4:00): [...]“BMY Charity” to make donations to the ABC Animal Sanctuary (Registered Charity Number: 1133827) and if UK resident check “Gift Aid Tax” box for further tax benefits for the sanctuary: [...]“Easy Search” Internet Search Engine you can use every time you search the web to raise free money for ABC Animal Sanctuary at no cost to you: [...]“Easy Fundraising” To raise money for ABC Animal Sanctuary when you select the charity & choose the sponsored retailers to shop at and with your purchases help to raise donations as a % of your purchase price for your cause at no cost to you.: [...]Alexandra Bastedo Web Page w/Links Page: [...]The Champions UK TV Series (1968-69) Intro/Lead-In video (0:52): [...]The Champions Theme Song video (2:06): [...]The Champions TV Series on Wikipedia w/Aired Order Episode Dates: [...]
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Most clumping cat litters end up forming just a thick sludge in my experience,however World's Best does actually form clumps even with those small dribbles. If you use a good cat scoop then only clumps get removed leaving the remaining clean litter available for use another day. So initially this may appear a more expensive litter but because no clean litter needs to be disposed of it is very cost effective.The litter is flushable as although it forms clumps in the litter tray when it becomes over-saturated i.e. placed in water then the clumps begin to separate back into their individual "grains".It seems to neutralize urine odour,I have never smelled anything even at very close quarters.Doesn't seem to produce any dust so good for your kitty and your lungs too.I have never experienced any issues with tracking but if it does get stuck in fur then any litter ingested by your cat whilst self-grooming is safe, being a corn-based product. This is not the case for clay-based litters.I previously used Catsan but liquids were just absorbed into some of the granules,"clay" pieces, well mostly, but not always successfully and clean and soiled litter was disposed of in equal measure so ended up being quite an expensive choice.My cats have used Worlds Best for several years now and I have not encountered any issues at all. I am confident that my cat's litter tray is clean and hygienic for them to use at any time. If they are happy which is the most important thing as far as I am concerned, then I am too.
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I’m not adding any photos...Basically the kittens seem to give me a very strange look like I’m some sort voyeur pervert while I try to photograph them with smile On my mug saying go on kitty cat, have a dump you’re going on amazon’ so please take my word for it, it absorbs the mess and stink quite well.At present I’m mixing this with what’s left from the cheap nasty stuff from the supermarket we purchased after collecting the kittens so to swear literally this is the worlds best is a bit of a unfounded claim though I’m soon to run out of the cheap stuff and then my cats will have a blanket paradise of the worlds best cat litter on which to take their dumps.One thing I have noticed one of kittens who’s named stink for a reason,when he Takes a dump in the cheap stuff I found myself sat with my eyes bleeding and my nasal hairs burnt out of my skull crying & saying for the love Christ Stink bury it deeper a lot deeper lad.. well even with this mix of some cheap and some new I’m now only reduced to attempting to wash my eyeballs with tcp after he’s taken a dump so the smell absorbing quality is def there, I’m looking forward to replacing all the litter trays with the new stuff so I can have a meal and not worry it’s going to smell like it’s been tinged with kitten plop, tears and bile
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I have four furry friends and over the years have tried several different types of cat litter. I thought my litter was fine until I tried The World's Best Cat Litter. Now I wouldn't buy anything else.My cats go outside quite a lot but they don't like wet weather and so they use their trays quite a bit! With four cats you need a litter that keeps the smell down, doesn't track all over the house and is easy to clean out. This is exactly what this product does. It's made from a plant-based material and I feel safe using it for my cats. It is supposed to be flushable down the toilet but I haven't been brave enough to try this! My cats made the switch from their old litter with no problems at all.When the cats 'go'in their tray the litter absorbs the urine very quickly forming a kind of ant hill in the tray. As it dries it forms a solid clump which can be easily scooped out. Poop just falls on the surface and can be scooped out. The nasty cat smells aren't as noticeable as with other products that I have tried. One of the best things is that there are no longer little stones/pellets all over the floor! The litter just doesn't end up everywhere like it used to.I'm very happy with this product and would definitely recommend it.
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I never thought I would be leaving such a raving review for something like cat litter but if you are a cat owner and your little beauties use the litter tray in doors this is the cat litter that you need.Previously a catsan clumping litter user, it has to be said that I wasn’t 100% pleased with catsan, it was okay but I often smelt cat urine in the area where I keep the trays and the matter what I did I just had to keep cleaning it out day in day out. I took a chance on this product based on the reviews and oh my God am I happy that I did so.I have been using it now for about five weeks and it has to be said there is very little odour from this cat litter.There is a slight yeasty/earthy type smell when you go near it but it is so much more pleasant than the cat urine smell That I was constantly smelling from the catsan clumping litter. Whilst this is more expensive believe me when I say it is worth every penny just to be able to breathe in the vicinity of the cat litter tray and not to have to hold my breath or choke and gag whilst cleaning out the tray.This is a keeper you will not be disappointed I urge you to just buy one bag and try it and see for yourself, It really is the best cat litter in the world
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I was a bit sceptical about this litter ability to clump up and absorb cat urine. We purchased the petsafe automatic cleaning litter tray system which requires replacement almost every week. It is just a matter of physics that the amount of liquid the cat puts in has to go somewhere. The crystals also never stay inside the thing and constantly feel like we walking on stones when they get onto the floor.I was on a mission to explore an alternative and stumbled on this stuff. It works amazingly! It really does clump up the urine into a ball making it easy to clean and honestly does a way better job and odor management than the bue crystals claim to.I also did a full swap from the one type of litter to this one and my cat took to it straight away.I think it helps that it smells almost like dirt it being ogranic which I think helped.Still figuring out the best amount of litter to keep in the tray to work well with the automatic system but it pains me that I will need to keep buying the replacement packs in order to get new trays because they dont stock the reusable tray in the UK. This hopefully will change next year when our Catson automatic system gets hopefully delivered and we can use this stuff in that.
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Have been using this for years and our elderly rescue cat took to it immediately. It does smell of cereal (unsurprisingly), but otherwise it seems to completely neutralise the odour of urine. When I scoop a clumped ball out I throw it into the loo and generally leave it for a while; the clump falls apart after being submerged for a while but never swells up. Have never had a problem with flushing away / blocked pipes.Our second rescue cat also loved it from the off, but unfortunately she is a 'digger'. Once she has performed the task she likes nothing better than to bury the evidence and that's completely natural for her and this litter allows her to do that. Problem is that she can end up flinging the granules everywhere.By shaking the tray gently from side to side the clump reveals itself and then I can easily scoop it out. In her case I think I might have to invest in an enclosed/hooded litter tray to get around the problem.I do find that there is a little bit of a tracking problem but we can live with that and just put some mats around the tray to catch most of it. It may appear expensive but in truth it lasts for ages because only small amounts are needed each time to trap and isolate. Amazing stuff.
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Starting with the cons:- did not last 30+ days for 2 cats as advertised. At 21 days had a very shallow layer remaining. However I use a large tray, so perhaps a smaller tray would make what I have left deeper and suffient for another week of use.- I didn't find it amazing at odour control all the time, however the better the solid mess is burried the less it smells, so that might just be my cats fault!Pros:- so easy to work with! Solids are generally easy to remove anyway, but the way this litter clumps the urine makes it so easy to scoop out. There's no sticking to the plastic or sludge at the bottom, just a lump to scoop. Only crumbles apart if you drop them...-less waste.You remove only and all of what has been used. I didn't throw any of the litter away each week like with others, just kept topping up.- tracking is minimal. There's a fine scattering around the immediate area, but I found there always was with any litter.Would I recommend? Yes, even though it didn't last as long as advertised the time it did last and the price is comparative to other brands (maybe not s/market own-brands) and it is nicer to work with than clay or wood or grain litters that I have tried.
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