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I've had cats most of my lifetime and I'm an older gal now. I have three cats.....13, 11 and 5 years old and I love them all dearly.I must have tried EVERY cat litter out there, over the years. OKOPLUS is THE VERY BEST, in my opinion. It's in the more expensive bracket, price-wise, but for me, worth every single penny.OKOPLUS is Fantastic!! Entire urine clumps, and you can leave it in the tray longer before you have to do a complete litter change. When I've removed any and all deposited debris....NO SMELL at all, just a slight, fresh wood aroma. I do get a bit of pellet treading when they come out of the tray. No big deal for me though. I now use the special mats you can buy and place them at the litter tray entrance.They do help.TIPS FOLKS.....TO MAKE YOUR LITTER LAST LONGER and help PREVENT SMELLS from Litter Trays:Make a firm pact with yourself to clear used litter from your cat's Litter Tray AT LEAST ONCE EVERY DAY!! Best time? - first thing in the morning. Yeah....I know it's a task we dread....but if you do this "daily empty", OKOPLUS will last you twice or even three times longer!! Cat litter is expensive stuff!! I whiz around my two trays quite early morning. I only have to remove a couple or three "clumps" and "bits", using a large slit-perforated litter scoop, swish the litter around in the litter tray....and I'm done. Result? Lovely clean litter box, with NO LITTER TRAY SMELL!! If you do this job first thing in the morning, you won't keep thinking all day...."I must go and do the litter tray(s)". If you leave "clumps" in the tray for more than a day, you've got a much bigger "emptying job" to do - AND - deal with the resulting smell!! Besides, please think of your cat(s)!! How would you like to have to dig and stand in in a messy tray, standing in your old toilet mess every time you go to the loo? Would you like to have to use a dirty loo? Don't forget that your cat, after standing and digging around in a dirty litter tray, will walk all around your house - on their germ-laden paws!! I often have a quick peek in the trays as I pass them - and nearing bedtime, and quickly scoop up the odd one or two "presents".....it only takes a minute.LITTER TRAY ESSENTIALS:Keep your litter scoop, cat litter AND small plastic "collection" bags right near the Litter Tray at all times. This makes the dreaded job a doddle if all bits are right to hand. Having to fetch the scoop, then search for small plastic bags all adds to putting-off cleaning the tray.I can HONESTLY say, hand on heart, there is NO smell emitting from my Cat Litter Trays. Yeah.....there might be a smell if the cat has just done his/her business, but if this is removed pretty quickly, you'll get no nasty smells hanging or wafting about. The smell from stale cat urine can be VERY strong (Methane) and pungent. On You Tube, I watched a "Cat Behaviourist" ask a cat owner how often he cleaned his cat litter tray. The guy said...."Oh Yes, I keep it clean - every two weeks". It even showed you a quick camera shot of the Litter tray....it was ABSOLUTELY gross!! The guy had a problem with his cat not using the Litter Tray all the time!! I wonder why?? Doh!!No.....I'm certainly NOT pedantic or OCD in any way about doing my cat trays. I think of my beloved cats, the possible risk to their health and hygeine - the threat of Cat Litter smells, AND any mess or germs being deposited on my carpets!!DEPTH OF CAT LITTER:If your cat is not using the litter tray, check the DEPTH of litter you have in the tray. A one inch depth "sprinkling" is just not enough. I put AT LEAST THREE inches litter depth. You might get away with TWO, but THREE is much better. Most cats like a little "dig" in the litter, and it can put cats off when they dig and quickly reach the solid plastic tray base with their claws. Some cats like to "cover up" what they've done, so there must be enough litter depth quantity for them to do so. Also, you get better and "entire" clumping of Cat urine if the litter is deeper. Don't forget to keep "topping-up" the tray litter level after you've removed clumps.CAT LITTER TRAY/BOX:ALWAYS use a DEEP one, with deep sides!! I use the CATIT Magic Blue JUMBO Lotter Tray. Catit also do one just called Jumbo (not Magic Blue). It's big enough for each of my cats to easily turn around whilst inside it. It has a hood, glass front swing door, and deep sides in the bottom half - which stops ANY urine coming out over the edge (some cats can spray a bit - but this us deep enough). CATIT also do this in a REGULAR size, but if you have the space, the JUMBO is MUCH better. AMAZON sell these.In conclusion, I can say I NEVER have ANY problems with my cats and their litter and trays, using my above methods. NO "accidents" or inappropriate toilet happenings whatsoever. I trust my chosen system entirely.Are you asleep yet? Lol. I hope my above Tips and comments help someone regarding the use of the SUPERB Okoplus Cats Best Litter. I would not use ANYTHING else. I buy the large 30L BAG, which is more economical for me......and I can be much more lavish with it, for my cats.
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As far as cat litter goes I've never tried any other. But when I was getting kittens, as they were going to be house cats, I looked into what type of litter to get quite extensively. Everywhere I looked, people seemed to agree this stuff is the best.It was a conclusion the breeders of my kittens shared too, and I was glad to see my choice of litter was validated when I arrived to collect my moggies; without prompting, they told me to use this litter as they did and it'd help the cats adjust.Chuffed with myself and my choice, and being able to tell them I had already researched it and bought some, I set of home with 2 new kittens and an year and a half on I haven't changed brands.There are 3 things I really like about this litter.First of all, it's organic. It's natural. Made from wood pulp it's fully biodegradable and that's got to be a good thing for everyone. For you, your cats, and for planet earth too.Secondly, I really like the way it clumps. Cat urine turns the litter into a kind of gelatine like substance which sets and forms huge clumps (rather like super-sized Kellog's Honey Nut Clusters) which are then easy to remove with a litter scoop.And thirdly, the litter is super absorbent and dries out the solids as well as drying out and clumping the urine. This makes any cat poo easy to remove with a litter scoop when you're 'Panning for black gold'.Also because it's biodegradable, cat poo and and litter clumps can be dropped into the loo and flushed straight down the toilet, removing the need to bag it and bin it.However, I don't do this as I find the clumps kind of break up in the toilet water, and you're left with a gelatinous gloop sitting in the bottom of the pan for several flushes, and I have visions of it collecting in the pipe somewhere.If you clean your tray everyday it's pretty effective at stopping odours too. As far as I'm aware no litter is fully odour free - but my research lead me to believe that if this isn't the best, it's amongst the best when it comes to stopping smells.It does have it's down sides though. Nothing's perfect and there are few minor niggles that I have with it. Firstly, as it's wood based, it dust get very dusty when nearing the end of the bag. It becomes like sawdust.Secondly, because of the gelatinous way it clumps together, you can find it sticks to cats paws. Because of this I keep finding little patches of the stuff stuck to my nice clean duvet covers or on my clean washing. This is a repeating issues.Also, I find it tracks pretty badly too. Those of you who aren't up on cat lingo - that means leaves the litter box on your cats paws, and my top landing is covered in the stuff if I don't hoover every 3 or 4 days. Even tracking mats haven't helped this.All in all though, I'd say it's a very, very good cat litter. And the fact that it's a natural (ish) product and environmentally friendly swings it for me. The cats are happy, I'm happy, mother natures happy.
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This is, without doubt the best cat litter I've ever used, and I've tried a lot... Well, not me personally, the cats, I mean!Anyway, I found, every single cat litter I've tried before, from the clay stuff, to the wood pellets and to the little glassy silica-gel crystals...but even when you religiously take out all dinkydoos and the wees ( that's if it's clumping litter) after a day or two the tray smells so bad you have to throw the whole lot out and start with fresh... If you're as sensitive to kitty-toilet smells as me, it gets expensive.... Until now!!!I'm a super happy cat owner now! Bought my first bag of this Cats Best litter last week... (The name suits the product...And by the way this is MUCH better than Worlds Best Cat Litter.... In my humble opinion anyway!) .... Anyway, filled my tray last week, cats took to it immediately and amazingly the same litter is still in there a week later!!! I just got down on my hands and knees leaned over the litter tray and took a great BIG whiff... And guess what it smells like?? Nothing much at all... A bit like fresh sawn wood... Emphasis on "fresh" here too! It smells as fresh as it did straight out if the bag last week! Absolutely AMAZEBALLS!!! :DMy litter tray, sorry, I mean my cat's litter tray, is kept in the bathroom, after one of the boys have done their business's I just pick it up, sit it on the rim of the toilet, sift out the clumps, the wee's go a bit like thick jelly with sawdust mixed in, they're pretty easy to scoop, although they might break up a bit, if they've just been done, but still, it's super easy to sift and scoop them, the poos come out kind of "breadcrumbed" and I just scoop them straight from the tray straight into the loo, a quick flush and you're done before you know you started! Easy-peesy! (Ha! Excuse the pun!)Now the pack says you can leave the same litter in your tray for 4-6 weeks! ...and I can well believe it... It's very unstinkable! With just a tiny top-up of fresh litter every few days, (to replace the stuff you flushed away) this sack is going to last forever!Yes, admittedly, the sack does seem expensive, but I can tell, from just one weeks use that this stuff is worth it's weight in gold!its going to last ages plus I'll save a bomb on air-freshener!! Yes, it does track a bit, but really, what cat litter doesn't... I don't care though, my nostrils love this stuff and I'm completely hooked, I feel confident anyone who tries this cat litter, will immediately stop that never-ending search for the perfect cat-litter .... Because this is as close to the perfect litter as you're ever going to get!
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When searching for the ideal cat litter, my requirements have always been the following: It must clump, it must be easy to clean, not dusty, it must not track, it must help control the odour and it must be fine enough for my kittens to scratch because my ginger tom LOVES to scratch about in the litter box after doing his business.I have tried my fair share of cat litter now and must say that I don't think it will get any better than this. Don't get me wrong, this cat litter isn't PERFECT, as in it doesn't fulfil my requirements 100% but it has been the best one I have tried so far.So at first I was a bit dubious about the clumping ability of this litter because when I poured it out of the bag,it looked like bits of wood and I thought oh no, not again as my kittens didn't like using the wood pellet litter and I didn't like how it broke down into, basically, wet sand when they peed on it.However, it does clump upon contact with liquids into a gel-like, rice crispy-looking consistency. The clumping is not the BEST compared to some of the good clay based litters out there but the important part is that it clumps nice and CLEAN. It doesn't stick to the bottom of the tray like the clay based ones do so it makes washing of the tray A WHOLE LOT easier and also eliminates having to use a litter liner.It also does not have any dust clouds when I pour it out the bag which I really hated about the clay litters too.At first my kittens were a bit hesitant to use this new strange litter because they seem to prefer the clay ones as they like to cover up their business afterwards so I had to sprinkle some of the litter they were used to onto this new one to encourage them to use it.This litter helps control/mask the odour so long as the kittens manage to cover up the faeces well... so that its literally buried, otherwise you will still get an odour.The only thing I really don't like about this litter is the fact that it tracks quite badly but then again I haven't and don't believe I ever will come across a cat litter that has zero tracking. However, given the many good points about this litter I can live with the tracking problem.Oh and I also love the fact that this litter is organic so it won't harm the environment too much as it is compostable/biodegradable. I know its not one of my main requirements but its nice to know this fact and makes me feel a bit better using it!
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I rush bought this by mistake, thinking it was normal wood pellet litter, so was disappointed when I saw what appeared to be a bag of paper fluff. However I think this stuff is fantastic. What I particularly like about it is how light weight it is, even when wet, others I've used becomes leaden when saturated, or don't absorb anything, I don't know how this stuff manages to stay so light weight after absorbing the same amount of wee as the clay. This is a massive bonus as I have 5 indoor cats, and have become somewhat disabled since their arrivals. Which makes bin day quite a trial, for me and the bin men! It's a workout taking the litter bags to the pick up point, and they must hate my house.This is so much lighter and easier to lift than anything else I've tried. I have read that it can be flushed, which I would be delighted to do, but our sewer system/plumbing is pathetic and backs up if you cough near it, so haven't risked trying.The particles though small didn't seem to create any problems for my 5 indoor cats, though it can stick to the furry feet of one of my ladies. It does track a little, but I haven't used a litter yet that didn't. They did take a short while to get used to it, and still prefer to use the fullers earth type litter, or wood pellet given the choice, If we had kittens in the house I would use this without worry, as it's nice and soft on their little paddy paws. I didn't notice any dust, which is great, as my utility room usually looks as if there's been some kind of explosion in a chalk pit. It clumps really easily and well, and is a doddle to remove. I don't notice more smell than usual when they pooped, or less smell, poop is poop, it's stinky.The one issue I have, and unfortunately it's the decider is that it's pricey compared to my normal brand, and with 5 indoor cats it's really not a feasible regular buy for me. A 10 litre bag only properly fills 3 trays, not enough for all of mine, therefore I don't even have enough for top ups from one 'standard' bag. I paid what worked our at just under £7 for 10L, which is similar to the price on other sites when I checked later, and with prime delivery it came the next day and 'free' shipping. So in my case Amazon was not guilty of usurious pricing. Still too expensive for me though.
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This is the best cat-litter I have tried. It keeps fresh a very long time without getting smelly and the cat litter keeps dry without becoming wet from the already wet cat-litter. (A big problem I have with other brands, which usually leads to having to clean out the whole box as everything gets smelly). I have already used it for 2 months and I haven't even reached half the package. Despite the price, this saves a lot of money compared to cheaper cat-litter I had to clear out often.My cat always moves away the cat litter and then makes her business on the bottom of the litter-box, only to cover it all up with the fresh cat litter. Other brands really couldn't keep the box fresh,even those that claimed were especially designed for this problem. With this cat litter, I find it prevents getting stuck in the bottom of the litter-box. It also seems to require very little cat litter to cover the waste, many times I can scoop up and there doesn't seems to be any cat litter on, yet it's all held together. This also saves money, as very little is required to control odor and waste.For medical reasons I also found this cat litter amazing. With other cat litter, it's very hard to tell if there's any blood in the waste because they end up being completely covered in cat-litter, and usually the material already has colors which makes it hard to tell if it's from the cat or sand. With this one, it's very easy to tell if there's any blood and in case of emergency this is important. My cat was recently ill and was given a special oil which lead to her having diarrhea for 4-5 days a row. This cat-litter handled this episode very well, with removing odors and keeping the litter-box fresh.I think my only complaint would be that sometimes when you try to shake loose the fresh litter while scooping the waste, the waste pieces usually break apart and fall back into the litter box. It's more of an annoyance rather than a deal breaker, as I just scoop them up again.
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Having 4 indoor cats I have been on what seems like a never-ending search to find the perfect cat litter. My search has now come to an end because I can find no fault with this cat litter at all.I use a top entry litter tray along with a Litter Locker to put the waste into. I have previously used Catsan, which I absolutely hated as it just left a great big soggy mess at the bottom of the litter tray and needed a complete clean out frequently. With Oko Plus the cat urine clumps nicely and can easily be removed and popped into the Litter Locker, along with their other waste, leaving nothing but clean litter in the tray. This makes it well worth the money as it will need far less complete clean outs than previous litter I have tried.After cleaning out the clumps only a top up is needed when necessary. Although it clumps it doesn't seem to use loads of litter when doing so either, which is great.I have previously used various brands of wood-based cat litter and catsan and this cat litter is 10x better than both. I think this actually worked out cheaper than catsan also (I shopped around online for the best deal). I ended up with 60l for £35, which I believe will last an extremely long time.I noticed a lot of people mentioned that it tracks a lot but I haven't had this problem.Having 4 cats it was definitely worth getting a decent cat litter. Although it might seem a lot of money compared to cheaper wood- based litters, it actually works out cheaper in the long run as it doesn't require nearly as much cleaning out and you won't have to fill up your wheelie bin with loads of stinky cat litter. This works really well with the Litter Locker which is usually full come bin day.Definitely the best cat litter around! :)
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I've had cats for 30 years so I've bought a lot of cat litter, I've probably tried every type over the years. For the past 7 years I've used World's Best (corn-based) litter which I really like, but as we are getting two new kittens I thought I'd try a new one and Okoplus had good reviews.But I really don't like it. The best I can say about it is that it isn't as bad as the clay based litters. At the moment we have two cats who use a litter tray at night. They are fairly tidy about their litter, and never had any problem with World's Best. But Okoplus doesn't clump as readily as World's Best and worse still it tracks EVERYWHERE!I find it all over the kitchen floor and although I have a tracking mat in the doorway I also find it all over the floor in the living room, so it obviously sticks to their paws. After using half a large bag, I've stored it for emergencies and am back to using World's Best.In theory you can flush this litter (and also World's Best) but as the tray is downstairs and the loo is upstairs, that isn't a benefit I make use of (I also suspect it wouldn't flush brilliantly anyway).EDIT: Well a few years later and I have bought it again, and I actually quite like it. I've never found an 'ideal' litter with no problems so I tend to switch every now and then. This clumps quite well and unlike a lot of other litters you aren't assailed by a cloud of dust when you pour it into the tray. It's a lot nicer to deal with than any of the mucky clay based clumping litters. The tracking is no longer an issue as we've moved house so the tray is in a location where that isn't too important. My Burmese cats have used just about every litter on the market and they seem happy with this one.
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I bought this litter because it claims to be natural, organic ... and flushable. No more hassle disposing of soiled litter in my bin. I've been using it for a couple of weeks now and found that it clumps into a gel which is easily separated from the unused litter, and flushes easily with no floating residue. I see from other reviews that some users have not had the same success but I have a modern short flush loo and no problems at all with it. I would say that, so far, I have only used about a third of the original 10 litre bag and so, although it costs more by volume than some other wood-based litters, I am expecting it to end up being much more economical.It's quite light and does track a bit but not to the extent that it outweighs the convenience of being able to flush it!I guess a lot depends on how messy your cat is, too. Maybe mine is tidy compared to others! The odour contol is as good if not better than other litters I've used, but it depends on how well he buries his number twos!My biggest concern was about what else was in the litter apart from wood pulp to get it to gel and whether, in the event that my cat gets any of it on his paws, it is safe for him to lick off - not all things that are '100% natural and organic' as claimed by the manufacturers are necessarily safe to eat. So I emailed them in Germany and got a reply back within a couple of hours. Basically, they use a starch based thickener which has been approved by their equivalent of Food Standards. Very impressed. Now that I know it's not going to harm my cat, I will definitely be buying this product again. An excellent buy
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This review is for Cat's Best Original Organic Wood Granule Clumping Cat Litter.I've had cats all of my 60+ years. I've used many types of litter - I even had an automatic litter box that used crystal litter for a while. This wood granule litter is unquestionably the best litter I’ve ever used. What I like best about it is that it is low dust. When I scoop there is no plume of dust like that produced by clay-based litters.I also find it is more effective at controlling odor than any other litter I’ve used. Our box is in an enclosed space, yet I do not find the odour in that space to be offensive using this litter, even whilst scooping.The clumping action is very effective also.The clumps are larger and softer than with clay-based. But they are easily scooped, and do not leave residue behind.I find I don't need to do a complete change and clean of the box very often at all with this litter, and it's easier when I do. With clay-based litter there's always some hardened residue adhered to the box. I don't get that with this litter.The granules are large as compared to other litters. And not all scoops will allow the granules to filter through. I found a nice stainless-steel scoop with relatively large slots in it that works very well.There is one thing towards negative; because the granules are less dense than clay-based litter, somewhat more of it gets displaced out of the box and onto the floor. But this is a minor complaint for me; it’s a trivial task to sweep up the debris. And the larger, dust-free granules are more easily swept up compared to clay litter.
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We have 2 elderly cats who have refused point-blank to go outside to relieve themselves during the cold weather, so for the first time in many years we have had to resort to the Horrors Of The Litter Tray .. and there have been plenty of horrors!! We have tried many different products with greater or lesser satisfaction but Okoplus Clumping has excelled everything. In fact it is almost worth purchasing a cat just to be able to view the marvels of this cat litter. For a long time we were pretty happy with 'World's Best Cat Litter' - more expensive but quite effective - but now relegated in our view to 'second best cat litter'. Sorry Folks!Okoplus is intriguing - no smell,no gloop to shovel out of the bottom of the trays as with so many other cat litters - or even worse the clay solids that refuse to be moved.Okopus is truly intriguing. Urine becomes solidified into a completely innocuous-looking gel. Shake the tray and the molehills are left standing alone ready to be scooped out to be disposed of in the compost, or even, I believe, down the loo. As easy as that. Solids get pretty much the same treatment. The used cat litter doesn't get spread into the clean litter so very little wastage means it is very economical.The one slight drawback it does have, as with all other cat litters we have tried, is that it does tend to 'track'. However, the stuff that does this is 'clean' and not the 'gelled' waste so there again it scores points over others.So go and get a cat and try it out.
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Why did I try the above litter after all I said in my review of another popular, similarly priced and similarly names cat litter?....Well you can see my review of the other one (The World's Best) on the latter's page: and which, though better than all other litters we'd tried up til then, still had a major failing. Which was that although it stated you could leave the litter for up to 2 weeks without a full change for one cat, with our 2 small kittens we found that the litter very quickly absorbed very unpleasant smells, (within about 4 days) even when properly filtered... BUT this doesn't happen with the Okoplus... In fact I've only completely changed the litter 3 times since the beginning of October,and otherwise just replace the dirty litter that has been removed with fresh, and theres no absorbed smell AT ALL!... This makes it really economical.The only negative I've found is that the Cat's Best Okoplus does track out of the litter tray more than the, 'World's Best', which does annoy my rather house proud husband who does the hoovering and dusting downstairs! But I can live with that far more than his complaints about the smell from the World's Best litter. (Mind you, much like a shark detects blood, he can detect a molecule of unpleasant smell in a whole houseful of air!)Anyway, unless the kits have consumed some particularly sloppy food which affects their insides (if you know what I mean) then the Cat's Best Okoplus masks ALL smell completely. - Highly recommended.
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I've tried many, many clumping and non-clumping litters and while it does have its downsides I am sticking with this one now. It scoops straight into the toilet so no faffing about with bags every day, clumps form quickly and stay small, it doesn't get stuck to the bottom of the tray and when pouring/mixing the litter is quite low dust. No litter is completely odour-free of course but I have found this one of the best at odour control - I scoop once a day and unless I am kneeling on the floor by the box there is no 'cat doings' smell.I did use "Worlds Best" for a while but I found this is just as good at clumping and disposal and smells less, and is cheaper. This litter isn't hugely cheap of course,a big bag being £30-odd at time of writing, but it is more economical than supermarket brands or catsan, as you just scoop and dispose of the clumps and top up the tray with a bit extra. How often you completely empty and scrub the tray will depend on your cat and how often you think it needs it.As others have mentioned, the downside is that it does track something awful. A large litter mat helps a bit but does not eliminate the problem. However for the lack of smell and ease of disposal I am willing to live with this - it seems that on the Venn diagram of cat litter one can have two out of three of "easy to dispose of", "good odour control" and "doesn't track"! (Seriously, I've never had a litter that's all three.) Keep a dustpan by the box.
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I'm looking for good litter for my cat,1) absorbent,2) fresh,3) non scented,4) easy to clean,5) long lastingAbsorbency - I would say it's good, for wee have to wait until adesorbed about a minute, then I scoop the wee " Cookie" into binfor number 2 my cat covers it with litter and after few moments they seem to be no smell, so I would say good smell coverage after "gift" has been cleaned.Fresh - it's fresh enough that I don't smell his wee and no 2, litter stays in one piece after cleaning and usageScent - it smells like quinea pig lining, I'm not saying in bad way, I like it, it smells like cosy cat toilet ready to reuseEasy to clean - they go everywhere, with my cat feet onto the bed,near litter tray, kitchen, you name it, basically if you don't clean in before your cat is gone playing around, you are in for some litter hunting, each single time..my hoover filer smells like this litter, even after I cleaned the filter, I'm considering buying hand held hoover just for that.Long lasting - yes, yes and yes. One bag lasts me 1 month, it's clumping one, so remove gifts "comb" the tray and you're set for month, I say it's good, I change once every week or so, I use scoop, special spoon for wee biscuits, and compost baggy for smelly giftMy cat does his stuff about 4 times a day and there's a no 2 gift as well.So far I'm satisfied with the results and quality, I will buy again 7.5/10
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My cat doesn't like wood pellet litter, so that is why I haven't tried this sooner (as this has wood fibres in-I didn't think he would like this either). I was wrong! Decided to try a little bag just in case my cat didn't like this. It says this is plant based with wood fibres, and certainly doesn't smell like the smelly wood pellet based litter.We have tried a few clumping cat litters that were all awful. That is why I've mainly bought non-clumping cat litters so far. Until now! Clumps nearly instantly! I clean up the wee clumps every time my cat goes to the toilet and it's a breeze, I pick the little ball of clump up with a toilet paper sheets and dispose of into the toilet (yes,as per packaging-you can dispose of it in the toilet), and I do-1 clump at a time per flush (I am not sure whether several of these clumps will go down the toilet in one go though). I have now had this toilet litter for a few days (my cat is an indoor cat so doesn't go outside, and only goes to the toilet indoors), so I've flushed down quite a few of his wee clumps, and my toilet hasn't clogged up yet! Absolutely brilliant and eco friendly, and such great value for money! Gentle on my cat's paws and doesn't stick to them either, doesn't trail all over the place, there are no nasty smells either. And my furbaby likes it! I am totally converted and will now only buy this from now on ;-)
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