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For CATSAN Natural, 1868 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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I was a bit bitter about the price of Catsan. £5 for a 10 litre bag in my opinion seemed a bit expensive in comparison to the £1.58 bag of supermarket own brand I could buy at the same price. However one day I got caught short and had to get someone to buy me litter and they got this. Was outraged at the price. I ended up having to use it.First I was unhappy, because unlike most clumping brands, this tends to stick to the cats paws and get dragged over my black carpet (the litter box is in my bedroom where the cat sleeps). However, I did notice a huge difference In things like the weight of the product, which is much lighter than clumping brands and much easier for me to carry and change with my bad back.I also noted one 10 litre bag will fill the large litter tray (big fat cat, needs a big box) twice, and that the litter won't need changed for at least two to two and a half weeks so one bag lasts a month...which actually doesn't work out as expensive as I thought when I consider I would use £1.58 a week. I will note I DO remove my cats poo the moment he's dropped them off (he'll usually drag the scoop out of its slot to let me know to do this) to ensure he never gets frustrated with his litter tray being dirty, but he seems quite content with the box being hygienic enough for a few weeks and has never had accident or complaint (and cats can be very finicky about their toilets).The box does not smell (although it is lidded) really until late on in the fortnight, and even then the smell isn't noticeable until I'm emptying it (and I keep the litter tray in my bedroom and NO ONE has ever been able to smell it nor know there's a cat in the house.I am vigilant in cleaning his box out thoroughly when changing the litter, and I have to remark as this isn't clumping, it doesn't stick that much to the sides or bottom of the box and rinses out very quickly. I always use a dot of washing up liquid, hose it down for 30 seconds and wipe it with kitchen paper and it's always fresh.I nearly took a star off for my one issue with it which is it tends to stick to the paws of the cat and ends up on carpets and floors but as it is so good, it doesn't transfer any smell to the floor. The mess is my only gripe but I do like this and recommend it, especially if you want to cut the work out of changing the litter. I don't need to do it as much now and it doesn't hurt me nor sicken me half as much as it used to. I really don't think I'll switch back to a cheap brand. Far as I'm concerned, this is good value (if you can get it for £5-£6 a 10 litre bag) and it really does what it promises.
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I was using pettex wood litter but the smell from male cat business nearly knocked me out as all you get is solids with lumps of wood stuck to it. I read all the reviews before buying the catsan natural. I get where people have said sticky goop etc. Basically, I lined my metal medium 24.99 litter tray from Amazon with a thick layer of old box cardboard. Shovelled in loads of catsan a full two inches deep, topped off with some pellets to transition new cat. Think I've sussed it. It has to be deep enough so the layer can absorb a huge widdle before hitting bottom of tray. Then you get a perfectly formed quarter size house brick to lift out. If catsan not deep enough, widdle (love that word)will travel down, hit tray (or cardboard liner in my case) and spread out so underneath your house brick you're getting widdle/gloop spreading out in a circumference around it radiating you lump. Then you have to try to extract lump plus underlying gloop welding to floor of tray. So it's false economy and stress to try to put less in tray. So, follow the instructions, put in the 5cm depth and all you have to lift out is mini brick plus solids. Also there is no smell when cat does the bizz. The litter coats it all. Tray is in my bedroom by door and apart from the racket of litter on tin, he covers it up, and I have to check he has been, unlike previous litter I thought I'd die of asphyxia in the night.Keep your Amazon boxes and chop then into tray size sheets. If you follow my method the tray basically stays clean and the cardboard unsoiled so empty once a day or twice and chuck the whole lot out in a month. I'm pretty impressed. The only other litter to try would be world's best or cats best if not, but very expensive. This is definitely worth a go if this is your first clumping litter but if you already have a clumping litter that works maybe stick with it. This has smaller granules, halfway between sand and porridge and lightweight and 20L manageable. A 30L pettex was massive for a petite woman to drag about and a pain to move in the kitchen, this was much easier.Anyway, hope this helps someone make sense of the conflicting reviews. Put in the right depth and it works perfectly.
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A really great product by Catsan. I've been using this for my fur baby since I brought him home 2.5 years ago. He's only ever used Catsan since he was 13 weeks old. What I love about this hygiene litter is that it lasts for a long time and there's very little to no odour, so it does a great job at keep the smells at bay from pervading the rest of the apartment. I always line my furry child's tray with newspaper, then add about half a bag / 3/4 bag on top. I like to add more so it lasts longer. I also want my boy to be able to bury his goods, not have them sitting on top. By using a lot more litter, it means I only have to change every 5 days. Of course, I make sure to clean his tray daily too,there's nothing worse than having to go to the loo in your own poop! The Catsan bag comes well sealed and has an easy to carry handle. It's very easy to open and pour without making any mess. The non-clumping litter makes it a lot easier to clean when my fur ball decides to dig for Australia. He does bring out the odd bit of litter on his feet, but nothing that a quick pan and brush won't clear. I like the fact that they also come in different size bags so you can stock up if you need to and not have to worry about lugging home from the shops every 2 weeks. If you have the storage space then go for the big 20L pack, as it's guaranteed to last you a long while. I've bought both and am currently using the 10L, which is more manageable for me to lift. One thing I will say is to just make sure that your fur baby isn't standing near the litter when you pour it into the tray. My boy is the nosiest and loves to get into whatever I'm doing. This means that he'll often stick his head in to look as I'm pouring and I've noticed that his nostrils then become white (this usually happens only when I'm at the end of the bag and the dust is very fine). No cat likes you then poking and wiping their nose, so I try to ensure he's away from the tray when I pour, as I don't want him inhaling any of the fine dust. All in all a great product and one that I'll continue to buy.
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I have had to edit my review of this as I was pleased initially and now am not.Originally I thought it was great at first, because it didn't create the dust that the previous Catsan litter I had did, I prefer a biodegradable natural product and I couldnt notice any smell too. It was clumping so easily to empty it, so I was very happy.That was for the first few days so I left a five star review. I should have waited a full week however!I noticed a smell that was getting really bad, I searched high and low for the source of the smell and found one of my kittens didn't like the new litter and had been pooing in the tiny gap behind my fish tank! So I cleaned it up,blocked it off and she continued to poo anywhere but the litter tray. So I resorted back to the original and she used it again.This isn't a fault on this product of course it's just one of my kittens being picky!The second part that wasn't nice is when I went to clean out the litter tray fully and found lots of the wet litter had formed a gloopy mixture stuck firmly to the base of the litter tray. I hadn't realised this was happening as whilst I empty the clumps and poo daily I only do a full change of litter and clean the tray once a week , so once I saw it, It took ages to clean off.Some was gloopy and could be scraped but was messy and some had dried to a cement like mixture. It was such a task to clean it I ended up just binning the litter tray and buying a new one.So this product is good for smell, biodegradable and some clumping however I recommend using a litter tray liner with this product.Overall I wouldnt recommend it so I've made sure to change my review to fully reflect the product.
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I was very surprised to read the negative reviews of this product as I am very impressed with it. I have been very pleased with it. Firstly it smells nice. Reminds me of the wheaty smell you get if you visit a working mill. Secondly the pee forms into very distinct clumps which make it easy to remove without wasting any of the clean litter. With traditional litter I used to find it difficult to just remove the soiled litter and inevitably would remove quite a bit of clean litter as well and consequently it took much longer to do as well as being wasteful. My cat now goes outside but she generally did one pee and one poo a day and I would remove that once a day.All I could smell when removing the the clumps and lumps was wheat. She habitually used the same end so that made it easy to tip the litter up one end and wipe the base of the tray with disinfectant about once a week.I can only assume that people who say it smells don't remove the soiled stuff frequently enough.The only downside is that the pee clumps are inclined to rather weld themselves to the base of the tray, but so long as you use a suitable flat device of some sort (my flat scooper works well but an old metal fish slice would do it) it is not an issue.
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We have three cats and they (ahem!) get through rather a lot of litter. We have tried very many types of litter and settled on a well know clumping brand that was no more than satisfactory, but it did work.With this Catsan litter, the odour control is good and the tracking (trails of cat litter away from the litter tray) is absolutely minimal which can be attributed to the very fine grain size of the litter.In terms of clumping it is definitely the best we have used and daily cleaning of the litter tray is very easy; there are virtually no traces of any waste products left ... it really does clump together very well with both number ones and number twos.None of the cats have objected in any way to their new litter.My wife particularly liked the three-pack of smaller 5 kg bags; she finds them easier to lift and store, unlike the larger 15 kg bag that we are used to that had to struggle with from the front door to our utility room where it had to be decanted to smaller storage pots.If one is slightly more fragile (said politely), this three- pack system may well make life a lot easier.I'd definitely recommend a trial of this Catsan litter and after that one can make one's own mind up!
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After using a pine wood fragrance clumping litter for years, I thought I’d give another brand a go. My current litter never really looked or smelt very fresh and I seemed to go through it very quickly. I have 3 gorgeous rescue cats but only one uses the litter box, so it was this poor puss that always got blamed for any unsavoury whiffs ??.I did a quick review of all the catlitter brands on Amazon and it didn’t take me long to realise that Catsan was extremely popular with cat owners. I opted for a 20L bag of Catsan Hygiene Litter, which arrived at my doorstep the following day ?.I gave my lady mog’s enclosed litter box a good clean and filled it with the usual Mount of litter.I immediately noticed how fresh it smelt and how “clean” it looked (my previous litter was a beige colour). My cat was obviously keen to road-test our new purchase so it didn’t remain pristine for long. When I went to clean it out, I was amazed how little time it took me and I hardly disposed of any actual litter! It’s been the same every time since. What’s more is that the whiffage has disappeared - even when it’s just been used! ?? ?Cannot rate this cat litter high enough on quality, value and time-saving ?
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I'm used to using clumping cat litter, so I wasn't too sure about the merits of switching to a litter which doesn't clump for easy removal of urine, as I've had cat litter in the past which was just a nightmare to clean after the cats had urinated in the tray once or twice. However, so far I'm pleasantly surprised by this cat litter - it has very successfully absorbed the urine without becoming a sticky mess, and there's no odour. I clean the solid mess out, and the litter just absorbs all the liquid and looks and smells just as clean as when the tray was filled.One of my cats in particular creates an eye-wateringly awful smell when she poos in the tray - I half expect to see an evil green mist hovering on the floor outside the tray when she emerges from it!However, with this litter, the smell isn't nearly as bad, so it's doing a better job of absorbing smells than my usual cat litter. It's not cheap compared to a lot of cat litter, but I'm very impressed with it, and would say that for the reduction in smells and the convenience of cleaning the mess out, it's certainly worth the extra cost.
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We have three outdoor cats - which are locked in overnight - and at least one of them uses the cat tray most nights. I’ve been buying litter for over 15 years and have tried various types - such as wood based, crystals, recycled paper etc. I have bought Catsan before, but I can’t remember why I changed to another brand.This litter comes in three separate packs and the paper packaging is thick and strong, so no danger of a bag splitting to cause a mini landslide.The litter is excellent. There’s no dusty residue when pouring it into the tray, and it’s obviously not hard on the cats’ paws, because it didn’t go unused on the first night. More importantly,there was no smell of cat urine – two of ours are neutered males – and the litter clumped very well.As there was no smell in the tray, I was able to lift out the damp clump with a slotted scoop without having to change all of the litter. This is not the case with cheap litter, where you end up using twice as much to get the smell out of the tray.This is quality cat litter that clumps perfectly and – best of all – eliminates any odours.
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I have been using this litter for some time now, and I can honestly say it is probably the best litter out there. OK, its over £20 a bag, but I have 2 cats who both use the same litter tray and I go through about 1 bag a month. The special features are well worth the price.It is ultra clumping. And as long as you put enough litter in the tray, you wont have the issues mentioned in some of the 1 star reviews of this product (some people really need to learn how to read instructions).The ONLY odour you will smell, even after your cat has 'been' is the odour of wood. I used to be able to tell almost as soon as one of my cats had done a number 2... now, having switched to this litter... nothing.It really is THAT good.The clumps are so easy to remove with a scoop (I have one that has wide slots in it which means as soon as you scoop the clump up, all excess litter falls straight back into the tray), and the best thing... its biodegradable, so if and when it ends up in landfill, it will degrade naturally. Bonus!Thank you Catsan for this fabulouos product
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I buy this usually from Tesco. Save a £1 here or there when on offer, Amazon was cheaper. I recently discovered Argos sell this? but strange but with regards to my Amazon order, it came quick, no hassle or effort my end. Just a click of a button.At 20kg it holds a fair amount of litter. My advice if you have one cat get two litter trays if you have 2 at least 3 litter trays. I actually have 3 litter trays for 1 kitty. I am a clean person so wash all three trays weekly with dettol. Catsan is good quality litter although I prefer the density of Tescos scented version. Having 3 trays means that they sometimes do not need changing all in one week,depending on how frequent they are used.Catsan absorbs all unpleasant scents from cat wee especally. As for cat poo your cat must cover their poo in order for that scent to be blocked. From previous experience not all cats do this as you would assume.The density of Catsan is not as good as Tescos verson which is a imitation of Catsan. But good quality. I like to mix it with Tescos version. It lasts longer.
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This is genuinely fantastic litter- I’ve always used original, non clumping litter for the last two years and I was getting really conscious of the amount of waste it generated and also that the smell wasn’t really being combatted. I tried this on the basis it was biodegradable and made from recycled materials but beyond that- it’s just an amazing product. Our cat was always fussy and I had to change her litter every 2-4 days (removing stuff in between) but now I’ve had the same ‘base’ litter in for nearly 2 weeks and cleared out the clumps etc. Topped up maybe 1/2 times and it still looks and smells extremely clean and the cat loves it. Genuinely had no expectations for this beforehand and I can honestly say it’s amazing.It’s a bit more pricey but I can see us getting through 1 20ltr in 8 weeks or so at this rate rather than the old 3-4 weeks for a 20ltr. So overall, a money saver, eradicates any smell and is better for the environment, total winner. (I also bought some small biodegradable bags to get rid of the clumps with which were a good idea!)
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Clumping cat litter seems to work well in this household; we only have one cat that habitually uses the litter tray and it is a fairly small task to empty out what needs to be removed every day or so. Whatever the merits behind low odour litter, the act of frequently removing waste in itself achieves that result.This is a pack of three bags of Catsan clumping litter; individual bags are rather small (although cumulatively very heavy) and are unlikely to last more than a week each if you have a cat that tends to use a tray rather than venture outside. Clumping works well with liquids and solids are easily removed at the same time.The granules are small and seem to cope well with liquid accumulation.Whilst this litter seems to be able to cope with whatever is thrown at it, I’m not certain that its claims of odour reduction are worth the additional outlay vs the clumping litter I normally buy. If you empty the tray of what’s necessary daily as recommended, odours will naturally be kept to a minimum.
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Catsan litter is by far the best litter on the market in my opinion. It really does stop the 'wee' smells and when it HAS been wee'd on by the cat the granules turn to like a sandy dust that dries really quick, again keeping in the smell. Although this type of litter is far more expensive than the other brands, I find it goes much further and last longer, as I don't need to keep topping it up between cleaning out the tray (weekly).I'm not sure why, but I thought this bag was four times the size sold in the supermarket, but have since noticed that it is only twice the size. The reason for stating is that the 10L bag is £5.48 in my local tesco which makes this 20L bags about £6 dearer buying it here.That said, the delivery was free and as the bag weighs a ton (or seems to) its not so bad really, would perhaps save people having to try and carry it home from the supermarket. I will still continue to buy Catsan, but not so sure where I will buy it from in the future now I have realised the costs.
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I have two outdoor cats and they are mostly inside on cold days. During the winter we need a lot of cat litter. After doing some research, I have decided this cat litter.The litter consists of natural quartz sand and chalk, which gives it its distinct white colour. According to the Catsan literature, thousands of micropores on the surface of the litter rapidly absorb moisture, a bit like tiny sponges, safely locking it in.You can scoop the poop out without taking a lot of litter with it. Due to the nature of the litter, the pop was not sealed completely leaking some odour. But it did a good job for the urine, very little odour leaked out. Once the litter gets wet with urine,it becomes slightly discoloured and crumbly, so dirty litter is easy to spot.Things I like -- Clean chalky white colour- Managed to keep the smell down- My cats love themThings I don’t like -- Cats tend to kick the litter out of the box- It doesn’t clump- It can be dusty when you pour the litter on the tray
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