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For Trixie Vico Open Top Litter Tray, with Hood, 587 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.4.

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Very satisfied with my recent purchase.The first thing I love about it is how covered up the litter tray is. It's basically like a plastic pet carrier with a sort of cat flap on the end.Before I purchased this particular liter tray. I had a open liter tray no lid or anything.I love the fact that It has a handle.Love the colourThe size is perfect for both my cats. I have one large cat and one small cat and there is plenty of room for my large cat to turn around if needed he wants to whilst going to the toilet.Another reason why I got this particular liter tray is because Tibbs my larger cat isn't really a fan of people watching him going to the toilet and when it rains he doesn't go out.WhereasFifi my other cat was fine with her previous liter tray and used it really well.ExposedI have always had my liter trays in the corner of my kitchen as it wouldn't really fit in any where else. My previous litter tray was very exposed there was no lid on it. You could clearly see the litter or the cat going to the toilet. I feel that when ever I have had guests round to my house and they have gone in to the kitchen they've felt put off by the sight of a toilet for my cat in my kitchen. So iam so glad I've found this particular litter tray. It fits really well in the corner of my kitchen and you can't even tell its a litter tray.Also it comes with a pet scoop as well for the litter tray.And finally it is exactly like a cat carrier. When it arrives to you all you have to do is clip on the door and clip the top to the bottom and clip on the handle to the litter tray. Also you can take the lid off when cleaning out.I would highly recommend this product.
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This litter tray is great. Currently using it without the flap as it's being used by a kitten, but there is no smell. This may be down to the litter I'm using though. The flip front is very useful for cleaning, the litter tray itself wipes clean easily, the back is high which is great if your cat likes to pee against the walls of their tray. There seems to be a good seal between the base and top. I originally bought an expensive litter scoop to use with this, but I've found that the one that's included is better and it's handy being able to clip it inside the tray. The litter tray is a good size and has good strong clips connecting the base to the top.No litter gets flicked out.My only criticisms are that the handle was very difficult to get on (took a lot of time and force and I was scared I would break the tray, but eventually it went on). Also the cat has easy access to the carbon filter. I had to put a cat bed on top of the litter tray to stop my cat from clawing the filter, but he still managed to pull the filter into the tray from the inside. I had to throw it away and buy a new filter pad. This time I used 2 filter pads so that they had no space to move, and I taped them too. This seems to have worked.The reviewers who are saying that the flap doesn't hang right must be putting it on back to front! The edges of the flap project forward so it does look like it should go on the other way.For kitten owners, my kitten was 13 weeks and quite small when he started using this. The opening is low enough for him to have no problems getting in and out on his own.I would definitely recommend this item.
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The cat tray was mainly purchased for two new kittens to avoid mess of cat litter. We did start by using just the base to get the cats used to the box. Over the next few days we added the shroud. We now have the door in place minus the flap. We hope they will get accustomed to the whole unit now and then we can introduce the flap the last thing we wanted was to put them off using it at all.Others have complained the flap never sits flush but I don’t think it’s intended to I have seen other litter trays that do close more flush and cats struggle to exit the tray. Obviously, this is down to each cat but feel this unit’s door which is more free moving avoids this situation and stress on the cat.Thefilter which is replaceable on the top of the unit whilst a nice addition really doesn’t seem to do much maybe for cat urine slightly but let’s be fair cats poo and it smells nothing will avoid this.You get a free scoop for cleaning which is a nice touch. Once the top part is attached the handle on top makes it easy to remove once the four catches on the sides are released well these survive after repeated unclipping when you do a complete change remains to be seenSo far we have had less mess and is avoids the situation of overspray from sides some cats may not enjoy the enclosed space but so far it seems to work well as intended.
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As the Husband of the lady who purchased this product for our wee Cat, I am totally impressed. On opening the package and subsequently removing the litter tray, the way the upper half was layed into the base it looked like one piece, that is, just an open litter tray. This was due to the way the mouldings had been designed and manufactured in that the rim and locking clips precisely sat into each other (male/female) lid/base. If you wanted just an open litter tray then the lid would easily and steadily act as a base and if you wanted a closed in tray then the lid fits beautifully on top and locks/clips in easily. The other interesting feature is the flip up front on the lid to make ease of lifting out anything the cat leaves behind.Also the little feature of somewhere to clip inside the tray, the scoop, so as not to hit the wee cat on the head upon entry and to keep it from lying around somewhere outside the tray. It is refreshing to see that someone or a team of people have sat and thought about the design and manufacture of this product, I can only imagine there was a member of the design team who cleans out the tray! My wife couldn't believe I was so impressed with this product and couldn't find fault, a first she said. Excellent value for money.
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I highly recommend this litter box for anyone considering buying it. I bought this one because I liked the idea that the front of the lid can lift up so you don’t have to take the whole lid off to clean the odd bits of mess out.The litter box is spacious which was another positive feature as I have two rather boisterous kittens who tend to follow each other to the loo or sit on the lid and play whack-a-mole when the other comes out of the box.I personally prefer to leave the door flap off because the kittens tend to tap the door flap during their attempts to cover the wees and poos, which just gets lots of pissy paw prints on the flap,and then when they exit the box the pissy paw prints transfer onto their head/back and makes them smell unpleasant.One negative about this item is that I can’t find any tray liners big enough to fit, so I have to do a full clean up job once or twice a week with anti bac wipes.The discrete poop scoop storage clip is a nice feature as it saves having to find somewhere to store it and it’s always to hand when you need it.
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We've had two of these litter boxes since we first got our kittens (then two months old, now ten).The way it's made means you can gradually get the cats used to the enclosed space i.e. at the beginning they just used the base, then the base with the lid attached and the front angled upwards, then the base with the lid attached and the front locked in place, and finally the base with the lid attached, the front locked in place and the door attached. When they were neutered and had to wear cones of shame, we reverted back to just using the base for a couple of weeks.They're also easy to clean and the way the litter scoop locks in place under the hood is really handy. Plus,several guests have commented that they didn't realise these were litter boxes until the cats started using them.I'm only deducting a star as we are unable to use the carbon filters. Unfortunately it's far too easy for our cats to remove these and try to eat them. Also, it doesn't keep in the smell of the litter entirely (although I suspect no litter box does).
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Really pleased with this, holds a good amount of litter and the opening front meant we could leave it up whilst the kitten got used to it but within a week I was able to close the lid and he was still able to get in and use it. Getting a tad small for him now he's 7 months old but he'll be going out soon having just had his 'op'!! The included scoop and holder is a massive bonus as you're not having to store that elsewhere. The lid keeps smells in relatively well and the carbon filter is a god send - the cat had taken to sitting atop the lid and clawing the filter out and boy, did we notice when he shredded it so badly it wouldn't go back in and we had to seek out the replacement (the Pets at Home ones fit perfectly BTW!)Would recommend. Only thing I have noticed is that we've cracked the bottom slightly in one tiny spot, not sure how as I've not dropped it but god knows what the husband does when cleaning it out, so it's possibly not THAT hard wearing but as long as you're gentle, it'll be fine!
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I think this tray is great, I really like that the whole front of it lifts up for easy scooping access and I like how the scoop clips into the top of the box as well (nice, neat and clean!). I thought the clips holding the box together were fine, I carried the box to the bathroom every day to scoop the soiled litter out and it never came apart! Unfortunately my cat never got used to it... He seems to urinate quite high up and also maybe walk while he does it so every so often we would end up with urine on the floor in front of the box and all over the front of it as well, seems like he was walking out of the box in the middle of his business.So I ended up buying a top entry box and this solved all my problems (after months of pee pad nightmares)! My cat is quite big (5kg) and he seemed a little squashed when he was inside so that could have been part of the problem, if you are having issues with your big cat, you may need a bigger litter box than this...!
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I was having major problems with my 18 month old cat weeing absolutely everywhere in my house. Tried everything to no avail, and then I just happened upon these litters and thought about giving it a go. My cat took to it straight away and has stopped weeing anywhere else! I’ve bought four in total and put them in various places around the house and he uses them all. The actual litters are lovely and spacious and have a lot of surface area on the floor, I find a lot of covered litters are quite small and the edges are quite curved, whereas this isn’t. It’s also a great height and I love the fact that it has both a cat flap front as well as a larger flap which makes cleaning it really easy.Finally, my cat tends to spray quite high (he leans forward and so his rear is pretty much facing the ceiling) and I’ve had no problems with leaking at all. Overall really happy with the litter and have let a few of my friends know for their cats too!
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At first, this product seemed to be cheap quality when we unpacked it. The filter material was quite hard to fit in (our cats shredded this so we took it out). But the cats really love it. Previously, we had trouble with our cat toileting outside the litter box. Since we have used this, there have been no accidents. The box looks tidy and isn’t smelly at all. The cats love scratching inside the litter box and it means no litter outside the tray. I love that it is adaptable because you can take the lid off completely, you can use it with the flap or without the flap. The only downside is that I personally find it harder to clean than the open tray style litter boxes, but that is just personal preference.Overall I am really happy with this litter box and I think it’s great value for money once you get it all assembled. I would definitely buy another one! Would recommend.
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Large covered litter tray - as described. The bottom is smooth (some have dips where the feet are) and there is no ridge on the back panel (as my previous one) - much easier for cleaning as the interior is smooth.2 catches per side to snap lid on which feels pretty secure.The front flap fits best with the lip pointing out - it hangs better and remains closed. The front also has a catch and lifts for easy cleaning.The filter is a bit pointless (filter strip along top edge) - purely because my cats like to scratch it out - found that weaving over/under the plastic strips holds it more firmly though.Personally,I think the scoop is weak and cheap - but useful to have a spare as an emergency measure - it does clip nicely into the lid for easy storage.Haven't lifted by the handle so no comment on how strong the handle/catches securing the lid are to be lifted.
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Would first off like to start by saying I was a little disappointed with the delivery timing. It was only a day late, but Elvis was being a pain in the backside with his open litter tray so we were getting a bit impatient! First off our new cat (who is an older gentleman) only likes to poo in private (he’s classy like that, however he doesn’t feel like we deserve privacy when it’s our turn - but that’s another issue though) so this is ideal. Secondly he likes to then fling his cat litter all over the kitchen floor so this has stopped the large majority of this. However he is extremely determined so a little bit does get through the opening of the flap. (I’m not complaining,it’s a great improvement and I do believe he has the ability to throw cat litter through a sealed box if he wanted to). Overall attractive enough looking box. Would recommend.
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I bought this litter tray over 3 years ago and it is the best one I have ever had. I have had a range of litter boxes over the past 10+ years, cheap ones, expensive ones, ‘fancy’, ‘luxury’ ones and in the end they all didn’t last for one reason or another, mainly because they were not sturdy, cracked, split and/or did not contain the smell well. After that experience I went for a simple box that I could gain easy access to clean it and can be used by both cats. So far this one has been the best.I am about to buy another only because the as the hinge on one side of the lid has broken due to the cats (2 of them) fighting in the box ( one on the inside the other on the outside).If it was not for this I would not be buying another.The question remains as to whether the new one will be the same quality as the one I have. Time will tell.
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3 Star product, I have been using cat litters for over 25 years for my various cats/ kittens, I can honestly say this is the best designed cat litter front large opening for cleaning... except slightly thin material .. easy to set up took less than 1 minuet, without instructions! very easy clean for daily cleaning, im sure all cat lovers clean daily as you wouldnt let your own excrement pile up so why let your cat’s poo pile up! ?good size, nice design good features for filter & scoop, Door closes flush so NO smells... not as sturdy as previous one, nice design, kitten took to it straight away no problems, super fast delivery, excellent pricing, all in all 3star.not sure if I recommend due to cheap plastic Happy clean cats!! should of paid notice to negative reviews, ?Update just notice crack in box .. Flimsy material return started
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We've had one of these upstairs for a while now and it's been great. One of our four has a habit of peeing all up the side so we need a hooded tray, but normally they're so small our cats don't like them. This one is big enough that even our longest, tallest, chonkiest cat (called Minnie by her previous owners in all innocence, but now fitting that name with perfect irony) seems comfortable in there. We've recently bought a second for downstairs. It comes with a litter scoop which is cleverly designed to clip inside the top of the hood. It's a great idea, but unfortunately that scoop broke after a few months so we just have a normal scoop now that we leave on top.It's pretty easy to clean and the handle on top is sturdy enough that I don't have any qualms picking the (full) tray up by that handle to clean underneath and behind it.
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