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For FibreCycle Breeder Celet, 682 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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I have a slight confession - I ordered the cat litter by accident, I thought it was wooden pellets - D'oh!You can imagine my horror on refilling the litter bucket we keep in the house up with this new litter to find it was in fact paper (I know, I must learn how to read!!). Plus, this time I could not blame my husband for being wrong as it was ordered on my Prime account! So, it had to be used as I wasn't going to waste the new stuff.We have 2 male house cats (due to the fact that we live near a very busy by-pass) so we need to keep our litter trays as fresh as possible as they don't have an opportunity to use the neighbour's beautiful boarders (hehe).Two rather large male cats produce a surprising amount of 'waste'and the smell at times is beyond belief!! How can my 2 cutie pies make such a smell? But, where we found that wood cat litter adsorbs liquid waste well the smell from the more solid type was always an issue. The house would smell horrifically when one of our little fur-babies would chose to visit the tray at the most unfortunate of times, usually when company is round, making our house smell like a farm yard and having to apologies to our friends for them having to eat their food in that stench.This stuff is amazing at both jobs. Liquid is adsorbed well with no nose-burning stench of ammonia, and the solid waste smells have gone all together. We have got rather paranoid and keep having to check that they are using the trays as there is no smell and getting suspicious that the little monkeys haven't found somewhere else to deposit their little smelly presents in the house.So, give it a try. I am sure not all cats would like it as we all know what picky little things they can be at times, however, ours have taken to it so well I have bought 4 more massive bags to store in the garage as bulk orders make me laugh when the poor delivery man asks 'so how many cats do you actually have in there??'
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Where have I been!I have tried many types of litter. Cheap and expensive.Wood - It was good at first but when it soked up the urine enough, it woukd turn to fluffy wood and flying in the air everytime cats dig in.crystal - Look nice, feel clean, no dust but not worth the price and seems like it not very comfortable on my cat's paws.Clay - It was my favourite all along. Do the job, clumps up, easy to seperate solid waste, cheap. But now I found my true love...The stupid simple recycle paper pillet. O-M-G! I had never given it a glance till now.Pro:- It absorbs the urine very good. I mean, there is nothing left at the bottom of the tray. No swimming pool. It just...dry!- No smell at all! I mean,AT ALL! I try to breath deeply when I clesn the tray but honestly, it is so clean. I droped my earring in there once and I had to dig it in as more I tried to pick, it more sank in. When I finally got it. I sniffed my fingers (I know! disgusting but I obsess to smell things) and it smells nothing. (I washed my hand right enough)- The pillets not really stick with the solid waste. This means no wasting pillets when you clean up the tray.- All you need to do is, stir up the litter 2-3 times per day to let urine evapurate and airing. Remove solid as much as you want and you will lose only a table spoon of litter when you clean the tray.Con:- If your cast have diarrhea or lose stool. It is quite nightmare. As the feaces is too thick to be absorb in and, too lose to be a solid form that it could just laying there on top of the pillets. In conclusion, your cats' s**** will just smear and stick every pillets around it and it will speard all over the tray when you cats try to cover their job.Overall, this litter is light, clean, no dust, absorb very well, last long.I just love this litter. I will buy it again definitely.
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I have 2 indoor cats and both are extremely litter fussy.I have tried many different types of litter from the dusty, cheap clay types with very poor odour control, through to wood pellets, catsan and Oko and world's best (brand name escapes me apologies).The latter 3 were expensive but did an amazing job. I really liked the wood pellets but found that my cats tracked them all over the house and I was constantly cleaning up as I continually and painfully, trod on the litter.My finances are stretched pretty thin but I detest the cheap clay types found in all supermarkets. The dust is an issue but a bigger problem is the total lack of any odour control. It just stinks.And it's horrible as the smell pervades the entire house. Ewww....So, having seen this and read some reviews - plus it being reasonably priced, I took the plunge. And oh boy! I'm so glad I did!!! This is the best litter ever! My cats love it, especially my terribly pernickety older boy who loves the softness of the paper pellets on his delicate paws. NO tracking and absolutely excellent odour control. As in zero. None at all. Cleaning out the solid waste is easy and the litter soaks up the urine effortlessly. No awful ammonia smell and it hasn't soaked through to the bottom of the tray to get stuck there.I literally filled the clean tray with this litter, a risky move with my very fussy boys and they used it straight away. No fuss at all. When I've changed previous litters it has been pretty labourious as I had to do the change over a little at a time. So you can imagine my delight when both cats headed straight in!As long as the price stays reasonable I shall continue to buy this.
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This is extremely good cat litter and the price is very competitive. There are undoubtedly other cat litters which do an excellent job, but they are double the price...we all know which they are so won't name them.I have previously used wood pellets which look clean and bright when first used and have a nice fresh pine smell. However, the downside to them is that once wet they disintegrate and turn into sawdust; having turned into wet sawdust, my lot take a delight in scratching wildly like mad things and walking over a parquet floor leaving yellow footprints on the wood and sawdust in the gaps between the wood (genuine Edwardian parquet, not modern easy-to-clean stuff).I previously tried a supermarket brand of paper litter and that was dreadful,fell apart in no time. I thought |I would try the Breeder Celect, simply because of all the excellent 5* reviews and I am not disappointed...neither are our little ratbags. Even when wet it remains solid...just changes colour, goes darker, but no dust whatsoever. It absorbs an enormous amount (even when my kidney patient does one of his whoppers) and consequently I am using very little indeed and it is working out to be very economical, which is a big consideration in a multi-cat household.If in doubt, try this litter and I'm sure you and your guys will be really impressed. The price is amazing too, very reasonable, and no need to lug it from the car to the house. A great discovery.And finally, it destroys all odours...not a whiff of wee,
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Having used Catsan, cheaper clumping and silicon types, I fully appreciate:-- Celect not scratching and sticking to the pan- Flushable (in small 1 or 2 scoop amounts)- Fluids are easily absorbed.- Wet pellets are darker. Easy to spot and abolish.- Pellets are twice the size of Tic tacs. Super scoop-friendly. Again, non-scratching- Dust-free (or very minimal)Cons:-- Celect does not clump up wet poop, and unless kitty has buries the gold, the room will stink. Just scoop it (easy!) and dump in loo when something is amiss.- Celect is NOT odour resisting. No way around wees, poos and happy juice. Scoop at command.- smells like newspaper, but I can deal with it.How I manage: I scoop,then tilt the pan and slide the clean pellets onto the clean corner of the pan. I spray Method bathroom cleaner on the soiled surfaces and wipe. I do this everytime the cat sprays because the ammonia [sic] literally stings my eyes. All poo and wee bits go into tieup freezer bags.Caution: the pellets, being paper, expand in water so beware of overwhelming your loo. I've had to trawl its nether regions to retrieve handfuls of poop and pellet porridge on occasion. I use cheap, thin tie-up freezer bags from Iceland to scoop whatever is needed now.In spite of the Cons, this litter gets 5 stars because it's my still my go to after trying quite a few brands and types! The cat is thankfully flexible on this and I choose Celect because it's so manageable to clean up! I'm one satisfied customer. :)
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I have to admit that I'm quite lucky that my cats aren't fussy as far as litter goes thankfully so have been fine with all litters. I on the other hand am more fussy. I've tried all different types but all have downsides. Wood based means having wet, wee soaked sawdust round your house. Clumping means loads of dust and constant need to clean out etc, etc. This litter has been the best so far. It's quite large pellets like wood based but even when wet doesn't seem to dissolve the same and I've had no tracking around the house. They manage to kick a bit out of the tray tidying but not as much as smaller particle litter. There's no dust, absorbs quite a bit, minimal smell and best of all environmentally friendly.Still needs cleaning out and occasionally turning over so it gets chance to dry out and is used evenly. Then throw away clean the tray and start again after a week as with any litter. Another plus point is that it comes in 30l sacks. With 3 cats smaller sizes aren't big enough.I have had this previously and only stopped using it as amazon stopped selling it. Now they have started stocking it again will be buying again. I would usually buy cat litter through subscribe and save but they haven't had a lot of options and things have been out of stock. I am hoping that they will put this onto it as cat stuff is something I need every month and without it it's not worth doing it.
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Our cats are really rather fussy about the food they eat and the cat litter they have. Breeder Celect is a more expensive product than others but my cats believe it to be superior therefore we buy it for them. It's good stuff and we wouldn't change to anything else. It can vary in price from shop to internet so we tend to buy it from wherever it's cheapest at the time. Our last 4 bags came from Amazon and were delivered by a contractor. Variously, in the past, the 4 bags we order have arrived encased in cardboard (boxes) or a quite strong plastic bag. This last delivery, however, arrived just in the (paper) bags they're sold in which are not the strongest and are susceptible to tearing quite easily.Having been, perhaps, launched around the warehouse and the delivery van with less care than necessary on their journey to us two of the four bags arrived festooned with a strong branded packing tape holding them together. In removing said tape to open the bags more damage occurred to them with some of the contents sticking to the tape and/or spilling onto the floor. The damaged bags may have been slightly short on contents when they arrived too.In all a good product but indifferent delivery.
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This is the best cat litter ever. Its lightweight and doesnt generate the awful dust and layer of fine concrete at the bottom of the tray. And it genuinely doesnt smell. I've been away for a week with a friend feeding the cats and when I got home none of the usual cat pee smell. Cleaning the tray is a doddle just tip all the litter into a bag once a week. No grunge in the bottom of the tray. And it keeps the tray clean because its quick to poop a scoop every day. I find if you carefully scrape the top layer off you can see where a cat has wee'd. I have 3 cats and use a large lightweight tray actually its an underbed rolling box. I put it out each day in the garden because I have gravel beds and dont want the cats using it as one big litter tray!I bring it in at night. The litter is light so its easy to carry in and out. Brilliant product. Only downside is it only comes in huge bags. Wish it had smaller sizes which would be easer to store.
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Changed to this cat litter after my wife decided she didn't like the last one we used because it was a little more involved separating the wet from the dry pellets (I found it fine but there ya go!). But I've got to hold my hands up I can't fault this one solid waste stays on top and is easily scooped out with hardly any of the litter sticking, the wet stuff doesn't go gloopy or crumble to dust the pellets keep their shape and are easily seen as they're darker and can be scooped out. We have 2 cats, both have had no problems in accepting this litter. There are no smells although we clean up whenever we notice something has arrived and we empty tray of litter once a week and clean it properly,before putting the unsoiled pellets that were already in back. Although it is recycled paper it doesn't say flushable but we haven't had any problems, if in doubt we do 2 separate flushes of the stuff. Haven't had any tracking problems either.
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I have been using clay cat litter before trying this one and I can say that, in fact, it does reduce odors compared to the clay litter.It does smell a bit when the cat has used it, but not at all as much the clay one used to. Especially poop will smell more (that's natural), but once you remove it and let it air out for while (in case you have an enclosed litter like I do), the smell is gone.I find quite hard to clean the urine, because some of it I will miss and then it would remain in there (maybe I just didn't get used to it yet), but even so, it still smells better than clay litter.I've given 5 stars because this is so far the best litter I've tried,it's easy to clean bits that come out from cat's paws to the house - which is just a little, my cat liked it, and also it's light to carry if you compare with the clay litter, one 30 litter bag of clay litter was impossible for me to carry, but this is a lot easier.
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Bought a 10L pack to try (from pets at home website because it was cheaper there) for our 6 month old Mainecoon kitten who's very furry tail and paws were tracking litter (Cat's Best Original Cat Litter- clumping litter) all over the place. Also have a black DSH cat who's face would be covered in dust from cats best litter if she used the litter box.Sprinkled a thin layer of this recycled paper litter on top of the Cats Best litter and its worked a treat. Less litter around the house and bed! It stops the other clumping litter from getting stuck on cats whilst the 'Cats best' litter does all the clumping quickly. No odour noticed, esp for Stool!We clean their boxes daily and replenish once a week or every other week as needed /based on litter box size (albeit we have changed our cats diets too so its all helping)! Back here to buy the 30L pack as its (only slightly) cheaper than the other website!
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Had this litter as a trial pack when I purchased a new litter box. Thought not much of it and tried it out, like it so much bought more!The litter is formed of paper pellets which have an added benefit of not crumbling away when (inevitably) the cat pushes the litter on to the floor. So any bits forced out of the tray can be swept up with dustpan and brush and put back in to the tray. It also means that there is very little dust which is a great benefit as the litter tray is in a relatively small room.I also found this product to be highly absorbent, the bottom of the litter tray did not get wet at all. My cat has particularly pungent urine (he was neutered late)and I have noticed that the smell from the Celect Cat Litter is significantly reduced.Am very happy with this purchase and it came at a reasonable price from the specific seller.
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Excellent litter, my cat took it immediately. It's not dusty at all and the pallets are huge, they won't get stuck between her delicate paws, so tracking is minimal. It's also biodegradable and can be flushed down the loo, I fill the litter tray with a thin layer and replace the whole lot twice a week. A big 30L bag could last over 2 months at £10 price point! However I do have one complain, this litter doesn't really cover the smell very well so I need to clean the litter box at least twice a day. Other than that, very happy and will repurchase.I have used Cats Best Oko Plus, Applaws Nature’s Calling, Super Benek Corn Cat litter and Greenwoods Natural Clumping Litter before,I like them all but they all track at various degrees, Breeder Celect is the easiest one to use, I no longer need to vacuum my floor everyday! Yay!
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Great indoor litter - no smell if cleaned regularly. I remove stool and urine twice daily and fully clean out and change once a week. Urine is a little frustrating...I think the memo is to not remove the urine patches and just mix it about and let dry, given its so absorbent and controls odor really well, but that just doesn't sit well with me personally. My cats urine patches are quite big so I scrape around it to remove clean litter and try to scoop out 80% of the urine patch, which then leads to the litter being slightly wasteful. But I'm OK with that as this is the best litter I have tried for my boy - 5kg maincoon cross with very fluffy paws and this litter doesn't stick.It does get wedges between some toes and carried about sometimes but it's pleasingly manageable on that front
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This is the best cat litter we have ever used. It was recommended by the breeder when we bought our cat and I am so glad we bought it.It is paper based in pellet form and there is next to no smell emanating from the litter tray, unlike ones we have bought before. It doesn't clump as such but it is easy to clear out the used parts before a full change is needed. When it comes to cleaning out the tray you just need to empty and it is clean, it only needs a spray and a wipe, before refilling.The litter itself doesn't track through the house or leave dusty footprints like some litters - you might get a few pellets around the tray if your cat gets a bit enthusiastic with their scratching,but it is easily swept up.If your cat uses a litter tray you need to buy this litter!
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