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Since I got my rescue cat, I had him dealing with a small, standard sized litter tray that was becoming a pain as the cat was constantly flicking litter everywhere in his attempts to cover up what he'd left and the mess was getting everywhere and trailing through the house. I saw this at this price and couldn't resist. I was a bit worried at first that my rescue cat Sabbath would steer clear of it due to having been forced into a pet carrier when I adopted him (no choice in the matter really, had to get him home somehow), however, he has no problems with this and seems to prefer it to the other litter tray in the house.I have to say, it's bigger than I expected,which in my case was a blessing Sabbath is a large cat (more like a small dog) and this is definitely roomy enough for him to do his business and move about to cover it up. The door can sometimes make a bit of a clatter when he walks into it (especially at night) but if this bothers you, the door can be removed. The entire lid lifts off, the sides lock into place so that the entire unit can be lifted by a handle at the top.If your pet has never used a hooded litter tray, I recommend flipping the top up (the coloured top with the filter actually lifts up completely and flips back so you can access the inside to scoop out your pet's smelly offerings without having to take the entire lid off) so the cat can get used to the idea.I'd really recommend this product and for the price it is a great buy. Cats really like privacy when going to the bathroom; Sabbath no longer runs and hides in panic in the middle of trying to cover his business (as he used to, almost as if he thought he'd done wrong and had to go hide before he was scolded). Clearly, this offers all the privacy he needs to feel confident enough to do the toilet and find time to hide evidence of it, and I feel confident knowing that he isn't going to accidentally overstep the mark and pee halfway out of the tray, or that his litter isn't going to be sprayed around the room like rice at a registry office wedding.For anyone wondering if the charcoal filter makes a difference, in my opinion it actually does; Sabbath's smelly offerings could make a maggot gag generally and normally I'd have to wrap scarves around my face just to bag the foul faecal matter to rid of it but lately since getting this, I find the smell isn't nearly as rancid as it had been.The only two small issues I can see with the product is that if there is a lot of litter in this, and it can be quite heavy, I would recommend not lifting it by the handle as I don't feel the handle, nor the locks are sturdy enough to support the base with that weight (especially if the litter has been used a fair bit). Really would suggest removing the lid and just carrying it by the sides when going to empty it rather than by handle. The other issue is that the base is so big it takes a fair bit of litter (about 3/4 of a standard bag) to fill and allow enough litter for cover (but on the plus, my local super market sells it at £1.58 a bag so no big deal, and usually the more litter the better as it tends to last longer with a little bit of freshener).All in all, highly recommend. No cat owner should be without at least one of these in their house. Absolute godsend, no cat litter on the carpet any more, less smell, and cat seems happier with his toilet than he was. Love it and am considering getting another for the downstairs hall.
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I love it! The plastic is very thin, so I wouldn't recommend moving it around by the handle when it's full, maybe just slide it around or pick it up carefully by supporting the bottom too. My kitten also assumed the filter was a scratching pad but that's not really the products fault lol.When I first got it the little sliders that connect the top and bottom were stuck and wouldn't move but I looked underneath them and noticed the plastic was covering the path so I bent it back with my fingers and it slid on nice and easy :) it's a perfect litterbox for someone like me who likes cute things, and doesn't have a lot of upper body strength.I love how I don't have to remove the hood to clean the box either(i clean it every day and removing it would have been a hassle) the little easy clean lid works perfectly for me, and I don't use the one hand bag holding thing in the box but my kitten loves it because she can still scrape her paws off before getting out.The main reason I needed a covered box was my kitten loves to dig and play in the litterbox, and she sprayed the litter EVERYWHERE. This box totally fixed that! There is still room for litter to be flung out but for the most part I just sweep once a week when I clean the rest of the house which is what I originally intended to do, instead of having to sweep the floor every day and then waste the litter because I wasn't sure if it was just litter anymore.My kitten was convinced to use the box with about 1 minute of putting her in the box, letting her jump out and giving her a treat repeatedly then opening a can of wet cat food and placing it in a bowl which I put in her box so she had to jump in the box to get to the food(I also dumped her old boxes litter in there and then topped it off with fresh litter so it would be fresh, but still smell familiar). I haven't had any troubles since, and my kitten only weighs like 4 pounds, perfect for my little kitty and I hope it continues to be perfect into her adulthood, the door swings nice and easy so she never has problems getting in OR out, and in fact she still plays in there when she does her kitten spazz out thing and it's still standing strong. Great box!It was shipped wrapped in a plastic bag which was in a giant box, so if it had been handled improperly there's a good chance it may have gotten a crack, because the plastic is so thin but on the other hand, because it's so thin it can bend a lot before before it cracks. I would recommend this box to someone with a kitten who sprays litter or who takes really really stinky poops(she also did that sometimes lol).I adore this box because now it can stay in the kitchen(the kitchen is huge so it's not unsanitary) and my kitten doesn't have to have her box in the dark basement, which I was worried about her tiny legs maneuvering in the dark, or her getting spooked by the filter sounds, ect. Basically this box is amazing for me, I love it. Should something happen to the one I have now I would definitely order a new one.
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I did read a lot of reviews on this litter tray and many other litter trays, but overall I decided to go with this one. Some reviews mentioned poor build quality, design and cost. Well I think the cost is just right. It's an average price for a litter tray. We bought one from Pets@home and the swing door broke within hours of use and that was about £15. We could have bought a ModKat [...] - but I'm NOT going to spend £150 on a litter tray, however incredibly well designed and built it is. So the Catit Hooded Pan's build quality... it is injection moulded plastic, thin, a little on the flimsy side, not really that robust, the catches need double checking before you go to pick up the whole thing by the handle,as they often don't close properly, and the finish is a little rough around the edges. Saying that... it's a litter tray... most of it's life will be spent with either a cat in it taking a s*** or pee, or it will be empty - I'm not intending to carry the cat around in it or use it to eat off. I must say I liked the method of sticking the product label on the front door - just sticky on the corners and the rest not - thus no massive sticky mess as you peel it off - clever! Putting the door and lid together wasn't fiddly as some have said, you just have to not have elephant thumbs - like anything, use logic and take care - it won't break unless you are a complete dump butt... Our cats don't pull at the carbon filter - works excellently - no smells what-so-ever - it's in our cloakroom and even covers up the smells from our toilet pan!!! It is a big litter tray, admittedly, but it makes it so easy to clean out and empty. Just read the dimensions before you order it, if you are worried about space. Amazon did deliver it to me in a huge box, but it was with a load of other items. I would say they need to start using a different sticky tape to hold items together in packages - I spent 20 minutes with some lighter fluid trying to get the gunk off the plastic hood and base, where Amazon staff had practically glued it together for transit. All in all, so far, my cats like it, it's neat, tidy, practical, smell free, less litter is carried out on cat's feet on exit, it isn't fantastically finished, and if I dropped it on a hard surface, I'm sure something would break, but for £15... I think it hits the spot.
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The Hagen Catit Hooded Cat Litter Pan is excellent. It is competitively priced and available with interchangeable color options on its side locks and its filter holder. I have two Catit boxes: a two-tone beige (very neutral) and a white top/grey base which I interchange with varied colored filter holders/side locks (i.e., the blue gives a beach-y look so I use this color during the summer months=). Crazy, I know. Anyway, the seam is comparatively high which makes for less accidents and easier cleaning. The swinging door may be easily detached for open door use, but I find keeping it on aids in confining odors to the box and the cats actually like the added privacy.I adopted a boy and a girl and he is quite passive and she is very mischievous. When he goes in the Catit box she likes to play with the door and make it swing. He dislikes this and will bite at her till she runs away and the door stops swinging. Then he does his business peacefully <grin>. I am not convinced the filters are useful.....but, when I leave it off I do notice more odor when approaching the box. It may be working...or it may just cover the hole openings that are present when you leave the filter off??? Either way, I find that you do not need to change the filters as often as recommended. Eventually, after maybe three months or so, the filter will smell like the interior of the box and that's my signal to replace it. I should mention that my cats tear the filter apart so I cut out heavy felt in the same shape and cover the filter with this. It can be hand washed for reuse and they don't seem to play with it. The box itself is strong and sturdy and made well. Its easy to use side latches work well and are not flimsy. The customer service at Hagen is top notch, too. I was pleased to discover very helpful and accommodating staff while trying to obtain a color change on parts! Amazon always delivers with great service and is trustworthy to deal with whenever customer service is required. Highly recommend the Catit Hooded Litter Pan.
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I invested in a slightly more "sophisticated" cat toilet for my moggy, as she was a dab hand at either flinging copious amounts of cat litter out of the box after going in it or, in the worst cases, missing the box alltogether (a trifle messy!!). In addition to this, we recently moved house and now have to have the cat litter box in the kitchen (I know, not ideal).I was really impressed with the Catit Style Hooded Cat Litter Tray. The delivery was really prompt and I was pleased with the quality of the product. It was sufficently packaged and there were instructions for putting the box together attached to the lid.It's really easy to put together... just put the lid on,fasten the sliding catches (though this is not necessarily a must if you do not plan to lift the litter tray by the handle and move it somewhere else) and then fill with cat litter.There is a transparent cat flap that allows the cats to get in and out of the box easily - and gives them some privacy (which is important to my cat). If your cat doesn't like this feature, you simply flip the lid up onto the top of the box - so the entrance is clear, but the cat still has privacy provided by the roof.It is a good sized litter tray. Millie weighs about 5kg and is quite fluffy and she has plenty of room to move about in the box/tray.Cleaning out the litter tray is easy too. I don't use tray liners, but clean out the tray 1-2 times a day. I hook a plastic bag into the little "catches" at the front of the tray (bottom section). They bag stays open and in place - so you don't end up with dirty litter all over the floor. Clumping litter is brilliant and works well in the litter tray.All in all... a great purchase and fantastic value for money. 5/5 from all the family, 2-legged and 4-legged. I would recommend this product to anyone looking for a low odour litter tray for a cat who likes to throw litter out of the box.
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Bought this becasue we have the typical problem of our little boys being a little too enthusiastic when digging and burying. We looked at covered litter boxes in the shops and I thought they were quite small, despite being advertised as "large". We have 2 boys, one is really tall and long (lanky) and one is still a kitten. Our kitten won't be a very big boy but is long haired so having some room helps with tracking; we were hoping this box was a least a little bigger than what we could find as to give them both room. It's MASSIVE. Pleanty of head room for Mr. Lankypants and ample space for the little fluffbutt. I would consider it to be a "jumbo" box,I found it to be quite a bit bigger than even the "jumbo" boxes we saw in the shops. It would definitely best suit bigger kitties, but great for little ones if you have the space.Only 4 stars because it does what it says on the tin, and how much can a human really LOVE a litter box?Only a few criticisms, and only because I feel they may really be helpful for others considering to purchase: 1) the description is a little deceiving, as even with comparing with a measuring tape with the measurments provided it was difficult to gauge the size until it got here. Not a problem for us, BUT this thing is a litter hog, so plan accordingly. I could see the potential to have more litter waste than necessary if you change the whole of the litter regularly (we use clumping natural/wood litter so that helps with the rest getting soiled). 2) Only if I'm being REALLY picky, the locking mechanism can be slightly fiddly as it's a little flimsy, but it's functional. Overall, would recommend.
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The blue park up top that folds up?? Very thin and cheap plastic. It makes it light, the whole box is light, but it also makes it fragile. My fat boy likes to use his cat box to jump onto the counter and its so wobbly up top that he's actually STOPPED using it because he can even tell it's too fragile.My boy is an anxious little fella. He once saw his reflection in the living room TV and wouldn't enter the living room for three whole days. So I originally took the door off (very easy to do) but curiousity got the best of me and now, about five days later I can say that anxious fat-boy is perfectly okay using it WITH the door on.Helps contain the smell.The smell was the whole reason I got him a new one since the one I had was used when I got it and that was 7 years ago. Figured the smell was cemented to the box and less my cats business. And yeah, so far no overwhelming smell. But of course, this new box has motivated me to scoop all boxes everyday so that may change as I get lazier. Who knows.It was bigger than I anticipated and rounder. I had a smaller more square one so although this fits in the same spot in the bathroom well enough, it's a tad bit bigger than I wanted for that space. No big deal tho.After getting paid I am planning on getting another one of these for the other litter box spot. Enclosed boxes are definitely what I prefer seeing as our senile cat keeps missing the box. We will see if we can teach him poop in small enclosed space lol.
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I love this litter box! I love my cat. I want her to have a nice, clean, easy to use bathroom. This was it. My whole issue when I was looking for a new litter box was to find one with a door. The litter box I was replacing, it was open, no lid or top, just a litter pan really. And my car would do her business and then scatter the litter around and track it all through my apartment. It had to stop. So I wanted a door. But all the reviews of litter boxes that had doors were bad. Most people said, "Oh great litter box, but the door sticks so I took it off", or "It's an ok cat box but the door falls off so we removed it". I needed to be able to keep the door on, and have it work correctly.Long story short...this door works. It's great, the top folds up and makes it easy to clean. It's pretty big although it fits in the same space my old one did, but I notice it take more litter than my previous one did. Last note I'll add is this, at first, my cat was kind of put off. She didn't get it, or just didn't like it. But she went in when she had to use the bathroom, but the first few times, she had trouble getting out. She would paw at the door and kind of creep her head out a little, so i would go and show her the door moves. Pull it out for her a little and then let her try. After about 3-5 times, she was a pro, jumping back and forth through the door with ease. Now I have no litter scattered around my home and my cat loves being inside her bathroom!
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I have had several litter trays, this is the best one I've found for the following reasons;• Very spacious tray, so the cat fits comfortably, has plenty of scratching room, and isn't hanging half out getting mess everywhere• The door swings really easily, so the cat barely has to push it to get in and out (heavier doors have put one of my cats off in the past)• The pan is very thick and sturdy, unlike the cheap flimsy ones I've had• The pan has high sides, making it easier to clean as my cat pees quite high up• Also on that note, the seal/fit where the lid meets the pan is by far the best I've found! Other hooded trays I've had leak when the cat pees high up, and you get a lovely puddle outside the box.Has never happened with this one!!• It has a filter. The difference this makes compared to one without really surprised meNegatives;• The only negative I've found with this tray is the sliding lock. You push a slider on either side of the box to lock the lid to the pan, and this works fine while the box is stationary. However if you try to pick it up using the handle on the hood, the lid will come away from the pan. It doesn't really effect the functionality as you can just lift it under the rim of the pan, although it does appear to be a small design fault.Overall the best hooded litter tray I've ever tried!
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A very good product, Our 2 cats are now 19 and both have arthritis and kidney problems so we need a roomy litter tray which is easy to clean - the Catit fits the bill perfectly. We've taken the door off as one of our cats is flap shy but it still gives them privacy and hides the litter from view as we have it facing a corner with just enough room for them to access it. No litter flung around either.Cleaning is a doddle. The handle makes it easy to turn around and once the lid is folded back access is easy, we can see well and can reach right to the back. We especially like the lip on the bottom of the opening for securing the plastic bag as it stops the litter spilling on the floor when we'rescooping out the waste.We've now bought a second Catit to replace the ancient old open tray which we had in the spare bedroom; it's just so much easier to move around, to hide the dirty litter and avoid litter all over the floor.I've given it 4 rather than 5 because the only problem we've found is occasional difficulty in using the side catches when the litter needs to be replaced my husband can manage but I sometimes struggle with them. this is a minor problem, though and if i could give it 4.75 I would.
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Sturdy, the lid locks on so you can carry the whole thing by the carrying handle. My cat won't use it with the lid shut, and tends to stand inside, bum facing out and then jets pee with out of the opening, so I have another, big tray immediately outside to catch that. Ho hum, it works, my floors are no longer wet every day, and she at least only pees out in one direction now, as opposed to all directions before, so this has been a success. Who knew lady cats could jet out pee a distance of 40cm? Oh, and to get rid of cat pee smell - I found Simple Solution works okay.Update: After weeks of use with the flap up, one day I decided to leave it down, and see what happened...With nary a blink she transitioned to using it as it was intended, and over 90% of everything is now contained, so this is still proving a success.Update 2: After 3 or 4 months use the slots that the lid locks into have snapped so the lid no longer attaches. Not a problem once you know not to pick it up by the top handle (if you do you throw contents everywhere - oh joy). I now pick it up by the sides. It works fine as a lidded box, so still a success in that the cat will use it, and everything is contained.
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I bought this little box because my cat has a tendency to kick litter everywhere when he used his box. I had read the reviews and am pleased that I purchased this box.The box was easy to assemble. I agree with others reviewers that the flap/movable top piece is a little flimsy, but I think this is because it needs to be malleable enough to open up every time you scoop the box. If it were made from the same plastic as the rest of the box, it would not be very easy to access. Furthermore, the flap has two grooves cut into it, which is good because it means that my cat's tail does not get stuck holding the door open whilst he's using the box.Some litter does still come out of this box,but I think this is because kitty cannot wipe his feet, rather than because it 'leaks' when he's digging.The only downside that I've found with this box is that the carbon filter gets shredded by my cat. I have removed the filter and this stops the problem. I regularly scoop my box so I've not found kitty box aromas to cause any trouble with the carbon removed.Overall, very pleased with this purchase and would recommend to a friend.
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This has really helped to solve our problem we had with cat litter just going everywhere! Our cats rather a messy one and it was getting a bit of a night-mare with having to have a litter tray, but as our cat recently had a road accident it wasn't a choice to having one anymore it was a necessity as he can no longer go outside and do his business! This litter try is very good, it keeps all of the litter in the litter tray and helps preventing any messes being "missed" as you cat sometimes does being a little wobbly on his feet now-a-days. This has solve all of those problems. The only complaint I would have is that the litter tray flap doesn't fit as snug as I would like it too so it doesn't really mask the smell.Sometimes it slips off the hinge bit and we have to wedge a piece of paper to allow the flap to freely swing so my cat get get out again, without it it seems to low down and sometimes gets stuck. But it's not the end of the world and we didn't buy it for the smell, just won't be buying any more of the carbon filters, it was more for the mess my cat was making, and it was a nice price too so am happy.
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I actually love this litter box. I had to move the litter boxes for me three cats into my main living space and I wanted something that would help contain the odors better than the Budda Domes I had been using. These have definitely done the trick. All my critters are girls, so I loved the pink option. My girls come in different sizes from porky to skinny, so the larger size was perfect for all of them. The trick was getting them used to the swinging door. It would have been nice if if they came with some suggestions on how to do that!! Here's what I did. After replacing the Budda Domes with the Catit Hooded boxes, I left the door lifted up for about two weeks. After that, I actually lowered the top,but taped the swinging door to the underside of the hood for another two weeks. By this point, they were all well adjusted to the box. I let the doors down and watched anctiously. They took to it quite easily this way with NO accidents. Now we're all happy as can be!! Thank you Catit for this awesome litter box that helps keep my home free of box odors and keeps my girls happy!!
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Nice and large so there's plenty of space for your cat to do their business in comfort. It does have a charcoal filter in the top which I've had to remove since my cat decided she'd have a go at eating it for her dinner. It's also the the first litter tray we've had with a door so for the first few days she would need to be rescued out of the tray since she couldn't quite work out that simply tapping the door wouldn't open it up for her. I'm not sure if she was genuinely confused by it or just being sassy. (She's got the hang of it now and likes to hop in and out all proud of herself, just for fun). It's a very deep tray as well so it can filled nice and deep with litter which makes it ideal if they like to dig there way underground.It also has a little plastic lip that you can hook a bag onto meaning you don't spill any litter on the floor when cleaning it. It does have a handle but it feels a bit too flimsy for that, but to be honest, who wants to carry a litter tray round like a handbag anyway.It is essentially a plastic box for poo and it does its job perfectly!
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