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I was a bit bitter about the price of Catsan. £5 for a 10 litre bag in my opinion seemed a bit expensive in comparison to the £1.58 bag of supermarket own brand I could buy at the same price. However one day I got caught short and had to get someone to buy me litter and they got this. Was outraged at the price. I ended up having to use it.First I was unhappy, because unlike most clumping brands, this tends to stick to the cats paws and get dragged over my black carpet (the litter box is in my bedroom where the cat sleeps). However, I did notice a huge difference In things like the weight of the product, which is much lighter than clumping brands and much easier for me to carry and change with my bad back.I also noted one 10 litre bag will fill the large litter tray (big fat cat, needs a big box) twice, and that the litter won't need changed for at least two to two and a half weeks so one bag lasts a month...which actually doesn't work out as expensive as I thought when I consider I would use £1.58 a week. I will note I DO remove my cats poo the moment he's dropped them off (he'll usually drag the scoop out of its slot to let me know to do this) to ensure he never gets frustrated with his litter tray being dirty, but he seems quite content with the box being hygienic enough for a few weeks and has never had accident or complaint (and cats can be very finicky about their toilets).The box does not smell (although it is lidded) really until late on in the fortnight, and even then the smell isn't noticeable until I'm emptying it (and I keep the litter tray in my bedroom and NO ONE has ever been able to smell it nor know there's a cat in the house.I am vigilant in cleaning his box out thoroughly when changing the litter, and I have to remark as this isn't clumping, it doesn't stick that much to the sides or bottom of the box and rinses out very quickly. I always use a dot of washing up liquid, hose it down for 30 seconds and wipe it with kitchen paper and it's always fresh.I nearly took a star off for my one issue with it which is it tends to stick to the paws of the cat and ends up on carpets and floors but as it is so good, it doesn't transfer any smell to the floor. The mess is my only gripe but I do like this and recommend it, especially if you want to cut the work out of changing the litter. I don't need to do it as much now and it doesn't hurt me nor sicken me half as much as it used to. I really don't think I'll switch back to a cheap brand. Far as I'm concerned, this is good value (if you can get it for £5-£6 a 10 litre bag) and it really does what it promises.
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A really great product by Catsan. I've been using this for my fur baby since I brought him home 2.5 years ago. He's only ever used Catsan since he was 13 weeks old. What I love about this hygiene litter is that it lasts for a long time and there's very little to no odour, so it does a great job at keep the smells at bay from pervading the rest of the apartment. I always line my furry child's tray with newspaper, then add about half a bag / 3/4 bag on top. I like to add more so it lasts longer. I also want my boy to be able to bury his goods, not have them sitting on top. By using a lot more litter, it means I only have to change every 5 days. Of course, I make sure to clean his tray daily too,there's nothing worse than having to go to the loo in your own poop! The Catsan bag comes well sealed and has an easy to carry handle. It's very easy to open and pour without making any mess. The non-clumping litter makes it a lot easier to clean when my fur ball decides to dig for Australia. He does bring out the odd bit of litter on his feet, but nothing that a quick pan and brush won't clear. I like the fact that they also come in different size bags so you can stock up if you need to and not have to worry about lugging home from the shops every 2 weeks. If you have the storage space then go for the big 20L pack, as it's guaranteed to last you a long while. I've bought both and am currently using the 10L, which is more manageable for me to lift. One thing I will say is to just make sure that your fur baby isn't standing near the litter when you pour it into the tray. My boy is the nosiest and loves to get into whatever I'm doing. This means that he'll often stick his head in to look as I'm pouring and I've noticed that his nostrils then become white (this usually happens only when I'm at the end of the bag and the dust is very fine). No cat likes you then poking and wiping their nose, so I try to ensure he's away from the tray when I pour, as I don't want him inhaling any of the fine dust. All in all a great product and one that I'll continue to buy.
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After using a pine wood fragrance clumping litter for years, I thought I’d give another brand a go. My current litter never really looked or smelt very fresh and I seemed to go through it very quickly. I have 3 gorgeous rescue cats but only one uses the litter box, so it was this poor puss that always got blamed for any unsavoury whiffs ??.I did a quick review of all the catlitter brands on Amazon and it didn’t take me long to realise that Catsan was extremely popular with cat owners. I opted for a 20L bag of Catsan Hygiene Litter, which arrived at my doorstep the following day ?.I gave my lady mog’s enclosed litter box a good clean and filled it with the usual Mount of litter.I immediately noticed how fresh it smelt and how “clean” it looked (my previous litter was a beige colour). My cat was obviously keen to road-test our new purchase so it didn’t remain pristine for long. When I went to clean it out, I was amazed how little time it took me and I hardly disposed of any actual litter! It’s been the same every time since. What’s more is that the whiffage has disappeared - even when it’s just been used! ?? ?Cannot rate this cat litter high enough on quality, value and time-saving ?
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I'm used to using clumping cat litter, so I wasn't too sure about the merits of switching to a litter which doesn't clump for easy removal of urine, as I've had cat litter in the past which was just a nightmare to clean after the cats had urinated in the tray once or twice. However, so far I'm pleasantly surprised by this cat litter - it has very successfully absorbed the urine without becoming a sticky mess, and there's no odour. I clean the solid mess out, and the litter just absorbs all the liquid and looks and smells just as clean as when the tray was filled.One of my cats in particular creates an eye-wateringly awful smell when she poos in the tray - I half expect to see an evil green mist hovering on the floor outside the tray when she emerges from it!However, with this litter, the smell isn't nearly as bad, so it's doing a better job of absorbing smells than my usual cat litter. It's not cheap compared to a lot of cat litter, but I'm very impressed with it, and would say that for the reduction in smells and the convenience of cleaning the mess out, it's certainly worth the extra cost.
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I buy this usually from Tesco. Save a £1 here or there when on offer, Amazon was cheaper. I recently discovered Argos sell this? but strange but with regards to my Amazon order, it came quick, no hassle or effort my end. Just a click of a button.At 20kg it holds a fair amount of litter. My advice if you have one cat get two litter trays if you have 2 at least 3 litter trays. I actually have 3 litter trays for 1 kitty. I am a clean person so wash all three trays weekly with dettol. Catsan is good quality litter although I prefer the density of Tescos scented version. Having 3 trays means that they sometimes do not need changing all in one week,depending on how frequent they are used.Catsan absorbs all unpleasant scents from cat wee especally. As for cat poo your cat must cover their poo in order for that scent to be blocked. From previous experience not all cats do this as you would assume.The density of Catsan is not as good as Tescos verson which is a imitation of Catsan. But good quality. I like to mix it with Tescos version. It lasts longer.
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After doing the usual rounds and trying the several alternative cat litters, this is the best cat litter based on its affordability, keeping the smell down and easiness when cleaning it out.There are a few cheaper versions of this, namely from the UK supermarkets, but I would avoid them generally as the quality isn’t as good. They usually less effective and messier in general.Comparison with alternatives:Silica is overall a better product then catsan in my honest opinion, it’s unaffordable for the average person and not manageable.Wood pellets are better for the environment and usually cheaper but doesn’t hide the spell as effectively,nor is it as a easy to clean than the catsan.Disadvantages:The quartz pieces can leave the tray and if you have the tray in places with hard floor they can scatter about a bit. The best way in which to avoid this is to have a try with the lip which sits on the tray as this reduces the amount of litter that leaves the tray.The product is quite expensive and can be a distraction for people.
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Catsan litter is by far the best litter on the market in my opinion. It really does stop the 'wee' smells and when it HAS been wee'd on by the cat the granules turn to like a sandy dust that dries really quick, again keeping in the smell. Although this type of litter is far more expensive than the other brands, I find it goes much further and last longer, as I don't need to keep topping it up between cleaning out the tray (weekly).I'm not sure why, but I thought this bag was four times the size sold in the supermarket, but have since noticed that it is only twice the size. The reason for stating is that the 10L bag is £5.48 in my local tesco which makes this 20L bags about £6 dearer buying it here.That said, the delivery was free and as the bag weighs a ton (or seems to) its not so bad really, would perhaps save people having to try and carry it home from the supermarket. I will still continue to buy Catsan, but not so sure where I will buy it from in the future now I have realised the costs.
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I have two outdoor cats and they are mostly inside on cold days. During the winter we need a lot of cat litter. After doing some research, I have decided this cat litter.The litter consists of natural quartz sand and chalk, which gives it its distinct white colour. According to the Catsan literature, thousands of micropores on the surface of the litter rapidly absorb moisture, a bit like tiny sponges, safely locking it in.You can scoop the poop out without taking a lot of litter with it. Due to the nature of the litter, the pop was not sealed completely leaking some odour. But it did a good job for the urine, very little odour leaked out. Once the litter gets wet with urine,it becomes slightly discoloured and crumbly, so dirty litter is easy to spot.Things I like -- Clean chalky white colour- Managed to keep the smell down- My cats love themThings I don’t like -- Cats tend to kick the litter out of the box- It doesn’t clump- It can be dusty when you pour the litter on the tray
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I’m a long time user of this product and has tried many, many more on the market at a range of price points b4 settling on this one being the best for us. I’ve 7 house cats so litter for their trays is a very big deal to us!. Catsan May be a little more expensive than some(but a lot cheaper than many others)but you get a good product which lasts a good long time, cuts down on tray odours and also when changing seems to have a low dust content which is good for me as I’ve lung disease. I have multiple trays and remove all solid matter daily then do a full tray clean out once a week-10 day’s which I would say is pretty good value for money.Some does end up coming out the tray in little feet etc but again less so that with a lot of other brands and this could be reduced I would say if u were using lidded trays which at the moment I do not. Basically I think this is the best Cat litter out there, I recommend it to all me friends and can’t see me ever switching to another brand. Well worth it.
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Ok I’ve been through pretty much every cat litter and had initially dismissed this as the cats kept walking it through the house and it seemed more work than it was worth but after trying other cat litters, wooden pellets that stink the house out if your cat pees, silica ones that work great if you’re a millionaire and can ifford it, I’ve come back to catsan. Yes those little white pieces are painful to walk on but I bought a large mat (not the tiny ones) and problem solved. If you’re sensible enough to shake the mat into the litter box when you’re walking past it won’t make its way round the house.It is one of the best for keeping the smell down, sometimes I don’t even realise the cats have been to the loo!The wooden pellets had a weird scent and made the house smell of CAT but with this that’s gone. Sticking to this from now on. Tesco have their own version although cheaper is dusty and far messier!If you have cats then get used to the fact there will be some mess left behind
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Having owned cats all my life, this is the only brand of cat litter I will buy. You may be able to find cheaper cat litters, however they don't do half as good a job as this one. It absorbs smells and liquids so well. For the last 3 years I have had an indoor cat (heart condition) and his litter tray would be in constant use. I find that as long as I clear out the poops (the smell is absorbed really quickly anyway but I feel that it would be nicer if they weren't there - for me and the cat!) then the litter can last a week and possibly longer ! I generally clean it out every Saturday as it is nice to be fresh but it's not because of any smells or puddles. It does tend to get stuck in between toes and brought out of the tray,however I feel that this would be the case with any litter as it is small and cats will be digging.All in all a great product and slightly cheaper online than in pet stores or supermarkets.
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Catsan has been our preferred cat litter for some years. It is a fairly light grey litter which has a high level of acceptability with our two cats. Provided you put out a couple of inches in depth it lasts a reasonably long while provided you take out the nasty bits. Generally you can tell when it needs changing as it starts to smell which it does not normally do. I would say it absorbs odour rather well and does not start to smell until it becomes quite damp which is definitely time for a refill! It does not clump together when wet like most fullers Earth type litter.Provided it is not too heavy for you to handle the 20 litre size does save about 10% in the supermarket and the price here is reasonably competitive,especially if you take out a regular subscription. We have tried various different types of cat litter over the years, but this remains ours and Peaches' and Lily's choice.
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I had always assumed that cat litter was basically cat litter: some clumps, some doesn't but basically you have something that sits in the corner of your room and smells. Catsan is genuinely better. It really does manage to neutralise the smell remarkably effectively. Of course, you'll still have to change your cat litter but, because it doesn't smell so badly, that's a slightly less infrequent task (only a good thing as its never the nicest of tasks). And less time spent with a kitchen stinking of cat urine is a massive plus for me, certainly.Buying in larger quantities makes sense, given that it is the cheapest of cat litter.The 20 litre bag is good value but really quite heavy - a fantastic argument for buying this online as I wouldn't fancy lugging it back from the shops.Recommended to anyone looking to change their cat litter or looking to buy larger amounts of this one.
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The cat litter is great - it keeps smells to a bare minimum, it’s easy to clean and cats love to use it.BUT buying two 20l bags online turned out to be a huge mistake. They are heavy to carry as a single 20l bag and they had over-optimistically been packed together into one supersized plastic bag. This meant that the package must have been exceptionally heavy and awkward for most people to carry, which resulted in the bags arriving split and torn with loose cat litter rattling inside the plastic bag like a rainmaker instrument and dribbling out of a hole in the outer packaging.Thankfully my daughter was staying with me as there is no way I would have been able to move this package,and I would have struggled to deal with cleaning the litter which was scattered through my house and needed to be scooped out of the bags into alternative containers.
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Although this cat litter seems a little more expensive than non-clumping or wood based types, it is much more economical and cleaner to use. It is so easy to scoop out the 'solid' clump where your cat has done a wee, or to lift out any poos (no easy way to describe). The litter tray is left clean and dry - the clumped amount having been lifted out is minimal. Clean tray, no smell - great. I'd imagine this would be even better for small spaces like flats, or if your cat is home alone for large parts of the day. I had used the non-clumping litter previously but am a complete convert to the clumping variety. I'm saving money, there's less mess, no smell, and it's easier to sweep up any of the sandy type grains your cat might swipe out,than the hard white, scratch, crunchy granules of the non-clumping type.
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