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Wolfenstein: The New Order is a good, solid Xbox360 episode of Sgt. William Blascowicz (B for short) blasting nazis, except that this scenario is a projection of what might have happened had Hitler made a different set of decisions so that Germany got the atom bomb first and won World War 2 after bombing New York.The action is set in Europe and its first large level is a prologue mission in 1946 which results in B being captured by brutal villain Dr. Deathshead and forced to choose, "Sophie's Choice" fashion, which of two comrades he will let die to save the other. The choice decides which survivor's timeline you pursue and, as you are best playing both, one after the other, to develops B's abilities,the 16 chapers, or levels, are doubled to 32. However, when B and friend escape Deathshead's stronghold, an explosion badly injures B that he is in a coma for 14 years in the Mental Asylum. He awakens in 1960 just in time to escape the purge of patients by nazi troops and save a favourite nurse who turns out to be his new link to the resistance he must help form by finding and freeing political prisoners and his old comrade.Missions are varied, in planes, hospitals, trains, prisons, a mini-sub, an experimental concentration camp, the resistance base, sewers, underground railways, U Boats, an astronomy museum, strongholds reminiscent of Wolfenstein Castle and even the Moon base. Yes, B visits locations that include, not just Poland, Berlin, a wrecked Gibralter Bridge and London, but he also gets a trip to the Moon. Enemies are updated Wolfenstein-style nazi troopers, complete with typical helmets and gas masks. and their commanders who can call in extra help if not silenced quickly, but they also have machanical help from robot dogs, heavily armed flying machines and giant robots including some interesting bosses. The main villains are articulate and have horrid personalities which result in sadistic deeds. There is torture here, and the game has a nasty habit of catching you out with unavoidable surprises so you are often off-balance, particulauly early-on when you are trying to make a difficult leap mid-air, from one falling and burning bomber to another, using unfamiliar game controls for the first time.In-depth quality is here too, romance and friendships to be made, each character having a story to discover and tell, riches to be found, codes to be broken, arms and new powers to develop and upgrade, and the new history of conquest and oppression comes through with morbid strength via individual stories and many written items including newspaper cuttings. It also has nice, loving touches, such as an option to play a level of the original Wolfenstein game as part of a dream. Five difficulty settings (which you can alter mid-game if you wish) helps to enhance its replay appeal, so there is probably about 16 hours per timeline if you want to find everything.The levels are large and well constructed, and the graphics are reasonably good too, with nice vistas of a future Berlin and a new London, and there is a nice selection of weaponry, including a multi-purpose laser - but there is a down side, which is why I give four stars instead of five.Firstly, the music score is monotonous and quite anaemic so that the mood is too sombre and muted overall and its atmosphere dampened. Good music, inspiring at key moments, can make a huge difference to a film or war game: and I often recall films or games from their theme tunes if they are memorable enough, but this score is far too weak where it counts. Yes, I understand they may wish to avoid flag waving, but some lovely music came out of World War 2 including film scores like "The Warsaw Concerto". When they make a sequel to this - and they really should - I so hope they show more imagination and inspiration in their music.Secondly, the writing is far too small and indistinct for anyone playing via a normal TV screen who doesn't have perfect vision. The makers must know that many people have imperfect sight and that some older people still play video games too, but they are not catered for here. If you are a casual player, unfamiliar with Xbox360 controls, then the truly minute symbols for the controls will leave you floundering in the early stages, and this is just not fair. Likewise, the wealth of written information in the Journal is so difficult to see on my 28 inch TV screen that, even on zoom aspect ratio, I am guessing to make ouit half the words. It is the same with subtitles and press-cuttings: there is much of interest that I have to gloss over and so miss out because of this inadaquacy. Please, if there is any room for authenticity, realise that in World War 2 people used old style typewriters using letters of a reasonable size and that computer small print is a sad recent discovery to spoil our enjoyment and waste the written content of our games.Having said all that, this is a strong game worthy of attention especially if, like many of us, you like blasting nazis.
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Note: I haven't played earlier installments of the Wolfenstein series, I picked this up because I wanted to play a solid FPS that wasn't Halo or Call of Duty/Medal of Honor. I did do some background research just to get the backstory on some of the characters, but frankly, it wasn't needed. The game stands well on its own.So, let's get right to it and hit up the good bits of the game. First off, the story. Like I said, while characters from previous games make an appearance, you don't need to have played through the past several games to figure out what's what. The characters are given good development, and you end up emphasizing with them anyway. I also appreciated the depth they gave to the player character,William 'B.J.' Blazkowicz (yes, his nickname is B.J. Yes, I laughed too). All too often the main protagonist of a shooter is some gruff, grizzly muscle-bound marine with the emotional depth of a potato, but with B.J. they actually put in effort to make him seem more human. It makes him quite likable, at least in my opinion. Supporting characters are also well done with good voice acting (minus the volume, more on that later), both your allies and enemies. The main bad guy is quite memorable, which is something I always appreciate.The overall aesthetic is good too, if you like retro-futuristic design (different from steam-punk), you'll find the world very interesting to walk around and explore. The good thing is, you can actually do that in this game too. While each level has a main objective and a "goal" so to speak, there are multiple pathways to get there, plus collectibles along the way for you to hunt down. It's really nice to be given the choice to go in head-on, guns blazing, or to sneak around in the shadows, backstabbing unsuspecting enemies.So, good story, good characters, good environment design. Let's move on to the OK bits of the game. First off, combat. You have quite a nice arsenal at your disposal, with every gun having a secondary fire mode and almost every weapon being able to be dual-wielded. Some of the secondary fire modes only get unlocked when you find upgrades while playing through the game, but once you find them you can use them in subsequent playthroughs. The weapons themselves are, for the most part, pretty standard. Pistol, Assault Rifle, Shot Gun, etc etc. While the secondary firing modes are pretty cool for some, it's generally nothing to write home about. Still, each weapon is fun to shoot, and blasting apart your enemies is bloody and satisfying.There's also a stealth element, as I mentioned before. You have knives you can use for silent takedowns, plus a silencer option for the pistol. Adding to that, some enemies (called commanders) will call reinforcements if you are spotted, so at least taking them out silently is a must if you don't want to simply be overwhelmed. The problem is that this actually makes stealthing around almost an obligation. You CAN rush in, dual-wielded automatic shot guns roaring, but as far as I could tell enemy reinforcements kept coming until the commander was killed. The commander of course hides behind these swarms of enemies, so you end up being overwhelmed more often than not. Of course you can duck behind cover, poking your head out to pick off guys one-by-one, but that'll stop you from getting close enough to the commander to kill him. Combined with only minimal health regeneration and limited numbers of both healthpacks and armor packs, this makes it necessary to plan your combat strategies very carefully. Not necessarily a bad thing, I loved the challenge, but don't expect to be able to play through the game without dying a half-dozen times.And that brings us to the bad. First off, the graphics. This is the PS3 version, so I wasn't expecting anything mind-blowing, but it was still noticeable sometimes. Some textures would take time to load, or scenery in the distance would become murky, just in general the graphics are not top-notch. Which is a shame, because as I said the basic design of levels, environments and enemies is really cool looking. Another thing was audio issues. Not glitches or anything, but overall the BGM and sound effects are way too loud, drowning out any conversation that might be happening. You'd think you could adjust this in the options menu, but no. You can either mute the BGM completely, or adjust the overall volume of everything. Since the voice of B.J. is soft, almost a whisper, it became almost impossible to tell what he was saying without subtitles sometimes. Again, this is a shame, because the voice acting IS good.There were some other minor issues as well, the enemy AI isn't too bright for one, plus I did run into some actual glitches, but nothing game-breakingly bad. I had one crash, but it didn't occur again and I didn't lose progress so no biggie. Overall, a solid, fun shooter that gets enough things right to make the little rough edges not matter so much.
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I'll be honest, when I first picked up Wolfenstein: The New Order my initial expectation was for it to be a mindless shooter where you gunned down a thousand Nazis only pausing once in a while for a high five, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that there was more depth than meets the eye. Mostly, anyway.For starters the game looks very good.. well, for the most part. It's been built from the ground up to run at a smooth 60 frames per second but in order to maintain that it uses something called 'dynamic framebuffering', which is just a fancy term meaning that the game downgrades and upgrades the resolution on the fly depending on how much is going on at any given time.This means the game looks nice generally, but if there's a lot to process, like when there's the occasional dramatic scene with close ups of characters, you're hit with a downgrade that makes the The New Order look quite bad indeed, akin to something you'd see on the PS2. The exceptions to this are the guns and the general environments, which maintain a high quality look almost throughout, though even here sometimes the background is too dark which makes it difficult to distinguish between the background and the enemies, who are often wearing all black clothing.On the flip side everything else that is part of the overall presentation package is near flawless - the story is heartfelt, the characters are varied and interesting, the music fits well and the sound effects, especially the click-clack of guns, sounds great. The one exception is that the map sometimes feels useless and fails to be helpful if you're looking to figure out where to go, but I guess you can't have everything.There's a good variety in how you play too. Wolfenstein treats you like an adult and allows you to approach most situations the way you want, giving you choices between running in all guns blazing or clearing the room stealthily, which is very welcome. The guns themselves are a diverse mix too, allowing you to use anything from throwing knives to silenced pistols, assault rifles, or even laser weapons - this is alternative history, after all. The only exception here is that you're also given the choice to dual wield weapons, but apart from looking cool it offers little benefit when compared with just having one gun out, making it a fairly pointless feature.Your playstyle affects your 'perks' too. These are unlocked by doing certain tasks, like scoring a certain number of headshots with a specific gun, rather than like in most other games where you get skill points or some such and pick what you want to unlock from a menu. This does feel intuitive for the most part but there were still a chunk of the perks which were just annoying to get and needed you to go out of your way to do something oddly specific rather than as anything that would come naturally to a player.Now, as I mentioned above, the game has a lot more depth than what it looks like upon first glance, but plenty of that mindless shooter aspect is still around. There are a lot of collectibles to gather for example but often times you're also blocked from going backwards and pick up something you missed or just if you wanted to keep exploring, which can feel frustrating as if you're just being herded through corridors like a sheep.The also applies to the weird disconnect between the touching story and the fun but silly gameplay. The plot itself is emotional and well done but that doesn't translate very well in to the gameplay itself, as if two entirely different teams made them and were forbidden from communicating with each other. One minute a you could be having a moving scene between two characters and the next you're shooting a giant robot dog with a rocket launcher packed in to your assault rifle, which is just odd. This disconnect can even be seen on a technical level where the volume in cutscenes is significantly quieter than that of the gameplay.Despite being a reboot The New Order struggles to let go of some boring aspects of old school games too. Boss battles are around but they work like they did in a lot of older games where there's less of a strategy involved and more about you needing to do some trial and error and die a few times before being able to see what the game actually expects you to do in order to win - as you might expect, this is tedious. Bizarrely rockets work like they're straight out of 1995 too where being hit by one launches you in a cartoonish small jump to the side.As a whole though this is a good package. While it does have some notable faults Wolfenstein: The New Order is a solid game with plenty to enjoy. It just needed a little more time in the oven to be truly great.
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As a huge fan of the original Wolfenstein game i was eager to get this on launch day and have been playing it for around 6-7 hours.First thing to point out is that this is a single player game only. Ordinarily i become suspicious by that and often question the developers motives for doing such a thing. However, i have increasingly come to understand that single player games seem to last longer and maintain their attraction for longer and i agree with "H.Evans" comments regarding this.So down to the game, it's a first person shooter set in 1960's europe, the difference being that the Nazis won the 2nd world war and now control everything. You the player must lead the fight back,infiltrating enemy strongholds and attempt to take control of their "super weapons". It really is a great plot and well thought through, certainly those that appreciate a good story should like this. Now graphics aren't exactly fantastic but they are better than the xbox 360 version (which i have seen) but don't forget that this is suppose to be based in 1960s europe and to a large extent they have achieved that, the environments are destructible in parts and particularly come in handy when being attacked.If you haven't already guessed this is a game in which stealth is key and your ability to sneak around is crucial to your own success, very much like a Sniper Elite game and fans of that series should end up liking this. There is a regenerative health system which i do like but if your health becomes too low then you will require a health pack. There are lots of different weapons and some have special abilities, the classic example being the laser cannon which can double as a cutting tool.Pros: I love the story and the setting * stealthy game-play * love the weapons on offer * you get to fight the NazisCons: Ammo is far to scarce and you spend too much time searching for it in my opinion * Duel-wielding isn't as good as you first think and you waste too much ammo * Checkpoints have been positioned before and not after an event so if you get killed later on you'll have to do the section all over again * AI are completely dumb and slow.VERDICT: As I'm only half way through the game i will reserve my final judgement till i have completely finished it but based on what i have played this far i must say on the whole i am very impressed. The story is great and the game will pose a challenge, when you throw in some good shooting moments and the fact you get to kill Nazis what's not to like.I'm very much getting a touch of nostalgia playing this and have been pleasantly surprised by what I've seen. I can't give it 5 stars as it does have some problems like the ones i have listed and the fact it's retailing for £40+ i do find slightly hard to justify considering the game lasts around 14-15 hours and has no multi-player whatsoever to extend the experience.A great game that all old school fans of the series will thoroughly enjoy. Sniper Elite fans may also like what it offers purely because of it's setting and who you are fighting. Perhaps the best thing for me to say is to wait for the price to drop to £30 or less and this game will be well worth it. Just don't go paying full price or you might end up feeling slightly short changed and i say that as a huge Wolfenstein fan and someone that is currently enjoying the experience!RECOMMENDED when the price drops!UPDATE 20th June: I have now finished the game and it really was enjoyable, very much a recommended game if you like WWII shooter games and i intend to replay it again soon!
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If you loved Resident Evil 4 you should also love The Evil Within. RE4 for PS2 was the first game that I ever played on the PS3 (release 60GB PS3s were backwards compatible). I had heard that RE4 was *that good* and worth playing before any of the PS3 games that were out at the time of the console's launch. And, man, were they ever right. RE4 blew me away, and it still stands as one of my top 5 favorite games. Many elements of RE4 are as fresh in my head today as they were way back in 2007 when I finally beat it after logging 30 hours into the campaign.The Evil Within was created by the same guy that did RE4, so I entered the game with great expectations after getting it on Amazon for just 19 bucks on Black Friday 2014.Were my expectations met? Mostly. It was definitely worth the 19 bucks!!! But these days I hold Dead Space up as the pinnacle example of Horror/Survival. Dead Space did everything correct from gameplay to story to mechanics to graphics to scares...everything was top notch. The Evil Within was great fun, but it disappointed in a few places.So first let me reiterate before I speak to my whiny complaints: The Evil Within was GREAT FUN. It's scary and tense with 15 very challenging chapters. It took me over 20 hours to beat. You will die (a lot) in Evil Within (on normal or higher difficulty). You will not beat certain enemies before a trial and error learning period (which can sometimes take more than just several attempts). There are some puzzles but it's not puzzle heavy. The challenges come by way of making it to the various chapter checkpoints via levels that are made insanely difficult at times by enemies driven by smart and accurate AI. I have no problem with smart and accurate AI, but when you add in that almost ALL enemies are walking bullet-sponges and ammo is scarce you are in for a challenge that requires more than just blasting your way through the game.And indeed there should be more than just blasting my way through a game, but in Evil Within when you're lucky enough to collect a decent amount of ammo in order to get through a chapter, it'd be nice if the ammo worked. 4 bullets to take down a human-haunted? Folks...aim for the head in this game and sometimes that doesn't even give you a 1-shot kill. Two grenades to take out the human-haunted with the machine gun? Ridiculous. Remember, I said accurate AI earlier and by that I meant that the enemies with guns in this game don't miss if you let them get a shot off.The creatures in Evil Within range from creepy to scary to disturbing. And almost all are viciously ruthless in their pursuit of you if they see you, so a lot of the Evil Within strategy will be to stay stealthy. The story and the dialogue are a bit whacky, but that's made up for by a game that has you in tense levels for the most part with a limited amount of cutscenes.I'm very late to the game with this review so I'll get this wrapped up by AGAIN saying that The Evil Within was great fun. I am excited to do a Survivor Difficulty New Game+ second playthrough. One thing's for sure about the second playthrough though: I will NOT be increasing the difficulty to Nightmare (unlocked after beating the game on Survivor difficulty). You can't raise the difficulty and use New Game+ anyway.Overall Rating: 4 ½ Stars
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As a huge fan of the original Wolfenstein game i was eager to get this on launch day and have been playing it for around 6-7 hours.First thing to point out is that this is a single player game only. Ordinarily i become suspicious by that and often question the developers motives for doing such a thing. However, i have increasingly come to understand that single player games seem to last longer and maintain their attraction for longer and i agree with "H.Evans" comments regarding this.So down to the game, it's a first person shooter set in 1960's europe, the difference being that the Nazis won the 2nd world war and now control everything. You the player must lead the fight back,infiltrating enemy strongholds and attempt to take control of their "super weapons". It really is a great plot and well thought through, certainly those that appreciate a good story should like this. Now graphics aren't exactly fantastic but they are on a par with other 360 games coming out but don't forget that this is suppose to be based in 1960s europe and to a large extent they have achieved that, the environments are destructible in parts and particularly come in handy when being attacked.If you haven't already guessed this is a game in which stealth is key and your ability to sneak around is crucial to your own success, very much like a Sniper Elite game and fans of that series should end up liking this. There is a regenerative health system which i do like but if your health becomes too low then you will require a health pack. There are lots of different weapons and some have special abilities, the classic example being the laser cannon which can double as a cutting tool.Pros: I love the story and the setting * stealthy game-play * love the weapons on offer * you get to fight the NazisCons: Ammo is far to scarce and you spend too much time searching for it in my opinion * Duel-wielding isn't as good as you first think and you waste too much ammo * Checkpoints have been positioned before and not after an event so if you get killed later on you'll have to do the section all over again * AI are completely dumb and slow.VERDICT: As I'm only half way through the game i will reserve my final judgement till i have completely finished it but based on what i have played this far i must say on the whole i am very impressed. The story is great and the game will pose a challenge, when you throw in some good shooting moments and the fact you get to kill Nazis what's not to like.I'm very much getting a touch of nostalgia playing this and have been pleasantly surprised by what I've seen. I can't give it 5 stars as it does have some problems like the ones i have listed although i will say the lower than average price is appealing. Just keep in mind that there is no multi-player whatsoever to extend the experience.A great game that all old school fans of the series will thoroughly enjoy. Sniper Elite fans may also like what it offers purely because of it's setting and who you are fighting. At £22 i am more than glad with my purchase and as a huge Wolfenstein fan who is currently enjoying the experience, i hope you do too!RECOMMENDED!!
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Now before I begin I want to make somethink clear. This game was made by the studio which is ran by the same guy who did RE 1-4, that means it is going to feel alot like RE 1-4, and I'm getting really tired of people saying it's trying to copy and paste The Last Of Us.The story is some what bland and hard to follow, until you start progressing through the game and fing side text that explains alot of the stuff going on, along with back story for characters. In my personal believe, as the game says that all the characters and other victums have a linked to all their minds, this is the reason as to why the story is every where. There isn't much character development,and the voice acting is a little off for the game but it hasn't effected my enjoyment of the game. With the scares, though falling through at points, are well done. The majority of scares are in the games hud, with a mixture of uncomfertably close camra angles, complete darkness, and unsettling audio.The combat is well done, giving the player a varried set of tatics to use while fighting large or small groups of enemies. The sealth is somewhat laughable at times, but it didn't take away from the intensity of the situation, even making me feel it was a god send they didn't notice me. You can use some of the enviorment around you to your advantage with bolts that have different effects on enemies (fire, ice, poison, ect) along with using bottles to destract enemies to get past them or to stealth kill them. The AI for enemies is somewhat weird because they will focus in on you from a long distance, and will continue to look for you until you are entirely out of the area. The comabt is handicapped enough to the point of where the game felt it was almost impossible at points. For example, I was fighting a boss and I had little supplies. No healing items, no ammo in stock, or parts to make cross bow bolts, with only a double-barrle shotgun fully loaded off to the side and 5 pistol rounds. It took 7 tries until I beat the boss and continue to the next chapter. It feels impossible, but it's not, so perpare to grow a pair. It also helps to have prior experience with the Dark Souls games, learning to conserve resources and when to be agressive or passive.The game shows off some impressive machnics, with completely invisable enemies in the first couple of chapters and solving pussles by examining the entire area for small details, while it could focus on them a little bit more, there is no doubt they put a lot of work into this game and it shows. As for the frame rate, however, I haven't run into any bugs and I'm playing on a PS3, the only one I have ran into was when I was going up a ladder and had my lattern out but it has only happened once.I would recommend this game to both people who loved Resident Evil 4, and to people looking for a challange. An even though I have a list of improvements for the game, it gave me exactly what I wanted from a horror game in the late 2013 era.
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I have to agree with the previous comments already left by other users, the best way to describe Wolfenstein is as an 'Old School' FPS. I found it refreshing that there is no multiplayer and the game is completley focused on the single player campaign which may FPS games these days tend to do the opposite way around.The gameplay is superb and I think they have found the right mix between stealth and guns blazing all out combat. I do enjoy stealth games (Spilnter Cell, Last of Us etc.) but I find these days they go a bit too OTT with it i.e. one slip up and its all over, barely even worth trying to shoot your way out or salvage things.With Wolfenstein you can aim for total stealth and silent takedowns etc but at the same time if it goes wrong you are not so overpowered and out gunned that you can generaly fight your way out and carry on.Others have mentioned the lack of weaponary, true you do only have one of each type of weapon (with the option of dual weild and secondary fire on some) again I find this another good idea taking things back to basics, games such as COD/BF offer 100s of weapons with customisable this and that but generally dont vary hugely from weapon to weapon in each class which I find just becomes more hassle than it is worth sometimes.The story line like some others have stated is a bit far fetched (giant Nazi mechs, robot attack dogs, moon bases etc.), but it certainly keeps things interesting and didnt spoil my enjoyment of the game. The cutscenes are superb and ehelp to establish the characters and build the story well.I dont really see any problem with the graphics on the PS3, obviously wont be able to match the standard of the PS4 or XBox One but to me they seem absolutley fine.I have experienced some glitching. On occasion you 'slip' into the ground as if you have crouched and from there cant move or jump free, you are stuck to the spot only able to turn and shoot. The only way out is to load the last checkpoint. Also I have seen alot of the spent shell casings when you are firing just hanging in the air or getting stuck to walls instead of falling to the floor. Both mildly annoying but not so much so it would put me off playing, I would imagine this will be patched before too long anyway.Overall I am very pleased with this game, taking the FPS back to basics and delivering a really enjoyable dedicated campaign driven story rather than a multiplayer FPS with a single player campaign quickly tacked on at the end. I highly reccomend this game, especialy for the slightly older generation like myself you who who grew up in the pre-multiplayer gaming era!!
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As an owner of all the Wolfenstein Games to date, from its origins on the Mac, through the Xbox to both of the latest versions that I now have on PS3, I have to say that so far I am certainly not disappointed with The New Order.I've not got very far into the yet. I'm currently trying to liberate three Stealth Helicopters from the top of a tall building. At this point there seems to be less emphasis on the Occult/Horror aspects of the previous versions and more on gameplay alike to COD with rather some influence from the likes of Sniper Elite, Deus Ex: and such.I find that there is just as much to gain from the stealth approach as there is from the frontal attack, hide and shoot approach. In fact,after several failed attempts to gain the helicopters, on my next attempt I intend to take out the human soldiers by stealth first - then the armoured soldiers (to be honest, I am finding the armoured guys a push over).You don't get the visibility light cones when creeping around as you do with other stealth-based games so be prepared for surprises. So far I find stealth means either creeping up behind an opponent (making sure no other guard can see you of course) pressing L3 to take them out, or throwing knives from a short distance, is the stealth in this game. The latter takes practice but should be the same as using a gun. If you've played any of the 'Sniper Elite'* games that are available these days, or FarCry 3, or Tomb Raider, I don't anticpate that you will have any problems with ths game.I did have a silenced pistol at one point in this game but I don't seem to have now, when I attack the Helicopter hangar. That weapon would be very useful at this point. I don't know how or when I lost it. It's useful at long range too, contrary to expectation. Just let the reticule turn red then a rapid pop-pop. Has to be a least two shots. Risky though. One miss and the alarm gets raised.There's no Multiplayer to this game but for me this was an incentive to buy because I find that I tend only to play the campaign missions on any game. I assume the campaign (solo) in this game will be longer than COD of course. If it turns out to be as long as the previous Wolfenstein game then I will be in clover for the next few months, so to speak.The further I get into this game the more eerie the atmosphere and the less like COD this game feels. If you have 5.1 surround sound at home - I recommend that you use it. Keep a clean pair of underwear handy.*The Sniper rifle is good in this game. However it takes two shots, rapid - pop pop - to dispose of an opponent even they have no armour.
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Wolfenstein: The New Order does a pretty good job of addressing everything it sets out to do. The narrative is compelling, if a tad fragmented, and keeps you wanting to move forward as plot and characters develop; you're given just enough of the various characters' histories to make you care about them. I defy you not to find Max Hass excavating a small place in your heart. Playing as B. J. Blaskovicz you really do feel the part of human wrecking ball, the resistance's single greatest weapon in the war against the Nazis and there's something undeniably satisfying in the solid gunplay and over-the-top gore as swastika-wearing troops descend on you from all angles.The bleak world created by Bethesda to reflect life under Nazi rule is well realised and the graphics,whilst certainly not next gen, are well enough done to draw you in. The gameplay too is extremely solid and I cannot fault the mechanics. On it's easiest setting you are free to drop into a chapter for some mindless gun-toting fun whilst higher difficulty levels certainly had me cursing at some sequences until a new tactic or route got me through. This is the main strength of the game; it leaves you free to decide how you want to approach each situation: should I go on as a howling whirlwind of noise and death or as a silent stalker, death from the shadows. Despite this there's no denying that it is very much a linear game and you do follow the same general path through a level on each play through. However there is just enough choice to stop you feeling hemmed in. Balancing precariously on an iron girder, trying to line up enemy troops in the cross-hairs of my sniper scope, whilst simultaneously dodging rockets from below was just one random approach (and in this case the most successful) to a particular situation. My second play through had me stealing a heavy weapon from the corpse of a mechanised enemy and using this firepower to bull through (losing rather more of my armour, health and ammo).I think I'll find myself returning to this game and certainly rate it as one of my favourite first person shooters. It's not perfect and certainly isn't going to revolutionise the genre it's ultimate predecessor created but it is a great single player campaign. I'm not a huge fan of multiplayer so find myself tiring of the endless CODs and BFs and feel that if they're looking to complete their packages with worthwhile single player content then they should pay heed to Wolfenstein. This is a campaign done right and a very good game - recommended.
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As soon as I heard last year that a new wolfenstein game was in the works titled Wolfenstein The New order I thought to myselfnot another one but then I saw the developer Bethesda I thought nice the makers off the elder scrolls series maybe I will wait and see for a trailer later that year a trailer was released and what I saw was a improved wolfenstein that would be a big hit in 2014 I pre ordered it and it came on time I opened the packaging thought 4 discs wow bit much but the xbox 360 does not have a blu ray drive so space is very limited with the 360 having a dvd drive no big problem to me so I loaded up the first disc got welcomed with an install screen it took about thirty minutes toinstall and the music sounded awesome playing in the background so I started the game and that's when i was in for the ride of my life with Nazi killing violence the graphics are awesome on the xbox 360 but more better on the xbox one with sharper graphics but not to bothered about graphics the gameplay this time around on wolfenstein is much better than the last wolfenstein that was released in 2009 though that was not developed by Bethesda so this is a fresh restart for wolfenstein under Bethesda the story is brilliant unlike the 2009 version in my opinion was quite weak the gameplay is awesome with a variety of weapons that can be upgraded when you find them in later missions for example a machine gun with a missile launcher on its side the good old fashion health is still on this with armour that to can be upgraded through finding them you will also find lots of health packs and armour packs throughout the missions you are on so you will not die quickly if your smart and don't go running in against a group of them or else you want a death wish the game is simply the best wolfenstein game made to date in the series i have completed the game already took me two days the story lasts quite long if you want to collect everything like codec codes for secret unlockables i didn't collect many but i will sure start the game again to collect them and unlock secret achievements that i have missed overall its a great game well worth the money to buy if your new to the series this is a great benchmark for you to start playing wolfenstein for the first timeWOLFENSTEIN THE NEW ORDER 8.5/10
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Having been a little disappointed by some of Wolfensteins previous games, I was half expecting an average FPS from a series that brought us this genre.It starts off at the end of the second World War and you play as the returning 'William Joseph "B.J." Blazkowicz'. At the end of the first chapter you have to make a choice to save one of 2 colleagues - each will give you a different skill which opens up different routes and a different upgrade (health or armour). After this you escape a Castle but get injured. Chapter 2 begins in a hospital 14 years later in the 1960 and find out the Nazis won the war. This is where the game really begins.The acting and script are very well done and the controls are responsive too.A lot has been made about resolution and frame rate differences between the next gen consoles but this is 1080p native and 60fps on both. Visually it is impressive! Walls/barriers etc get bullet damaged and grenades cause craters too. As you play you get to unlock various 'perks' based on fulfilling various criteria and the way you play. You can go in all guns blazing or adopt a more stealthy approach - either way you will get rewarded...Although only a Single player, it has reason to replay the alternative route. Pathways and options throughout the levels will differ based on the skill you get after saving one of the two in the first chapter as one awards a lock picking skill and the other gives you the ability to hot wire things. It also has a number of collectibles to get too. The game play is solid, consistent and most importantly fun. It has 5 standard difficulty levels and 16 chapters. I expect you could rush through it in about 12 hours but that would be doing the game an injustice.As I said its Visually impressive, well written, solid gameplay and great fun. There is a lot of humour to be seen too if you take time to look around too. The only thing that feels a little old is that you actually have to press a button to pick things up (like health, ammo, armour etc) instead of the more modern way of automatically picking things up you run over but this is a minor problem. It may not be totally revolutionary but what it does, it does well so fans of the genre will not be disappointed.
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Before i go into the game i would like to add a short back story on why i love it so much. I have always been a Resident Evil fan (video games) ever since Resident evil directors cut came out and beyond. I also enjoyed many other horror survival RPG's, in fact they are my fav class of video game. Ok enough about Me!!! Here it is, what makes "The Evil Within" Such a bad ass title for any system in the RPG survival horror class ? 1) The game's environment, it is a lot like Resident Evil but much more in the realm of insanity, but this is good insanity. The first time i play it i couldn't stop, because it jumped out at me with such realistic environments. 2) The Horror (this should have been 1),If you enjoy scary movies and very scary games, then this is your baby right here, they don't rely on jump scares to cause terror... trust me on that.The first time i played it i was like "well seems kinda scary but where's this so called great horror and terror at ?" Well after awhile later i changed my tune to "Omg, get me outta here i'm gonna die from FEAR!!!!" as some giant juggernaut of a beast wielding an Axe came at me.Oh and Axes, Traps, Monsters, tricks are not the only thing you should be worried about, they have the legendary chainsaw wielding beast in this game too!!!! But as you play reality also plays on your mind, you will meet things you could never imagine ever to exist.3) Customize !!!!! Yes this is soooo important to me as a gamer of horror RPGs i love to have control over my player then just walking around with something with zero choices. In The Evil Within you will have the chance(s) to customize your player in all sorts of amazing ways, which to me just made a great game even better.Well i like to keep these short so here is my last words on the game.If you have not had a chance to watch this game or play it i would suggest you give it a try, however if you did just run out and buy it anyways i don't think it would matter since you will love it. I give this game a 9.2 out of 10Well hope this helped, if it did why not thumbs it up for me because it did take time to write it for Amazon, and i don't get paid for writing these things.
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I’ve seen a few reviews of Wolfenstein: The New Order and some are actually a little off putting. But 8 hours + into the game I can confirm these are way off the mark. Wolfenstein (for me anyway) has been a blast and a very enjoyable experience from the start.A lot of people have said it’s old hat and that the graphics don’t represent what they want/expect from a next gen shooter - But when it’s done as well as this, then really I don’t see the problem.A few things that did surprise me is the depth of the characters. You end up feeling for the main protagonist and his side kicks in a way I just didn‘t expect from a Wolfenstein title.For every insane thing Blazkowicz does is followed by an emotional human touch or tender moment between characters.Blazkowicz is more then just a jarhead Nazi killing juggernaut. They have added a level of humanity.Some of his foes are scary as hell. Frau Engel for me being the scariest of them all.The alternate 60s world now dominated by the Nazi’s is well portrayed and the little Easter Eggs are fantastic (I personally love finding the old records)The game also poses some serious questions on this alternate world. Newspaper clips for the most post a positive light on the Nazi regime and comment on lower crime rates, less murders and prosperity for the conquered countries - But of course in the game you also see the harrowing crimes committed by the Nazi’s with death camps and the industrial size extermination of PoWs.The gun mechanics are tight, the variation from gun running to stealth is very welcome and adds to the whole experience.I thought the game screamed Half Life - The regeneration packs on the walls, the level design and even the story it’s self is not a million miles away from Half Life 2.I really think fans of the Half Life franchise will love this game and it certainly has replay value for those who like to collect all the collectables and discover all of the secret areas.Well worth the money even without a multiplayer or additional game modes.
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This game is absolutely fantastic: the pure unadulterated survival horror that many of us have been waiting over a decade for. Resident Evil 4 minus the campy elements, improved game mechanics a la The Last of Us, bizarre interdimensional/psychological time-space shifts reminiscent of Silent Hill, and some aesthetic nods to all of the aforementioned as well as some Hellraiser for good measure, The Evil Within draws from a variety of horror classics but synthesizes them all into a coherent package all its own.The overwhelming trend among the negative reviews seems to be a complete misunderstanding of what survival horror is all about. The game is difficult on purpose,not to be frustrating for no reason or because of shoddy controls. If the game were too easy, the tension and terror would immediately be undermined, as we could all just move on our merry ways without having to feel the danger and hopelessness of our protagonist Sebastian Castellanos. Having to reload over and over again until you finally scrape by with barely any health or ammo left is precisely the experience survival horror fans want, and The Evil Within delivers. If you misapply the convention of a FPS to this game, yes, you will be frustrated, because you are coming at it with completely the wrong mindset.The controls actually work better than any other survival horror game I've ever played; there just happens to be a learning curve, and if you are used to instant gratification and playing as super-heroically agile and powerful character, it will feel like a big come down to not be able to mow your way through waves of enemies without even breaking a sweat.I may add more to this review later, but for now, I have to get back to this new favorite of 2014. After honing my combat approach and resource management in order to survive my encounter with the dreaded Boxman (an encounter so intense it's all I can think about a day later) I'm very much addicted to The Evil Within.
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