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For Warhammer 40000: Fire Warrior (PS2), 34 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.9.

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While the PS2 barely manages to compete with PC's (and at least one XBox game) for first person shooters, it's hardly an uncrowded field, with Bounty Hunter, the excellent TimeSplitters2 and the like all garnering some level of success. Warhammer 40K: Fire Warrior manages to place itself somewhere near the top of the pile. Based on some tabletop RPG of which I am glad to say I have absolutely no experience, the story tells of a future human Imperium hell-bent on starting religous wars with every alien species it can find, including the player's character, a Tau. The plot meanders through some fairly predictable twists and turns before morphing into some bizarre Dante-esque hell levels for little or no apparent reason than the produce lots of things to shoot at.Thankfully, the shooting is good - a solid graphics engine generates some marvellous lighting and transparency effects, and, with only the occassional drop in frame rates, manages to do something that few other FPS's seem to be able to manage - that is, to clip the surroundings properly. Not once did I find myself sniping around the edge of an obstacle, only to waste ammo because the engine deicided part of the object was invisible. Kudos to Kuju for that. They also deserve credit for the excellent voice acting and cut scenes. Still, it's not perfect. Some parts are very tough - I found myself repeating two sections at least 5 times, which, whilst nowhere near as bad as early reviews suggested (presumably Kujo added more checkpoints to the retail version), is still a little annoying. It's also fairly short, and the graphics, whilst good, do get samey after a while. Once you add in the multiplayer and online support, though, this is a solid FPS thatr is recommended even at full price, even the slightly-cheaper versions you can get now.
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Due to the lack of reviews on this game, I felt like I was taking a giant leap of faith in purchasing this game. I'd seen the demo and thought it was OK, nothing special but it looked like it had potential...After playing it for a few days I can honestly say that it's a great game, the graphics are slick, the gameplay is good and the art/design/architecture of some of the areas is fantastic (plenty of bits like the map room in Halo, you have to stop for a second just to have a proper look), all in all very nice.The AI is pretty good (if a little scripted), and you do have to concentrate later on in the game to stay alive. This combined with a regenerating shield and only being able to carry two weapons (Similar to Halo)adds an element of strategy to every battle (go in hard, back off, re-charge, re-load and go back into battle, for the most part).In fact the only thing I'd say against this game is that I've only sat down and played it a few hours and I'm more than half the way through the game, which suggests that it may be a little on the short side (I'd estimate about 8hrs or so), still the amount of quality packed into those 8hrs makes up for the games duration and I imagine the Online Play will add to it's longevity, although it’s a crying shame you can't practice multiplayer against Bots.So to sum it up:If you’re looking for a decent but short FPS that doesn’t stray away from convention, has plenty of eye candy and slick gameplay, go for it ! Oh and not forgetting that it has Online play too.
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I've read many reviews for this game, and noted that many people thought it was 'the worst FPS of all time'. How could those people be so ignorant? I'll rate this game on it's different stages:STORY - 10/10The story is brilliant. I won't give it away, but it revolves around a war with someone, then a truce between you as you fight a greater foe.GRAPHICS - 7/10The graphics are standard PS2 graphics. They are not bad, but they are not extraordinary.GAMEPLAY - 10/10Admittedely, the game mostly revolves about being on a ship, planet or prison of some sort, and just going around shooting people. But this is not bad. There are a variety of different foes, some easier to kill with certain firearms than others.The hardest enemy to kill (in my opinion) is the Chaos Marine. The gameplay also features a Halo-style feature of having to think logically about what weaopns to use. In every lavel, you are given a primary weapon that you have to keep and cannot discard. You then, however, can find more weapons (like laser rifles, shotguns, sniper rifles, etc.). You can only hold one secondary weapon at a time, meaning that you have to think carefully about what weapons you use.All in all, I will be so bold as to say this is the equivelent of Halo on PS2, although it is not as good as Halo. BUT IT IS STILL BRILLIANT!!!
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When I first read that a game based of Warhammer 40,000 was being released 18 months ago, i was so excited. I collected fire warriors which made it more worthwhile to purchase, and when i did, i wasn't disappointed. This game is a cracker. it's fast paced, with great graphics, and really gives you an atmospereic viewpoint on how Warhammer wars are really fought on the battle field. The game allows you to take control of Kais, who is a fire warrior, and you will progress through over 20 challenging levels of the story, with an array of weapons available. The one player mode is incredible, and will not let you down.One problem is that the multiplayer mode doesn't vary much, with lack of choice in most departments.Although online play can solve this problem, i don't have it, which is a downer! However, games like Timesplitters 2 help solve that problem. This game's focus is that of the one player, which excels greatly. this may not be a multiplayer game, but for fps lovers, it's great. All in all, its an incredibly fast game, with great sounds, graphics and a great games engine, which will attract all gamers, and not just Warhammer fans!!!
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One thing you cannot say about this game is that it's too easy. People who say that must be super-human because this game is extremely difficult to complete! You certainly get your moneys worth here... the game sprawls out on an epic scale across many levels, with a decent plot, huge variety of weapons and enemies and a brilliant future-goth atmosphere. The graphics are very good indeed. There are moments during play that are genuinely scary. But there are also moments that are frustrating (eg. walking round for ages trying to find a damn button to open a door), and moments that are insanely difficult (trying to destroy an obliterator which pummels you continually with machine gun fire).The sound effects are a brilliant aspect of this game, some great ambience and menacing voices can be found on the later levels. (Look out for Tom Baker's voiceover parts!). The cut scenes are pretty good too, although there's not many of them.This game will keep you busy for months. But you need to be determined with it.
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Games workshop's long awaited and most recent shot at bringing those little plastic models to life, is a cosmos away from their last fairly floored attempt.The action is first person shoot'em up style, and yes it has all been done before, however the intriguing thing about fire warrior is the background which you can get to accompanies the game. Simon Spurrier has written a 400 page novel called "Fire Warrior" published by the Black Library, G W's companion publishers. You can buy, paint and enact the battles and fully immerse yourself in the "Codex" (rulebook). Then to top it all you can play the game and see it all come to life in full gory detail, before you very eyes.Its a heart pumping ear pounding senses jerking realisation of that movie you had in your head when you played the game or read the book.Could this be the next game after Resident Evil to hit the big screens? I for one hope so.J Butterfield
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In the dim and distant future i used to play the tabletop versions of GW games so was interested to see how it ported onto the PS2 and was looking forward to blasting those space marines to bits and i wasnt dissapointed.Not being a huge FPS fan i was pleasantly suprised that the controls were easy to pick up n flowed smoothly wich coupled with some nice graphics really added to the atmosphere. The later Chaos missions really get the heart pumping!This game comes the closest to conjuring up the warhammer 40k universe in digital form as any i have played- reminscent of the old space hulk PC games (albeit with much better graphics)I would heartily recommend this to any fans of FPS' or GW games.Cant wait to try it out online! Until Dawn of war comes out this should satisfy even the most ardent GW fanboy n total novice alike.
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Haveing been a 40k player for yrs i decided to buy this game, although being a dedicated imperial player it does go against the grain to fight with the Tau instead of killing them lol!My exspectations about the game were high being a fan of warhammer, and they fortunatly were forfilled, the graphics were quite godd (for a ps2 game) and i have normally found that fps games on the ps2 are rather hard to handle and best left to the Xbox, but as soon as i picked up the controler the movment and shotting flowed. The stroy line isn't to bad and although i have to fight against the imperium u can at least play as one of them in the multi player options.over all i think this is an excelent game for anyone to buy,and if you are a fan of warhammer 40k u'll get even more out of it.
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Well the graphics aren't in the same league, but this is pretty much Halo for the PS2 - the best FPS in a very long time, much better than Red Faction and even the great Medal of Honor. Plus it's got beardy mead-swilling hero Brian Blessed adding his booming vocal talents and even better, Burt Kwouk (Cato from the Pink Panther, and close friend of Harry Hill) providing your heads-up info. It's good clean family fun with big guns and atmospheric sets, and a great storyline as things go from bad to worse. You thought Gordon Freeman from Half-Life had a bad day? You ain't seen nothing yet...Those people who like the little metal figures will go gaga for this game, but it's great for the non-initiated like me too.I strongly recommend it.
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Imagine Medal of Honour, but taken several thousand steps further, you then have fire warrior.Any fans of the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game will recognise a lot of features amongst the levels and will probably also appreciate the effects of this games stunning armoury, from the rapid lasgun to the lethal pulse carbine.The graphics are truly stunning from the moment you set foot on the Tau star cruiser to the very end.As well as having a breathtaking, quick-paced single player option, you can always thrash your mates in the multiplayer game, a lot of fun guaranteed.All in all, an excellent game,which you should be out buying instead of wasting time reading this review!!FOR THE GREATER GOOD!
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what can I say? excellent game. it's not the best FPS i've ever played, goldeneye has that crown, but it's certainly no where near a bad game. I bought this about a year ago, and lost it. a case of you don't know what you got till it's gone. I was gutted. But then I found it again! Yay! Graphics and game play are amazing. Excellent weaponry, but sometimes hard to tell if an enemy is dying or if you are hitting them, but you soon get used to the way the game handles. excellent scenary and background, certainly adds to the experience. never experienced online multiplayer as there doesn't appear to be a server anymore. gutted! but multiplayer is pretty cool.should keep you busy for a long time!
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I was a little hesitant at first but on the recommendation from a friend I bought the game and at £25.99 delivered I thought what the hell. Having nearly completed the game (I think) I have to say this is one of the best FPS games I have played on the PS2. If you are a Games workshop/Warhammer 40,000 fan you will love it!. Decent but not to complicated story line, not too easy that its a walk through, impressive level backdrops and cut scenes. Pity you can't choose to be a space marine, although you might be able to in the multiplay function?Overall top game.


Ive been waiting for this game for 40 thousand years (chuckle)Once i had ordered the game i couldnt sleep- i was extatic with excitement.i was so happy when i saw postman i nearly wet myself. I rang up all 2 of my mates and they pranced round immediately. Before they had got round i was already playing online. It was brill. If you like warhammer as much as me this is a must. If you dont buy it ill come round to your house and chop off your head with a broadsword. Moi ha ha.-like Russel Crowe in the epic feature film gladiator.happy gamin' folks


Fire Worrior is the most amazing game that i have ever played, packed full of wicked weapons and deataled characters and fierce enemys, Fire Worrior (for all you Warhammer fans out there!) is the most infomation packed game of destruction and inferno that i have ever played- and trust me i've played alot!!


Everything about this was awesome, the only problem I had was ingane, second to last level you come across loads of bridge platf9rms going down and on every single one was a space marine with rocket launchers and its so damn annoying lol.

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