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After hearing good things about Sands of Time, I dutifully got Warrior Within for Christmas. What can I say? Whilst exceeding my greatest expectations, it SOMEHOW manages to simultaneously disappoint me.Let me break things down a bit. Graphically, Warrior Within makes Sands of Time, already a beautiful-looking game, look basic. I kid you not. It's reached the point where the video sequences (accessible from the Start menu) equal those of Halo 2, with none of that game's flicker or pop-up. The in-game graphics look more like Sands of Time's video sequences did! 10/10.The combat system has been given an overhaul to the point where there are moves to the nth degree that you can perform on enemies(interaction with environment was a particular plus - hurling enemies off the edge of extremely high cliffs, slow-motion spinning pole slices and performing an Angel Drop from vertical wall run are my favourites), and the repetition of combat which troubled Sands of Time is largely gone.However, fights can be frustrating when surrounded by enemies, especially when they start doing unblockable combos and you have no sand left. Admittedly, there is nothing - NOTHING - as satisfying as vaulting over a cocky Sand Warrior who just did an unblockable attack, grabbing him from behind in a stranglehold, listening to the pleasant sound of his neck splintering as he struggles for air, releasing him, shoving both blades in his back, removing them, swinging them and watching his head float away in slo-mo as clouds of blood billow from his neck.The combat is really the least troublesome area of the game. The thing that will really get you in an apocalyptic, hurling-the-joypad-through-the-screen fury is the platforming. Evidently, someone forgot to tell the level designers this; if you're going to painfully raise the difficulty level of the game, THE PLAYER'S CHARACTER NEEDS TO BE GIVEN NEW ABILITIES TOO, TO COPE PROPERLY. The new platforming features include rather snazzy rope-assisted wall-running and riding down curtains with your sword, but they sadly can't help you cope with the difficult parts of the platforming. When you start the game, you only have limited sand, with the result that if you use any to help in fights, you risk not being able to rewind when you plummet to your death yet again while platforming. It's a real shame that wretched faults like this were allowed to exist in what could have been a 99.99% title. For this reason, I give it four stars (just my opinion).What I'm trying to say is this: buy it, buy it for its graphic beauty, full storyline, hours of playing time, savage combat, dark Eastern dungeons and heavy metal soundtrack (if you're into that sort of thing). The Prince, sadly, adopts the sinister rasp of an American trying to sound English (or an Englishman trying to sound American - I can't tell which). A shame, I preferred his slightly camp college-boy tones from SoT.Buy it - but please for your own good, prepare yourself for screaming rage as, through no fault of your own, the blood-splattered 'GAME OVER' screen smirks malevolently at you over... and over... and over... again.
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Prince of Persia WW is by far one of the best games ever created and on the PS2. San Andreas comes close but for me WW is better. The Storyline is fantastic and will keep you emerged, the graphics are absolutely breathtaking, just going through the game and seeing the environments and scenery you will be amazed. It just shows how much time effort and creativity were spent making it. The fighting is excellent you can do loads of different moves and destroy your enemies much better than POP1 and not that much worse than POP3.I first heard of POP Sands of time but didnt pay much attention to it and when WW came out and got the IGN rating of 10/10 i had to buy it especially after being into Onimusha and Devil May Cry.To be honest when i 1st put it in i didnt like it, i didnt get past the first boss and just left it. But i thought if it got 10/10 it must be special so i persevered. I beat the first boss and went through the game and was impressed. The Dahaka chase sequences are excellent and requires fast thinking. And the puzzles are amazing and cant be compared to any game. Onimushas are too fake and dont fit in with the game, WW have to do with the game and, God of Wars are good but arnt as puzzling, u really have to think n WW but thats good.When i finished the game i sold it but bought it like a yr after just to complete it again and take the platinum copy and it still remains the only game i completed twice. I suppose what everyone loves is the ancient world of Babylon left for you to explore and the free running or acrobatic movements the Prince has at its disposal. I compare every adventure game i get to this, the only one thats come even close is God of War, Onimusha, and DMC but POP still shines the brightest. I respect Ubisofts Canada Montreal Studios after this and im waiting to see if Assassins Creed is any goo. Buy this game.
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This game is unbelievable, it really demands respect, this isn't a game you complete in 2-3 days cos its HUGH. Just when I thought I beat the game by defeating the Empress of Time I find out the Dahaka is still after me. The Dahaka is an intesting thing, its like Nemesis from Resident evil except if you go ANYWHERE near it it sucks you in its stomach using its tentacles (not as gory as it sounds), meaning you don't just hack your way through everything, you gotta RUN too! After dying countless times you have to master the path you need to go to escape the Dahaka, having said that this is not an easy game but as in the last game you have the sands of time, you can reverse time, slow it,and use it for devestating special moves (you get all this as the game progresses). The graphics are lush and the lighting is brilliant, it does have a dark feel but not in the scary sense, more like making the Prince a badass however after he meets the Dahaka that badass image flushes itself. I love this game and I'm still playing it, I paid £32.99 and its worth every penny. One thing though I have to add is you do go back and forth certain areas but anyone whos played the first would be familiar with this, but whats interesting is you use portals to go into the past or the future so the areas looks really different, its rather quite clever. I say get this game but don't expect an easy ride at all!
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I bought this game the other day, and started playing it. At first, i couldnt say that i was impressed, it puts you straight into the action, and your not quite sure what your doing.But, my first impressions were wrong. Very wrong. It is the best game i have ever played!!!!!There are small tutorials which come up at the bottom of the screen, which let you know exactly what to do.The moves that you can do as the prince, are exceptional! You can leap over enemies, and slice off their heads (kinda gross, but really effective and cool), along with loads and loads of other moves.The time slowing, and re-winding feature is cool, as when you jump off a cliff by accident, for example, you just zoom back time,and watch your step.The puzzles in the game are good, however the checkpoints arent as often as they could be (i've found myself dead, and have to do 10 minutes of fighting/puzzle solving again).The time portals are cool, you go back to the same place, just a few hundred years in the past, which means some of the stairs that may of collapsed are now there.Overall, i'd say its a great game, which will make you think (thankfully not too hard though :P )Buy it as soon as you can!!!
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I bought this game the other day, and started playing it. At first, i couldnt say that i was impressed, it puts you straight into the action, and your not quite sure what your doing.But, my first impressions were wrong. Very wrong. It is the best game i have ever played!!!!!There are small tutorials which come up at the bottom of the screen, which let you know exactly what to do.The moves that you can do as the prince, are exceptional! You can leap over enemies, and slice off their heads (kinda gross, but really effective and cool).The time slowing, and re-winding feature is cool, as when you jump off a cliff by accident, for example, you just zoom back time, and watch your step.The puzzles in the game are good,however the checkpoints arent as often as they could be (i've found myself dead, and have to do 10 minutes of fighting/puzzle solving again).The time portals are cool, you go back to the same place, just a few hundred years in the past, which means some of the stairs that may of collapsed are now there.Overall, i'd say its a great game, which will make you think (thankfully not too hard though :P )Buy it as soon as you can!!!
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Where do I begin? Let's face it, the first game (Sands of Time), was a bit of a let-down in many aspects. First, the way that any person (even me!) can complete up to 65% in one day. I completed the last 55% in about 2 1/2 hours. And don't get me started on the way even the coolest moves got f**k boring.But this is different. New moves (spinnning round poles slicing as you go, throwing enemies around, over a railing for example, and many more)are to say the least, fun. There are bosses (a necessity in a video game), and the first one is in your first fight! Ability to steal your enemies weapons, throw the weapons you steal e.c.t. My point is, take The Sands of Time, (a great game, overall,despite my critical attitude at the beginning of this review), and add many cool moves, new weapons, new abilities, and more of what I call "Prince of Persia-ing", i.e. wall-running in your attacks, with a loud soundtrack to add to the atmosphere, and you have Prince of Persia : Warrior Within.The more people who buy this game, the more chance of a #3, so please, get this amazing game.! Get the demo if you don't believe me!
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What can one say regrding this game? well for those who have played the previous title, they will know it was Phat, a great conversion to a next gen consle from those 2D days. the main complaint most expressed was the poor and overly simplisic fighting. Will our freinds at Ubi Soft listened and went right to work.First off the graphics on this baby are just as sick as the previous title, amazing arenas, some clever ideas in use, and the bad guys are now very diffrent than the variations of one character as there was before. good replay value, and the combat is simply awsome, even you Virtual Fighter freaks will be happy. Nice use of partical effects, and as always looks great,the lighting effects impressive as always, and the slowing down of time and blue effects are impressive no matter how amytimes you have seen them. It would have got 5 Stars if the soundtrack was better. And the blood stained, but thats minor, the Music is not very good in my estimation.other than that, A vast improvement over the last game, if you do't already own a copy, you should!! ORDER IT NOW
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Warrior Within marks an eveolution in the PoP series. Not entirely dissimilar from the original but with a heap load of extra moves.A more gothic setting this time, the prince steals ideas from Tomb Raider and God of War. We still have the sand, the fountains, the healthy water. But this time we can do combo's and upgrade weapons and stuff. None of which make life any better.Still a linear game we get to hack, slash, clamber and climb, run along walls and hang off things. The controls may be straight forward but the need to do combo's turns the game into a button basher. Not helped by the camera that can only be controlled on occassion and context sensitive moves. All in it makes the game awkward to control,especially in a melee.The graphics are very good especially if you turn on progressive scan. The rock music sucks and doesn't work. Turn it off and there is virtually no sound at all.Overall, a decent game made frustrating by the controls. A simpler control layout would have worked much better.
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The words above are spoken by a wise old man in Babylon. The prince of persia is back and boy is he pissed he's being chased by the immortal guardian of fate the Dahaka. In a last attempt to save his skin the prince has travelled to the island of time. With a new fighting the system, i believe the best close combat one ever made and a new location,prince and enemies this is a stand alone game in it's own right. When i said a new prince that's what it feels like an angry cruel barbarian no the nice brave warrior from the sands of time but thankfully not all the old character is gone, i think he will revert back to type in the nex game. The new combat!What can i say a selection of easy to use and learn combos means you'll be decapitating, slicing throwing and impaling enemies in the coolest fashion possible before you know it. This is an amazing game if there is one the sequel will be fantastic. DON'T MISS OUT ANY ACTION LOVER NEEDS THIS GAME!!!
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Years ago I have played the early PC versions of Prince of Persia and Prince of Persia 2 and I thought they were brilliant games at that time, for their time.Well, gaming and game development have come a long time since then and so has the Prince, trading in his pantaloons and single handed scimitar for proper body armor, twin scimitars and fantastic acrobatic skills.Warrior within continues the story from Sands of Time. The Prince has unleashed the Sands of Time and now he is pursued by a monster of time, called the Dahaka. The Dahaka literally devours everything in its path, so a sword is no good here. The only option for the prince is to run. To escape his fate,the prince decides that he must travel to the past to destroy the Empress of Time, thus preventing the Sands of Time from being created, but can a man change his fate? You'll have to buy the game and see.
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You may have heard some bad reviews for this game. Forget everything you've read because this game is as good as the original. It's tough! The first game was great but easy. This game is a challenge. It plays as good as the first game, requiring skill, thought and bravery. The combat has been improved 100%. True, the rock soundtrack is a bit different, but it only 'rocks' when you have a fight, the rest of the time you're treated to atmospheric, ephemeral sounds - nice.I'd say the people who shelved this game after 10 minutes simply couldn't beat the first boss. True, it's a tough fight and it's you're very first fight - but beat here and the game opens up into an experience equal to the first game,and perhaps 4 times bigger as well. Ignore the people who poo poo this game and try it out.
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Although not as consistent and instantly appealing as its predecessor (Prince of Persia - The Sands of Time), Warrior Within is definitely a worthy sequel. The game is darker and meaner, with superior combat-action and some of the funkiest platforming around. A few potential drawbacks to keep in mind:-Music, battlecries and some of the female characters' fashion-sense is in... questionable taste.-Forums around the Net report of frequent glitches. I didn't experience any, but to be safe, just save on a few different files and you'll have a ball.Apart from that the game should be a safe bet for anyone with a healthy interest in digital wall-running, ledge-grasping, sword-wielding,time-manipulating demon slayage. Thumbs up!
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its a brilliant game with lots of fighting, insane jumps and a massive map which you will get lost in (i did) . with awesome finishers including :. floor stabs.decapitating knife throws.and devastating body slicesall with blood funny yet not realistic and sand refills. one of the best things about the game is its ability to travel back in time using the sands. when out of health or failing a jump press R1 and you will travel back in time. the only downside to the sequel is that you don't get sand when you kill a enemy every time but each time you save you recharge the princes health best game iv played :]


This is a very intense game with many special moves and combos this make the game even harder by trying to perfect each and everyone of the combo's but the more and more you try the more you unlock.I would definately give the game 10/10 as gameplay,graphics and storyline are brilliant couldn't think of a single way to make the game better.And a darker prince seems to make the game more violent and vengeful.I would definately advise people to buy the game although you can buy the game for £20 out of shops such as tesco and woolworth (bit of advertising) BUY IT GREAT GAME!


This truly is an awesome game. From the moment you start playing you become engrossed in its dark and mysterious atmosphere. The graphics are fantastic as you envelope the Prince in the lush surroundings. There are some amazing moves that the Prince can perform and you actually get to build on the fighting moves within the game. This game definately has an adult feel to it as you have some difficult puzzles to unravel and gory battles to wade through. An excellent game although I feel there may be little replay value once completed.

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