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For Trumpeter USS Hancock CV-19 (5610), 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.

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To start off, this is my ninth 1/350 kit of the year so far. Or rather, the Hancock and Ticonderoga are the ninth and tenth 1/350 kits of the year. I group them together here because they are essentially the same kit, which I knew when purchasing. I wanted to build two large late WW2 American carriers as a counterpoint to the Lexington and Saratoga I already completed. I wish I hadn't.The model is simply defective. Firstly, the main hull needs the bow section to be glued on. No problem there, apart from the fact that if just glued in place it is several millimeters too short. If you don't read reviews online prior to building, which I don't, you won't realise that this is how the kit is produced.Instead of gluing the bow in place, you need to attach the hull to the main body of the ship and only then can you judge just how far away the bow needs to be put. If you don't, all the parts that are glued onto the bow, including the flight deck just won't fit.If that was the only issue. it wouldn't be too bad, but certain parts have to be left off in order for others to fit and the general fit of the parts is poor. Some are too long, others too short while others are badly designed. It reminds me very much of the Airfix 1/24 Fw190. It looks good in the box, has some nice details but isn't great to build. This is why I mentioned how many kits I've built this year alone, because I'm not a modeler who is put off by this scale of ship or by putting the effort in.No, what I object to are kits which are sold at high prices being designed from the beginning as defective. There's a difference between a difficult kit and a defective kit. The USS Texas, with it's many photo etched parts was tough but rewarding. The Hancock and Ticonderoga are just poor kits that shouldn't have been released in this condition. As a rule of thumb, any kit where you have to read reviews on how to correct the fit of defective parts because they aren't long enough to allow others to fit isn't one fit for purpose.I'll finish by saying this; why are model makers the only people who it is acceptable to sell a product to which is defective? Anything else would be sent back for a refund, but once you've started gluing the kit together and find it is faulty, through no fault of your own, you're stuck with it. Worse still, this isn't a kit designed in the 1970s, as with the FW190 I mentioned, this was a kit brought out in 2013.Really not worth the money and having bought both versions of this model I have to wonder how many other Trumpeter kits aren't as good as they should be.
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