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For Trumpeter USS Saratoga (5607), 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.

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Having just finished the Lexington, I kicked off the Saratoga in a similar fashion. The build is pretty simple, although some of the boat dock bays cause the very narrow strip of the hull that hold them to warp slightly. There's also the matter of filling the gap between keel and hull, but nothing that is unusual. However, to glue the lifts in the lowered position, you need to have that finished prior to joining the deck to the hull, (again filling) and it's here that a problem arisesThe Lexington deck has no decals, but the Saratoga does, and when you place them beside the parts they need to fit on you discover they simply aren't big enough. It's as though someone included decals at 1/450 scale to cover a 1/350 scale ship.This leads to lots of laborious masking and painting that could've been avoided if the decals hasn't been faulty. As it is, the markings are laid out on the deck, so at least there's a guide, but faulty decals that are just too small is a fault in production. Given that, I assume the aircraft markings will be too small too.Models aren't cheap, and supplying goods which are defective is unacceptable. Otherwise this, like the Lexington, is a pretty good model of an important ship.
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