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For De Buyer Force Blue Frying Pan 36 cm, 22 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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If you love cooking but have never cooked with carbon steel or cast iron, please please do invest in one. I personally would go for the carbon steel first because they're not as heavy as cast iron but it's a personal preference. I find this great as a skillet and as a wok. It heats up so quickly on my hotplate and it cooks meat so differently to non stick pans. For the first time, I find stir fries so speedy that I have to make sure I have all my ingredients at hand unlike before where I will be chopping as the food is cooking.My first seasoning didn't go well because I chose to ignore the manual and decided to follow the many layers method which took me almost the entire day instead.My pan did develop a glowing black patina and I was confident I had my non stick pan. I was horrified when I came to fry my steak, the patina kept peeling and my steak was just peppered with black flecks! Since I couldn't be bothered stripping it all down and starting all over again, I just used steel chain mail to brush the pan in hot water and remove as much of the black patina, heat it up on the stove, and then just rub it all over with rapeseed oil. Not expecting much after that disastrous start, I was amazed that it cooks so beautifully after that. Steaks sears so easily , fried eggs and omelettes glides on it and stir fries including fried rice are a joy to cook. It may not be much to look at, some may even say it's ugly, but I've come to love it's ever changing patina and scars after each session.I chose Force Blue (2mm) mainly for its lighter weight compared to the heavier gauge Mineral B and Carbone plus. I already own a Demayere stainless steel skillet which I use for all acidic cooking and it weighs a ton. And 28mm just about fit in my Aga oven as well and it does not warp in the roasting oven nor on my boiling plate.As for maintenance, this pan is literally indestructible. Only 3 rules:1. Avoid cooking acidic food such as curry, ketchup based sauce...leave that to stainless steel.2. Do not wash with soap. Just hot water and scrub with chain mail or any pot brush. Coconut brush is very effective.3. Wipe it dry and heat it up until you can see heat rises. Pour few drops of oil and wipe well with kitchen paper ( be careful!) and heat it again until it starts to smoke. Let it cool before storing it.Update Nov 2020:Decided to strip down the patina completely after years of seasoning build up caused my sides to season unevenly. It could also be due to the initial stages, I treated my pan more gingerly, not scrubbing as much as I should to keep the surface smooth. Tried my chain mail, but didn't work, and it was only when I used my wire brush, hot water and elbow grease, that the black flakes start coming off. Probably took me more than 30 minutes to strip it down completely. And when I was satisfied that all the black coatings near the rim had been removed, I used coarse salt and sand paper to smooth it down. This was the only time I used a little diluted detergent to give it a good swirl and remove all grime.Re-seasoning the pan is just as how you would do normally ( see #3 above). Using it after, I noticed an immediate improvement to the heat distribution. This time, I will definitely make sure to take the brush to my skillet after cooking to ensure my sides do not build up an uneven patina again.
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Probably the best pan I've ever bought, and for less than many budget pans. I bought the 36cm frying pan, and have been using it for...pretty much everything since. My first ever job was pot washing in a restaurant and the build quality and heft of the thing reminds me of the pans I dealt with back then.It is a big hunk of metal, taking up loads of room on the hob. But the space inside it makes for a generous cooking - you can fry a fair few eggs at the same time, not just one or two. And, in use its fantastic. The (very long) handle doesn't ever seem to get that hot, but the pan itself can reach very high temperatures for searing when needed,and otherwise seems to work pretty responsively over a gas fire.In terms of clean up it is very much a non-stick pan, albeit not the sort you are used to. Over the first few uses, oil polymerises in the heat and forms a natural non-stick coating on the pan which is every bit as good if not better (and certainly tougher) than the soft teflon coatings we get (irresponsibly) marketed to us as suitable coatings for frying pans. And if it gets washed or scraped off, it just reforms again over time.Wash up is only ever with hot water immediately after a cook, you don't need to do any more (if it gets a bit smelly, you fill the base with a load of salt, turn the gas on high and burn it away).There are only a few cons to the pan. First of all, its so good, I'm finding myself frying a lot more. Secondly, the size of the pan and length of the handle make it a bit of a challenge to put away in small kitchen cupboards. Make sure you've got space! or leave it out on your range...Its one of the cheapest frying pans I've ever bought but also one of the best. In fact, having found it, its probably the last frying pan I will ever have to buy.
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Having tried lots of costly hi tech non stick frying pans only to be eventually disappointed by all of them I thought I'd give these a try.I have to say that I really do think they're fab. Being probably the cheapest pan I've tried they don't come with a non stick surface but instead require you to initially season the pan by slowly heating ground nut oil which over time blackens the pans surface.With continued use these pans further develop this seasoned coating and consequently improves the pans non stick performance. These pans actually improve with usage!Things to bear in mind are that the handles do get hot and you really shouldn't wash them in a dishwasher as this would degrade theseasoned surface that you have lovingly developed.But on the other hand they are really easy to wash under a running hot tap with just the smallest amount of washing up liquid and a sponge. No scrubbing needed!Very nice to cook with and very robust. Highly recommended.
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This is an absolutely superb pan - all the advantages of cast iron, but much less weight. I have had this for 5 months now, and it has become my favourite saute pan ever.Steaks are fantastic - you can get the pan hot enough to give a glorious sear on the outside, without the meat overcooking, and as it is ovenproof you can cook thicker pieces of meat by searing then just putting the pan straight into a hot oven for 10 minutes or so. After seasoning, even eggs slide straight off the surface. Cleaning couldn't be easier - wipe out any bits of food residue. If anything has stuck, as it may occasionally do in the early days, then gentle scrubbing with a bit of water (no soap)will get it off - then heat the pan after drying it, and wipe with a little oil, to ensure that it doesn't rust.
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Brilliant pan, I will never buy a non stick again! O.K it requires a little more upkeep including seasoning the pan when new but you can use metal utensils with it and it stays nonstick. You also don't have to worry about the Teflon you might end up eating when the non stick coating inevitably starts to come off!


Not for the faint-hearted as needs proper seasoning and care but cooks beautifully and has the added advantage that if you are burgled one bash from this bad-boy will totally marmalise any intruder!


I have been looking for a frying pan to replace my much loved Left Creusset cast iron frying pan and finally I have . I only received my


I love this frying pan. It cooks well, is easy to clean and is a nice weight. Excellent quality and very well priced.


Sturdy, cooks very well.Easy to clean, just use very hot water and dry with tissue paper.


32cm is great size. Does what is suppose to do. Heat fast and food taste great.


Excellent. Prefer this middle weight to top of range


Nice Product for the price and arrived quickly


Great frying pan.. this is the 2nd one I own


Good tech for little price around Christmas


Trust De Buyer's quality.

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