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For Weleda Calendula Cream (75 ml), 761 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.7.

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Prior to this series of review samples I've been a 3 year devotee of Burts Bees Diaper Ointment , this or its fellow flavour in white mallow has actually earnt a repurchase alongside our favourite as it does things a little differently, but this is the stuff you need if you want to support the healing process rather than creating a thick barrier.Many baby bum creams are thick and unguent ointments resembling a clay paste of zinc oxide and oil (in many cases sadly mineral or petrolatum based) ideal for nappy rashes caused by wetness etc and many are without additional healing ingredients.This weleda cream is very different, it is a thinner cream, an emulsion rather than ointment as it uniquely has water in it,it's perfect for when the redness or soreness isn't caused by being damp for a while but by teething, drooling, rubbing against a seam, eczema or similar conditions where there is another cause for the irrtiation. It still includes zinc oxide which protects the delicate skin from getting more damaged by wetness but at a lesser focus as here the plant oils are more pronounced and instead support healing the skin through the traditional herbal healer calendula extract.This cream is not just great for nappy rash but for anything sore on an older child and even adults. it doesn't irritate, and is free from chemical preservatives it's ideal for babies' and sensitised skins, it slips on like a super silicone cream (yet has none) and absorbs pretty instantly leaving no clamminess, and no pasted bum feeling that can irritate as much as the rash and the cream just simply soothes, soothes, soothes.We've been particularly using this with my 3 year old daughter who has had some issues following an awful cold, she says this is lovely and doesn't make her feel sticky, and most importantly it's reducing the redness. My 6 month old is experiencing some redness not from nappy rash but due to popping her first teeth and this has taken care of that with little fuss too.This is a versatile product as it can be good for nappy rash caused by a multitude of reasons rather than just wetness and is healing rather than just coating through the ingredients added.Overall, I would repurchase this for my kit as an option for when it's not 'dampness' that has caused the irritation, or if a gentler but powerfully healing touch is required.
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I buy this cream for my children when they are very young-I used it for my daughter until she was about a year old and plan to use it for my second child until she’s at least 6 months old, when I use a more generic bum cream for an older and less sensitive bottom (if she is anything like her older sister in a few months that is).I know not everyone will be looking for something as gentle as this cream but my children have both been very sensitive in terms of creams and washes. I’ve found Waleda as a brand really good all round for providing a natural alternative to the usual chemical loaded mainstream products,it was recommended to me by a friend on Facebook and so I thought I should pay it forward to any new mums looking for a really gentle alternative!The cream is quite expensive but a little goes a long way. I usually keep a tube for bum related emergencies, like when my firstborn had quite an bad bout of gastro and I wanted to make sure nappy rash wasn’t an added discomfort to her!I also love that as a company Waleda is totally cruelty free, for me this is a huge bonus and will always be a factor in deciding which products to try or avoid.Overall this is something I use heavily for very young babies and probably a little less as time goes by just because of the cost of it, but I always have it in the cupboard! I highly recommend it.
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I bought this for sores under my breasts caused by my large droopy breasts resting against my skin as opposed to up in the air! I suffer from very severe night sweats so the combination of sweaty skin on skin contact has resulted in the red sores and red marks.The condition is really just like what causes nappy rash and is apparently quite common for large breasted menopausal women. I know from experience Calendula is a great little healer. This nappy cream has in just a couple of days reduced the sores and red rashes. I have also started using a deodrant under my breasts (as advised by doctor) and this combined with the Weleda Calendula nappy cream on top of the deodrant has had a remarkable effect.I am very pleased. I've also started wearing a cotton night bra in bed. I have also used it 'down below' for severe dryness and soreness caused by the menopause. It feels lovely on the skin and I would highly recommend it for those with sores caused by perspiration and skin on skin contact.It is advised not to use a deodrant on open sores. Wait till the Calendula cream has healed the sores then you can start using it on top of the deodrant.
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I adore Weleda products and the Calendula nappy cream is one of my favourite baby products. It comes in a slightly metallic tube similar to hand cream and don't be alarmed if it has a weird consistency when you first open/squeeze it. This is quite normal. A little bit of oil will dispense but keep squeezing and you will get a thick white cream similar to tooth paste. A little goes a long way. I do not apply this sparingly though and it doesn't matter if it leaves white marks everywhere you do not have to rub it in until it dissolves. It's a barrier cream and is designed to sit on the surface of the skin. I love to use this during bouts of nappy rash on the baby's bottom but you can also use it on yourself.It works wonders on dry skin. It has a very distinctive smell too which I love. It smells natural, fresh and not at all chemically like you would find with certain other high street brands. Weleda is a reputable organic brand and certified 100% natural. It can be used on very sensitive skin. You will not be disappointed.
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I am really pleased I tried this - it works as well as the old version of the Green People nappy balm pot I used for ages until they changed the formulation...then it just didn't work (it's also double the price of this cream!) so I looked around for something else & found Weleda. My little one often gets a sore bottom when her teeth come through &;it don't use anything other than water to clean her (& cloth/washable nappies too) but sometimes she would get very red. I only use this at the first sign of redness & within a few hours her bottom is back to normal &, the redness has gone/eased. I've also used it on a few sore patches of skin (mine) & it's helped to calm down my skin too so yes I highly recommend this cream &;Weleda as a brand.I've just began using the shampoo/body wash (natural) &,that's lovely, as is the fluoride free calendula toothpaste. They do lots of other potions & lotions & i'm so impressed that I'm going to try them! I also think this cream will last ages too. Give it a go!
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This Weleda cream is in an old fashioned metal tube which means that a little is wasted when the tube is discarded. Metal tubes shouldn't really be cut open as plastic tubes can be, and I wouldn't want to have a sharp edge anywhere near a baby or toddler.Having made that criticism, this is a top quality zinc oxide based nappy cream that also contains moisturising natural oils to help with dry skin. The tube is more hygenic to apply than a tub of cream, and it's easy to control the amount of cream dispensed.At 75ml it's reasonable value for money, particularly compared with some of the other products in the Weleda range. It doesn't have a foil cap and my cream had a little layer of oil at the top.However it also had a long use by date.It's pleasant to apply, not sticky and rubs in well, but is also an effective and healing barrier cream. Other than the old fashioned metal tube, nothing to dislike and a lot to like about this product. .
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This cream is one of the best out there for a babies bottom. It's fresh and clean smelling and comes across as a more natural product out there. It works with nappy rash and also day to day protection. It is my go to cream. I have tried several out there, but this one is my favourite. The only negatives I have come across with it (if I had to point any out) would be the fact that it is a screw on lid which obviously is slightly trickier to use mid-nappy change, whereas there are other creams on the market (Bepanthen) that have lids the flick open which you can do with one hand! Secondly, since the tube is made from a metal tube (which seems more environmentally friendly which a pro)- when you get towards the end of the tube, occasionally the tiniest amount of cream comes through splits in the tube but very minimal, but neither of these points concern me as the pros most definitely outweigh the cons. I love this cream.
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I had never heard of this nappy cream until now but was attracted to sampling because of its all natural ingredients. This is a non sticky effective barrier cream with healing properties.We have a little one in the family who is eight months old and have used it on his little bottom. A little really does go a very long way so a 75 ml tube is very very cost effective. We tried this over a period of three days on the little one's sore bottom , the redness and irritation has completely disappeared. Absolutely delighted with this product even more sore when you realise that there are absolutely no chemicals involved in the production of this cream.Absolutely delighted with this product and the threatened nappy rash is eliminated due to the successful application of this natural barrier cream.No hesitation at all in recommending and will most definitely be re-using, just delighted to have found it.
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My baby had a mild nappy rash (redness and a few spots) since she was a few days old. We used Bepanthen from the start and it didn't seem to be doing anything, in fact the rash started to get worse by the time she was 2 weeks old. We started using Sudocrem and it didn't get worse but also didn't get any better. After another week with no improvements I looked around for alternatives and I saw the great reviews for this Weleda nappy cream, so thought I'd give it a try.In a couple of days the rash had completely cleared, and a week later it still hasn't returned! I'm so happy and will definitely be purchasing again when I run out.It's a little on the pricey side compared to other creams but it's worth it because it actually works!Plus it's a 75ml tube and you only need a pea-sized amount so it'll last a while. Very happy!
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I have bought and used this cream many times before with my two little ones - it is light, quick to spread and absorb and smells lovely too. I think in the first months of life, when skin is so porous it is really important to use products that are as natural as possible, which is why I have tended to use Weleda or burts bees.This cream is a translucent, oily balm rather than what I would call a 'cream'. I use it for every day bottoms to keep them soft and moisturised, and have also used on my own dry elbows and knees. I did find that on the rare occasions my little ones did get a bit of nappy rash,that a thicker cream cleared it up faster (there is now a mallow ointment in this range which I think sits on the surface of the skin for longer so is a bit more of a barrier to wee as well as doing good for the skin)
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Wouldn't use anything else. Never seen a reaction to this. Some stays put in creases between nappy changes so may require a top up. Thick yet spreadable cream goes far and lasts a while so don't be put off by the size compared to a huge tub of the stuff beginning with S and ending in Crem. That won't let your precious baby's skin breathe and heal.Buy this cream for a happy baby. Just remember to squeeze from the end and slowly fold towards the spout as you go through it, otherwise the tube can split due to fatigue. This happened to me once and Weleda sent me a replacement directly. They said this is the best packaging to keep the contents fresh and safe from modern day packaging chemicals other companies use so always squeeze from the end (like toothpaste)when using.Enjoy your happy baby!
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This review is not for the sole purpose of nappy cream. I made my purchase based on the fact that it contains calendula..chamomile and zinc. I knew from simple spot clearing wipes that zinc was good for my spots and in the past ive used calendula and vitamin e cream. Chamomile in my opinion is better for myself than lavender so I thought Weleda Nappy cream has all ingredients I want for my breakouts on my chin. I was not wrong I could see results of reduced redness within 2 day of first application. Its quite thick and white so I only use it on my chin. Great product.I also have the mallow weleda nappy cream too that is not as thick and I get same effects but not as quick.Because its not as thick it can be used as a moisturiser also with benefits as above. Also a great product.
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The only cream that works for my little one. I've always used metanium and sudocrem without much luck but since they were always recommended I stuck with them. Until my 2yr old had bowel surgery to reverse an ileostomy. Her nappy rash was horrible. Sore, red and bleeding. Metanium wasn't working despite using all the time. Finally decided to try a different one and I came across this. I remember using the stretch mark oil when I was pregnant with my first and it worked so figured I'd give this a go. Withing days the nappy rash was starting to heal. And 2 weeks later she was absolutely fine. Not even a scar. I don't know what it was but this stuff worked wonders.I've now stocked up so we don't run out either at home or nursery. Recommended 100%
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Weleda Baby Calendula Nappy Cream is excellent at cooling down sore bums but for me, I have had so many other uses for it. I have used it on red sore chaffed skin, sweat rash and so much more and what makes this even more perfect everything about it is it being a pure natural product.The calendula is great at reducing inflamed skin which makes this excellent at not only easing sore bottoms but with the added advantage when used regularly it can also prevent any soreness raising its ugly head.This is one of those products I would hate to be without which makes it very easy for me to recommend Weleda Baby Calendula Nappy cream as it has proven to have so many uses and works with power when itcomes to treating delicate skin.
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After noticing my newborn daughter had a severe nappy rash I decided to do some research online for "the best nappy cream".This one popped up EVERYWHERE. So many mums praised it and said they wouldn't buy anything else so I thought I would give it a go.We had used sudocreme but I've always hated the stuff and it didn't seem to be working as quickly as I wanted it to.This arrived same day, and after using it for 3 days just like magic my daughters rash had completely gone! You wouldn't have even known it was there.It's also a barrier cream so I tend to use it every other nappy change even when she doesn't have a rash.Mums , you wont regret buying this,it's worth every penny and really is the best nappy rash cream.
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