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For Weleda Calendula Weather Protection Cream (30 ml), 92 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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My experience using this cream on my little boy's cheeks during the autumn and winter months is unequalled. I find this cream truly effective and an essential item as he gets dry cheeks during the cold weather. It is very gentle and I always love the smell it leaves on my fingers and on his lovely cheeks! I put it on after washing his face at night, but if his cheeks are struggling, I also do this in the mornings. And the fact that this is a natural product just does it for me.


This product is amazing. I used it first on a little eye eczema flare up that had responded to absolutely nothing else, within days, it was gone. At the first sign of any irritation since, this does the trick. My eldest daughter's back of the knees eczema, gone, and kept at bay for years. And with my youngest, lip rash, dry skin, whatever the problem, this cream saves the day. That is why it's been on automatic order for years, and always will be!


i love this stuff and it is really cheap, too. I know it is meant for babies, but if you are looking for an all natural, v reasonably priced alternative to Eight Hour Cream, this is great. I use it for everything - sore lips, chapped elbows, as a face protector if I am running and the weather is wet and windy, for any dry or sore skin. it's too greasy to use as a handcream, but i still seem to find millions of other uses for it.


Used this product on my 4 week old baby to clear up baby acne on his face and neck. After 3 days I saw a massive improvement, it took away the anger and redness from the rash.It has a lovely natural smell and consistency similar to honey but the great thing is it absorbs well and a little goes a long way.Would definitely recommend this product. However it's half the price in boots and is regularly on offer there too.


Weleda is my first experience with a organic products available on the market and so far it proved its quality. I've bought it for my 4 years old daughter and both me and her are very happy with that choice. It's very mild and gentle for a child's skins, smells beautifully and leaves a thin protective layer. The quality is so good that I decided to buy more products from Weleda. Strongly recommended.


I Use this to protect baby's skin from the cold weather and noticed the skin on her cheeks got very dry when I didn't use it for a few days. Perhaps any moisturiser would do, but I like this as it's natural, kind on baby's skin, handy size tube and it smells scrummy.You don't need much as it's nice and easy to rub in. Also makes baby's skin look nice and dewy and glowing in photos :)


This is a brilliant pure and natural product which I am confident to use on my children's precious skin. I use it in my 9 month old girl and my 3 year old boy whose skin was very dry this winter. It particularly helped when they both got colds. I put it on their noses and it stopped them getting sore and chapped from all the tissue wiping.


I use this baby cream for helping my adult skin cope with winter weather, chapped hands or blemishes on my older adult skin. It is a great product that goes a long way. I find that the Weleda baby range is wonderful for adults as the products are designed for baby skin and so are good for sensitive skin in adults too.


I use this for me and my son through winter. Mainly for my hands, his cheeks and mouth area. It's the only product so far that's actually helped. Yep it leaves a sheen on his face but it goes as it sinks in and has been worth it to stop rough dry cheeks and his mouth/chin area getting sore from teething dribble


My 3 years old sun had red chicks and dry lips from the cold weather. In just 2 days using this cream, he is totally back to normal.The first day I even used it at night time!I am very happy with this product and now I consider it a must have for winter.It was well packaged and I received it very fast.


This is a lot like Lansinoh, but at a cheaper price. Very petroleum jelly like in consistency and look and feel. Glides on easy and has helped prevent dribble rash on my sons face. I've also applied some to my daughters face after a reaction to tomatoes on her skin around her lips and this has helped too.


I was a little shocked at the price but totally worth it as you only need a small bit so lasts ages. Really handy for my little one as the harsh wind can really dry her skin out but this has worked wonders. I use it across my nose and cheeks as well and helps with the redness.


I love this cream - could not survive the winter without it. I have about six tubes all around the house, in my handbag, etc. It is brilliant for sore lips, dry skin, protecting your face if going out dogwalking/running in cold, wet, windy weather. It is also incredibly cheap!


This is perfect for this cold and windy weather. You only need use a small amount and it protects the skin from the elements. I have used this range consistantly for my baby since she was born and her skin is still as perfect as when she was born. It is a real hero product.


I love to use this cream to protect my little one face skin. It is a gentle and natural cream and even if it’s only 30ml of product you’ll need just a tiny bit to rub on the cheeks and the area you want to protect. Really recommend it especially for the coming cold days

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