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Virtua Fighter 4In the days when coin ops were king and it only cost 10p a go at your local arcade, 2D fighting games ruled, there was Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Mortal Combat, the list goes on, but one game turned the fighting game genre on its head; that game was Sega's Virtua Fighter. Virtua Fighter was the first ever 3D fighting game - it is, and always has been, a Sega game - and a few years ago if anyone had suggested that you would be playing the latest incarnation of this revolutionary fighter on a Sony console, they would have been laughed out of the country. However, with the failure of Sega's two latest consoles (the Saturn and the Dreamcast),they decided to pull out of the hardware market and concentrate solely on the games. This means that all us lucky PS2 gamers get the latest Sega games on our lovely black box. And few Sega games are more highly acclaimed than VF4.Virtua Fighter 4 is one of the most technically accomplished fighting games ever, originally built on Sega's Naomi arcade technology, VF4 looks great, but the conversion process has had some problems (mainly the lack of anti-aliasing) but the looks become almost secondary when you actually play the game. To say that the gameplay in VF is deep is like saying that the sun is hot. The VF games have always had a depth that makes most other games look like a deflated child's paddling pool compared to the ocean deep mechanics of its control system. The controls are at first deceptively simple, with one punch button, one kick button and a guard button. However, these three buttons can be pressed in an almost infinite number of combinations with each other and the D-pad. This means that you have to learn the characters basic moves before you can even thinking about taking on a good VF player. This is where things really start getting interesting. As hard as it is fighting against an artificial intelligence, it is always more fun and more of a challenge to fight a human opponent. It is here that you have to start learning to predict your opponents moves, and exactly what there weaknesses are.As for the game modes there's the much-hyped Kumite mode which forms the main one player element of the game. The idea behind this is that it simulates playing in an arcade. You fight an infinite number of opponents, but in the process, you gain ranks. whilst this is increase in rank is fairly superficial, the higher you get the harder the opponents get. Also as you progress in Kumite mode you unlock extras for you character, you can unlock new colour schemes and extra items to make your character look better (such as Swords, Hats and stuffed rabbits!). of course the main mode of interest to most dedicated fighters will be the VS mode, this is where the game is at its best, and the RPG undertones of character upgrading adds a little extra fun to the proceedings. The training mode is worth a mention as well, it's an excellent addition, making other games training modes look positively shallow.There are many things to be said for Virtua Fighter 4, and few of them are bad, one of the only gripes that some may have is the loss of the undulating terrains of VF3. These have been replaced with flat more linear levels similar to those found in VF 1 and 2. The developers say that this is to make the game more focused on the actual fighting, and not running away, however, many VF3 fans will miss this feature. Whilst the graphics are not as good as those of Tekken 4, and the controls are not so inviting, the game does offer more balanced fighting. this is the kind of game that encourages and rewards a LOT of practice.Graphics 8Sound 8Gameplay 10Lifespan 10Overall 9If you have to choose between this and another fighter (like Tekken 4) I would say that Virtua Fighter has the edge in gameplay and physics, this is a game for dedicated fight fans, if you want a quick blast and haven't got ALOT of time to spend, then maybe this is not for you, but for me this is the ultimate game for testing fighting skill and dexterity. (Bring on VF4 Evolution)
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Virtua fighter 4 is (obviosly) the fourth game in the series that started the whole 3D fighting genre, and what can I say other than this game still has it.Graphics = 9/10Great graphics withsome nice effects such as snow that moves and gets scattered as you fight on it and flocks of birds flying overhead, all with the added bonus of a 60Hz mode (if your TV supports it), the only down side is that it does suffer from occasional anti-aliasing problems (jagged edges), but still remains fairly faithful to the arcade original (VF4 not VF1).The character graphics are solid and fluid. The movements are great, they flow naturally, without any choppiness. There are sometimes slowdowns in certain movements,which, quite frankly, I can't tell if they're really like that or if the action as a whole slows down, but it is very minor. For the most part, the actions are crisp, and work well.Lastability = 10/10Virtua Fighter 4 will last you ages, especialy with the new "Kumite"(Kuh-me-tay)mode of play where you choose your character and play through a series of opponents in an attempt to go from 10th Kyu (ky-ooh)rank to 10th Dan rank (kyu goes down as you progress and Dan goes up as you progress, you can also set up and train an A.I fighter to do the same. add to this the sheer amount of moves and combos at each fighters disposal and youve got one hell of a game.Sound = 7/10The sound achieves what it sets out to do even though one cannot help but feel that it is not quite as crisp as the Tekken series and is more akin to the DOA games. The character sound F.X are good with the usual thuds and smacks that beat em up offer but the DOA inspired tunes dont thrill your eardrums. Speech is average with ''Come On'', ''Fight'' & ''Go'' played with the usual V.F series conviction. Jacky and Sarah still sound as cheesy as ever but the oriental fighters sound good, possibly because you cant understand their remarks. So nothing new on offer in the sound department certainly nothing memorable.Overall = 9/10 (rounded to 4 stars for amazon)The game, overall, has a lot of very good features. Playing as Kage reminds me of first encountering SFII, and I was drawn into the game in a similar way. I miss the lack of infinite time for bouts and the 'mission battles' of Soul Calibur, but the game makes up for it, almost. Even completing the training in 'record' times for each character is a good study tool. Kumite gives you scope for expanding your concentration level over time.All in all, this is an essential purchase for PS2 fight fans.
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Kick, punch it all, in the mind!Virtua Fighter is one of the many trademark Sega games, and fortunately for all you PS2 owners out there it's out for you machine!Having played this game I would advise anyone who is keen n their fighting games to buy it, it is simply the best fighting game around on PS2. The graphics are fantastic both characters and backgrounds. However this is not what makes the game great. The real essence of all Virtua Fighter games has always been the fighting and the fourth instalment is no different. The moves are more realistic than those of any other fighting game; you won't find any fireballs or jumps off huge mountains in this game. This most, certainly, is not a bad thing!Each character is unique and they vary in how easy they are to use. Some characters are easy to pick up and play with, while others will take hours to get to grips with properly. The speed is fast and the fighting fluent.However the lack of prizes for completing arcade mode is annoying, I found no extra characters, which obviously affects the lifespan and interest in the game. Also fans of the Tekken series may wish to hold on until Tekken 4 hits the shores in September.I loved this game, it is what fighting games should be all about, the fighting! If you’re looking for a fighting game there is no contest at the moment, or indeed anytime soon!
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This is a very, very good fighting game. The fighting system is superb: even though there are 'only' 13 characters and you only have three buttons- punch, kick and guard - you are somehow able to pull a breath-taking amount of different moves. In fact, the word that best describes the system is INTUITIVE. Also, unlike games such as Tekken, each character has its own unique moves and style - there's no p-jack/gun jack type clones passing off as separate characters.All the characters are superb; I'm not really a fan of female fighters such as in the dead or alive series, but VF4's are brilliant and not at all gratuitous.Alright, there's not much in the way of extras like there is in tekken,but when the game is this good it's not really a problem.Biggest plus has to be the option of a 60hz mode - compare this mode with the regular PAL 50hz and you'll notice how fast 60hz is in comparison - and it's full screen. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge Tekken fan and will get Tekken 4 for emotional reasons, but you are unlikely to play a faster, more realistic or excitng fighting game for a long time.BUT IT NOW!
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After the disappointment that was VF3, what with only multi-levelled scenery (which didn't work) and wavy clothes, Yu Suzuki and co. have taken note at how to improve the game.And it couldn't be much better. Rather than concentrating on fancy backgrounds, 'mature' storylines or octogenarian men in nappies, the game concentrates on the most important element in fighting games - the fighting. By removing the irritating dodge button and adding the ARM movement, the fights become far more complex.Whilst all this occurs, the complexity is in the fighting itself. The moves are usually easy to grasp, using only Punch, Kick and Guard buttons, or combinations for defensive attacks or such,the application of the moves is by far the most important feature in the game, rather than in Tekken (where remembering the moves is all that's done).With thirteen very different characters, each one requiring a lot of time to master, and a kumite mode which is perfect for a learning curve, this is certainly suitable for game of the year.Oh, there's no stupid flying ninjas in either. Sorry.
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This is hands-down the deepest fighting game on the market. But those looking for cheap unlockable characters and mini-games should steer clear. Virtua Fighter 4 will take some work and practice to fully appreciate. It encourages you to set your own goals and delve as deep as you dare into its intricate combat system. But your patience will ultimately be rewarded. Find yourself a well matched human opponent and play - only then will you start to understabnd how incredible this fighting game is.And for those who can't get hold of any flesh'n'blood opponents - fear not. Kumite mode is the ultimate solo experience, with the best AI I've ever player against.This mode alone will keep you coming back for many months to come.Essential.
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Vitua Fighter 4 is better than Tekken 4. I have Tekken 4 on import. It is not as good as VF4. VF4 has inovation in spades. The kumite mode will keep you going from trainee grasshopper to nth dan triple black belt(or somthing like that). Watching VF4 is like watching crouching tiger. The fighters move so gracefully. The big test is, can a novice have a chance of beating an expert by just bashing the buttons? No way. This is the real deal. So young grasshopper, it's time to forfill your destiny, go and buy Virtua Fighter 4 today.


Massive depth to the gameplay - this takes you back to the StreetFighter challenge - so many variations and counters that even the best players will take forever to master every character.The only disappointment is the slightly rough graphics - but don't be a graphics-junky... this is a superb game!


This is a fighting game that will keep you involved for ages! Getting your own AI fighter to spar with, train and guide through the ranks is new innovation for fighting games and a great one at that. Is it a Teekken beater?? For the moment I think so.


Just exactly like the Dreamcast one very good game when it hits the Xbox 360 era nope no this is a brilliant game


site a great game at a great price who needs a p4



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