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Another year, another update, but this time round there is a little more to Tiger Woods PGA Tour than just a couple of extra courses and golfers. With th addition of EA Game Face and the new Pro Shop, you now have more control over your golfer's look and skills, giving you more incentive to play through the tonnes of game modes than just to achieve that elusive 100% completion rating.The Game Face facility finally enables you to create a golfer that is more or less a good likeness for you, or anybody else for that matter. You can certainly create some bizarre-looking people! You are then able to visit the Pro Shop and outfit your character with all sorts of authentic golfing attire and load up their golf bag with real clubs from top names such as TaylorMade and Calloway.Clothing and equipment has an effect on your player's attributes, improving their driving accuracy, putting, luck and so on.This all has something of a 'Barbie' feel to it, but is surprisingly good fun and finding yourself waying up the pros and cons of choosing a cap over a sun visor makes for a weird moment. You can also increase your attributes, etc. using the cash you earn in matches in the Pro Shop.The Tiger Challenge of previous games is now the World Tour. It plays essentially the same (matchplay golf), but you can now pick where to play across the globe and take on other golfers in any order you like. So if you get stuck with a particularly good opponent or difficult course, you can move on to something easier, earn more money to get your stats up and then come back.Straight tournaments have also been replaced with PGA Tour Season. You can now enter a ten-year career and take part in all sorts of tournaments throughout the calendar year. These consist of four rounds (thankfully you only have to play one a time) with plenty of trophies, player of the month awards, etc. to win.Real-Time Events are special one off challenges that take place on specific dates as set by your PS2's internal clock. These are usually quite hard but offer the chance to win more money and unlock extra items in the Pro Shop. Scenarios are still present and as good as ever. There are a couple of new arcade games to play, these are best when played in multiplayer, plus the usual straight round of golf, matchplay, skins and the rest.The analogue stick swing control method works as well as ever (and seems more forgiving than in last year's game), and there are a few extra courses to get stuck into. The difficulty level has also been scaled down a bit. TW 2004 feels a lot easier than 2003, especially in tournaments, where I have found myself 19 under par after the first round in the early ones, and had to play the next three rounds as a chore just to finish them. I am only about 40% into the game so far, so I'm sure the challenge will rise, but I hope it is sooner rather than later.The graphics are still pretty good, but are no better than previous versions, the music is a mixed bag and the commentary is OK (if repetitive). There is no online support, which is a real blow as the US version has it, and it was something I was looking forward to. Maybe next year.Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 is the best yet. If you are a fan of the series, this is a must-have. If you are new to golf, this is a great place to start. There is so much to do and get involved in that this game could seriously eat up your life...especially when you need just one more trophy ball!
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Tiger Woods 2004 is a good game but it just lacks that extra touches that would make it a great game. The major disapointment for me was that you cannot play online. With the PS2 network adaptor out already there is no reason why it wouldnt be possible to do it as you can already play other games online( what makes it even worse is they can play it in america). Apart from this the game is awesome. There are many great new modes such as create- a - golfer, pga tour ( where you take your golfer through a host of tournaments in a 10 year career), new games such as Stableford, betterball, and battle golf, and also mini games such as longest drive.Probablly the best new feature is the Pro-shop,where you can spend your hard earned cash on items such as new clubs, balls, shoes, hats, and acessories for your golfer. Most major brands are there, Nike, Adidas, Talyormade, Cleveland, Maxfli, Ping, but its just a shame others such as Titleist, footjoy, and mizuno didnt make an appearance.Apart from new modes there are also a few new golfers and courses. New golfers include: Justin Rose, John Daly, Retief Goosen, Charles Howell 3 and a few other made up ones. Again i think it a shame that there werent more real golfers, such as the likes of Ernie Els, Phil Mikelson and Darren Clarke. If you really wanted to you could create them in create-a-golfer but it just isnt the same.There are some fantastic new courses available such as Bethpage black and Pinehurst no2, but again i would have liked see other new ones.These are only slight niggles which doesnt take away any enjoyment from the game. It is a fantastic game and i suggest you buy it right this minute if you havent already.Its just a real shame there is no online mode.... oh well never mind... theres always 2005
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This game is by far the best golf game I have played to date. Where the graphics in 2003 were great, they have found a way to top that and make it even better. The courses look brilliant, magnificently detailed down to the smallest divet.Game play is great also, with the "world tour" option being my personal favourite. During this mode you play against pro's, each getting harder and harder the more you progress. The Pro Shop is another new feature that is simply amazing. You are able to customeize your golfer completly, adjusting their hair style, their face, the way they swings their club, their reaction's ... the list goes on and on. There is hundreds of pairs of clothes to fit him/her with also,as well as different clubs, shafts and balls. The futher through the game you get the better the sponsorship offers you gain, this adds further incentive to keep playing.Length wise I found this to last me for a segnificant amount of time, more than a month playing very often each day. So for hard-core gamers this will appeal also, difficulty is moderate, it takes a while to get used to but when you do it is well worth it. Controls are simple with many added features since the last game including a new chip shot.Overall I found this game to be of the highest quality, EA have found a way to top the previous game tremendously, I wonder though is will they be able to do it again when next year comes round? Only time will tell.
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Slight tweaks to the 2003 engine have resulted in a more enjoyable romp ensuring that this remains the most playable golf series available.The best feature, for me, is the Game Face option where you can create a golfer in your own likeness, then use your hard-earned winnings to beef up your stats, buy new clothes and get some decent equipment. It really adds something to be able to see yourself actually taking on one of the game's big boys.The courses are brilliant and the whole game is intuitive, easy to get to grips with quickly and suitably addictive.Some would say it's too easy to become good at the game, but, just like the real thing,it can be hugely frustrating when you're sure you've hit the perfect shot but it comes up short in a bunker.Also, you can play the perfect round against the computer and still end up being heavily beaten. In one Skins encounter I was 10 under par for a round yet won only two Skins against the 17 of Jon 'Wild Thing' Daly, who hit every fairway and had less than 20 putts in his round.So realistic it isn't, but for pure enjoyment, no other golf game comes close. And who really cares about no online play option? Just get your friends around instead and you're sure of a great night in.
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There are basically no bad points to this game. Maybe the only one could be that it takes very long to complete the game fully. But that adds to the challenge. There are many golfers to choose from. You can create your own golfer and take him on the PGA Tour ( One of the best features of the game. ) There is almost to much detail when creating your golfer. You can earn sponsorships, and earn money from them! There are plenty of clubs to buy at the Pro Shop, BUT, the best clubs are VERY expensive and you have to win a few tournaments before you can afford them. You can play basically any kind of golf match you can think of. From match play to skins to even long drive contests. Really an addictive game.Maybe the best PS2 game I have ever played. Yes, better than FIFA 2004 and Madden 2004. Commentary is very good. Graphics are brilliant. Gameplay is fantastic. This game definitely deserves a 5/5. If you like getting involved with a PS2 game or if you just like golf, don't hesitate, go out and buy this game now! Your golfer can purchase anything from glasses to rings to socks to shoes to caps to watches to bracelets to about anything you can think of. Please, go out and by this game. You'll be doing yourself a favour!
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Never before have I been urged to write a review of a particular game that I have purchased, that was until now. This game is absolutely brilliant. In the past I've tended to steer clear of the more realistic / real life golf games in favour of the fun 'Everybodys Golf' titles , but this game manages to incorporate amazing realism & bags of fun all in one fantastic package.The gameplay is easy to pick up , yet difficult to master , just what you need in a game to keep you coming back for more.Win tournaments & earn money to spend in the pro shop & what a pro shop , it's got everything from almost all the leading manufacturers & once again the realism is amazing ,I'm even using the same brand of golf ball in the game as I use on the course myself (maxfli noodle). I could go on & on about being able to construct a golfer to look uncannily like yourself (obviously losing a few pounds here & there etc) but I won't , all I can say is it's a game that I look forward to playing whenever I can & I can't recommend it highly enough , Buy it & enjoy it , I certainly am.
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This game is challenging without being too complicated and when you reach Pro it allows you a choice of 21 different courses to play - or you can create your own course(s),choosing your favourite holes from all of the courses you have played. At the start of the game some courses are "LOCKED" - You will UNLOCK them as you progress through the World Tour.Although you can play the PGA Tour Season at any time it is advisable to complete the World Tour before you do so as you need to improve your abilities(attributes) in order to have any chance of success.In order to improve your attributes, you will need money - one of the best ways to get money is by playing Skins - If you play Skins with 4players there will be more cash to win than there would be if you play with fewer players - The number of golfers you can choose to play against is limited at first - you must defeat players who are "LOCKED" in order to be able to choose to play them - you "UNLOCK" all players by playing or defeating them on the World Tour.
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Quite simply, this is an excellent game. The introductory lesson soon familiarises you with the varied and easy to master controls. After that its up to you to put your skills into action. Being able to alter the difficulty of pin placements, green speeds and wind conditions, etc can really make this game challenging fun. Try Pebble Beach in gale force winds and you'll see why.I particularly like how the game reacts to certain pressure shots by producing a thumping heartbeat as you prepare for your shot. The graphics are superb, as are the courses. Princeville, with its undulating fairways, is particularly impressive, as is the Pacific Ocean at Pebble Beach.On the basic settings it can be easy,with a too higher frequency of hole-in-ones. However, once you increase the severity of the conditions your scores and number of duff shots soon becomes more realistic. If you enjoy golf but can't face your local golf course as your tartan flares have split, then play this. You won't be disappointed.
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WOW! What a game this is! So addictive with a lot to do and many bonus features. The PGA Tour Season mode lets you challenge against all the well known great golfers including Mike Weir, John Daly, Tiger Woods himself and Phil Mickelson. There is also a new feature- EA GameFace in which very detailed character creation takes place. Other games modes include the traditional stroke play and match play competitions, along with Long Drive Shootout and Speed Golf, all very entertaining. But perhaps the best feature of the game is the world tour, a series of match-play competitions against characters real and made up in the game. Each opponent having their own strengths and weaknesses.All in all a great game,certainly the best golfing game around! Recommended for the golfer or for the gamer looking for something different.
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Even if you are not a Tiger Woods fan, or a golf fan for that matter buy this game. Why? for the 'Game Face Mode'. Hours of fun can be had with this, creating 'scarily' life-like representations of yourself, friends & family. After which, You can go out on the 'Course' and play with someone you recognise.Personalising your involvement in a game has always been a 'hit and miss' affair. The industry has 'half heartedly' over the years given you very little in the way of 'personal identification. EA & the Tiger Woods Title have seriously 'upped the ante' with this development.The game itself is 'beautifull' and the 'analogue' conrol system has made even this 'die hard'PC Golf fan sit up and take notice.For once the 'old chesnut' applies, there is something in this title for everyone, IMHO.
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Whether you are a golf player, fan or just joe bloggs who thinks that it spoils a good walk, you will like this game.For the golfers out there the PGA Tour Season is just what the doctor ordered. After first improving the stats on your personal golfer and taking you time to get to grips with the realistic swing control you will be wowed each time you play a competition. It takes some time to get the hang of, a little to be become good, but an age to become a master.Also the World tour mode which offers a long series of match play matches is something which you will not be able to stop playing on until you have successfully completed it.A must buy for golf aficionados but also for everyone whowants a cool as **** game.
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This game is a great one to play if you are unfamiliar with golf games. In the 2003 version i found it a little rough, but i got to grips with the controls on this game fairly easily and started playing like a pro. The 'Create your own player' facility on this game is amazing, with a range of different clothes, hair, and body bulk. It is hard at the start as your own character is quite weak, but as you progrees you can build up your player using money collected from playing tournaments with the pros. Sponsorship from companies is a great idea, as you cannot just rely on the pittance you get from doing things like birdies on the courses. Overall a great game. Thumbs up! :)


I do not have the slightest interest in golf as a sport. I never watch it on telly and have never picked up a club in my life (ignoring crazy golf!). Regardless, this game has me hooked at the moment. The simulation is good, graphics are nice and smooth and the control of character is comfortable.What has made this game all the more fun is competing against my cousin to build the best player. You are able to create a character and increase his/her stats by winning money in tournaments and mini-games to buy better attributes and equipment.A highly addictive, very playable game.Action 7/10Graphics 9/10Gameplay 9/10Atmosphere 8/10Lastability 9/10


I already owned TWPT 2002 for the PS2 and thought I would buy the 2004 version. The depth of the game is brilliant - not only can you change your player's face and body, but there is a full tour schedule and the option of making your golfer left-handed!There are lots of courses, including 'Predator' from 2003, and the classic 'Black Rock Cove'.The only gripes with this game are minor. The swing of your character looks pretty clumsy (the 'Sunday Tiger' swing would have been a better model), and when you play any match or competition with 'Tiger' or 'Sunday Tiger' he always plays awful!Overall, the game is excellent - it's realism is second to none.


I bought last years release and became hooked in the world of Tiger Woods golf from EA Sports. This version is mindblowing in it's content and gameplay. Not only do you have more courses than before, but you also have plenty of side games to keep you interested. The best feature however is designing your own golfer. My daughter keeps looking at the TV screen and saying 'daddy' as I play with my own profile. Yes, you can get your features that close! I also like the idea of EA introducing a real-time calender which allows you to complete in events when they actually happen. To be honest I don't know how EA can top this next year. I'm waiting though.

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