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For Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08 (PS2), 16 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.2.

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I find it strange that some people are berating the putting feature of the game. I really don't see how it could be any better, and as for people saying it is impossible I really don't see how. If anything the optional Putt Preview option makes putting ridiculously easy - I don't see how you could miss. Perhaps people who have complained have not liked the transition from older TW games where the putting was different - my advice would be to practice and you should easily get the hang of it.I had never played a golf game before (they don't exactly sound like fun do they?) I played Tiger Woods '06 a couple of years ago. It is a brilliant game in single and especially multiplayer format so I decided to buy Tiger Woods '08.There are some slight changes to '08, most noticeable is that the toggle stick is more sensitive to a non-straight swing making it a bit harder which is a good thing (or perhaps I've lost the ability to swing straight?).'08 is more comprehensive than '06. There are a few new features which make it easier to iron out any imperfections in your game. The game will tell you which are your weakest holes/shot types and give you the option to play these shots over again without having to set up a course, etc. Very user friendly.While playing a round you can also see a record of how you previously played your current hole, where exactly the ball landed after each shot. Personally I think this makes the game too easy, but the option is there and probably worth using when you're still getting to grips with the game.The Game Face feature where you can make your own player that looks exactly like you is fantastic and is a great way to take the p out of your mates. You can even design your own stance and swing. EA have thought of everything.
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The 2008 edition of the popular game series is now out. I ordered mine around 2 weeks ago and have been playing it for a little over a week. Although this perhaps isn't a good enough timeframe for some people I thought I might share my opinions on certain aspects and areas of the game itself.The case is pretty simple and the manual can not be more than 15 pages thick, this is more of a get in there and learn while you play kind of game. Obviously the manual outlines the basics but it's up to you to find your own playing style.Seeing as I'm not an avid fan of golf some parts of the game don't interest me too much e.g. building your own course. The career mode seems to have alot of depth,I like how you can play the whole game with 1 profile and pretty much everything you do is tracked.Graphics are what you would expect from a late ps2 game. The landscapes are quite realistic considering the ps2's power in comparison to the ps3 and I like the added sound fx of planes and birds.The gameplay is challenging for any player and can sometimes make you feel as if your playing gold for real. The swinf mechanics are very good and easy to grasp although I still slice and hook the occasional shot still. Putting is pretty straightforward unless you have the aids turned off then it really is you vs. the green.The HUD and menu are easy to navigate and understand and the amount of items crammed into the 'pro shop' is unquestionably large. The likeness of the real golfers is quite true although perhaps some players were rushed a little.Overall I rate the overall game 5 as it is very challenging but when you do sink that perfect putt or smack a long drive you know it was you that done it and it wasn't all down to aids telling you exactly how to hit it.
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.....but no thanks to the negative reviews on here though!Having played 2003(think it was 2003) to death, stats showed around 27 holes in one and average score of around 50, and then thoroughly enjoying TW 2005, I was gutted to see the scathing reviews for 2008, so chose not to buy it.However, to help my recovery following an operation in early November, Dear wife bought me TW 2008. Took me a couple of days to even bother picking it up as the reviews on here were so bad...How wrong they all were.The reason people are not liking this game...... CHANGE!EA have dared mess with their usual putting engine and admittedly it looked all a bit confusing at first.Stick with it though and you'll find it 100% more intuitive than the old method and equally rewarding.The only reason I mentioned average scores and holes in TW 2003 earlier was to show just how many hours of my life over the last 5 years had been taken up with TW Golf and whilst I only have 2005 to use as a benchmark for comparison I can say that 2008 beats it easily.A bigger challenge and initially a bit awkward, but once you scratch the surface it's a winner. Had they used the same old tried and trusted formula then maybe it would have a safe 4 stars from everyone but ultimately the game would be mastered within 10 hours. This time they've dared to shake it up a bit and it's a good move.The only slight gripe i have (which still doesn't detract from the 5 stars) is that one the occasional Tiger challenge (a skins game I think)you need to play a fourball which does drag whilst you wait for the other 3 players to take their shots....Other than that, top notch
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I bought this game after playing TW2004 to the end, so I figured I should take the plunge and get an updated version of a game I really liked.On the whole this is a worthwhile purchase - the gameplay is good (with one exception, read on!), the graphics are excellent (although not much better than TW2004) and all I'd say I'm happy with my purchase for the most part.HOWEVER...the putting system is virtually impossible to get to grips with. I find I can drive the ball well, fairway play is again fine, but I just know that when I get on the green, I'm going to be 4 or 5 putting. Its completely hopeless. There is a Putt Preview function which is useful up to a point, but when you get to the actual putt,you have virtually no idea how fast the ball is going to travel. There are indicators for how the green breaks, but these are virtually useless. I much preferred the system in TW2004 of caddy tips - "Aim 5ft left and 2in long" sort of thing. Who knows, maybe over time things will improve but it looks like a very steep learning curve, even for someone who completed TW2004.
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Having read a few positive reviews about this game, I decided to go throw caution tot he wind and buy my first tiger woods game. And I'm not disappointed.The gameplay is excellent; poor control can be punished with a hook into the bunker, whilst there is a big choice of shots to make it to the green. The putting preview is a very useful feature which has helped me land some monster putts, whilst driving and chipping is as good as youd expect.All the courses are lush and solidly designed, whilst some players have a really good likeness.And with a huge single-player career to get stuck into, as well as loads of extra modes for playing with mates, this is a really good purchase.


I found the the new Tiger Woods 08 much much improved on the 07 version. I found it much easier to get more power on the drives and the graphics are certainly much improved.The new Putting preview is good once you get used to it.Overall I am very pleased with the game which is far better than the previous version.


Not played this one yet but sure will love it. Game looks in perfect condition anyway, so can't wait to play it.


good to play different courses


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