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For Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10, 41 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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Having not invested in a Tiger Woods game since 2006 I guess I haven't been up to date with all the recent changes. But as someone coming to this without having purchased every version I think it's a great game.I've uploaded my photo and last week I was able to play in the open championship with a golfer that looked like me against the real field with their real time scores in real time weather conditions. Which I thought was pretty cool.I like the way you can tweak your clubs and go for accuracy over power if you want. I like the way you can purchase proper sets of clubs and I am able to play in the game with the same set as I own in real life. The new putting style seems good as it penalises off centre shots,which makes it more realistic. The also courses look a lot better than my last version and the players look quite realistic. Although if you are judging a game on exactly how realistic players faces look then you have kind of missed the point.On the down side the challenges seem a bit hard to build up your money and unlock courses. There are 4 challenges on each course, and the third one I have got to on one course is to equal Tigers best round ever of 61. Hate to think what the 4th and final challenge will be. But then again may be EA have deliberately made them difficult to encourage you to purchase extra clubs and accessories through the PS shop on line instead of taking the good old route of building your clubs, skills, accuracy etc etc up through playing the game and beating the CPU.I'm not exactly sure what those who have got every version expect. It's a golf game, the rules can't change, there are only small amounts of tweaks you can ever make.As some one who plays in real life, nothing can compare with playing golf for real. But I feel with this version EA have gone for a more realistic approach trying to mirror the challenges proper golfers face instead of a more arcadey feel, which I am happy about.
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I had an old Golf game for PS2, which I played to completion and loved it. As this game is available very cheap in the marketplace I decided I'd revisit Golf after a few years of either not playing, or playing other types of games.The obvious improvement over the older game is the graphics, which on my relatively new TV are very impressive. Having the ability to create and model your own golfer is a nice facility. So you can make your player look as ugly as you are, and sometimes worse! As you'd expect the game has a number of different playing modes. The main two being tournament challenges and the tour.The challenges are set at different levels and as you complete them you accumulate points.When a certain number of points are reached you unlock another course with its own set of challenges. There are 16 in all, and when you have completed the 16 a bonus set of 4 are revealed. The challenges can be quite small. For example complete 3 par 3s in 9 shots. Or as you progress much longer; such as defeating a pro over 18 holes at a particular course. The tour is literally a complete season of Golf that you can enter via a calender. Your skills improve as you improve. There is a pro shop where you can enhance your skills by buying better equipment and clothing with your earnings.I've not given it 5 stars as in some areas (see other reviews) it isn't quite as much fun. There are no fantasy Golf courses, its a pretty straight game.Nevertheless I've played it at one of the easier levels and found it to great fun, compulsive and now really want the Masters game next.
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EA has gone for realism with Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10. The course selection features all the classics but none of the off-putting "fantasy courses" (although one of these, Predator, can be downloaded for a fee). The introduction of weather is a nice challenge although you may wish you were playing in fairer climes as the courses' proclivity for downpours can get rather tiresome.Online modes are as good as before, with the novel "Play the Pros" feature enabling players to participate in real tournaments against live scores from actual players. Yet niggles remain: dynamic skills, whilst an improvement on the previous system of skilling up from scratch, still penalise players for strategically played rounds.And the realism even extends to the option to actually pay for clubs and kit in a bid to bypass earning items through play. From day one players were able to maximise skills and equipment for various small fees - an insidious tactic, particularly galling when you want to challenge others online.Tiger works best when it concentrates on realism and this is definitely a step in the right direction.
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I had a golf game with one of those pre-historic consoles many centuries ago and became a bit addicted to it. Having recently purchased a new PS3 Slim (250GB) console mainly for Blu-Ray purposes I was peppered with e-mails 'recommending' games which I might like to purchase. One of these was Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 and (almost for sentimental reasons) I had to have it!! Have I been disappointed?? Absolutely not!! I had read a couple of reviews suggesting there was not much improvement between the 09 an 10 versions, therefore questioning the worth of upgrading if you currently have the 09 package....but I am new to PS3 World and all I can say (with nothing to compare it to except for the Victorian system of my youth)is so far so good!! I'm having great fun and it's 'Yes' from me....
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I can't say this is THE best of the Tiger Woods games as I haven't played all of them but it certainly is one of the best.By stick or buttons the controls are close to spot on, if like me, you switch between the two control methods the switch is quick and painless, a quick press of R3 and it toggles between the sticks or buttons.Graphically it's gorgeous, the ball physics seem pretty much spot on in my unqualified opinion, (I've never played golf) but wind, rain, ground conditions all make a difference to the balls behaviour, and if you choose the weather can be accurate by connecting online the server will provide real time weather conditions of the course you are playing where ever it may be.A brilliant golf game,without a doubt.
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Overall, possibly one of the better golf games i have played. And with the tournament element thrown in, its good.But....the most frustrating part of the game, 90% of the time, is the exact ( ok, no shot can be exactly the same but it can be 80/90% similar ) same shot. Wind/Length of rough/distance ....etc, etc.. and the outcome of the shot is nowhere near even slightly similar !I have played it online, and others have chatted with me about this one( i must the only ONE drawback) issue with the game.So, if you can get over this 'glitch' in the game, then i would recommend this.Maybe i am a perfectionist, but this one issue really does get my goat.


This is the best Tiger Woods game so for in the series. If you have never played a golf game on a console/pc it is very easy to get into(even my 70 year old grandad can play it without me needing to guide him through the how-to's). It has plenty of real life courses and players to keep the golf fans happy and has many mini games and online modes to keep the longevity of the game going. However, if you are someone like me who has been a follower of this game series you will feel like it has been more of a polishing update rather than a new game but it still will keep you entertained on those days where you can't get out on a real life course.


Tiger woods has always been the best golf game. This year is no change. EA seem to think that a tweak here and there makes for a new game. It doesn't. There is nothing wrong with this years, just as last years was perfectly adequate. This year the increased crowd has made it feel more like the PGA and TV golf but it could still go further. The new putting system is very basic and easy. The new courses are very nice but it still feels like an old dog in a new dress. Don't get me wrong, if you want golf on the PS3 this is the game but EA really need to innovate rather than update each year.


A lot of fun whether you're into golf or not. The game provides mini challenges and had a half decent online mode to keep you busy as well, so it's not just 18 holes again and again. The career mode is also a lot of fun, with your player stats constantly updating, depending on how you are playing. Also, there is the option for live weather, providing you with actual weather conditions found at that course at that moment (still only daytime, no night golf yet).


i think this game is great, its the first tiger woods golf game ive played, and think its a fantastic game.my partner and i play each other all the time and like the challenges aswell.the graphics are awsome and theres plenty to do, with buying clubs and creating your own golfer which can have your real face.ide rate the game 9.5 out of 10the only improvement would be your own commentry!


I was going to buy the game on e-bay luckily i didn't. The game was cheaper on amazon and free delivery was a big plus. The game it self is awesome. If you you have played any of the old tours you'll love this. The overall game play has improved leaps and bounds. They have added new levels and the online gaming is top notch.


Different to the other Tigers I've played, still struggling to hit the ball straight but a good laugh playing drinking tiger: 1 finger in the rough, 2 fingers for sand or water, 3 for out of bounds. Finger for each player who loses the hole.


It's the same old fayre from EA Sports, brilliant game, as always. Why can't you bring in your profile with attributes from previous editions? Or am I missing something like the ludite I am?At pace.


Less than £3 and it has kept me entertained for many, many hours. Don't be fooled by the games age (2010) it's listed as one of the best golf games around beating its predecessors year on year :-)


I've got all the Tiger Woods games going back a few years now, this is a good game, but very similar to previous titles.Not much competition from other golf games, so still the best out there!

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