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I've had this game for a while now and have completed lots of the various challenges (tiger challenge, lots of the tour etc) and I'm not quite sure which game some of the more negative reviewers are playing. I've had the swing set on the advanced mode right from the begining and yes it does take time to get your swing just right but with practise both direction and power can be controlled with a good deal of accuracy.In terms of controlls I think the game has got it pretty right but could do with a little more polishing, power when putting can still be a little tricky on the harder putts but driving while difficult at first is hugley rewarding and fantatsitc fun as are well placed approach shots.Theres nothing like swining a massive hit to reach that par 4 green in one or a par 5 in just two strokes.In terms of general gameplay as a golf simulation I was impressed by lots of the detail having not really gone into games like this before. It has all of aspects missing from wii sports like a full range of clubs, differing lies, hooking and slicing, punch shots, commentary as well as loads of more varried courses. I'm not sure how this compares to other golf games on the market but it certainly gives the impression of a full golf experinces.The graphics are passable but nothing special the courses look nice from a distance but the charchter detail looks a bit outdated though not really distracting from the actual game.On a tough difficulty setting this game will certainly take a while to complete and multiplayer will keep you going for a long time if you have friends. Setting the difficulty of the swing for beginer actually allows people to go head to head even if they're only just picking up the game without haveing to practise their swing.In conclusion i found the game a pleasure to play and both challenging and rewarding it was _exactly_ what i was looking for in a golf game on the wii after playing wii sports. I would certainly recomend it and dont be put off by the negative reviews as lon as you have a little patience to practise there is nothing wrong with the control system
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I have played golf in the past but cannpt profess to be any good. I have enjoyed previous Tiger Woods games (xbox and PS2) so naturally I have looked forward to the Wii version of the game, with it's morephysical and interactive nature.Reading the other reviews, I do agree that there are annoying aspects to the game - and a few points that make it unrealistic;1) It is true that on a normal leve of the game (whre you can hook and slice shots) it is very difficult to hit straight using a regular golf swing.My solution is to put it onto 'easy' where all swings wil be straight2) Power - it is also true taht is it difficult to judge power, but this has been the same for certain shots for the entire Tiger Woods series.3)every now and then, your player will begin hitting teh ball when you haven't even finished your back swing.I have noticed this on other wii games. Although happily, it doesn't happen to often.In short, these problems can be overcome. 99% of the game is great and up to Tiger Woods standards. you still have to think carefully about your strategy for certain holes, and you CAN judge wind speed, pitches etc. I found it easy to get into and once you have practised the swing a bit, it is realtively easy to play 18 holes in 10 under or so.And it is so much more satisfying hitting an eagle, albatross, chip in, 100ft put, when you are actually swinging the club. You get a genuine sense of achievement.So if you are looking for a comprehensive golf games, with all players and courses, this IS really the only product to get for the moment. If you are looking for realism of swing to 100% recapture the golfing experience, I would suggest, er, actually playing golf.If it's a fun game you want, it's the best on the market. TW 2008 may have increased teh accuracy, but I will wait and see before shelling out £35.all in all, a great 'golfing'eexperience
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Looks like us PAL players may have to get used to some companies not supporting 480p. But EA? They really should (and in fact do with SSX Blur).Graphics look blurry and some effects are just awful. For example fog looks just like a load of vertical bands of white.Also, menu navigation is hit and miss - and relies (bewilderingly) on wiimote motion detection. Making a game face becomes unbelieveably frustrating because of this and it is no surprise that no other Wii game I own does this.That's the bad stuff. The good is that this is a feature-stuffed version of Tiger Woods, with loads of game modes, loads of courses and loads of mini challenges.Swinging is what the game is based around,and by omitting a power-bar EA have made the game "feel" like golf - i.e. you rely more on your backswing lift and follow through speed to judge a shot. Also any deviation by your wrists to the perpendicular will result in slices, hooks or just badly aimed shots.Frustration is high - as it is in real golf. Select the wrong shot type when playing out of the rough, for example, will leave you still buried. Trying to read a shot will come more from experience than from initial analysis. All of this is great, and puts it up there as a fantastic simulation of golf.Putting is relatively easy, and more forgiving than on other formats. The only problem with putting is that if you need to hit the putt hard to compensate for extreme distance or for a sharp uphill slope your swing may look a little bit more like a drive.TW 2008 will need to focus on improving the graphical presentation to standard at least as good as that seen on Wii Sports, and to simplify the menu system.And, in agreement with everyone else, change the commentators. They really are annoying.
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... and you're looking for more, then this game is for you. But make no mistake, the controls are different (Wii remote is to be held level) and the game itself (as already stated) is more complex, yet has far more depth than Wii Sports Golf.The different controls take a lot of getting used to - if you expect to master a straight 250+ yds drive within an evening of playing then you might be dissapointed. However that's exactly what I like about this game. The audio and visuals are great - gameplay is fairly fast and the Wii does not pose any considerable delays, despite the fact that it seems to quickly load a lot of things even whilst playing.One very annoying thing are the commentators though - after my first evening of playing I had to go into the Options menu and turn down the commentary volume to zero. It's just too repetitive.I can see that there are a lot of other game options which should keep the fun alive once I've become more proficient with the game. So I reckon I will get a lot of playing out of TW Golf 07. After 2 evenings of playing (about 54 holes altogether), I managed to play 1 Birdie and about 10 Pars, I'd say. I strongly recommend to go through those excercise lessons at the beginning of the game!For all worried golfers out there who think this game might deteriorate their game play on real courses: I am not a golfer myself, but the first evening after I bought the game I played with a very enthusiastic golfer and he assured me that there wouldn't be any negative impact on his style in the "real golfing world". The way how you hold the remote (level) -when compared to a real grip of a golf club- is quite different.So altogether it's full marks for the Tiger!
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Firstly, I had read numberous reviews stating how hard it was to hit a straight shot. I have to say that you can firstly adjust each users skill setting and on easy the ball will always go straight - upto expert where you need a very good clean swing. I however, found that my girlfriend and I have had no difficulty hitting a straight shot from the start (on default settings). If you get complacent and forget to keep looking down like in real golf yes the ball will hook or slice.Infact the girlfirend regularly hits dead straight 110% shots.Also when chipping you need to follow through to get the uplift.The main big good point for me is that this game has a lot more depth than wii sports which we total enjoy but also due to it is lack of aggressision my girlfriend loves to play this.a round of golf taking 1 hour of quality together time. for that I'd give it a 10/10 for sociablity.I find this game very good and would look anyone in the eye when telling them so. Remember those pointers you saw on the telly and away you go. keep you head still ;)The one downside when holding the remote like a club it is easy with a golfing grip to press the home button on the remote stopping the swing mid strike and making everything go pear shaped. I got around this by holding the remote to one side to that my thumb missed this button.Just to add my Girlfriend bought me a false golf club add-on to add to the experience, this is great fun but really has a negative effect to the strength of my swing (dispite it's very light design).
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I loved Wii Sports Golf but that just whet my appetite for a dedicated golf game. Golf is ideal on the Wii but do you go for Arcade or Simulation golf? That is the question!In Tiger Woods 07 you have a choice of both to be honest, but it's the replication of the golf swing that makes this more of a simulation title. You need patience with this game, not unlike real golf. You're not gonna create a player that looks just like you, buys some clubs then walks up the Links for the first time and shoots 4 under!Practice is rewarded in Tigger Wiids, and it'll not be long before you can hit 300 yard straight drives while you replicate the great mans swing. It's really quite satisfying!OK,graphics aren't brilliant, but they do the job and look ok in composite progressive scan at 480p. Swing mechanics using the WiiMote works very well (99% of the time) provided you've lined your shot up and selected the right club (remember to check the default setting by pressing 'A' which isn't always spot on). Putting can be tentative however and needs plenty practice before you can sink 30 foot 'snakes'!Tiger Wiids 07 is a good first effort from EA as they develop (aka cash in) on the Wii's popularity and sheer quality motion sensing technology. I would expect the 2008 version to have ironed out a few putting niggles with the WiiMote and look more 'next gen', but the v.07 has a plethora of game modes, 18 courses, decent sound and commentary and obviously slick EA presentation.About Par for the course.
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Wii Sports golf, while being very basic showed that the controller was more than capable of coping with a game of this nature. I've had my Wii since release and still play Wii sports a great deal, I'm still amazed by the way in which the controller detects the subtlest of movements accurately.Being a huge fan of the TW franchise I ignored all the poor reviews and bought it anyway. I have to say that I do enjoy playing TW on the Wii, but when in the middle of a 72 hole tournament with a lead of just a few shots, I want to throw the controller out of the window when I watch what should have been a very simple gentle putt go flying past the hole, or a weak powered drive take off as I start my backswing!!!It's a shame because it is not the fault of the controller but the game.When Nintendo got the swing mechanism so right in Wii Sports Golf, why did EA insist on changing it??? Just bought Pangya Golf and while the control mechanism is better than TW, it is still not a patch on Wii Sports!I've given the game 4 stars because I do genuinely enjoy it and I've learned to deal with the irritations of the control system, but lets face it, you should be able to relax when playing a game (especially golf!), not constantly being vigilant to avoid the irregularities!Just found out that TW 2008 is out soon, I only hope that EA listen to their consumers and change the control mechanism.
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When i first played the Tiger Woods game i was a little disappointed at the wii style swing. It is very difficult to even hit the ball straight at times and can leave the ball up short on many shots due to it hitting the ball before you have finished your swing. The putting was very slow to react sometimes and caused me to re-swing. However the graphics are slightly better and has many good pro players. The Tiger Challenge is a fun game mode and is great for devloping your own golfer. Again though i was disappointed because many features in the last version were no longer present on the new game, i have yet to discover the "Create a logo" and being able to put bottom and top when swinging at the ball.There are also not many new clothes and golfing accessories this time and most are the same as last year's. Going back to the difficult wii style swing you can change the settings from the default "standard" to "easy" which may be a little more enjoyable and easier. You can also choose nunchuk style and play it classic which is a nice feature. I was thinking about selling this game when I first tried it but now i realise that the game does have good features and can be more enjoyable on easy settings. This is a fun and addictive game! Hope this helped.
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The Wii sports golf game is an absolutely shocking version of golf, so i decided to go for this version of golf.The poor reviews before i beleive are wrong.Personally i think this is a very good game. Complaints about the shot not going traight etc etc....right well the shot going straight is easy because either you change the settings and make it easy so it can only go straight or possibly learn to play golfok, so the controller does tend to muck up a few timesbut for a first shot at the wii for TW i find this very satisfying and fungreat with friends round and a like the feature when you can control using the nunchukhas a very long life span aswell as you can play a full 5 years of tournamentsalsothe crowd noises are so funnytheyre great when you get an abnoxious american sreaming 'WOOOOOOOOOOOO' when you go for a 2 inch tap in for triple bogieit captures the american attitude to sports very wellas in i dont know what the heck this is about but im gonna scream about it anywayyes do buy this gameand please ignore this blithering idiots who cannot control their golf swing
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The first thing I noticed about this game as the fact that it does not support 480p (the standard component resolution) and reverted back to standard PAL 576i; this makes the already average graphics look worse than other wii games.Once you get passed the average graphics (I would guess if you have a Wii you are more interested in gameplay than graphics anyway) the game is good. Obviously the control is with the wiimote (although you can use a nunchuck to use a standard control method) and it intuitive but hard.It took me (a non-golfer) about five hours to be able to regularly hit the ball roughly where I wanted it each time (although putting is still a little hard)All in all,the game is exactly what you would expect from a Tiger Woods game with out standing out.
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After reading all the negative reviews regarding this game, i thought i'd risk it as it'd only cost me £20 extra on top of the console... my initial thoughts were one of total frustration with the menu systems... the actual game play is OK, but nothing amazing, the only amazing this for me is i have my wii hooked up to an LCD projector giving me a screen that is the size of the wall (8ft x 6ft)... Be sure to check out the reviews on youtube as well. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 is better than working as i said... given more time... no, in fact, my copy may be on eBay by tomorrow! i played one 9 hole round so far... i'm not overly impressed... thinking of buying it? then i can only give it a 50/50.Buy it only if you can spare the cash and enjoy reselling stuff on eBay!
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The first game to replicate the frustration of playing real golf. But, if you put the effort in to mastering the controls then the game plays surprisingly well. Career Mode is good with an almost endless variety of clothes, clubs and accessories for those wishing to customise their characters and the course detail isn't bad. Graphics could be better but, for me, it's about gameplay and Tiger Woods plays well enough to keep me occupied while I'm waiting for Nintendo to come up with a replacement for Mario Golf on the GameCube.


This is a very good game top quality but takes a while to get used to the controls. Quite different from the Wii sports golf and far more complex but well worth the money! It does take a while to get used to but give it time and you'll be climbing the ranks in no time.


It really is and there haven't been many yet on the Wii. Yes the controls are hard to get used to, (just ask my dad), but once you do it will become a really fun game to play, which with the tour mode will last you hours.


no bad comments at all came before it was ment to thanks very much :) no marks at all on disc

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