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For Senz Original, 29 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.

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Amazon has 29 customer reviews and the average score is 4. Go to this seller.


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I've had plenty of comments about my 'weird' umbrella - I don't care though. Mine is the only one that can withstand high winds and keep me dry.A great innovation, and I like to be a little quirky.


This is a very cool umbrella. It sometimes can be tricky to lock the handle but otherwise it does what it advertising, making walking through wind & rain much more doable.


I recently lost one of these and had to replace it as it's the best umbrella I've ever had. A bit pricey but I've had it out in very windy conditions with no problems.


This umbrella is nothing but the best umbrella ever. Just gonna say something, Dublin proof. It is the only umbrella able to survive in Dublin’s crazy weather.


Great for the first two years? Have bought two now. Both failed just after warranty ran out. The locking mechanism failed on both.


Very stylish and modern looking. This new model is much better than the old i had before. Every detail is now improved.


I just love this umbrella, if Batman had an umbrella it would be this umbrella - Love it!


This umbrella was a gift for my son. It was in his wish list, and was pleased with it.


keeps me dry :). very long when folded up to carry if your only used to a compact.


Well made product. Looks like it should last and eyeball savers are a good idea.


It is absolutely brilliant, the only Glasgow-proof brolly that I have found


light Umbrella, strong (good quality) but a little small in my opinion


Very happy with this umbrella, always wanted one


nice umbrella,a little on the small size though


Does exactly what it says on the tinBrilliant

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