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I'm very late to the BeautyBlender party, and have tried various knock-off sponges and foam applicators. With those knock-offs, I absolutely couldn't see why everyone was making such a fuss about the BeautyBlender. But they were (and are) still making a fuss, so I thought I'd buy the real thing and find out for myself.The BeautyBlender sponge, when it arrived, was much smaller than I'd expected (dry), but plumped up beautifully after a quick soak in some warm water. Even after being squeezed as dry as possible, this soaking still stops the sponge from sucking up too much expensive make-up instead of putting it on your skin, where it belongs.It's taken me a little while to get use to the patting/bouncing technique,but I've tried the BeautyBlender with BB cream, tinted moisturiser, liquid foundation, and thick compact foundation; the full range from low-end high street products to high end designer. It gives the most natural looking base coverage I've ever experienced. Admittedly, I'm not a make-up artist, but I've always struggled to get the flawless finish that I love. I have dry skin, and despite exfoliating, applying primer, and using foundation designed for dry skin, I would still get foundation clinging to those flakes of dry skin, which is not the look I want! Since getting the BeautyBlender (and learning how to use it properly), this has been a thing of the past. I've been enjoying wearing foundation, and have had so many comments and compliments about looking 'well' and having glowing skin. I'm definitely not well, and without make-up I look really poorly, so I'm super grateful to be able to choose to put on make-up when I want to look glowing and happy and healthy, and keep the conversations about my health just between me and those who know me best!I'm so glad I bought this, and I'm now saving up for another one! I'm also planning to buy the cleaning liquid for the BeautyBlender as it can be difficult to get the sponge really clean without it.
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I've been using the BeautyBlender for about two months now, as I wanted to be able to comment on its many uses. Starting with USING IT FOR APPLYING LIQUID FOUNDATION - it gives a beautiful, airbrushed look. However, the max you can get is a medium coverage and a downside is that the BeautyBlender absorbs A LOT of product. This can be especially annoying if you use high-end makeup. I'd say, on average, when I apply my foundation with a stippling or a kabuki brush, I need about three squirts of product. When I am using the BeautyBlender I need about four squirts to achieve the same medium coverage look. In terms of BLENDING OUT (UNDER-EYE) CONCEALER - it's a superb tool.I love how deep into the skin the BeautyBlender is able to get the concealer. I have found no other product that can apply my concealer with a smooth finish as well as the BeautyBlender and I now use only the BeautyBlender to make sure my dark circles and bags are covered! The BeautyBlender can also be used to APPLY SETTING POWDER ON THE T-ZONE AND IN THE UNDER-EYE AREA. I'd say it's OK at getting the product there, but it makes it look cakey, so you really do need ideally a brush to apply and then brush away any extra product, so the BeautyBlender cannot be your "go-to" item for this purpose. However, it's OK if you're in a rush and can't find any other application tool. The final way I've tried using the BeautyBlender is to CONTOUR AND HIGHLIGHT. My opinion here is divided - the BeautyBlender works wonderfully, if your bronzer and highlighter are cream (for example the
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So I had seen all the youtube videos and recommendations for this product online but I had always thought “how good can it really be?”. I mean £12 odd is sort of expensive for what is essentially a sponge. My advice is, take the plunge, shell out the cash and you wont be disappointed. What I believe sets it apart from other similar products is the texture of the sponge. I have tried and have owned hundreds of different make up sponges by other brands, in various shapes and sizes. This is the softest, most delicate sponge in the world, and it makes putting your foundation on SO easy! Your product will go further, not only that but you can use it to apply powder, liquid foundation, eyeshadow,you can bake with it etc…the list goes on. It applies make up like a dream, and the finish is flawless. I genuinely think I can tell the difference between when my make up is applied with the beauty blender and my other make up sponges, which I rarely use anymore! Read the full instructions on the package before you use it, if you don't it won't work properly and you will damage the sponge, I believe that this is why people a reviewing this product negatively, read the instructions people!The only thing I wish is that I had bought the cleanser and sponge pack, as I then just bought the cleanser separately which would have been a bit cheaper to buy them both together at the start.
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Before I bought it I watched a number of youtube videos about it but I was still not very convinced about it. I thought I would give it a go anyway. I am completely stunned with it! I couldn't believe that a sponge could feel like that. It has a fantastic patented material which absorbs so much water and becomes about 5 times the size of the original sponge. The feeling on the skin is amazing. The make-up application is exceptional and certainly not something you can achieve with a common brush. Because I am a big fun of mineral powder make-ups I am not using it for the base application but I use it for the under-eye concealer, the base correctors and I do love it for applying blush.It gives such a wonderful and natural finish you won't believe it. I also use it for setting up my make up with some translucent powder especially to avoid concealer creasing, and it works like a dream.My only problem, at the beginning, was that I couldn't possibly clean it well enough and get rid of all the make-up stains on it. Luckily I discovered a very cool trick. I now wash it by rubbing it on a laundry soap bar and then I rinse it well with water. All the stains go away and the sponge looks as new. Amazing!!! You need to remember to air dry it very well after each use so you will avoid microbes growing on it!
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I had to try this out after hearing so many brilliant things about it. The product arrived quickly, I was pleased with the service. On opening the packaging the beauty blender and its little tub (the packaging) did look a little smaller than I expected, I measured the tub at approximately 5.5cm tall, 4.5cm diameter. First impressions were still good though, it is so soft and bouncy, so much more 'spring' in it than other sponge-type applicators I have used previously.I ran the BB under the tap and started to squeeze and as if by magic it grew! My saturated BB measures approximately 7cm tall and 5cm diameter. So it has outgrown it's little tub but the packaging can be used as a little stand to air dry the BB.It is still super spongey and springy, applied my foundation, concealer and powder flawlessly, great airbrush finish. It is fantastic! I'm definitely converted. In love. Will definitely repurchase when the time comes!I am under the impression that people who have complained about the size of this product HAVE NOT saturated the BB, as it does grow considerably when run under water as the instructions suggest. Also, just to add, I have used the BB with a spray of Mac Fix+ to keep that dewy look with my more matte foundations/concealers and it's worked just perfectly!
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I had read a lot of recommendations about this beauty blender and i always want to try it. I have tried and have owned hundreds of different make up sponges by other brands, in various shapes and sizes. This is the softest, most delicate sponge and it makes putting your foundation on so easy. You can use it to apply powder, liquid foundation, eyeshadow and everything. It is really soft and the size is perfect for applying concealer under your eyes. Worth all money spent because this beauty blender lasts long, doesn’t change the structure, perfectly blends make-up , doesn’t leave any marks.My only problem, at the beginning, was that I couldn't possibly clean it well enough and get rid of all the make-up stains on it.Luckily I discovered a very cool trick. I now wash it by rubbing it on a laundry soap bar and then I rinse it well with water. All the stains go away and the sponge looks as new.However after reading all these reviews claiming that it is the fake one I don't know if i should get this. It still blends like a dream and i used it for months now believing it is the real beauty blender. Even if this is a fake BB it still works. Now I can't live without this sponge. Great beauty item to use damp, fast delivery. I am very satisfied.
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I'm so pleased i finally bought one of these. Although i find i use slightly more product than i would using either my fingers or a brush, the results far exceed these methods.Simply run the blender under the tap (squeezing a few times so it is evenly wet), gently wring out, wrap in a hand towel, squeeze again so it is only slightly damp and its ready to go (leaving too much moisture in your beauty blender will sheer out your foundation).A few reviews mentioned mould growing on their beauty blender, i can only assume this was because it was left too wet and or wasnt fully clean. To clean mine i use Aleppo soap as it is free from nasty chemicals,contains Laurel oil which is anti fungal among other things & it easily cuts through any oily residue left behind by your foundation etc. Make sure you get as much water out of it as possible to avoid any mildew issues & allow it to air dry. If you take care of it there is no reason you shouldnt be enjoying flawless makeup applicationfor the forseeable future
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After all the hype around the BeautyBlender and being caught between this and the more reasonably prices real techniques version, I decided to give this product a go.First the delivery was brilliant. I ordered the item in the morning and received it the next day. When I first opened the package, I was surprised to find the sponge much smaller than I expected. However after holding under the water and squeezing the excess liquid out the sponge doubled in size.I wanted to use the BeautyBlender for a few months before reviewing and I must say I do not know what took me so long. My skin looks airbrushed constantly. There is something about applying your foundation on with this damp sponge.I do not get the caky look at all anymore, and find that I can build my foundation as much as needed without being worried about my skin looking caked up.I have now used this daily for five months and it has still retained its shape and quality. I will recommend this product to everyone and will be repurchasing.
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MY LOVE FEELYS ARE GOING INSAAAAAAANE!! Anyone who thinks a simple beauty blender won't make that much of a difference to their makeup, is WRONG!! By all means use a cheap drug store blender to moisturise and prime, but if you want that makeup to melt beautifully into your skin, you just need this item. NEED! Foundation, concealer, powder, eyeshadow base, contour... The blender will make light work of it all in half the time. Spend the money on this item, I guarantee it's worth it. It comes in its plastic container (which I use to store), and it's so tiny. Tiny to the point that too think you've received the wrong item, like the mini blender. But wet this little gem and it expands to double the size,and is SO wonderfully soft on your skin. Wet it people, WET it!! Squeeze it out and enjoy the miraculous results. Must have item if you, like me, want airbrushed looking, flawless skin.
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Wow. I honestly didn't know what to expect from this product, though it had great reviews all over the internet, I was still a little skeptical due to my skin. I have very dry, sensitive skin, which tends to get quite flakey, and i get a lot of dry patches on my face. This means that applying foundation is a bit of a nightmare, and I can never get an even coverage, and I spend forever trying to blend it all in. I use Origins vitazing bb cream daily, and this is what I used with the Beautyblender.And all I can say is wow! It really worked for me! No streaky marks, dry areas, uneven coverage, nothing! It honestly makes my skin look flawless, which is something I never thought a little makeup sponge would do.If you're worried about trying this product like i was, don't be! Just go for it, it really does work.
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I love this product, all you need for it to work is water and I honestly think that my make up looks so much better. I love the way it makes my make up look sort of dewy and not caked on at all, whereas all the brushes I've used before have just made it look really thick and horrible. This product can literally replace the majority of your make up brushes, so instead of having to lug around my set of brushes for different types of make up I can just use this. I'm not kidding, I use it for my concealer, liquid foundation, powder foundation and even my blush. It does take some getting used to, but once you've got the technique you'll love it. Also it does stain but I don't think there's any getting around that,just make sure you wash it with cleanser or something and you'll get most of the make up out.
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After switching from powder foundation back to liquid, I was on the hunt for a good quality make up sponge, as although I use a foundation brush occasionally, I prefer the finish I get with sponges. After seeing so many glowing accounts about the BeautyBlender and asking myself whether I was actually crazy enough to spend that amount of money on a single make up sponge, I bought one. Apparently I am crazy like a fox as this thing is dynamite! All sponges will absorb some product but the BeautyBlender absorbs a minimal amount, particularly comforting if you're using one of the more high end foundations. In terms of application, it gives you an effortlessly beautiful, flawless finish.Look after it and you will definitely get more than your money's worth out of it! Great product.
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i love the beauty blender i have tried other brands cheaper and more expensive but this one has the spot on texture to give a fantastic even coverage and is the perfect shape and design to get into every crease especially those sneaky little nooks between the eye and nose. dampen first and squeeze as much water out as possible so you dont water down you foundation or smear your highlighting/toning/blush. i use a different one for each action and they last absolutely ages also. if you are worried about being able to get the hang of applying make up with this then please be assured it is so easy to use.if you want flawless not pancake face forget brushes or fingers this will be the best investment you will ever make!
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Before i purchased this product i had seen a lot of youtube 'gurus' using and talking about it , which stirred my curiosity. I had been watching it for a while but the price always put me off , and being a make up artist myself and working in beauty i had always stayed away from sponges believing that they were good for nothing more than soaking up your product , therefore being wasteful. HOWEVER i absoloutely love this beauty blender!!!! , more than any make up brush I own , it feels amazing to the touch ,and blends every thing out to perfection , when i finish my foundation looks flawless and i have never blended my concealer in so well. definitely would repurchase ,actually i want a second one.LOVE LOVE LOVE.
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I've been using brushes for a very long time and only recently I've been patting my foundation with my brushes, I am one of those unfortunate people that regardless of technique, my foundation always to some extent looked cake. I spent a lot of time thinking if I should buy a fancy sponge for that price but let me tell you one thing, this sponge gives such a FLAAWLESS finish it's absolutely amazing. I've been getting a lot of compliments on how my skin looks. It looks soo smooth and there's no signs of foundation on my face. I also apply my highlighter with this sponge, my god the glow that I get absolutely beautiful. I love this sponge so much I've ordered a duo set!Definitely worth the price
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