

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Nike Free RN Flyknit 3.0 reviews.
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For Nike Free RN Flyknit 3.0, 5 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.

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Amazon has 5 customer reviews and the average score is 3. Go to this seller.


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You should not buy this shoe unless you have tried it in store first or you have used Nike's Free Rn3.0 and Flyknit shoes in past so you exactly know what you are buying. Free Rn 3.0 and Flyknit are Nike's proprietary technologies that are meant to provide a 'barefoot like running" experience. Sole is very lightweight and does not have typical springiness or cushion to it that most people are used to in running shoes. The top Flyknit material is a stretchy material that is supposed to hug the feet really snugly, in fact so snugly that if you try it in store, you may end up choosing a size bigger than your usual shoe size. While putting on and removing the shoe,you need to be careful about not pulling the top material too hard. Some of the recent reviews have mentioned that they are fake. I received my pair today and it looks ok. If they are fake, it is a real good forgery. Since the seller is Cloudnet retail, I don't think they are fake but I will come to know in a few days I guess.Once you get used of FreeRn and Flyknit, you are going to stick to it. I am using these type of shoes for over 7 years now.
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I've ordered these online, just blown away by the look of them. they fit like a sock, they are light as a sock, and so comfortable that every second you just want to take off in them, you just want to run. and i am a fat guy. you just put them on and walk around...i work 12/day and i can't feel them, that's why i wanted them so much.....they are so worth it. i do hope that the glue and stiches will last!

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