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For 8in1 Delights Twisted Sticks, 314 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.5.

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Even the fussiest dog who isn't mad on rawhide will surely like these. Both my big and tiny dogs love them. Smaller and bigger versions are available for different size dogs, as well as ring shaped ones which may be good for dogs who chew the knots off the ends of bone- shape chews and swallow. Rawhide is fabulous for keeping teeth clean, unlike so called 'dental' treat/chews, which I think tend to disappear too quickly to have any effect on the teeth, and much safer than bones. If your dog is young or unused to chews, make sure you supervise at first as some dogs literrally 'bite off more than they can chew' usually causing no more than reguratation and enthusiastic re-chewing... Yuk but they love...Dogs seem to start off desperately trying to get at the dried meat wrapped inside, then as they go the hide softens and becomes attractive as well, so as I said great for dogs who are not usually excited by plain rawhide... i.e. spoilt...like mine... :-)
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I have a 18.5 kg Staffy and a 3.5 kg toy poodle - both my dogs love these! The Staffy gets through these much faster than the poodle (no great shock there) and to be honest the Staffy will eat pretty much anything. The success for me is that the poodle loves them and she can be a little madam at times, she is one of those dogs that gets 'bored' having the same thing more than 2 or 3 days, add in her size and it is difficult to find a chew which occupies her for a while that she can actually eat; especially as they have to have the same chew.Both dogs have had one every day since I got them and they appear gentle on the tum and neither has had any 'choking' etc,great for the Staffy as she tends to swallow pieces that are too big for her to swallow, and I get some peace for a while.I have just ordered a second pack.
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My dog loves these chews, he is a Terrier and weighs about 10-11kg, very powerful jaws for chewing, he loves these chew sticks, he still manages to eat them within a couple of minutes but I can see that he is chewing the sticks into pieces and not swallowing large parts etc, as always though you should be supervising your dog when he is eating any sorts of chews etc, I feel they are a bit expensive, well they are expensive, that is the only downside in my opinion, great dog chew treats though all the same.


These are quite good, just the right size for my bichon and clearly tasty to begin with. They are good value for money and appear to be good quality. My only issue is that once he has extracted the tasty meaty part that spirals round the hide stick he tends to leave the stick around, which rather defeats the dental benefit aspect. This may well be due to the strange character of my dog who also uses his sticks as ritual objects, placing them in the centre of doorways or at the top of the stairs., scary ...


Even sniffy miniature Schnauzers - difficult to impress normally - like these. They take about 15 minutes to chew through them, and so they make a perfect mid-morning snack for my (perhaps overly?) pampered pooches. I first tried the much larger, more pricey ones, but they made my two small to medium-sized dogs choke! So be warned, and don't order the bigger ones for smaller dogs. These are the perfect size, and clearly delicious to canine gourmets.


My Yorkies are only 5 months old but they truly love these sticks, they have roughly one a day each! keeps them busy for ages as they love to chew to get the meat out of the twist, this takes some effort and is a good way to get those teeth clean too! Easy to keep fresh in resealable bag and they love them and don't seem to go off them, everyday they sit and wait for their early morning fresh chew stick munch! Hope they keep making these


These raw hide twist dog chews are a firm favourite with my dogs. I buy a pack per week. They are the only treats I give & my dogs & they really relish them with the added bonus that they keep their teeth clean. My Shih Tzu's manage to make them last about 5 minutes whereas my Lakeland Terrier who has a stronger jaw demolishes one in about 30 seconds!! Highly suitable for smaller breeds but will disappear fast with larger breed dogs.


These were immediately popular with my Bedlington terriers. They're not usually interested in stabdard rawhide chews of the same size (which take them at least 30 mins to finish).I was expecting these to last longer than the 7 minutes it took them to finish them, hence only 4 stars as it makes them a little expensive.Hopefully these chews will help with plaque control. Only time will tell.


Our Chihuahua loves these, keeps him happy for about 15 minutes, he likes to eat all the chicken from inside them and leaves behind to actual rawhide still in one piece, but empty, we don't know how he does this, but he will come back for another one, our black Labrador then steals the bit of chew that our little one has left on the floor, but he does get one of his own anyway.


My Papillons go crazy for these and if they have, as they say, something in them to clean teeth then all’s good. However, I’ve checked the ingredients (with a magnifying glass as the print is sooo small) and can see nothing of that type in there. Never mind, the chewing (and chewing and chewing) action will remove plaque. I hate being lied to though.


My greyhounds love this chew. Its unique because, it has these grooves, which helps this chew roll to the back teeth, deep cleaning, in the most difficult places, where its hard to reach with the toothbrush. You get 35 sticks and they are made with natural hide, parsley and chicken.In my experience, these are the best chews on the market!


This is the fourth time I’ve purchased these treats so that alone must say how good they are! I buy my pug the “Dental” flavour and can honestly say I’ve noticed a difference in her breath! She can chew these fairly quickly, but they still keep her entertained for a good 10-15mins at a time. Definitely recommend!


Our border terrier loves these. She is not a big chewer and she is very happy when these come out. Takes her about 20 mins to get through one and they are just the right size for her. She suffers from sensitive stomach and these are great as have no bad effexts including her pancreastitis.


I regularly buy the large pack of these sticks because my dog just loves them. They are his daily treat and he sits and really behaves nicely when he sees me get them out of the cupboard.I got these little packs for his Christmas present - yes I know what you're thinking & you're right!


My Cocker adores these - he prefers the chicken or dental varieties (which is nice seen as the pork ones are inexplicably more expensive) Since getting a taste for these 8in1's doggo won't touch any other brand of hide chews despite previously being a big fan of the Webbox ones.

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