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Tales of Zestiria, the 15th game in the Tales series by Bandai Namco, was recently released for English speakers just 9 months after the Japanese release. Containing Dual Audio, this game follows another Protagonist in a world full of Humans and spirits, focusing on the relationships between the two and a calamity that is steadily approaching both species who live on the world. A simple plot that the Tales series has employed time and time again, but always feeling authentic and unique with each instalment.StoryOn the continent of Glenwood we find our main character Sorey, a young archaeologist on the hunt for relics and clues to the past. Though he is human he is one of the last few who can still see,talk and interact with the Seraphim (Seraph) race, a species of spirit like beings who come in all shapes and sizes. Along with his Seraph friend Mikleo they make their way through an old ruin on their part of the land, Elysia, finding some answers to their burning questions about the land below along with finding an unconscious female warrior in the ruins.Making their way out, getting supplies together and letting Alisha, the woman who we saved, rest at our home full of Invisible Seraph the group finally say farewell to the Human from below. Soon after the Village is under threat by a monster known as a Hellion, another invisible creature that only Sorey and Seraph can see. Driving it off they realise it is after Alisha and so Sorey and Mikleo make their way out of the village with the inhabitants wishing them luck on their journey.Meeting new Seraph, talking to humans and fighting creatures puts a new spin on Sorey’s life as he was most content living with just Seraph. Joining a world where people lack Resonance, the ability to talk and see Seraph, kind of separates Sorey from everyone else as he sometimes looks rather crazy talking to the wind. Fitting in wasn’t exactly the easiest, but it got a lot harder when Sorey was the one to pull the Sword out of the Stone and become King Arthu- The Shepard. A hero who bridges the gap between Humans and Seraph as well as bringing peace to the world through ridding it of Malevolence.From this point on Sorey must travel the world, gaining new Seraph allies as well as Human squires to work with him to defeat Hellions, creating new blessings in cities to protect them and with the end goal of defeating the Lord of Calamity. Travelling across Glenwood, the two warring nations of Hyland and Rolance, Sorey will go through several ruins, defeat bosses and corrupted Seraph alike, all the while conversing with his friends and mending the bonds between Human and Seraph.The main game will last you between 30 and 40 hours, but with all the Skits, item completions, side quests, collectables, ability hunting, replays for additional endings, the entire game can easily last up to 200+ hours long. While Speed runs of the game are already popping up from the Japanese release of 7 hour long runs of the game, if you take your time the first playthrough can last you around 60hours.GameplayFollowing on from Xillia’s combat system, you are again thrown into an action based RPG game, with full range of movement for your character, though mostly done while holding L2, you direct your character away or towards the currently select enemy, pressing Circle for Martial Artes and X for Hidden Artes. This is different for Seraphs’ however, with Circle for Hidden and X for Seraphic Artes, going in a rock-paper-scissors fashion or weakness/strengths. Seraphic Artes are basically the magic of the world and require charging up, whereas the other 2 are fast attacks with status effects or elements attached to them. All attacks use your stamina, when it hits 0 you can’t attack and must wait for it to recharge, block or dodge attacks.You choose a “buddy” seraph for battles, or switch during battle, who you can stick with and give commands too, but the most useful thing you can do is Armatize with them. Armitization is where you combine with a select Seraph, gaining their element as well as combining your health gauge. This can be used to revive yourself, attack enemies with their weak element or pull of battle wide attacks to keep all opposition stunned as you rain arrows or fiery sword slashes on them. Each time you use this ability it uses a Blast Gauge, which everyone can have a max of 3, or more depending on titles and equipment, which are also used for Mystic Artes, continuing a combo and more.Skills as well as abilities change yet again for this release, in a similar fashion to how Vesperia handled Skills. You gain the use of Skills through equipment pieces that align themselves on a Skill Chart, with stacks of the same skill improving that skill further or doing a sort of bingo where you line up horizontal and vertical lines to gain unison skills. This is either the best system or the worst in the game, as people have been very vocal about it from both sides. I think it is one of the best systems as well as the most fun for skills as it gives you a new way to min/max your character, feeling both challenging and unique.Abilities unlock through levelling up and completing challenges like “Win 50 battles in moderate Difficulty or higher”. Auto-blocks or improving your character’s stats and increasing the range of attacks they can pull off all come down the abilities. Ability points are awarded on levelling up, finding collectables or winning hard battles. There doesn’t seem to be as many abilities to unlock as in other releases, however characters used to have specific abilities so this could be the reason why as all party members share the abilities that are turned on.Overall thoughts and feelingsThe music is yet again spot on for the game, as with the previous Xillia and Vesperia releases, though mostly action infused the tracks contain several ambient tunes and slow tracks for the other parts of the game. Battle and boss themes are amazing and pump you up for the battles whereas orchestral tracks set up the characters and evil people within the world perfectly. The intro song is yet again another song to get stuck into your head for how catchy it is and oddly fitting to the game. The overall soundtrack is loud and in your face, hardly fading into the background for any length of time.Tales of Zestiria seems like it hit a peak in the formula, the annoying characters don’t seem to rear their heads in this game, which some of the earlier games suffered from. Interaction between the party have improved yet again with more skits and easier to view skits at save points or inn visits. You don’t exactly miss much in this game, everything is pretty easy to find or repeatable in case you did miss it. Battle and skills are better, with some changes that are either highly welcomed or condemned. The game overall has seen a massive change, from the story setting and gameplay, revitalising a series that is always on the move it hasn’t slowed down one bit.Tales of Zestiria gets a 5/5, improving on Xillia this game ticked almost all my boxes with little to no bugs or annoyances to be found. Gameplay is faster, the story is easy to follow, the world is beautiful and engaging, characters have backgrounds as well as personalities that perfectly fit them. If you are a fan of Tales or JRPGS this is a great game to buy, or if you’re new to the genre this is also quite a unique game to pick up as it doesn’t need much previous knowledge, the difficulty is also quite accommodating. The only flaw I found was the camera, normally freaking out near walls but you can normally survive and rectify this pretty quickly.
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I have been a fan of the Tales of series since Tales of Destiny, and have played every one except Rebirth and Hearts. Although truth be told with the last few additions, which I really didn't enjoy. These were Tales of Graces, and yes I know a lot of people liked that, and Tales of Xillia 2. Now with Xillia 2 it was more about the debt, it really spoilt the game for me. I have to worry about bills etc in real life, without needing to pay millions back throughout the game. I think to date, it is the only Tales of Game I haven't completed, which is a shame because I loved the weapon switching and the plot seemed like it had potential.Anyway back to the game at hand.Platform: PS3Mode: HardCompletion: - Total including post game dungeon and all side quests.Finishing level (after post game): 97Firstly, I really did enjoy this game, I enjoyed the story, the characters, the gameplay, the aromatization and thought the graphic style was gorgeous. As soon as my son was in bed, it would go on, and not be turned off again until I went to bed. So for me, I think it is a good game. I liked that across the world there were 'Points of Interests' and skits which told you a little about them thus expanding on either world or local knowledge. Oh and the skits were fun too. I even enjoyed gathering all the Normin and Lord of the Lands.I liked the insertion of optional ruins, it fit with the main character's wish to explore ruins, and there was no need to actually do them unless you wanted to. An optional extra that did have benefits.Across the world there were really powerful enemies, they wouldn't attack unless you attacked them. A nice touch when you're a low level and see the first one. Near the end of the game, defeating them all is an optional side quest, though I think a little more story could have gone into them instead of, oh look there's one. These battles were tough, and require strategy. Especially if you are determined to cull them when first you see them.I liked the addition of the crucibles, however they seemed to come at the price of a battle arena, and again once the secret one is completed, I was expecting something a little more than it just being done.However, in the interest of complete disclosure, there are also a number of things I didn't like about the game. I will get this minor one out of the way first and then focus on the game experience affecting ones.There has almost always been costume change in the Tales of games, you work hard to acquire titles, do side quests, some easy, some not, and unlock special titles that come with a change of the characters' default costume, and yes there is a slight costume change available. But if you want something more than a change of colour, then you now have to buy them. Well forget that, I liked the costumes, and that they related to the completed side quests which you had to work to obtain. But paying for them and losing the side quests is a different matter all together, no thank you.I understand what they were trying to do with the weapons and armour, but it did not work. The basic idea it that there are 50 Normin, each with their own attribute, attack, defence, hp recovery etc. These attributes are found on weapon drops, and the chance of finding them can be increased by having a Normin you have found, paired up with a Lord of the Land in the area you are in. The weapon attributes highlight areas on the five by ten grid, and creating a straight line of five vertically gives a specific boost. You can unlock new attributes by fusing equipment. skill + different skill = a new skill (sometimes locked so you need to get the gear to 1 star before it shows on the grid.) You can also stack the skills so you could have a lot on attack and the boost would stack. It sounds like it could be a lot of fun, but then you actually get started. 50 slots, lots of grinding, and in the end, after a few hours you think, why bother. It really doesn't seem worth it. Sure if you get a line and boost by accident great. Otherwise equip your best stuff, and fuse it solely as a means of upgrading, or getting a skill you specifically want.My next dislike was the end game camera angle. Maybe I was lucky, but until a certain part in the game it seemed fine, then suddenly, I couldn't see my character, at one point it looked like I was controlling an enemy because there we no characters on screen. others I could see part of a mountain or a piece of the enemy and had to blindly guess what moves to use or if to defend. It may just be me, but I also don't remember picking up an item which would allow my other characters to use healing items, which meant unless they had healing spells, the battle command 'Focus on Defence' or upping their defence actions to heal at 50 or even 75% hp served little purpose. Except when strategically battling tough enemies.And finally. Zestiria was released on the 20th year of the Tales of series, I expected such great things from the post game, but I was sorely disappointed. A single small island, with a copy and paste map and the cameo appearance of two characters from past games. How disappointing. I could have done great things with this dungeon. It was 20 years, think of all the characters they had to draw on. The end dungeon has 8 boss battles. Think of the possibilities. Just off the top of my head, how about defeating seven previous Tales of characters, then having them unite in an end of dungeon battle of epic proportions. The postgame, which really was not a post game, just a reload before final battle and access to extra dungeon. Had zero story, minimal character involvement and seemed to consist of nothing more than running a similar appearance map until you reached a boss battle at the end, go back, save, rinse and repeat. Plus the ending of the dungeon, actually made me look if something else had opened up, the conversation leading me to believe all was just a test prior to a big battle on this island. But no, they were referring to the final battle which you then have nothing left to do but it. All in all, extra dungeon - disappointing.So there it is good and bad. I can't really expand on the points as to why I enjoyed the game, doing so would contain multiple spoilers. I will however say this. After Graces, I wasn't sure I would continue playing the series, then I was given Xillia2 and I really tried to like it. I had all but given up, then what should I get for my birthday but Zestiria, I enjoyed it so much that it rekindled my interest in the series.
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Before I start I don't think this is a 5 star game taking into consideration how I rated other tales of games I believe this is a 4.75 game. Anyway this is the sixth tales of game I have played and for the most part I had fun, the story aside from one so-so plot twist did not wow me, however I thought the tale of the shepherd was refreshing and the majority of the characters were nicely tied into the plot. Most of the cast had a backstory sorey was a fairly good protagonist better than jude and asbel anyway who I thought were a bit wimpy, (Lloyd still the best though) mikleo is the Hubert of this gamelailah is the motherly figure, rose is the tomboy, dezel is a emo with a past, Alisha is a knight,edna is sarcasm with an umbrella, although as a person from the uk were sarcastic humour rules some of what edna was saying went over my head. The one character slightly lacking was zaveid he definitely has personality, but where was the backstory, as usual Namco Bandai introduced new gimmicks into the gameplay such as a new system were you go battle in the same environment as exploring as opposed to a different screen in previous tales of outings I like the idea and would not be against it being in future titles, but it has to be executed better quite often the camera would get stuck behind a wall and you can't see what is going on most of the time it didn't bother me, however when battle enemies with guard breaking attacks and especially against a tough optional boss battle(imo easily the toughest in the game) late in the main story I ended up raging at the game a few times, this could have been countered by making it easier to adjust the camera in battle by pressing a single button instead of the multiple buttons you need to do so during battle. I liked that everything available to buy weapons armour etc was rolled into one shop, exploring and battling in underground ruins gave the game aZelda light feel which was fun, I liked the ability to upgrade your gear as sometimes it would make you stronger than simply buying new gear, I think the experience giving by enemies is meaner than previous titles and while I think the developers were putting more of a emphasis on the strength of weapons etc rather than what level you are as being more key to winning a battle it just deterred me at times from engaging in the battles as I thought the experience and items received was not worth the trouble. lord of the lands perks were hit or miss for me and I didn't care for having to pay for fast travel as most enemies gave weak experience if you chose not to fast travel. I liked the addition of the armatization gimmick which was especially useful in dungeons available after game completion, I would have got my clock cleaned without it. The soundtrack mostly was very good although there was one terrible ballad song that made me turn the sound down as it spoiled things when I was battling monsters, when you play the game yourself you will know which song I mean. I also completed the Alisha's story scenario which was a nice little addition which follows events after the main story, I believe going the by end game credits Namco Bandai are going to release either more dlc content or a sequel to this game which I am looking forward. comparing this game to other tales of outings I have completed better than graces f (story, cast, gameplay, soundtrack) xillia 1 (story), but weaker than symphonia and xillia 2 (story, cast overall a bit better). If you are a fan of the series like me this is a must buy, if not let the price drop before you purchase.
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just like the other tales games it doesn't dissapoint :) great that its on the ps4 aswel :) great story so far I am 10 hours into the game and I am happy with it so far my only concern being that I haven't seen many side quests to do yet so I hope that improves as I like havin side quests to do besides the main game, also the battle camera is annoyin but I got used to it after a while, the characters are likeable I think sorey and alisha are great and the banter between sorey and mikelo is funny to watch :) love the whole shepherd thing with sorey he can transform in battle which is awesome and his outfit is very cool :) graphics wise it is good definitely the best tales games so far for graphics but I expected it to be good on the ps4 :)for game length I expect around 50-60 hours if u take your time possibly longer but for new game plus expect it to take u a lot less more like 30 hours for that :) overall Impressed with what I have seen so far for any rpg fan ot tales fan it is simply a must buy!!
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I'm only about 40 hours in but i think its enough to write a review.So far its been fantastic - good game play, loving the graphics (I like a fantasy game to look like a fantasy game - and the artistry involved has made me just pause to admire...lol the sky, grass, mountains etc) and the story line is so far absolutely brilliant (on par with Tales of Xillia). I thought that (having played many other rpgs/fantasy games) that the story line would have been predictable but i've been pleasantly surprised quite a few times now.My only negative is that I bought this when it was £89 and it still felt a little...lacking. Not with the game itself (its great) But a tiny artbook, 4 little plastic figures,music cd/anime disks and a...very fancy cloth.... - whilst didn't regret it (only cause i'm a massive fan) I just didn't feel it was great value. But having now seen it up for £169.99 - just no - by no stretch of the imagination is it worth £169.99.
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I was really excited for this game, i was not one of the ones who experienced the japanese version for ps3 as i was waiting for this version. So after watching the trailer for it, i was really hyped to play it and had high expectations. So far, it has not proven me wrong! i am loving the characters plus the story and also, the new combat system. This game does however, remind me a lot of Tales of Graces, which i really enjoyed. I am about 15 hours into it so far and i would really recommend it to any tales/rpg fan! there is a minor problem with the game when you can see monsters in the distance, they seem to move really slow until you get close (not sure what its called) other than that,the game is superb!!
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To no surprise another great Tales of game. The graphics is amazing slightly better than xillia 2, the new battle system takes a while to get used to but once you get a grip on the controls battling bosses or random monsters becomes especially fun. As this game was only out i can't say much about the entire story as im still playing through the game but as someone who got the pre-order bonus on top of the bonus content and is in general a huge Tales of series fan I can't really complain. Hope this helped some of you people who are thinking of buying the game, I highly recommend it.


Not the best Tales game but hardly the worst. Took me 50 hours to complete the main story with most optional bosses/side quests.Interesting Characters, okay but solid story, large environments and the battle system is good and engaging. However the fusion system is complex and seems useless for most of the game unless you want to grind gald to improve your stats. The dungeons are also a bit boring, but the wide variety of optional bosses makes up for it. Worth the money if you like Tales games.


I've finished the game and this is the second Tales of game I have indulged myself into. I have a background of playing final-fantasy, pokemon, mass effect and dragon age, and I still really enjoyed this game.It may feature some "cliche" characters but it is still fun to play especially with the skits between your characters.The dungeon themes for the 4 types of characters are addictive you may feel compelled to be a cave dweller but please finish the story, the ending is worth it.


Game is great. Charming as all the tales games. Likeable characters and great combat. But if you're interested in graphics you'll be disappointed. Graphics look like EARLY PS3 graphics. Not a major issue for me except when there are great scenery scenes and I think how great it would look in true ps4 graphics and that disappoints me. That's the only little nag from other wise a great game.


Bought for a friend who loves the Tales series. Hes been playing it non stop since Christmas and really enjoying the story. If your a fan of Tales games it would seem to be worth it! I've never played any of them however but I'm quite a gamer but this isn't my kinda thing. However 5 stars because its not for me, it was for a friend and they are over the moon with it!


An amazing game, hours and hours of enjoyable gameplay. Story had me gripped and it was hard to put it down, I just wanted to know what happened next! Both the artwork and soundtrack are again, superb! A fantastic edition to the already established 'Tales Series'As a JRPG Fan, this one ticked every box for me!


I've thought about playing this game for a while and i keep seeing things about it so I'm glad i finally got around to getting it.There have been no problems with the game since i got it and i dont expect to see any


I love it game came in early on 8/10/20 it was supposed to come on the 14th. I love it the game is fun and I like all of the characters. I would suggest this game if you are a fan of the Tales of series.


Only just started playing the game last night when I next looked at my clock it said 2-45a.m.I think that says everything about the game seeing as I started playing it at 8o'clock.

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