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ok i rented this game because i was bored and thought 'stuff it ill get this!' and i was actually suprised! this game is a really fun, quality title and its by far a lot better than the usuall run of the mill pap i was expecting.firstly the graphics are ace, with some great little touches like bloom lighting and dust being blown up from the floor,it all adds to the convincing feel of being in the west.(and mexico and other locations!) also there's quite a bit of destruction, like certain doors, boxes crates and also windows and frames so you can jump through into buildings.there are some other nice little touches too.the ability too rotate the right analogue stick too lasoo onto buildings andthingshorse back riding whilst shooting!holding the right trigger and flicking the right stick down with your left palm to simulate firing an old six shooter!its these things and other interesting ideas that really draw you into the game. the weapons are outstanding, and although you start off with rusty old pistols, double barrel shotguns and lever action rifles, you can upgrade to prime ones and even gold ones! the reload animations are superb but there is something thats even better when it comes to the guns.its the active cover system. whenever you go close up to say, a crate or the corner of a building, or even a window ledge, the characters arms will go over, around or any other way past the obstruction, giving you the ability too 'peek' aroung and shoot.after killing hundreds of enemies i have not found one single bug with this, it works perfectly. one time i went to close to another NPC, and my character aimed the rifle over his shoulder! ace.i havent really played much of the multiplayer but dont take this the wrong way ive been enjoying the single player! i did play a few matches of the legends game mode, where one team was robbing banks, safes and then horses too escape the town, whilst the other was guarding it all, it was great fun and no lag!!!!there are quite a few other game modes too that look ace and i cant wait to get my teeth stuck into them.so there you have it, a quality title with a hint of originality and great graphics! if ya want to know more about online leave a comment and ill update the review as soon as ive played some online!oh ans PS, there are some great achievments for this game, like blowing up ten chickens with dynamite! or bashing 5 enemies heads in with a chair! ha ha great stuff
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Ahh, the COD comparisons.Four years ago this would have suffered from Halo comparisons. That killed the original Area 51, another game undeserving of such criticism. So let's get those out of the way straight away . . . It's a first person, story driven shooter. It has (one level) of war based action. There the comparisons end. So let's hear no more of "it's not as good as COD". Because COD isn't as good as Half Life 2, and neither is this.What it is, however, is one of the most beautifully striking games on the 360. No game since Bioshock has created a sense of "place" as well as this. This is a living world, utterly believable and a character in it's own right. Not quite open world,but expansive enough to cleverly disguise it's linearity.This sense of place extends to some fantastic voice acting with the two main protagonists, plus an excellent supporting cast. Characters you actually care about, but not in the way COD attempts to make you "care". This is slow burn, building tension gradually and letting you empathise with their decisions. This to me is more next gen than shiny vistas and 100's of people on screen at once. And the storyline never strays from being personal, in the best traditions of the Western, so irrespective of which character you control it manages to stay an affecting experience.Control is tight, and the meat of the game, while doing nothing new, never outreaches itself. I can't ever say I felt "if only they'd done this" whilst playing it, and that's testament to the confidence of the developers. The one-on-one shoot outs that happen through the games are brilliantly tense, but never attempt to dumb the game down - there's a trick to doing these well, but it's up to you to find it. I applaud the developers for that.Of course there's a few issues. It's screaming out for co-op, and I would rather have had that over the purely functional multi-player. The story is fairly short, but it's so well told that's only a value for money issue. I'd suggest renting if this would bother you.Purely niggles though. This deserves to be sitting with Bioshock and Half Life 2 as the 360's FPS shining lights. But, as with those two, it'll get buried under Halo and COD. Me ? I'll keep an eye on Techland - they have the potential to deliver something truly great with their next game.
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This, I think, could turn out to be quite the dark horse. Typically a first person wild-west shooter. The game sees a band of brothers seeking out revenge on a murderous civil war general, whilst also trying to claim a secret lost gold to rebuild the family home.When I first played, I was sceptical. I had heard some good and some bad points about the game. However, after playing, I can see nothing bad about it at all. Graphically it's very good considering the level of detail the developers went to. Heat waves distort the vision and create subtle, yet noticeable, effects. Spiders can even be seen crawling around!Sound too is near perfect, with great voice acting from the main cast which creates,not only a great, believable story line/plot, but also makes you feel as one with the characters.Game-play is varied and never tiresome. Some levels see you chasing down Native Indians on horse back, whilst others have you plummeting down a Cliffside in an elevator. Furthermore, game-play is varied by allowing the player to play as one of 2 brothers. After which the game can then be replayed as the other character, thus giving the player two sides of this compelling story. Money can also be accumulated in the game to purchase upgraded weapons. The game also sees the introduction of some not-so-well hidden secrets which provide historical facts/pictures from the 1864 American Civil War and also some game development screens.Multiplayer is available, and also ties into the wild western theme. Although it's no CoD 5, it is a very interesting take on other multiplayer games, and introduces a bounty system which increases with each subsequent kill you make. Killing a player will give you his bounty, thus the better you do in multiplayer, the more enemies you'll have gunning for you. Games range from scenarios of real-life robberies and campaigns of the past, to the classic all-against-all.All in all a very enjoyable game well worth £30. Whilst it will keep you busy for a week or two, it is after completion and obtaining of a relatively easy platinum where this game falls down. It simply has no stickability. After completion there's a good chance it will go back on a shelf and stay there. But defiantly consider renting, if this is going to be a issue.9.0 / 10 - oustanding
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Call of Juarez is a little gem. Graphically it is very good, I sometimes find myself looking around at the scenery, there are a few tears but considering the draw view it is very polished. Controls are different but not impossible to master after an hour or so, you will soon be shooting from the hip. The controls feel similar to Resi 5 at first with the exception that you can run 'n' gun.The story is very good, and you do start to sympathise with the characters. You can play as Ray or Thomas in most chapters as each character has their own skill or trait. However if you like collecting trophies then you will have to play this at least twice which is not a bad thing,as the characters take different routes so it won't be the same on your 2nd walk through. Voice acting sounds quite authentic and not too clichéd.The game does start off slow as your fighting in the middle of the American civil war but I'm guessing it is to get you used to the combat controls. The game really picks up when the civil war is over and you start to get engrossed in the story, and soon becomes very hard to put down as you (well I did)will want to know how the story pans out.The checkpoints as another reviewer has pointed out is a bit cumbersome and does pause the game momentarily, however as this game was made for 3 formats one can only presume that the autosave is very similar to that on a PC, but it really doesn't detract from the gameplay.The side quests are a nice touch, adding a bit of variety and the chance to earn some much needed cash. Cash we can be spent buying new and better weapons. Also the horse riding elements is pretty good and quite easy to control and shoot at the same time. There is lots to do on single player, and even more on multiplayer, and after couple of hours I had no problems to report. Another good feature is that any kills or money picked up gets added to your single player and trophy stats, again this will please the trophy hunters.I gave this game 5 stars for fun and 4 for overall. If you like FPS and ye olde style guns then you will love this. Call of Juarez is the benchmark for good old story telling in the wild west.
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Call Of Juarez Bound In Blood is the sequel to the orignal game which was released in 2006. The game is a prequel as the events which occur in the game happen before the events of the first game. There are two characters to play Thomas and Ray McCall neither character is all that different in playing style and doing a level as one character over the other does not result in a different outcome to the story.This is one area where COJ excels though the story, which is great throughout. It focuses on the two brothers and their relationships with each other throughout their adventures. Having said that though the main campaign is short. Timewise you are probably looking at around the 8 hour mark which I guess is acceptable nowadays.The problem is COJ dosen't have a great online infastructure to back it up. To be fair this isn't Techland's fault the match types are varied so you get your standard deathmatch etc but you also get a match type called Wild West Legends which involves you performing different objectives from robbing a bank to blowing up stockpiles of ammunition.Not many people are online which makes finding a good game difficult, but the strength still lies in the campaign of the game.---Summary---Graphics 8 Screen tearing is prevalent throughout unfortunately but the environments generally look good.Sound 9 Great voice acting which adds to the storyGameplay 8 Solid but not too challengingLifespan 7 The campaign can be done in a couple of days hunting down every last secret will only be for the completionistCall Of Jaurez Bound In Blood is a worthy sequel but dosen't offer anything radically different. With that said if you like the Western style theme or enjoyed the first game and can accept the lack of great online play then COJ comes recommended. 8/10. Thanks for reading.
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This game is a game that should'nt be ignored or under rated. After purchasing this game i was shocked by how good the grpahics were and how good the gameplay runs. At first i admit the game seems abit dull and you wonder why you wasted your money, but 20 minutes into the game i was suprised how REALLY GOOD it was!!! You find yourself been stuck to this game 24/7 never wanting to put it down!! I personally believe call of juarez:bound in blood is up there with top titles such as Call of Duty. I seem to find in COD the gameplay seems to become abit repetitive and after a while forgive me a little bit dull. Call of Juarez never had this effective on me,although it is still a first person shooter I found myself never gettin bored of this title and dying to get to the end to see how the game ends! Thre story line to this game is amazing and as im not a big western cowboy fan I found myself feeling like John Wayne!!!! The characters in this game are brilliantly thought out and ive got to be honest the graphics are beautiful and mind-blowing!!! The gun battles in this game are amazing and altho i have to admit it is quite a short game... while it lasts it is a top title in my eyes and one of the best games i have played on, on my PS3. The multiplayer on this game is OK, not as good as Battlefield:bad company or COD but it is alright. If you are one of those sort of people who buys titles for the multiplayer then this game isnt the right choice but for the game itself it is definately worth the buy!!! Before you know it you will be ordering tombstone and young guns from amazon after playing this game :D ....this game is a ten out of ten in my eyes and a proper gem!!! can't wait for the next one to be realised!!
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I wanted this game ever since i heard about a couple of months ago as i thought it would be something a bit different from the games i usually play. I had high expectations and it didn't disappoint in any way. The graphics are amazing and you roam in a truly attractive environment where everything has been carefully thought about. The story mode is very engaging and you really get to interact with the story. I like the way you can choose characters, of which there are two, brothers Ray and Thomas Mcall each possessing different abilities. I recommend that you chose one character for the whole game then do it again with the other so you can unlock all the trophies.The multiplayer is very well thought out and makes a welcome change from the repetitive modes we see in games like call of duty. There are many different modes which contain many are scenarios like rob a bank then steal some horses then escape while the other team tries to stop you but you can do a free for all and team team death match type mode. There are several niggles i have with the game one is that it pauses for a few seconds every 10 minutes or so to save at checkpoints. I have no problem with this as it is just mere seconds but i notice some people like to moan about this. Another thing is that on the multiplayer it only gives you one game online then you have to reconnect to join another as it doesn't flow freely like the COD series. This is a very different type of shooter which will provide much enjoyment until the release of modern warfare 2. This is definitely one to get. Brilliant Game !
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This tells the story of the McCall brothers, Confederate Army veterans who make their way across the Wild West after the war, en route to the Mexican city of Juarez, where they are lured by tales of a great treasure. However, they have been accused of deserting the battlefield, and are pursued by Confederates, US Marshalls and rival criminals.This is a great shoot-em-up. You get to try a whole range of era authentic weapons, and can even use Native American bows and arrows. You get to fight in trenches in the US Civil war, fighting Native American ambushes on stage coaches and timber building Wild West towns. this variety of battlefields is very fun. There are also "Draw" boss levels,where you must draw on a signal quicker than your opponent to shoot them. There are also side quests, such as hunting down bandits for financial reward and rescuing rustled cattle. There are also gun shops where you can buy better weapons.There are only one or two weaknesses. The first is dynamite is used in the game similarly to grenades in shoot-em-ups like CoD. However the dynamite warning indicator doesn't tell you how far away the dynamite is, whilst in things like CoD it fades as you get to a safe distance. This doesn't happen in Call of Juarez, which can be frustrating. Another weakness is your handguns are surprisingly weak in the early levels, though you can buy better weapons.In short, I would recommend this.
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As far as 1-player goes, if you liked Gun on the PS2 but thought it didn't live up to the promise then this game will fill that gap for you. As others have mentioned the checkpoints are tedious but you forget all about that during the nicely flowing gunfights that are a good mix of run-and-gun and stealthy cover. As with Gun the controls and scenery encourage you to take cover and fire over barrels/ fruit stalls just like in the movies. Great fun, although why they didn't offer 2player split screen I don't know...As for multi-player, I'm a massive COD fan and no other FPS really comes close as far as I'm concerned. The fact the scenery is not fully-destructible here is a bit of a let-down,but the Bound in Blood crew have carved a nice niche for this game in the online FPS fraternity. As well as the usual lone wolf/team deathmatch scenarios there's some great objective-based team games that go one stage further than Sabotage or Search and Destroy. And the one area where COD is lacking, this game excels - it becomes great fun peeking over walls or barrels and taking someone out with a well-aimed headshot, making it more comparible to R6V2 in many ways, but a much smoother experience. Unlockable classes and the inventive in-game upgrades will ensure a long shelf-life for the multiplayer game.All-in-all well worth the money if you're not yet saving up for the release of the year in november......
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Great game, love the western first person shooter theme, the maps and graphics are awesome and the new add-on maps from xbox are brilliant. Easy controls, no real problem. But no co-op mode so you and a friend could team up to play the two brothers in the game (big shame on that as I could have done with some help from time to time). Most everything is do-able, but being an old timer I have found the quick draw gun fights impossible to complete (seems to be at least one in each level - have to wait for my nephew to visit so he can do them for me! First time every time! LOL). This has taken the shine off the game for me as there is no alternative solution to taking down the bad guy except to complete the gun fight.That has stalled my progress on the single player missions. The multiplayer is good, great maps and many different characters/kits available. Just a pity that there seems to be so few players playing this on-line, often you go on and there are less than 3 games going on and as these are hosted outside the UK in many instances the connection isn't always good to the server. On the whole though I am enjoying this, despite the niggles - had I known I might have waited for it to come down in price. 8/10Update: Red Dead Redemption, which came out a year later, is a better western game and easier to play in my view.
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I always wanted to be a cowboy as a kid - well who after watching John Wayne and James Stewart didn't want to be? Graphics are lovely. Story is good, weapons etc as they should be. The only thing I don't like is the coop with my 'brother'. Being a huge fan of Bethesda's Oblivion and Fallout games I don't really like having to worry about what the AI of my 'brother' is up to. I prefer more 'freedom'. I also struggle to get used to the multi-target thing, I'd like to be able to shoot at enemies in my own way thanks. Fiddling around with too many buttons at once just slows the feel up and detracts from the gameplay. But then, I am an old man and my kids seem to have no problem at all.A huge plus is you play in the first person, ie (for dummies like me) you look through your own eyes and not from somewhere behind your character (third person). So, if you want to believe you are actually there, first person is excellent. (I've no idea why anyone would play a game in the third person - but each to their own - all game producers should make games which can toggle between first and third person as there are loads of games out there that I will never play as they are fixated by the third person)
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I wasnt overly impressed with single player. The gfx are dated for a current game and the checkpoint loads are slow and frequent.I moved pretty swiftly to multiplayer (can never resist) and havent gone back to single player. The aiming is excellent especially as Sniper. The different game styles are a break from the norm with Manhunt really requiring a proper team effort to defend your wanted man.Good variety of characters although some are overly powerful like the sniper and hombre (2 x sawn off). However at least with the sniper it does stop your firing a rifle shot and flicking straight to pistol which makes for some bottom clenching close up fights lol. Dynamite is very useful for getting people hiding in rooms,on roofs etc.Still not sure I understand how the bounty system works as one minute Im lagging behind the top scorer even with 6 kills in a row and the next Im $90 ahead with just one.Before this I played Killzone 2 which has great gfx but no substance, poor aiming etc online.I will probably continue to play this online until Modern Warfare arrives in November.
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The first five minutes of the game are, admittedly a tad confusing. For the hours and hours of gameplay after this that is pretty much the only niggle. A great game with few, if any flaws. A straight-forward and simple formatwhich delivers a superb all round game. The gunfights are frustrating at first but there is a knack to getting them and when you do they are such a pleasure, especially when you get past the 'only being able to hit them in the balls' stage which, if you play the game through on hard difficulty or higher you will most probably be aware of.It isnt CoD, but it doesnt pretend to be either, it provides a different type of gameplay and provides players with a much more immersive style of game than any of the Call of Duty franchise have so far managed,even Black Ops.Overall a great game, with hours of entertainment value and a storyline which pulls you right into the story. A cracking buy and a great time to be had by any lover of first person shooters.
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Don't mess with the McCalls! Call of Jaurez: Bound in blood is a cross between 'Gun' for the Ps2 and Call of duty, with a scoop of all the good things about the best first person shooters around. This game is packed full of gunslinging action, beautifull scenery, side splitting comical puns and almost unlimited playability, With a mass of challenging, but acheivable PSN trophies to grab along the way. You can play the story through each of the two McCall brothers eyes, each having their own individual abilities to complete the levels. The multiplayer is pretty good, but not the highlight of the game, although I have had hours of fun trying to earn the $1million "Goldrush" trophy.The "Wild West Legends" mode on the multiplayer is like another game in itself, as you replay some of the old west's most famous scenarios. This game is one of my all time favorites on the PS3 so far, one that will not be matched for a long time.
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Amazing on a graphical level. This game held my attention from the 2nd level onwards (First level is less than awesome - dont let it put you off!). Riding the horses at high speed while looking at the varied and detailed landscapes is rather sweet too!The gameplay is easy to learn - with the shoulder buttons playing trigger and change weapon. The X being jump and the Square being "action".The storyline is actually quite compelling - with a great twist at the end that is genuinely unexpected. The fact you can easily get 2 plays out of the game by playing at either Ray or Thomas in each chapter is a great idea - as each person plays out the game a different way - although each reaching the samegoal at the end.The only downer ill have to say is the length of the game - I completed it in a matter of a few days at a couple of hours a session.All in all, get the game! Its worth every penny!
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