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SPOILERS!!!!So many videos, so many articles, so many blogs. A majority of them voicing their opinions on The Last of Us: Part II's storyline.From the perspective of only looking at media reviews (i.e. videos and articles). The general consensus that falls on The Last of Us: Part II. Is that the gameplay is good or average and the story is just absolutely terrible in every way imaginable.It has been no secret to anyone who has watched our past streams of the first installment. That, The Last of Us is my personal favorite video game of all time. So, naturally, when part two was announced I was beyond ecstatic that the story was going to continue. As time passed and we started arriving closer and closer to the release date.A very unfortunate event occured. The Last of Us: Part II leaks spread like wildfire all over. YouTube videos, people spamming spoilers in comment sections, etc...I must admit that - at the time - I too was taken aback by the spoilers. However, I gave Naughty Dog the benefit of the doubt and decided I would still play the game through and develop my own opinion about the narrative they choose to tell.My overall opinion is that. The Last of Us: Part II's story is absolutely phenomenal and this game is a definite contender for Game of the Year.SPOILERS AHEAD!!I want to address a few of the controversies that surround this game.1. At the start of the game. Main protagonist from the predecessor "Joel" is murdered by new game antagonist "Abby." I think now a lot of people understand that killing Joel off was necessary to tell a revenge story. But, overall, the negative feedback stems from how Naughty Dog choose to kill him off. The main criticism I see from this part. Comes from a scene in the first game where Joel and Ellie are ambushed by a gang of Hunters. Fans will note that Joel could tell that the bystander pleading for help was simply a ruse. So, why would he put his trust in someone he had just met? Why would he and Tommy go with her to where she claimed she and her friends had been camping out? The simple answer is multiple background factors that forced them to make a quick decision. There was no way that all three of them could have made it back to Jackson in time. The blizzard was rolling in at rapid pace. Infected were beating at the door and would break through at any moments notice. The logical decision at the time would be to go with the person who claims she can provide shelter. Also not to mention that there would be more people there to help fight off the incoming infected. There's more that can be analyzed here but I'll leave the rest open for discussion.2. This one is really stupid but I wanted to address it because I see it a lot in comment sections on posts about The Last of Us: Part II. People are upset that Ellie is gay. It was literally hinted in the first game and confirmed in the DLC - Left Behind.3. So, after spending three days as Ellie in the rundown post apocalyptic Seattle, Washington. Hunting down and killing numerous WLF's (Washington Liberation Front - the group Abby is apart of). The game takes a step back after Abby ambushes you at the theatre. And rolls the days back to where you are now playing as Abby. Playing in the same three days but from her perspective. Now, I have to admit. That in this moment. I was not all that happy about having to play as her. However - after turning the game off for about a day and regrouping myself. I decided to start the playthrough again with an open mind. A lot of people claim this part was not needed in the game. I would argue that because of the game's ending. This was completely necessary. What Naughty Dog tried - and succeeded - in doing here. Was to humanize the antagonist and those that surround her. By telling their stories and why they do the things they do. Or why she even killed Joel. Because you find out that in the first game. Abby's dad is the doctor that was going to provide the world with a vaccine. But Joel killed him before he could operate, thus saving Ellie's life. Apart from the flashbacks as Abby though. She actually doesn't bring up killing Joel all too often. Instead her story is more about being torn between a war between the WLF's and the "Scars." Choosing to help a Seraphite (Scar) after being saved by one who was outed by his own faction. Causing a divide between her and multiple members of the WLF's because of their blind hatred towards the Seraphites. Telling this narrative showed me the good and kind hearted side of Abby. Even her flashbacks had me empathize with her character after she had lost her dad.4. The Seraphite in question that saved Abby is a transgender male. Which is why he was even outed by his group. I don't know why people have a problem with this, it makes sense and it contributes to the story. It can even hold symbolic metaphors if you choose to see it that way. Meaning that a cult like more religious group does not approve of transgender people. Much like real life. This part of the game is mostly what makes a lot of negative reviewers claim that The Last of Us: Part II is SJW propaganda. But the issue is actually presented and executed in a very meaningful way.5. Ellie vs. Abby in the theatre. I can admit that I personally didn't enjoy being Abby in this moment. To have to go after I character I love for the purpose of killing her. Just didn't sit well with me. I didn't enjoy this moment too much honestly. In the end though it didn't really matter because no one dies - well no one except for Jesse. RIP. I've seen a few people claim that it was stupid that Abby spared Ellie and Dina. But she was determined to kill them. She didn't even care when Ellie told Abby that Dina was pregnant. It was Lev - the Seraphite - who stepped in and pleaded that Abby not kill them. Abby has grown an attachment to this kid and regardless of anything because of Ellie's actions and her own. She was left with nothing. No friends, the person she loved also gone, no group to go back to. Lev was all she had and she didn't want him to end up resenting her. So, she spares Ellie and Dina and leaves them. Telling Ellie to never come after her again.6. I think we'll just go ahead and get to the ending here. So, after some guilt tripping and dealing with PTSD. Ellie decides to go after Abby again and finish it once and for all. I'll spare the details and just talk about the actual fight. When they do come face to face again. Ellie dominates the fight and is seconds away from drowning Abby. But a snapshot of Joel pops up and in that moment she comes to terms with herself and let's Abby live. Even before this moment. Ellie could acknowledge Abby's actions in killing Joel. She understood why she did it. But, her overall need for revenge was because of her own actions. She felt enormous guilt for Joel's death - especially since their last conversation together was a bad one. To me, in that moment, she realized that the only way to truly get over Joel's death. Was to forgive Abby and to try to forgive herself. It can also be argued that she spared Abby because of Lev. Meaning taking someone who Lev has grown so attached to would mean leaving him in the same position Abby left her after killing Joel.Overall the message of the game is that revenge is bad and leaves everyone in a constant cycle of pain and violence. A message not told too often in media. Games, movies, books, and so on are all meant to be gateways out of reality. But this game to me shows the true characteristics of human nature and how every action has a consequence. Even if you believe that what you did is right or what you're doing is right. From another point of view you are no better if not worse.Believe me I can go on and on and I will defend this game's narrative until the day I die. There's a ton of stuff I didn't even discuss that I see people criticize. I just wanted to get some of my thoughts out there. I encourage everyone who wants to play this game. To play it and please keep an open mind.Bottom line, this game is incredible. Some people just don’t get it!!
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Firstly - please ignore the (often offensive) negative reviews from the many homophobes and internet trolls out there who haven't even played or - more importantly - COMPLETED the game.Why ?Because this game may be the best 3rd person action adventure of this generation.You just really need to play this game if you are a fan of great games. It's as simple as that !!I hope it ushers in many more just like it for the PS5 generation.It took me 5 days to complete - playing a few chapters every day.This means at least 25-30hrs of gameplay - more if you take your time and explore every nook and cranny !!It's one of those games that just when you think it's coming to an end - it keeps on giving.Soin terms of VFM it's a clear winner too.The story is strong - and is a straight continuation of the first game - told partly in flashback sequences.Its very 'adult' in tone - and doesn't pull its punches in any way !!As many have mentioned - its very 'dark' and often brutally violent - though If you have played the first game thats exactly what you would expect. There are also some big surprises - and a few VERY controversial decisions in the story that you may not be wanting/expecting - and some that may shock you !!And yes - it uses revenge as its main story motivation - but it's just as much about living with the consequences of your actions, loyalty, friendship, love and, ultimately, forgiveness.If you are familiar with the first game your loyalties WILL be challenged, your expectations shattered !!It's the great script and exceptional v/o acting that really sell the story.The actors doing the original games voice work have returned - and are (again) superb.They just really know how to sell it to you - giving it real emotional weight - and make it all very believable.Its also got Gay and Tran's characters in prominent roles - - but so what !!??I can't believe this is an issue for some people - but if it is then can i remind you its 2020 !!Open up your mind and get over it !!If anything this is ultra-modern and forward thinking work from the writers - and quite brave issues to take on in a video game. It's supposed to challenge you !! Not just in terms of game play - but emotionally and morally too !!Let's hope more video games are doing this in the next generation. :)It's obviously been lovingly crafted technically too - in every way imaginable.Graphically it looks stunning.They have really optimised the graphics engine this time around.It plays superbly on my PS4 Pro - and looks beautiful on my 4K LG OLED TV.It runs at 1440p and has a locked 30fps on the Pro - should that interest you.Easily good enough to look amazing on a good 4K TV - especially with HDR enabled.The clarity, depth and rich, lush looking environments looks truly next-gen.No slow-down, blurry textures or chuggy frame rates here - and it plays smoooooth !!! :)The music is superb - perfectly pitched - it adds tension and drama when called for - but is subtle and never intrusive. You may even learn a few guitar chords !! ;)The sound design also adds so much atmosphere.Rainy days and nights, storms with thunder cracking all around you, fast white water rivers, gun shots and enemy chatter echoing around the level - a good surround sound system really brings this game to life !!And don't get me started on those Infected/Clicker sounds.The Clickers have 'evolved' this time around - and are much more dangerous.I won't spoil the surprise by saying why or how - but OMG !!Be afraid !!I have to admit i felt emotionally exhausted after completing it !!This is because it's VERY tense throughout and quite demanding in terms of gameplay - with a few difficulty spikes here and there - including one of the most panic-inducing Boss battles i've ever had to endure !!The NPC enemy AI are also super smart this time - especially in tracking you down.If you get spotted violence from them is often fast and unforgiving.They work together.They flank you.You have to think and act fast or you will be in big trouble !!Tip: Go slow, use stealth and the silent 'renewable' weapon options whenever you can - as ammo and resources are very scarce. Search every corner of every room in every building !!Many items and collectables are well hidden.Oh - and take lots of breaks - your blood pressure will thank you !! ;)Actually - as i have mentioned - difficulty is generally high throughout the game - even on the lower difficulty settings. Their idea of "moderate" is not the same as mine !!So i recommend playing it on one of the lower (pre-set) difficulty levels first time through - then using the 'game+' to play the higher ones. This will reduce frustration - especially early on.Don't say i didn't warn you !!Strong G.O.T.Y. contender for me.Highly recommended.Congrat's to all at Naughty Dog.Can't wait for their next Project. :)PS: You can individually customise all difficulty settings (even during the game) if thats your thing - just be careful to not remove all the challenge !!
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Reviewed on a base PS4 and 35 hours to beat the story on moderate without skipping cut scenes, seeing each encounter through and no leaks were sought ahead of time, although one important one got spoiled.First the obvious, this is a visual and technical masterpiece, better than anything else you'll see on a base PS4 let alone a Pro, arguably even RDR2, but for the (very consistent) 30 fps, arguably some of the best looking PC games too. I was astounded by the visual detail, how nuts it looks, and this was without the HDR or higher res of a Pro. I can only imagine this on a 4K HDR 55"+ TV screen.The animations, the AI, the world's realism, the way the enemies cry out the names of their fallen friends.If you want a technical showcase, a next generation experience early, the game is legit. And I can't wait to see what the PS5 upgrade does to all this.Although I didn't customise anything until post-game collectible mop-up, the level of customisation rivals even a PC game in visual things & accessibility things. You can even enable a "journalism mode", e.g. slow-mo aiming, or being invisible when crouched, etc, making it possible to be done with the game in 20 hours by stealth-ing past most things if that's your style.This review is for the game, not the story leak drama that front-ended its release or the fall-out. Throw all that aside, go into this game clean, admire it's daring and its beauty and make your honest judgements. I think most people will be satisfied.I don’t think this is quite a 10/10 game, but any criticism is aimed mainly at things like some ‘gameplay’ choices, some of its game pacing beats, and a few elements in this massive story I didn't gel with.To be clear, I don’t have a problem with the overall story itself, but parts of it were admittedly daft. It's epic, it's crazy, it has unexpected turns, it's bound to not jive for everybody. Some people won't like all of it, others will. Some people will like parts of it, but is the game worth experiencing to decide for yourself? Of course it is.The game has a lot to offer beyond story beats. That said, if you're going in looking for a bright cheery father & daughter exploration story as a follow-on from part 1 you'll be disappointed. The game 'is' partly this, but there's so much more going on.I could empathise with decisions made by a lot of the characters, & equally feel disappointed in them. There's no one villain or hero in all of this, it's a complex story about the circle of violence and there are very few innocents.What I had some issue with was some of its pacing. Not that it's a 'long' game, but that we do have stretches of walking and talking, interspersed with encounters. It's a hard balance, but at times I felt I was exploring a huge beautiful world & waiting for the next big encounter or thing to happen. I do put some of that on me in wanting to complete through the game fairly quickly wanting to experience it all.A few other notes while playing:1) It's a mostly linear Naughty Dog game. That means the game can move you on its path if you trigger it, & means not possible to turn back to check over an area you know you didn’t get to explore yet. This is a little frustrating as can put reliance on chapter restart, etc2) There's a certain theme in the game which I thought didn't work. It seemed unrealistic to have a certain character out on Patrol. You'll know the one I mean when you play. And when another character has the same plot device later on I rolled eyes a bit.3) I didn’t buy Ellie’s connection with Dina because not enough back story for me.4) I'm not a fan of having to hold the touch pad button to open the map or having to hold any button to do many basic things, opening doors, etc, but it's a thing in many games. Having to keep finger on L1 the whole game whenever you want to run was a bit of a chore as well. No toggle to run option5) I had to restart checkpoint a couple of times from getting stuck in a spot you can’t move from. Which goes to show, as much as you want to delay and polish a game you’ll never make it absolutely 100% full proof, which is understandable. This game is still about as polished as you'll get.6) The game is very dark in spots even with a torch7) The combat is excellent, I really enjoyed it, and the AI was mainly very good even on the balanced moderate setting. I'm scared how nuts it would get on survivor difficulty.I'm happy I actually played the game thoroughly through & think a lot of people would be into it from both a technical and gameplay standpoint.
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There’s always such a buzz when a Naughty Dog game comes out, and despite the furore that went on before its release this one was no different. Perhaps suffering from the curse of most sequels, it seems to be missing its mark with a contingent of its target market, which is a real shame, as there’s a truly amazing and quite unique experience here that, if allowed, should truly thrill the single-playing, narrative driven fanatic.The general consensus seems to be: gameplay, good; story, bad, with the performance and graphics being universally lauded as exemplar.And they are truly impressive, like nothing else I’ve seen. Like every ND game, it all feels a cut above; an experience that you just don’t get with most other games.From the character modelling to the presentation and execution; environments that feel authentic; combat that is unforgiving and brutal; it all feels visceral and actual, gratuitous, yes, but never unnecessary, as it carries us along its adventure with emotional intensity, high-octane moments, and an insightful story.All of these constituents are implemented in an innovative way, being brave enough to thrill us one moment, and devastate us the next, the intensity made tangible by some of the most believably nuanced and subtle expressions rarely seen on console, showing off amazingly natural movement and contact between the characters.The story is bold at times, and ND really did allow some brave decisions, which - in my opinion - all pay off... eventually, but you need to give it time; this isn’t just a big story thematically, it’s a big, long game, and it does demand the time to truly appreciate it.It’s also been called messy, which - when compared to the first game - is true to an extent; it’s a wider story than the first, showing off a lot more world and the different factions within it; and it plays around with the time line, jumping between different moments in a four year period. I never really thought of it as messy though, and thought it showed how good and well crafted the writing was, making present day travails more impactful when juxtaposed to earlier events.I’ve heard it criticised as not being fun (narratively speaking) and the critique is not without cause: the story is bleak, the denouement comfortless, but that in no way makes it bad story, just a different one. Shirking the happy ending is a brave decision, but it’s a story about loss; about people being taken from you and the concomitant revenge, encapsulated by these two young women, who are more alike than, sadly, they ever find out.This tragic theme allows ND to make you truly hate a character, then later makes them the protagonist, and forces you to change your opinion, so much so that some confrontations in this game, for me at least, really made me question who was the “bad” guy, and who actually deserves the vengeance they have so tirelessly sought, and if such justice ushers redemption, does it bring peace, or is it just another poisoned chalice, one that erodes the memories of better times with the people we’ve lost, or even in the way that we remember them, whether it be singing a song they loved, or the ability to play the guitar...A word on the menus: the level of tinkering available is impressive, from custom difficulty options (you can make combat practically impossible but stealth a cinch, or mess around with the level of resources or how aggressive your allies are); auto-aim and the strength of auto-aim; infinite breath under water; ledge guard (warns you if you’re going to get hurt when falling); traversal assistance; invisible when prone; enemies that don’t flank, and.. it goes on and on, allowing you to craft a truly unique experience whilst playing.If it’s not clear by now: I loved this game. Is it perfect? I don’t think I’m qualified to say, but objectively speaking I cannot understand the hate it’s received. I can’t help thinking opinion may have been coloured by all the negativity and nonsense prior to release, from which I steered well clear. It’s sad so many players’ experience of this game has been tarnished, and I hope they give it another chance in the future, some time when the hate for this game isn’t so fashionable. It deserves that, at least, because love it or hate it, it’s like nothing seen before, which is why I think The Last of Us Part 2 is the first of its kind.
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I have a feeling a lot of these 1 star reviews are from people who haven't even played the game and some from people who own a certain MS console and can't play it. I received my copy 2 days early and I'm now finished. I'm not going to lie the first 2 hours broke me and I found myself very angry and sad about the direction the game was going in, but I ploughed through and I'm so glad that I did.Everything looks stunning it's the best game graphically available on the PS4 Pro. And with a generation that includes RDR2 and God of War that's no easy feat. The environment's feel alive in a way I've never experienced in a game before,the characters feel so real and the way enemies call each other by name makes every kill feel even more brutal.Upon first arriving in Seattle I was really enjoying tearing stuff up, mutilating and killing every WLF member I could find and leaving no-one alive, mainly because of my anger about the event 2 hours in. However the story is so masterfully written that by the midway point of Ellies first section I was already questioning whether any of this was worth all the bloodshed. The way enemies are brutally killed by Ellie was satisfying at first but carry weight the further you get into the game.Then I reached the section with Abby which during the first 2 hours of the game I never could have hated a video game character more, even more than Micah from RDR2. I wanted her to die cruelly at the hands of Ellie. But again Naughty Dogs masterclass of storytelling shines through. We are treated to a wonderful backstory explaining where Abby's hate began and her journey for revenge which mirrors Ellies story and even surpasses it in some regards, by the time you're done playing with Abby her morals and reasoning behind her actions far outweigh Ellie's bloodlust.The talent of Naughty Dog is on show here, turning a character I never thought I could hate more into someone you actually like in the space of 8-10 hours of gameplay is something I don't think any other developer in the buisness could acheive.The gameplay itself is massively improved so much more to craft, bigger environments to use stealth and more angles and avenues to use to your advantage in every situation you come across, not to mention the infected are fantastic in this game. The horrifying clickers return which are as terrifying as ever, The runners are also more deadly in this game. Special mention for the Stalkers which are massively improved in part 2, they hide around corners or in dark spaces and wait for you, and are very clever working in packs to try to kill you.I can honestly say in every way this game really needs to be played, I can see why there is division and I found myself angry and upset after the first 2 hours, but that is how the developer want's you to feel. Naughty Dog want you to arrive in Seattle full of hate and I can promise by the time you finish Ellie's section if you don't feel redeemed by all the bloodshed you must be psychotic.I've never experienced anything across all forms of media that moved me in the way this game has, that includes films, TV series and games. In a world of video games with stick thin plotlines and tireless open world, climb a tower unlock the next part of the map etc, bland games. This stands out by a mile.Really don't understand all the 1 star reviews here, either they've not played the game or a writing their opinion after 2 hours of playing. Funny thing is if Part 2 was the exact same journey story of Joel and Ellie in different locations there'd be another group of people complaining that it does nothing new, and is just milking the first game.Maybe that's what people want nowadays, the same stories over and over again with no shock factor and nothing new to add. This remaster culture we seem to have gotten into in the last 5 years or so is proof of this. I have a feeling that looking back in years to come this will be looked back on as a seminal moment in gaming, although it's divisive and raw, it's interesting.Which is more than I can say for most games
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First and foremost, I knew of the leaks and initially it did make me consider cancelling the pre-order. However, I decided that considering how much I enjoyed the first part I would give the game a chance and as such, I am very glad I did.Lots has been said about the graphics so I won’t delve too deep, they are brilliant, certainly the best the PS4 has seen and the animation, sound and soundtrack etc. is simply first class. I won’t post spoilers but I will skirt around certain aspects.The game is essentially split into two parts where you get to see the story pan out from two different perspectives. A significant event takes place early in the game which provokes Ellie to seek retribution and so the journey and exploration of Seattle begins.Ellie’s quest is very much Last of Us Part 1 orientated, lots of dialogue and encounters with a wide variety of different factions and infected. On the subject of factions there are two to deal with, the Washington Liberation Front or Wolfs and the Sepherites, a group of religious types that are at war with the aforementioned faction. Both differ how they patrol and secure their areas, the Wolfs tend to be in large packs and have the added bonus of attack dogs which use their sense of smell to track Ellie down. The others I personally believe are harder to deal with, they tend to notice you quicker and communicate via whistling which eventually leads them to your location. It is quite off-putting the whistling, you just never feel comfortable when trying to navigate an area. Finally, and not considering them as a faction, is the infected. Again, they play a massive role and some of the types you come across are both frightening and at the same time exhilarating to take on. There is still the guys from before and a couple of new ones to keep it fresh, some of the set-pieces that you are subjected to form the main highlights of the game in my opinion.The second part is seen through the eyes of someone else and is definitely the more action packed side of the game but it just doesn’t fit in with the original narrative. There is a lot going on by Ellie that would affect the other protagonist but until near the end, you are not aware of what is going on. It is strange and completely disconnects the story. Towards the latter stages the game just turns into uncharted with various elaborate set pieces that look good but just seems to make no sense. Not to say I didn’t enjoy it, I thought as a whole the second part easily eclipsed the first part in terms of enjoyment but they just feel as separate games entirely.There is also a third act which I think very early on had a natural stopping point but it is needlessly dragged out for absolutely no reason, nothing is achieved by the final act.It does sound like I am hating on the game a little but in reality I think it is one of the best that I have played this generation. I liked the characters and the decision made by Naughty Dog, I think once the context has been explained, it is easy to accept the direction that was taken. There are a lot of people that don’t agree, hence 1 star reviews but no way does this game deserve anything less than 4 stars. The game, regardless of the direction etc. was always going to be inferior to the first, it was a masterpiece. The balance was perfect and the bonds you make and the people you meet just further compliment it. Last of Us 2 is completely different, more action focussed but still an absolute gem of a game that will last just as long in the memory as the first.Finally, if you are thinking about value for money, this has it in abundance. The whole campaign took me over 28 hours to complete and during some parts I felt as though I just rushed through. It does have replay value also with New Game Plus, but essentially it is quite refreshing to have a single player campaign that is this long rather than the normal 10 hours that you normally get. Brilliant game, don’t deny yourselves playing it based on petty, unfounded comments by so called “fans”.
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Right. I’ve got to be honest here. I’m a huge fan of this series, and it’s characters, setting and ideas. Approaching Last Of Us II with an open mind, I knew this review would be tough. Story wise in my personal opinion, this makes for a great gritty revenge tale told from two sides, one from returning character, Ellie, and the other from series newcomer Abby.Who is she I hear you openly wondering? Well that’s a huge spoiler, but I’ll tell you this. Have you ever wanted a tale of two Anti Heroines set to a backdrop of a post apocalypse? That’s something that almost never gets explored as a genre, and for that reason, I like this idea of playing two characters on opposite sides with similar goals a lot,it adds a lot of emotional depth to a universe that’s already dark, brutal and unforgiving, taking it to the next level in this entry. I almost never enjoy survivor horror games because of the standard plots they follow, but Last Of Us Part II, shatters the glass there, giving us a unique perspective on returning and new characters that I’m so far thoroughly enjoying.Gameplay wise this entry is better in every possible way in my opinion. Crafting and Combat have been enhanced, there are a lot of new enemies, weapons and depending on who you’re playing as, overall combat styles. Added features including swimming and riding on horseback are cool, they give you a chance to really explore the beautiful environments in each mission setting. The game looks wonderful and the attention to little details makes it even better. Fair warning though. I’m saying this game is hardcore for a reason.The battles are rough and edgy, the Zombies are bound to freak you out a few times, and the level of realism in the run and gun sequences is second to none, it looks great, but it’s not for faint hearts, this got R rated because it is in short, gore, scares, full on love scenes letting nothing go unseen are all in the mix here, making for in my opinion a very immersive experience.I know, this one is proving somewhat divisive among the devoted fans due to the new approach the story and characters take on Last Of Us in general, and I’ll admit, that had me a little concerned going into this, but I approached Part II looking for something new set in a familiar universe, and for the most part I got and so far like that experience. The story is spoiler heavy, so I’ll leave that to be played, but let me say this.About the leaks and Controversy flying around? Try ignoring it as I got really frustrated by the amount of trolling online I was seeing to the point that I didn’t care about what people were afraid of. I wanted a fresh approach that added to a universe that I like a lot, and the idea of playing from two sides that at some point meet up gave me exactly what I wanted in a familiar setting. I’m loving Last Of Us II so far, because I approached it with an open mind.Stunning graphics, great combat mechanics and a mix of unique and diverse characters make this sequel a welcome addition to the series for me, I’d give it a solid 8/10 for doing everything like that right. I just wish that everyone wouldn’t freak out when something new happens. It’s still the same universe, just told in a new and in my opinion engaging way. A great tale of humanity fighting for survival told from two very different sides of the coin? Sign me up. I really like it.If you ignore the haters and trolls surrounding this sequel and give it a try, you’ll be surprised, shocked and immersed all at once.Naughty Dog, you did a good job here, I must say this approach was risky, but at least for me so far it’s paying off.Now, I need to load up my guns and ride off to find where this great adventure story will take me next.Earning an 8/10 as I said before, this game is fine, the negative press was the main downer for me, but then I remembered something.I can enjoy this if I want, and so far I am having a blast.If there is a Part III? All I can say is, I’m ready for it.Until I return, it’s onto the Console once again.
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Coming off the back of a game like the first Last of Us, a game that is so universally loved and hailed as one of the finest ever made, the studio Naughty Dog had seemingly set themselves to deliver the impossible. How do you make a sequel that lives up to that? It would have been easy to give us another thrilling, epic Ellie/Joel adventure of them trekking across the States killing more Infected and expanding on this gorgeous yet brutal and unforgiving world. We all would have played that and I would have loved nothing more than to see my all-time favourite gaming father/daughter partner up again on another wild trip through post-apocalyptic America.Nothing could have ever prepared me for what the next chapter had in store for me...I am seriously still reeling from it days after finishing it.Not content with rehashing the first game and delivering a typical and derivative Hollywood-style sequel, Naughty Dog decided to not only change the rulebook in terms of developing a follow-up but they actively tore it to pieces in what is one of the most challenging and contentious games in recent memory. For this reason (and many others) the game has received both fair and completely ridiculous criticism. The backlash has been unprecedented since the unfortunate leaks happened which included the grisly death of a central character. Death threats came swift on the creators, accusations of "pushing a progressive/SJW agenda", the fury of the inclusion of a trans character etc. Among other insane takes. For a story where the corrupting power of hate and obsession are the primal negative forces that drive this game, life seems to be imitating art.Casting all that aside though, it's a game that dares to be daring. To boldly go where no other game has really gone before, certainly not any I've ever played. The cruel and unforgiving world is very much still present, in fact the dials have been turned to 11 this time. It dares to cruelly pull the rug from under you within the first few hours and never really let's up from there. You set off as Ellie on this dark quest for retribution against those who have wronged her. There are a few commercial-like breaks of tenderness, warmth and joy that swells and tugs firmly on those heartstrings. But those welcome moments are few. This is an incredibly shocking, bleak and harrowing experience that will toy mercilessly with your expectations and emotions, challenge your perceptions and force perspective shifts that are risky at best and downright unthinkable at worst. So much so that not everyone will be on board with it.They knew going into that it would be a divisive game. It absolutely is and some will hate it for some of its narrative choices. But for me I was floored at how a developer could make a game like this, and it is better for it. It carves out its own path, and ventures into uncharted (pardon the pun) territory certainly for a game. It doesn't play it safe, and it doesn't shy away from the story it wants to tell. It was one of the most visceral, riveting and traumatizing experiences I've ever had with a game. By the end I was emotionally drained and a blubbering mess, I was speechless. Never has a game left me in such a state, not in a very long time.It is not only a technical marvel on the presentation front as to be expected with Naughty Dog, possibly the best looking PS4 title, but the gameplay, AI, combat have all been upscaled. The encounters both Infected and human are as engaging and nerve-shredding as they've ever been. Do yourself a favor, approach this game with a completely open mind. Let it carry and take you to places you never a game could ever take you. This is a game that will be talked about for all the best and worst reasons for years to come. But experience it for yourself.
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Spoilers for themes, but I'll keep the story spoilers out of it.First things first, no, it doesn't have a PC or LGBTQ+ agenda. Ellie is gay and a secondary character is trans, that's it. There are no explicit queer sex scenes (though you do see a 30 second heterosexual sex scene - consensual with a bit of boob, definitely nothing that would push the limits of the 18 rating). The most explicitly gay stuff you see is kissing and general cuteness between girlfriends, if you think that's an agenda then I don't know what to tell you, you live in a bubble and queer folks exist, get over it.It's pretty grim and gruesome, the deaths are a lot more hard hitting. If you shoot someone in the leg and they bleed out,they'll scream and writhe for several seconds, there's more fear in their faces when you kill them, they sometimes beg for their lives, the people watching their friends die are more authentically messed up by it, stuff like that. Not something that will bother everyone, but I'd say that's the nastiest bit of the game in terms of overall gameplay. Once again if you're more offended by a bit of boob and a consensual sex scene, IDK what to tell you. There's also a bit of weed use and a mention of a grumpy old alcoholic, if those are deal breakers for you.Graphics are amazing, sound design is great, and the gameplay itself is very similar to the first game, but just a little bit better. IMO it's perfect, I hate when they change too much in the sequels when the original was so good. If it's not broke don't fix it, you know? And The Last of Us Part II honours that, it basically expanded on the original combat without changing much at all. Oh, except one thing - Clickers ACTUALLY use echolocation now (they just used hearing in the first game) and they don't bloody tell you, I must have died a dozen times before I realised they can "see" you if you stand in front of them while they're making noises.As for the rest... basically it's a game about how much you can mess yourself up in the pursuit of revenge. It's a game that hurts you then tells you to get over it, because staying angry will only ever leave you unsatisfied and unhappy. It's true to life, moreso than most of us would like, and at times it's frustrating, tedious, or even in-your-face insulting. The game doesn't care if you like it or not, it doesn't care if it makes you feel bad, and it doesn't care about making you feel better. Pretty much every criticism I've seen against the game so far (that this plot point should have been different, that the pacing is weird, that you don't care about that character, that you're not satisfied with the ending, etc) can be answered with "yes, I know, that's literally the point." Once you get your head around that, it's a good game that achieves exactly what I believe it set out to achieve.If that sounds interesting to you then I say go for it, maybe watch a playthrough first (I recommend JackSepticEye or GabSmoulders purely because they seems to be the only YouTubers thus far who actually get it) or wait for it to come on sale, or keep your eyes open on marketplaces online or CEX and similar trade-in stores, I'm sure there will be a lot of copies there soon enough. Do actually play the game though if you want to criticise it, and be wary of those with generic copy/paste reasons for disliking it, such as an unsatisfying ending or a dislike for the "PC agenda" it doesn't have.
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Firstly, I'll start with points related to the Special Edition. The steelbook is great, featuring the likeness of Ellie on the front and a 'mystery' character on the back (her appearance is story-related so no spoilers revealing who she is). The artbook was great, showing how different character models changed during development, and the digital extras were good too.Now for the actual game. Gameplay is great and similar to the original game, with emphasis on managing your inventory, crafting items on the fly and really thinking about how to approach a combat situation. The need to gather items for crafting makes you search every corner of your environment looking for what you need (there were some issues where I had maxed my inventory of one item,but struggled to find other ones I needed, but that just makes you learn not to waste resources and stops you from using just one tactic in battle - e.g. using molotovs every time). There were some combat situations where I messed up straight away and ending up just shooting everything, which is great that I could recover that way, but then seeing all the rooms and cover spots in the area made you realise there was a great stealth opportunity I lost, but this didn't happen every time. Also, there are two enemy types (humans and infected), and there are times where they are mixed, meaning you can pit the infected against the humans and just watch them fight, which is amazing, but there weren't many opportunities to do that, which was a bit disappointing.Graphics are stunning, making you want to stop what you are doing and take in your surroundings (even when most of what you'll see is just overgrown weeds/grass in urban areas). There were some glitches with cut-scenes starting with a character in an incorrect pose (e.g. standing up, then snapping to lying down), but these will be picked up in patches, and nothing immersion-breaking.The campaign for me was about 30 hours long, which takes into account searching every area for loot and taking my time with combat encounters - could be completed as quickly as 20 hours if you rushed through.Now for the story, which as you may guess is a divisive topic for some fans. Not to sound elitist or patronising, but it seems that a lot of people missed the point of the whole story and were just annoyed about the major incident near the start of the game. Compared to the last game, the story is bleak and ends on a sour note, so if you aren't into that type of story you may be put off, which is fair enough. However, the majority of negative reviews are just complaining about 'SJW' and 'gay agenda', which is nonsense. Like I mentioned above, a lot of people just can't get over what happens at the start of the game.In essence, the story is about revenge and how allowing yourself to be completely overwhelmed by pure revenge will destroy you and make you lose sight of why you are looking for revenge in the first place. One character moves on from their revenge and becomes better for it, the other is consumed by it and loses pretty much everything.Obviously, many of the negative reviews are justified if the player genuinely didn't enjoy the game, but make sure to read their points and make your own mind up - don't miss out on a great game because a few toxic members of the gaming community can't accept any sort of change.
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Absolutely loved the first game and have gone back to it so many times since finishing it the first time. This game is not as good as the first one in terms of storytelling but is still an outstanding game in its own right.For people to give it a one star review is all a bit ridiculous to be honest. Even if you don’t agree with the storyline, and my son and I were very disappointed to be honest with what happens to Joel, it is still a very well thought out and superbly crafted game. The whole game is based on revenge and payback and I think the story writers deserve huge credit for the thought that has gone in to this game.Graphically and musically the game is probably superior to everythingthat has gone before it and again huge credit for the unbelievable attention to detail throughout the game. There are too many touches to mention here but Joel putting his hands in front of his eyes to cover them from the sun depending on which way you point your horse In the opening sequence is one example. The music is superb and reminiscent of the first game.The characters are all very well fleshed out and interesting and while people have moaned endlessly about having to play as Abby, her character is portrayed as completely believable and, dare I say it, sympathetic, as she loses a lot more than Ellie over the course of the two games. I do understand the conflict about playing as two different people who are as diametrically opposed as Ellie and Abby but when you get to the end, it ties it all up to give both characters some kind of closure. So many people have disagreed with the ending but after having played it through the second time (my son is on his fourth run through) I feel that the ending is completely right.This game is violent in the extreme and even more so than TLOU 1 and I feel that it sometimes lacks the heart of the first. The relationships between the characters in this game lack warmth, they are well developed but they don’t have you cheering for them the way you did for Joel and Ellie in the first game. For example, Abby teams up with Lev and Ellie with Jessie and Dina and while they build up a good camaraderie, you never feel yourself caring for them like you did in the first game. This is I think why people went against this game to a certain degree.It is a long and challenging game but if you’ve played the first one, you’ll get to grips very quickly with the controls and gameplay. Excellent new adversaries like the ‘shamblers’ and the new and improved clickers are great additions and the crafting tables are another example of the attention to detail that Naughty Dog pay to their games.I’m not sure about all the nonsense about gay characters etc. that has caused so much fuss and bleating. Who really cares? It’s a video game after all and well worth the time, effort and price tag placed upon it.To sum up for me, not quite as good as the first one despite many improvements visually and musically but still a fantastic game which is well worth losing yourself in all over again!
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I purchased the last of us 2 special edition via PSN and played 2 hours from the midnight release and as I leave this review, I'm around 7-8 hours in to the story.I was aware of the leaks and avoided spoilers like covid for the last few weeks as I wanted to go into this with only the brilliance of the first game in mind.Graphics and sound are top notch as to be expected from a Naughty Dog game in 2020. I think the only game to compete with this game graphically (on PS4) is Red Dead and the fans on my PS4 pro are near constantly on light speed mode. This is of course to be expected at the end of a consoles life cycle and the optimisation work here to keep things above 30 fps is impressivealthough dips below this are to be expected but no where near as frequent as I thought they would be.I know a lot of people have a huge issue with the opening hour of the game and the choices made by certain characters in certain situations. I admit I was shocked seeing what happened but thinking about it these characters have been in a huge community of people for the last 4 years and I'm sure have met survivors out on patrol who they have then taken in and given shelter from the outside world. The choices made by these characters are not that far fetched and in the end, this is the way the story is being told. Yes it is horrible but no reason at all to spit your dummy out and boycott this game. This just comes across to me as entitlement.(apologies if this part is a bit cryptic but you will see what I mean when you play or choose to view spoilers)The animations compared to the first game are much improved and expanded on and combat is all together a more fluid experience overall although a few more stealth takedown animations would have been nice. The clunky feel of the last game has mostly gone and even the crafting/inventory system feels a lot smoother and more intuitive whilst still sticking with the good parts from the last game.I am really struggling to put this one down which is rarity for me these days as I find myself getting bored fast of copy and pasted mediocrity ...cough...cough...fallen order. The main reason I attribute this to is the shear hate I feel for a certain character for doing a certain thing early in the game and I am imagining the many ways I wish the character I am playing as to hurt them.I fully understand Neil Druckmanns summary of this games theme … hate. I just really hope the ending is satisfying enough to do the series the justice it deserves.I advise going in to this games as spoiler free as possible in this day and age and experience more than the first hour before forming too harsh of an opinion. Look at other (much more professional) reviews than this one as IGN for once in my opinion has pretty much summed up my first 8 hours with this game.
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Mild spoilers...I played The Last of Us Part 2 like I was watching a slow burn mini-series drama. Kind of like a season of True Detective. Not wanting to rush it, but letting it slowly unravel in front of me. That's why it took over a month to complete! There's probably a good 30 hours of gameplay if you take it steady. I like to open every draw and explore every corner for hidden items.My biggest take away from it was that I should never listen to ANYONE when it comes to controversial games or films. Everyone has their own opinion and we should all make up our own minds. This is a deep and heavy game. Heavy for the player and heavy for the characters. It's a kind of "scorched earth" plot.No one is untouched.I'm sure by now everyone knows the "twist". But I can't spoil it for those who don't. But if you look at this like a film or TV show then it all falls into place. Love for characters is used in a similar way to other mediums. It's just people expect video game characters to go on and on. I suppose it stems from having infinite lives. No matter how you die in the game, you just re-spawn and carry on where you left off. Which is how I think most peoplefeel about The Last of US Part 2, they just wanted everyone to carry on. Using the characters in this way is genius and elevates the medium of gaming. It treats the players like adults and shows us a world where actions have consequences. The level of hate given to this game wasn't given to The Walking Dead when beloved characters were killed off. The shock value it brings is to illustrate the stakes. Some of the line delivery, from Laura Bailey especially, is better than most films. The voice acting really conveys the emotional weight of their actions.But that's the story. The game, if you ignore the story, was one of the best experiences ever for me. It's the best playing Naughty Dog games so far. Combat is well balanced and every time I entered a new section it gave me a sense of freedom, even though it's a linear path, to attack everything the way I wanted. Exploration is wonderful here, with draws to look in, corners to find, upgrades to earn. You just want to stare at your surrounding all the time they are so lush and detailed. Facial expressions on the characters change when they perform differenttasks and even on the NPC's! It's by far the most detailed game ever and a wonderful end to the life of the PlayStation 4.PROSAdult, emotional storyline.Graphics are amazing.Detailed audio design.Combat is solid.Character upgrades make a difference to gameplay.Model viewer is a really nice addition.I actually cared what happened.Paced well considering it's length.Well acted and voiced.Favourite line: *SPOILER* "We let you live, and you wasted it."CONSManny is annoying.Having to play the guitar.
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The game arrived in two disc format and required both to install however you only need one to play. The game installed smoothly and played generally very well. In the 30 plus hours of gameplay I only observed two instances of graphical glitches that quickly disappeared and did not come across any other game play glitches. The PS4 itself ran the game without issues as far as I could tell.If you’re a fan of the original then you will love this immediately from a graphical and gameplay point of view. It’s bigger, crisper and stunningly well realised and fully immersive as a result. The music and understated acting captures the tone of the original and whilst the story will come down to personal preference,the characters are naturally diverse without feeling forced and are well animated. From a technical point of the view the game is a masterpiece.The story itself is very dark and violent and forces you to change your perspective throughout and your ability to get on board with this and understand what’s being asked you may affect your overall enjoyment. I’m personally on board with most of the creative choices they made here but I do think structurally the way they got there occasionally doesn’t land as well as it could. As a result the games structure is both a strength and also biggest weakness.Part II is an action adventure with stealth elements. If you’ve played the first game then this won’t be new to you and you know what to expect. Moments of quiet, character driven exploration can give way to stealth encounters, fire fights or even chase sequences. The gorgeous visuals, sound effects and lack of music often makes this an extremely tense and nerve shredding experience and some of the action set pieces can feel appropriately chaotic. The game is also very cinematic and in this regard is very much equal with its predecessor as the pinnacle of cinematic video gaming. Whilst the game generally isn’t open world you do have the option to explore the areas around you and frankly exploration is key as your run through will benefit as you scavenge supplies and craft weapons and other support items. If there’s a criticism to be had with some of the gameplay elements then it would be that the camera doesn’t always position itself right especially in stealth encounters.Overall this is an impressive continuation from the Last of Us. A technical masterpiece for me no question and whilst structurally it doesn’t land every note, the story lands many notes that I am fully on board with an applaud. The graphics, sound design and gameplay makes this one of the most immersive video gaming experiences I’ve ever had. Be mindful of the hordes of fake negative and positive reviews but for me this is definitely a game worth experiencing.
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Going to try and leave a spoiler free review here but be in mind of minor spoilers.Positives: the game play works really well. Puzzle solving, cambat mechanics, and crafting system is really nice and modelled on the previous game. The games atheistic is beautiful and cannot say enough how beautiful the setting of this game is. The story builds a good character development, and inrrodices new characters which I straight away had interest in. The decision on how to engage encounters is brilliantly made, and makes you feel part of the world and actually want some of the characters/ scenarios to do well. The weapon customisation is great and the story does pick up where the previous game left,and for the start, gives a very good direct narrative which is very engaging.Negatives: the story line gave me whiplash. So many times I thought the game was over but nope. Continue. 5,8,10 hours later you're still going. Sometimes this is good, but it can also kill the story line, and actually lead to me intensionally failing a mission a few times because I disagreed with the narrative. It just seems incoherent. The jump scares become predictable, and makes it frustrating while you try to prevent them by seeming them coming, but can't. The ending, in my opinion, was not satisfying, and i thought the game could have had a good conclusion 3 hours before the ending. There is a major point in the story which seems rushed and not thought through which did disrupt the story line but literally... Muffling vkices. I feel like this game could have been a good decision based game (and that's what the creators were aiming for), but in the end the player can't make decisions! but yet they try to make players feel guilty off the actions of the characters they are playing. Also the open world feel is good and is great at the start exploring with your companion, until you spend the majority of your time going through shops getting materials which puts a massive pause in the narrative, and feels like a chore rather than being part of game play.Conclusion: if you've got this far well done! In total I would buy this game, but not now at this price. It is a beautiful game, and is well worth a play through. The art style and theme is beautiful and it's a good follow on from the previous game. But it's not the "great" game I hoped for, and the narrative seems very disjointed. I personally will not be playing this again after my first play through unless some DLC comes out which massively changes my opinion. Hope this helps and of course all this is my opinion and I know others will disagree with me.
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