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The Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless Earbuds are Bluetooth 5.0 earphones with touch control, voice assistant access and transparent listening features. Overall I really enjoyed these earphones, they are nice and gentle to listen to and work fairly well in most circumstances with my smartphone (more on this later). The earbuds come packaged in a neat, premium feel box, and live in a really smart, fabric finished charging case. When docked in the case, they charge up and the case itself uses USB-C, which fits in really nicely with my own increasingly USB-C dominated tech life. They (seem to) automatically detect that they are out of the case and in your ears, which is smart,and a voice informs of the modes clearly. Each earbud has built-in control, I did have to reach for the manual to read up on how to engage pairing mode, but this did show just how much control the earbuds give you - which is a nice touch, it means you don't have to have your device in your hands. The sound of these earbuds wasn't quite what I was expecting, but these things are subjective. Given that the app allows an EQ curve to be applied, I would have preferred a more natural or flat sound starting point, with the ability to apply EQ from there. Or perhaps some presets to flick through. With no EQ applied, I found the sound is bass heavy, lacking in the midrange which leaves music feeling like it's lacking punch, and finally exhibiting a lot of perceived excitement in the higher frequencies. Seems like around 8kHz - 10kHz is enhanced in some way. It's not massively annoying and is definitely not harsh, and I now have a great appreciation for the high hats in many songs. It's just not really adding much to the overall sound. I do wonder if this has been added to increase the perceived 'clarity' of the sound, as is so often the case; and I have to say these characteristics seem fairly typical of consumer products these days. I found a sound better suited to me with the app. But nonetheless, it was slightly disappointing, as I think of Sennheiser being more the aficionado's choice and therefore expect a more natural sound. They feel a bit low on overall volume, this was probably the most frustrating feature. Although my ears are probably thankful for the fact, I found myself wanting to increase the volume beyond the max volume allowed on several occasions, even with loud music. The transparent mode is a nice idea and does work. Possibly owing to the inherent sound of the earbuds as described above (lacking in the midrange) I felt this would be much more effective if there was more midrange, as a lot of the sounds seemed really high passed, and a touch too quiet to really capitalise on the feature. It seems like the intention is to increase awareness of everyday sounds such as the doorbell, someone talking to you, traffic, street noise, and so on. So these are midrange sounds and therefore it would be better to ensure plenty of midrange. I tested the feature in a few scenarios - waiting for my name to be called in a collection point at a department store, for example, I wasn't confident that I could listen to music and not miss my name being called, even at very low volume. It is nonetheless a worthy feature and still useful. One minor issue with this feature was that on a mildly windy day in central London, the built in mics that obviously feed in the external noise to the earbuds were experiencing wind noise, so I might suggest that these are relocated to a more protected location in any future revisions. Wireless performance was generally fine. I experienced several dropouts with the earbuds, momentary loss of audio, when walking along with my phone in my top coat pocket. This seems a bit disappointing, although I couldn't be 100% sure it wasn't interference from elsewhere or an issue with my phone. I did have some problems reconnecting first time with the earbuds, one time my phone didn't want to connect to them at all, even when trying to pair from scratch, and I had to use the Sennheiser app to reconnect them. I have had similar issues with Bluetooth devices so it might be a protocol issue. Battery life was excellent - I never ran out of battery on the earbuds or the charging case. I didn't try and deliberately reach or exceed the claimed battery life but it seems realistic to me, and regardless - the system is such that the earbuds are kept charging when not in use so unless you're really using them for 4+ hours, and refuse to keep them in the case, I don't think it's likely one is going to get caught short. Several different sizes of Silicone Ear Adaptor Sets - XS, S, M, L - are provided. Getting the right size massively affects the sound volume and frequency response, so it is worth getting this right. I always find I am one size larger in one ear than the other, and I have to say that I found an unusually good fit from these earbuds (most others I have tried have never given me a truly comfortable fit). All in all I think these are a great product well worth the investment and live up to the high expectations of anything bearing the Sennheiser name. There are a small number of minor things that prevent them from being truly excellent, although I have highlighted that some of these are subjective. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I’ve been using the Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless headphones for a good few weeks now and, I must say, for what you are getting for the money I think they are a really good buy. I’ve been using these mostly when commuting and whilst at work, and they do a stellar job despite suffering from the limitations of Bluetooth technology when it comes to sound quality (which is still very good though I might add!)Initially I found these difficult to fit in my ear as you have to insert them and then rotate to ‘lock’ into position in your ear, but you get a knack for it after a while. Given that our ear shapes are all different I don’t think they are ever going to fit perfectly (but trialling some of the different tips that are provided does help with this).I did find that the right ear always felt like it was going to fall out (which is scary considering these still cost a fair chunk). Nevertheless, I actually think this was more about me getting used to the earphones as they have never fallen out once, despite many head shakes. Very impressive. That also said, I do still find a bit uncomfortable despite getting used to them somewhat (I think this is just fatigue after an hour or so). I’d recommend trialling them before buying to make sure that you get deal with the comfort. I’ve been very impressed with how easily they connect to your phone via Bluetooth. I pick up the right earphone and within a second of putting it in my ear I get a “power on’ followed by a “connected’ voice a further second later. Not once in the month I’ve been using these have I ever had any connectivity problems. I also find changing the volume or pausing audio by simply touching an earphone very convenient. These are brilliant for this sort of stuff. Call quality appears excellent too, although I don’t use them for this much at all as I’ve always found that earphones that block your entire ear channel make it difficult to hear yourself speak (just try talking with your hands over your ears and see if you like it!).I’ve read that they are supposed to give you 4 hours of battery life whilst the docking case holds an additional 8 hours of battery which sounds very good. In practice I do not believe that I’ve had anywhere near 12 hours of use. There have been the odd occasion where I’ve been disappointed to take them out of their case to find the battery has completely drained when I’m adamant that they’ve not had much use on this battery cycle. The only thing that I can think here is that they’ve not disconnected correctly from the previous session when I placed them back in the case. This issue is very few and far between and I carry a charger around in my bag now and it’s not been much of a problem at all.Finally, sound quality. For podcasts, I get crystal clear audio with voices sounded absolutely crisp and solid. I could use these all day and listen to every podcast I want without issue. They are really good for this. Music wise though, I’ve never been a big fan of Bluetooth for music as I consider myself a bit of an audiophile and have a high end set up at home that trumps these drastically. That said though, I’ve never found myself disappointed with these given home incredibly convenient that they are. I find the sound to be very balanced throughout the mid-range and up through the high frequencies. These certainly aren’t bass-heavy earphones but what you do get is very clean and detailed bass. These also retrieve a fair amount of detail and I have not problems with the soundstage which is on par with most in ear monitors I’ve owned. Essentially you know what you are getting with Sennheiser when it comes to music. To conclude, I’ve been very impressed with little guys and they solve a gap in the market where you want good audio quality and have the convenience of being truly wireless. These aren’t necessarily the cheapest on the market, but I think the quality of the sound and the overall ease of use makes these a really good buy. 8/10 [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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The Momentum True Wireless are very nicely presented, the box is substantial and when opening, it feels like a quality product. The charging case is nicely finished in a textured grey fabric. The Earbuds themselves are nicely weighted, they don’t feel overly heavy, while substantial enough to feel snug in the ear. It’s important to find the correct size tips to get a snug fit, but there is a good range of alternate sizes provided in the pack. The charging case has a battery indicator on the back which is a nice touch, meaning you can view the battery status at the touch of a button without having to look at the app. The App is well laid out and easy to use and provides simple controls and adjustment of audio volume and other features like transparent mode.Transparent mode is ok, but I would tend to keep it off ordinarily as the ambient noise is more distracting than helpful. The Ear buds themselvesprovide touch controls for volume, track skip and Siri control etc. I have been using these for 5 days now and I tend to avoid using the touch controls as I repeatedly get the incorrect function as they are quite sensitive. I think with more practice it would become second nature and I may use it more often. The built in mic seemed to be great quality and callers had no trouble hearing me clearly when I was using the ear buds while on the phone.I initially had difficulty pairing the ear bud with my phone, I assumed pairing them with the App was all that was required, with a bit of investigating I realised that they need to be paired with your phone like any other bluetooth device first, then the additional features can be controlled by pairing with the App, not immediately obvious , but more my lack of reading the instructions than a fault with the product. Once they were paired with my phone I had no issues using them. I have also paired them with my Mac and used on conference calls without issue.Both the ear buds and the charging case have a quality feel to them, as you would expect for a more high end product. The audio quality was excellent for both listening to audio/podcasts and VOIP conference calls / phone calls. After the initial pairing/setup I had no issues using the ear buds, I was able to control playback using the touch feature tho I found it easier to control by the device itself, good to know its possible via the ear buds if the device is not immediately to hand.Visually I felt the ear buds were slightly larger than I was expecting , but not uncomfortably big and certainly not too big or heavy. I was surprised to see only 4 hours battery life, however this never proved to be an issue as I never found myself actually wearing them for that length of time in one go, and simply storing them in the charging case had them back to power before I was ready to use them again, so not an issue. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I have been using these as my main headphones for the last week and they are really impressive.If there’s a feature you want from your headphones, the Momentum True Wirelesses probably have it. The spec list is so long it’s hard to know where to start. Battery life is also decent at four hours with two further charges from the small carry case box.As for fitting and comfort imagine trying to put a Rolo in your ear – that’s how it feels manoeuvring the small round earpieces into place. I found short listening bursts of up to an hour fine, but they are occasionally a little uncomfortable over a prolonged periods.The Momentum True Wirelesses boast a clean, uncluttered look with not a single button in sight.Sennheiser has achieved this by turning the metallic rings on the exterior surface of the buds into touch sensitive buttons. Very clever.The left ring controls playback, with a single tap to play and pause, a double tap to skip forward and a triple tap to skip backwards. A long press and hold will turn the volume down, while doing the same on the right ring bumps the volume up.A single tap on the right brings your virtual voice assistant (Google or Siri) to life, while a double press enables or disables the Transparent Hearing feature. Having all these controls at your fingertips sounds great in theory, but the reality is a little different. Playing, pausing and changing volume work well enough. The headphones react quickly and the volume doesn’t jump up and down unpredictably.And on the whole, the Sennheiser Momentum True Wirelesses don’t disappoint. Compared to the my AKG Y50's they are a little calmer and leaner in the bass. The Y50's have a slightly richer and fuller bottom end, but what the sound loses in weight it gains in balance and poise.Foo Fighters Everlong is reproduced with great grungy guitars and Josh Winks High State Of Consciousness has good weight to the base. The Lord of the Rings OST sounds fantastic with deep base and a great midrange.The headphones also prefer noise isolation rather than noise-cancellation and do a good job of blocking out all the various rumblings on the daily commute.In many ways, it’s an impressive True Wireless debut from Sennheiser. The design is classy, they boast some useful features, battery life is good and so too is sound quality. They are expensive though compared to other fully wireless headphone but compared to the Apple AirPods the sound quality of the Sennheiser's is far far better. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I've been looking at the Sennheiser Momentum True Wireless and alternatives, what put me off was the how big they looked on the photos... I didn't want to walk around looking like I was from an episode of Star Trek; in reality they don't look so obvious. As with all other in-ear products, ensure you chose the right bud, this will not only feel more comfortable, make the sound a lot better - deeper bass and sweet highs, it will also ensure the earphone doesn't fall out of your ear. You don't want to lose or break one by choosing the wrong size. As you come to expect with Sennheiser audio products, right from holding the box packing you can tell the quality.The grey fabric charging case that allow the earplugs to magnetically dock is a great feature, so you know when you come to use them they will be charged and ready. Now the most important - the sound quality is amazing right from the start as Sennheiser has an excellent reputation for. I use Tidal Hifi on an iPhone, the Momentum True Wireless complement these to give an amazing audio experience. You can use the Sennheiser Smart Control app to fine tune the EQ to get the best sound for your ears. The App also allows you to select a few of the neat features like auto pause and transparent hearing. These are the best sounding earphones, coming close to the overear-headphones.I have been using these daily while walking the dog, so the battery time is perfect for a couple of hours and the Transparent hearing and the auto pause, if I need to quickly stop the music. I also like the touch control features, which are great for pausing or changing to the next track. I'm very happy with the Momentum True Wireless, I've used every day since owning and would recommend to anyone who is looking for these kind of earphones - comfortable, useful features and the amazing Sennheiser sound quality. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I'm extremely happy about these earbuds. I'd like to confess that I'm not an expert in music but the sound that is output by these earbuds are enough for my non-expert ears to realize that there is truly something special about these earbuds. The sound is extremely clear and the bass is surprisingly deep for such a small size. The fit of the earbuds is also extremely comfortable and I have not felt any fatigue from wearing them over long periods of time.Needless to say, everything about the product is very premium with the case being no exception. It's a sort of fabric case that manages to feel delicate but also extremely robust at the same time. In regards to the case,the two extra charges that the case carries is extremely handy as it means that I am able to listen to the earbuds for around 12 hours with only the occasional short charging time when I need to top them up.I would also like to make a comment about the app that comes with the earbuds. It is called Smart Control and it's been extremely handy as I've been able to get precise readings on my battery life. The transparency mode that Sennheiser has got is also extremely handy as I'm able to listen to loud music while not becoming completely isolated from the outside world. The equalizer is also an extremely nice add-on especially for a premium product like this one and allows for a truly unique custom sound from the earbuds that even my ears are able to appreciate.Overall, I think I've made it quite clear that I am a very big fan of the earbuds and I would recommend this product to anyone who's looking for a premium product that completely justifies it's price point. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I like how the premium the headphones look and feel. The design is very cool. It sticks nicely in my ears and doesn't look ugly at all. Sounds very good and connecting it to my phone was very easy. Now everytime I take it out of the charging case, it automatically turns on itself and connects to my phone, love this feature so much! Don't need to turn it on and connect it to your phone everytime you take it out. The battey life is great as well. Have tried a few true wireless earphones but had always gone back to wired. I believe this might actually convert me. Everything about it is excellent, wished it was slightly cheaper though. If I really had to nitpick its the controls on the earbuds.I think doing double tap and triple tap on the left earbud for next and previous song is a bit weird, would prefer if it was a swipe forward and backwards. Similarly for the volume up and down which you need to hold the right or left earbud respectively. I dislike having to hold it, perhaps a swipe up and down would've been better. But I assume it is a bit hard because everyone has different ear shapes so a swipe up would not be a perfect swipe up for everyone, if you understand what I mean.Really satisfied and would highly recommend it! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I bought the sennheiser true momentum wireless headphones as I was tired of using headphones with leads. This is new technology so I have waited to get onto the market with wireless headphones. Many competitors are offering basic standard feature wireless headphones for simple functionality on phones but my requirement is for good music. I have been a heavy user of bose/apple in the past. Sennheiser really have nailed it here, The presentation and equipment is very well put together. The functionality of the headphones is easy and the sound quality compared to competitors in this price range is far superior. I would have no hesitations recommending these headphones if you are an audiophile or someone who really wants the best out of your music.Most audiophiles are aware of quality drop issues when going wireless compared to using a proper connection via a lead. I have not noticed this at all with this set. No funny quirks and a very well put together product. If you are in the market for wireless headphones in the more medium/high price bracket. These are the ones to go for! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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Nicely packaged, the case was smaller than expected and has a built in battery so the case holds enough juice for a further 2 charges.Once charged I upgraded the firmware which took a while and was a bit of a palaver although the instructions are clear. Pairing was not so straight-forward and took 3 attempts. Ensure you pair via your device and DON’T use the Sennheiser app (it’s not in the quick start guide but the downloadable manual mentions pairing via the App only gives limited functionality). Once paired they hold the connection really well with no drop outs or lose in quality. Next comes fitting them.I’d recommend as small an ear bud as possible and the insert/twisting takes a bit of getting used to but once in they stay in really well and also offer pretty good sound isolating qualities. I can keep them in for a full charge and not feel any discomfort. Sound quality for me has been great and I haven’t needed to tweak the rather odd equaliser in the App. Overall I would recommend theseNB: I received these headphones f.o.c in order to review them. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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This was supplied by Sennheiser. The buds came in a neat package. The buds are in the charging case (very neat) with medium ear-pieces fitted. Fortunately alternative rubber ear-pieces are provided (good because I have a medium size for my right ear, but need a small fitting for my left: when I tried the medium size in my left ear the piece would only stay there when I didn't move very much) together with a charging cable. I was a little apprehensive to start with having just been prescribed a hearing aid. When in the charging case the ear buds are held by small magnets so no chance of the easily falling out. The pieces need a slight screw action to ensure a good ear fit.The most important part is the sound: absolutely stunning!I intended on first use to just play a few tunes from my iPhone, but ended up listening to 22 tracks: the sound was that good.Although I own several (3) over ear Sennheiser headphones these ear buds have made me want to use them over the headphones. An excellent product [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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I received these headphones a week ago and have not put them down since! At first glance the packaging and the product had a very premium feel to it and was very quick and easy to get listening to them.The build quality of the case and headphones are of a very high standard and neat and feel very solid.The sound quality is superb and clear, with the correct balance of bass and treble, this can be adjusted on the equalizer on the app. The noise cancelling works very well, there is an option to turn it off so you can hear background sound, this is not the case as you still cant hear outside noise or even someone talking next to you.The head phones allow you to change tracks and answer calls on the headphones by touching them which is very well thought out by Sennheiser for a hassle free experience!Overall amazing headphones and look real good on and feel very comfortable! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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My earphones broke recently, and these have proved to be a worthy replacement during my morning commute. The sound comes through even when the train is really loud, and the quality is excellent, whether I'm listening to classical music or modern music, or a podcast.Where these shine is in the details: for example, touching the left earbuds will pause the music, but so will taking one of the earbuds out, which felt magical the first time it happened. This is a feature that I couldn't imagine living without now.And then there's the build quality: the earphones have magnets which insure they snap back into place in the case. The build quality of the case has a lovely premium feel: the hinge has no give,and the fabric feels soft to the touch.All in all, another excellent product by Sennheiser! [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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Really good headphones-excellent sound quality and stand out features like touch controls and a special awareness mode which is a feature you didn't realise you really need!Strong bluetooth connection, works quickly with no drop outs.The fit is fairly comfortable in the ears after some tweaking of the ear buds, but could be better such as foam tips as standard.As with all Sennheiser headphones they provide fantastic Sennheiser sound and have good battery life with a great charging case. The case is really sleek in appearance and yet strong and compact-great standard feature.However, the earbuds are a little too bulky, especially for my child size ears so not so practical for me to use whilst commuting and definitely not at the gym (not designed for gym activities)[This review was collected as part of a promotion.]
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When i received the product, i was wondering why the battery charge was different for the right earpiece and the left earpiece (20% of difference). About the app : Easy to use. About the connectivity : good About the call : When i call someone with my phone, after few minutes, my conversation partner says that he hear interferences (the phone is close to me), i have to disconnect and reconnect my bluetooth everytime to fix this problem. It's difficult to use this product with the wind, people can't hear you.When i am listening music, it's ok, good quality even sometimes there is a little jump in the song. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]


I had this product about a week now, the design is slick and feels very durable, the charging/carry case is very handy and beautiful designed. The headphones are very simple and straight forward to sync, only took a minute to setup. The sound is amazing, the bass delivery to so deep, I can't believe a small device can create such amazing sound quality. I've only used them so far around the house and the noise blocking is incredible, also the phone features do make it easy to answer calls while listening to your music. [This review was collected as part of a promotion.]

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