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Review for Gigabyte AORUS GeForce RTX 2080 Ti XTREME WATERFORCE 11G.This one is for the more technically inclined PC builder. Off the bat if you're a newbie to PC gaming I'll just say avoid this card.Where to begin on my love - hate relationship with this card?I bought this card specifically for two main reasons. One, because it is one of, of not the best performing 2080 ti card on the market that didn't require me to jump to a full water cooled system. Two, because it's going to be used for VR gaming with a Valve Index.I had previously owned the older Gigabyte 980 ti Waterforce version of this range of cards which worked great on the HTC Vive so I knew I could bank on performance.Beyond that,nothing in or about my my PC has changed (which is a 17-6700k OC'd to 4.6ghz.So onto the pros about this card.My initial benchmarks with zero overclocking of the GPU where quite frankly, amazing. Even paired with an older CPU (compared to what is on the market today) and no SLI (Which is no longer worth it in my opinion), my 3Dmark scores where amazing. Off the bat I'm getting a score of 21950 in Firestrike and 3D mark says my PC scored better than 96% of all other machines. Every desktop game I tried (GTA V, Tomb Raider, Witcher 3 etc) runs amazing on ultra setting and in VR, it eats everything up whilst running at 120mhz on the Index. Elite: Dangerous and Fallout 4 VR (two very hardware intensive games in VR) run on high with no dropped frames (that I've seen so far).I'm completely above and beyond what any title on the market needs, in or out of VR, and I expect, assuming nothing goes belly up, that I'll not even have to consider replacing anything now for at least 5 years. Hopefully I never need to use it but having this cards 4 year warranty for that is a big bonus as well.The RGB is nice as well I guess (for those who want it) but I really don't care much about that. Cant see that sort of thing if you have a VR headset on.And now the cons.What I didn't bank on was the sheer size of this card, which, including it's radiator makes it the singular biggest 2080 ti I have ever seen. My case is a Corsair Airflow 540 so whilst not being one of the biggest cases about, it most certain has room..or so I thought. In reality, this card and it's radiator do fit...but with little wiggle room. Especially since I already have another hybrid cooler radiator in the case for my CPU, the Corsair H100i Pro..and here is where the problems begin.Given my current case (which I do not want to replace), I'm going to be having one radiator pumping heat into my case whilst the other pumps it out. Things are, without a doubt, getting hot in my PC now due solely to this card. I;ve seen a significant jump in temps which works out at about a full 15c heat rise in both idle and under load temps. As such I'm now hitting 80c under load and I'm not that happy about it. As such this is causing some significant noise to come out of my PC now as the fans are going full blast to try to keep things cool. This is probably due to the fact that the GPU radiator is mounted to the front of my PC rather than the roof of my PC (Where it would be better suited) but it will have to stay as is for a couple of days.I've ordered some new fans and plan to tweak my whole build to combat the heat issue but it's a fact this card will run hot for everyone. As such, if you don't have a large case with very good airflow, you're going to have a rough time with this card. I'd certainly recommend adding a 2nd set of fans for push - pull on this cards radiator but thats even more space take up a lot of people do not have.Lastly there is the issue of price.Quite frankly it's not sure worth the asking price for a lot of people imo. There are other 2080 ti's that are better value for money for gaming purposes and will fit better into your PC. The only people who should be buying this card are those who want want max performance and max OC'ing opportunities.
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I wish to start off saying that the bad reviews are because of micron memory or at least more of them are!Your lucky if you find a 2080 or 2080 ti for that matter! with samsung memory inside, however I can confirm this 2080 ti from gigabyte does! As I got the last one before more stock arrived I’d say it’s highly likely that the rest are samsung memory to! this is good for any future buyers.As you can see from the screen shot this card hits a max of 78c (I was also running a game for hours before I even started the furmark cooking) the fans are loud! on heavy load like furmark, more on that later, most graphics cards carry a 3 year warranty however gigabyte offer 4 years! so if anything gos one your covered,now fore the bad!The card feels cheap, the plastic isn’t reinforced as much as I would like, meaning it moves in places, but at this price and 3 fans what can you expect... the card isn’t big or heavy which isn’t a down side as gpu shag is a real problem these days, so being not that heavy hopefully means less chance of that happening...Now getting back to the fans... on my unit the middle fan is catching on the cards own enclosure!!! So on idle I hear a clicking sound!!! This might be just my card and a manufacturing defect on just my card... so just my luck! If the fan stops working I will return it for a replacement but at the moment it’s liveableI paid 969 pounds for this unit so I recommend anyone else looking to buy this card either pays what I did or less if your lucky,If anyone is wondering if 78c on a gpu at full load is good I’ve had a flagship 2080 at full load hitting 87c so this card is doing amazingly well for the price
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Remember to have a proper PSU with this card – very important.About the card – I had a gigabyte standard 2080 TI card and its temperatures were exceeding 85 degrees and going as high as 88-89 – the card was boiling and no external cooling helped. Additionally due to my poor Cronus 850W PSU computer was shutting off when at full load.So I have changed the card to Aorus Waterforce and PSU to 1000W Corsair and the temperatures do not exceed 55 degrees and at most of the times card is at around 49-50 at full load. Playing VR is a charm now vs constant worry about overheat with previous card.Noise-wise it is okay not the loudest.Performance-wise it is a beast and can overclock well.Run basically almost all my games on 4k ultra setting at 60 fpsThe games I tested:Fallout VR – 200% scaling, all on ultra 50 degrees temps – the same with Skyrim VRMetro Exodus – 4k 50-60fps all on ultra with blur turned off – temperatures 50-55Sekiro – 4k 60 fps all on ultra – temperatures 50-55Vanishing of the Ethan Crater – Ultra 4 k all on max was only 20-30 fps but it is very demanding game – lowering the resolution to 1440p helped to maintain 60 fps – temperatures at 55Dark Souls 2 – temperatures not exceeding 39 degreesOnly giving it 4 stars because of the really high price of 1300 – especially that new 2080 ti super cards will make their way to the market soon.
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Finish could be better but looks great once in your case.Goes like absolute stink and stays relatively cool (which it should do with that bloody great rad) whilst producing very little noise.I dislike overclocking but as this pulls around 230-50 fps in Wolfenstein 2, for example, at 3440*1440 maxed out I really don't see the need to- I've seen peaks of over 300fps, fgs.Haven't seen a 4K monitor that I entirely like yet but this card should easily do even 4K120 I would think.Whatever, it will be far north of 4K60.RTX gives a big hit in those games that support it and I'd rather have the speed thanks, but this will doubtless improve as time goes by.Not quite as smooth as some AMD cards I've used,and only ten-bit colour when AMDs give twelve, but is much, much faster.Image seems a bit crisper.Very expensive but well worth the outlay, they seem to hold their value well and will last me until Big Navi comes out and then we'll see what happens. I may even hang out for Ampere goodness.I'll be grinning like an idiot in the meantime ?
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i cannot believe how quiet this card is.i did have to send the first back as it arrived with a badly damaged and BURNED box - would expect better for a £1000 item! however, returned and replacement arrived 100% hassle free - excellent amazon service.i play at ultrawide resolution and there is no game which i cannot play at full settings (no AA tho) at over 60 fps. paired up with a 9900k and 32gb of ddr4 ram.i simply cannot fault it. also let's you toggle the light color through the software. the box contents are a little thin (no power adaptor just a cd) but i am fine with that as it's something we'd have to pay for which would most likely never get used.make sure you ventilate your case well,as it's not a blower card and it makes you case ambient temperatures rise a lot.but stable, no tearing, just perfect.overpriced sure, but i guess when nvidia have the fastest card on the market, they can charge a premium
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Card performs very well as to be expected by a 2080 ti but the temps are much lower.Overall very happy with the purchase but did a bit of research before buying:Pros:- Card looks very slick once installed- Very low temps (50-60 degress full load)- I got a very good OC out the box which is a bonus- At the time of writing this, this card is over £400 more expensive from other pc part retailers so although the RTX range is still pretty pricey, this comes with a radiator.Cons- The default fans are not too great at all, I swapped mine out with some Corsair LL120's then Control them via iCue software to follow GPU temp.Corsairs software is far better than Gigabytes although not perfect.- Amazon still have not added this product to "TRX Triple Threat Promotion" even though it is eligible, you cannot claim this after if it wasn't on the original amazon purchase
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Performanceis as you would expect from 2080ti but with much lover temps. Only downside is ridiculously low quality rgb fans which I would immediately change for something more deserving of this card. Also addresable rgb was out of align from box fans were lighting backplate and backplate was lighting fans... I would be surprised if gigabyte tests their products. I bougt this card against my better judgement I knew they are not testing them I had an 780ti from them which was having trouble with artefacts and random shutdowns which even them didn't knew how to fix. Also their support is really bad you would be better of talking to some random stranger on the street


I had bough before a Gigabyte Windforce 1070 and I was satisfied with the quality, this version has an upgraded design and the quality is also great. I like the fact that the fans don't spin when the card is not usen in load. The design doesn't scream "extreme" but this is a personal preference. I like that the design is total black and I don't have a clearview case. All the waterblocks for the FE version will fit to this one. They updated the powerlimit through a bios update on 24/10/2018 so make sure to read a review after this date.


Awesome card - runs cool (85°C at top load), quiet even when going hard, and is only 2 slots wide if that matters to you (but it is long!).Be sure to get the latest BIOS update from the Gigabyte support site though - this fixed a very annoying issue with the cooling fans constantly spinning up/down and making a super annoying whirr every few seconds. Also - be sure to power the dual 8 pins from seperate rails - a Y splitter from a single power cable won't cut it!


I actually have mine on a custom water loop with a EKWB and it rips! Core is overclocked to 2160mhz and the memory overclocked to 8200mhz. The memory is Samsung on mine and I know there have been issues with memory artefacts but I've had mine for 8 months and its been good as gold. It laughs at any game I throw at it, my monitor is 3440x1440 100hz and it isn't troubled delivering that on ultra settings.


So far so good. Had to rma the first rtx 2080ti due to over heating. Ordered the aorus extreme waterblock version and the temps are great. Hopefully i dont have future problems like many people have reported. So far would recommend this card if u want excellant performance and can afford the high price tag


Ordered this gpu after alot of research online and have not been disappointed.Great performance on pugb on max settings on an ultrawide monitor.i have zero noise complaints and overall satisfied with choosing watercooled over aircooled.


Not a huge boost from the 1080 but does the job. BF5 is still terrible on this card, but the game just needs optimising. Pubg and csgo run seemlessly. Overall happy with the card


Best consumer graphics card currently. Stable 4k 60fps. Brilliant longevity and future value.


Great value for money product and made a huge difference to my PC Performance.

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