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I've followed the development of F1 2009 for some time and even though I was put off for a time due to the Beta videos/screenshots I was impressed enough by recent updated video footage to buy this shortly after release....and was glad I did!Codemasters have done a fantastic job considering this is their first true F1 title (Toca RD3 had F1 championships in it but this was only a small part of a mutli-car class racing game) and they have delivered. True there are some rough edges here and there such as the odd slow down (especially on split screen), the lack of tv style commetary, basic damage model and lack of mid-season driver changes (odd considering the game was released after the season had finished - I want to race as Krazy Kobayashi damn you!:D) but this doesn't detract from the package as a whole.The control system is great, I have only used the Wii wheel mode so far so can't compare to the remote/nunchuck, classic controller or Logitech wheel methods but it is great fun once you get used to it. Treating it like Mario Kart will stick you into every barrier you can see so you have to be gentle and use slight steering movements and with enough practice you can become an armchair Lewis Hamilton though after several hours i'm still more like Jaime Alguersuari! The KERS system is well implemented though every car has it and not just the select few as per the real 2009 season though this does keep the cars balanced rather than a few teams having the advantage over others.The single player mode has a plethora of options to choose from including Quick Race (jump into a race with a driver and track of your choice), Race Weekend (a single race weekend including all practice & qualifying sessions prior to the race), World Championship (the 2009 season with full race weekend options), Time Trial (great for practice and there are bronze, silver & gold times to beat for awards), Challenge (75 challenges to beat including passing as many checkpoints within a given time, winning a race (sometimes with a catch - dry tyres on a wet track etc), overtaking as many rivals, cornering (higher speed and 'kissing' the apex earns more points) and many more) and finally Career mode. In career mode you have 3 seasons (as yourself, you 'create' your driver when you first set up your profile) to become World Champion by taking test drives with teams and moving your way up the rankings. An email system is used to offer test sessions and keep you up to date with news and developmentsThe two player split-screen is great fun - you can take part in a single race (with all the options of a single player race such as race length, damage, fuel usage/tyre wear (which forces pitstops), flags (with penalties), weather etc), a full championship and challenges. The only downside is the slowdown I mentioned at set points on the track (usually where there is a lot of scenery - the stadium hairpin at Abu Dhabi for example) though this doesn't ruin the fun too much, to be honest I took little notice of it! The only major gripe with multi-player is the two player splitscreen is all you get, no online or even four player split-screen though the amount of single player options make up for this in my opinion.The sound is very good and the graphics are some of the best I have seen on the Wii - slightly better than a PS2 though still very clear and sharp with a good draw distance and the HUD interface is clear and informative and complete with a TV style position indicator (similar to the one Sony used in F1'06 on the PS2/3).Overall then F1 2009 is a great title and a fantastic first effort from Codemasters though a few minor niggles deny it the 5-star rating.
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My credentials - I've been an armchair racer for over 20 years since playing whatever it was on my Atari ST from the mid-80's. I've been through Geoff Hammonds Grand Prix series on PC, the F1 franchise from the PS1 onwards, pretty much completing everything that Gran Turismo has thrown my way so far since the first version, and so when F1 2009 came out on Wii I was intrigued to see what a 'proper' game would be like on Wii. I bought the bundle and also a Logic 3 steering wheel/column as I fancied some multi-player action.So.... 4 hours of gameplay in, and.... I've never sworn so much at a game in my gaming history (racing games or otherwise!).First things first,it was completely unplayable until I discovered how to turn on ALL driving aids and completely ditched the handheld steering wheel - with the Logic 3 at least there's a semblence of approaching the precision needed to achieve in this game, even on the easiest levels.Now I appreciate that this is more of a simulation than a game (go for something like Mario Kart if you want the latter), but then as you can see from my gaming history I definitely lean towards the simulator rather than the game.However, to my mind easy/beginners levels should be basically a case of cars going round on rails and it being almost impossible to make a mistake. You then get a feel for it, and can then progress up the difficulty levels with a reduction in aids. Yet with this I've churned up every sand trap, bounced off every wall, and collided with every other car.OK, so I'm persevering, and am even starting to win the (very) occasional race, but it's taken me 4 hours just to get to this stage. My 12 year old daughter on the other hand, who was also looking forward to it, is just not going to get anywhere with it, which is a shame.I really don't know how long it's going to take before I can start turning aids off, so I guess what I'm saying is that the best advice I can give is 'caveat emptor' - If you're looking for something to pick up for some occasional casual play then forget this - if, on the other hand, you really want some in-depth challenge then this could well be the best thing so far on Wii........ except, where's the commentary and, after one of many crazy manoeuvures or crashes, where's the replay?
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This is possibly the best game I have bought in recent years. I'm a huge F1 fan anyway, but this game should appeal to any driving game fan.Driving in your career mode, you race in all the Grand Prix weekends around the world, taking on the pro drivers in lap times that truly reflect the the real thing. Learning how to set up your car for each circuit is just one challenge, then, after practice and Q1, 2 and 3, you can tackle the race day. If you really want an amusing challenge, turn off the anti skid and wheel spin aids. Each venue can easily take a couple of hours to master, and your goal is to win the championship 3 times. That's nearly 60 race weekends in all on your career mode alone.It would be nice to have longer races in career mode (only 3 laps),but you can always go to Championship mode, drive as you favourite F1 star, and complete (or try to complete) the full race weekend, including a complete Sunday race. This game will last for months to complete all the modes and levels to a respectable standard. The Monte Carlo grand prix is particularly testing.The racing wheel supplied is much better than the standard wheels you can get.I highly recommend this game to anyone who is in to racing games or F1 alike. I hope this review is useful. I'm off to try the Friday practice at the Turkish weekend now.
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Formula 1 2009 on the wii is a very fun game as it has great controls which really add to the experience, and because of this its really fun trying to beat your previous lap times. The race modes are also very engaging. The career mode is nothing special although it's worth a try. The graphics for this game won't win any awards even for a wii game, however they're still pretty good and they get the job done, the only lag I can find is sometimes at the start of a race with many cars onscreen. However this only lasts a few seconds. My only other problem with this game is that there is no online multiplayer, which is a bit of a shame considering that would have really added to experience,and I imagine would be extremely addictive with enough players. Although this isn't too much of a worry.So overall this is an extremely fun and challenging wii game, so if you have a wii and like racing games then you should definitely pick this game up.
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Whether you think you can drive or not, the challenge here is to experience the power and excitement of a formula one car in your own home living room and get to the finish in one piece or there abouts!The gameplay is brilliant and having driven a single seater racing car, I can tell you this comes very close to the real thing apart from the wind rushing past your head and the physical forces placed upon your body.(perhaps that is something the creators can work on next). I would recommend this game to anyone with an interest in motorsport or driving by the seat of your pants. Even my wife has tried it and done surprisingly well after a short practice.The trick is to stay calm and not over correct the steering or keep your foot flat to the floor!The Wii has entered a new chapter in driving games and I look forward to the next phase of the developments that are hopefully in store.
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What a fantastic game, really good fun and plenty off options to assist you if, like me, you struggle with the braking and steering initially. Switch on the assisted braking and steering and it's a lot easier. So much so that I went from finishing last on my first couple of races, to winning my next after switching the assistance on - that was on the beginner setting mind you!One point to note in relation to the 'bundle' being offered of game plus steering wheel - despite the fact the pictures on this site and on the packaging itself show a steering wheel with a Wii remote in it - you do not get the Wii remote. It's only when you read the small text at the top of the packaging (which you can't see until you receive it)that this is made clear. Obviously, you'll already have a Wii remote but if you think you're getting another one with the bundle, you're not.
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This game pulls no punches. It is difficult to maneuver even in the most helpful and beginner of modes, but it does give you a sense of what could be like trying to handle a very fast car with small and unforgiving steering which you get with F1 motors. The tracks are excellent, being replicas of the real F1 2009 circuits, and the graphics are sharp and quite realistic, especially if you use the HD component cable into a widescreen and HD TV.It is a game that you would improve on with perseverance and the fun reward is worth it. Excellent also in competitive mode with a rival Wii pal!The steering wheel included in this package is excellent and being the same shape and set up as the new Sonic All Star racing game,means you will have an extra wheel for friends if have other racing games, that require a Wii style steering wheel, in your collection.
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well if you like formula 1 this is a pefect racer. even if you dont. it shows the wii can do really good racing games. i love the gameplay, solid smooth. and a great sense of speed. i love the multiplayer. but its a shame no online gameplay. i would of gladly missed the multiplayer and gone for online instead.great team stats and menu is easy to use. i did find it easy to drive more so with the wiimote and nunchuk. the wiimote steering wheel you get with it looks cool. you seem to get them with all racing games nowadays. so another one for the collection.no jerkiness like Dirt 2, even though they have the same game engine, strange which im glad. i had high hopes for this. and it does not dissapoint.great for F1 lovers, and racing game fans. roll on formula 2010.
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I absolutely love this game. I had been holding back waiting for a decent driving game on Wii - wasn't keen on the idea of Mario Kart - so I plumped for this based on the good reviews and I have to say I'm not disappointed. I did find it difficult for the first few goes but have now found the driver assist which means you can be competitive relatively easily. The graphics are better than I was expecting and there is a real sense of speed particularly when flying down a long straight. The only thing which I'm not so keen on is that in a couple of races I've have been hit a lot by other cars which whilst not entirely unrealistic of F1 has been in situations where the computer driver has purposely bumped me off the track,this is only a minor quibble though.
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This game is great for anyone into formula one. Has all of the tracks and drivers from 2009 and you can choose any of these for a one off race, race weekend, or championship. There are also different challenges and multiplayer options, but the best thing is the career mode, where you can race as yourself against all of the other drivers and progress, being offered a drive by better teams as your performances improve. I have a lot of wii games, but this is the one that I come back to time and again. The formula one wheel which comes with the bundle does add to the game but is not essential as you could still enjoy the game without it.


can't give you a comparison because i've never played an F1 game before but as a follower of F1, i found it exciting and a lot of fun. however, be prepared to crash your car several times a lap! it's all part of the fun. also be prepared to be beaten by your 10-year-old son/nephew/cousin! graphics aren't as good as other games but this is not important to me and doesn't distract from the game. there's loads of variables you can adjust on the car set-up, different game modes (time-trials, challenges, GP weekend or full championship), different levels of difficulty (assisted braking, anti-wheel spin, etc). enjoy!


I bought this for my husband and son for Christmas and we have hardly seen them. You can have all the helps on and just about get round the track. Then you can gradually take things off (assisted steering etc.) and tune your car, and take on the big boys. They love the occasional challenges, such as trying to stay in the points even though there is a torrential downpour and you have the wrong tyres.Overall its a great game for people into F1 and racing games.


This is better than I expected, the graphics are great for the wii but the real test of any F1 game is how the cars handle. This is where this game is great, using the steering wheel adds to an enjoyable experience, and there are plenty of driving aids for people who want them. There is also alot of tuning options to set up your car specifically for each circuit. I was dreading beeing disapointed to be honest, but I'm happy to say, its a fantastic F1 game.


I bought this for my husband for Christmas as we are both Formula One fans and we have been looking forward to this being released for ages!!!! I couldn't get him off the game!!! He loves it and really enjoys the different game plays. Thought he was doing really well, until I got on there................. He is now working in the pits and learning from the Pro!!! lol Great game and lots of extras. Would defo recommend this to other F1 Fans!!!!


This game has been a great success with both my 10 year old, my husband and occasionally my 16 year year daughter.They have single races, race against each other and have great delight in smashing their cars up. They can be someone famous like Button, Hamilton, who ever they want to be and luckily we have two wheels so everyone is happy.On the whole a good game for all ages.

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