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For Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2009 (Wii), 51 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.3.

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I read the reviews for this after I bought it!!! I know I know! SO I dreaded it coming I thought what have I done?HOWEVER, Yes the graphics are rubbish , yes its laggy. and yes its a bit confusing to move around the menu screen, but YES IT WORKS, I have been doing the 15 or 20 mins weight loss training every day for 10 days and thats all, and have lost 3 lbs.The first few days I couldnt even sit down without crying in pain ( my hubby wet himself at me) and that continued for a few days, I ached in places I didn't know I had!!This is a fitness game remember not Farmville, and I would say the exercises are interesting and the running inbetween breaks up the bordeom of exercise ,I hate EXERCISE I hate the gym but this is good enough to just do every day and forget it.It's a good all round body toner. Roll on my beach body hahahahaGive it a go its worth a try.
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poor poor graphics not very customizable avatar and doesnt explain it very well and can be quite laggy.however, if you want a great graphics game, buy one like assassins creed.if you want one thats shockingly fun, buy haloand if you want one that lets you customize everything, buy the sims.if, like me, you want one that makes you sweat and gives you a great workout, buy this game.no it doessnt look the best or play the best, its not the most entertaining game ever, but it is one of the best for giving me a proper workout!i would recommend this game to anyone who is serious about losing weight, not just someone who wants to have the graphics of HD and the adventure of Star Wars.


There's lot's of possibilities with this game.You can choose the kind of fitness you want to do (e.g. work on your ab's). You also can get tips about eating and movement. You get to choose how long the workout lasts.I use my balance board and it's not that easy to accomplish the movements to get the appropriate movement on the tv.There's lots of things to playaround with. I think this is a viable assistent to help get your movement and fitness in order!


Great fitness game, the first time I did a 30 minute workout and hurt for 3 days after. You can choose type of workout to suit your needs and it also works with the balance board. If you use without you get more or less the same but it is better in my opinion with the board. You get to canoe with your bum! It makes me smile so it makes me workout. As you progress Jillian gives you tips for healthy life changes.A good buy and worth the price.


This game I got to go with the rowing machine I just purchased but like the other games, even though it said on the box it was compatible it wasn't. But on the other hand I use it every day, the only drawback is that it does the same thing every day.


found game really good once mastered controls,sweated loads and def felt muscles ache next day.been doing a couple of weeks now and can choose different levels and really push myself,results coming on nicely and will keep using


I got this for me and my Girlfreind.Its great and makes exellent use of the Wii board, if you dont have a board you can use the wii remote but using the board really gets you working!highly recomended!!


this is a cracking fitness game.When i received it i thought yes how tough can this be???Let me tell you get up to pro level and you will be fit beyond your own thoughts


It's OK - great for the price I paid - but £20 something new - not so much, but apart from that it really helped me bring more exercise into my life


Brilliant thank you


Amazing game


as described





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