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For Deuter Road One (2019), 2 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 5.

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My second bag from Deuter. My first being the Race EXP Air (2016) which has served and still continues to serve me very well for my commuting and day pack needs.The Road one is of the same high quality. A very low profile and minimalist bag to carry just the essentials for a training ride or quick sprint into the city and back.It has some many well thought out features like the hoop for sunglasses, loops for hydration bladder and designated pockets for a manner of things including a bicycle pump. Ive also purchased a Platypus 'softbottle' to go along with mine to give me some extended range and a backup water source as regular plastic bottles like 750ml coke bottles and the like either wontfit comfortably or at all due to their shape and the low profile stature of the bag if you are carrying other things inside, so hence why I chose partner my bag up with a softbottle. (Its very flat and as thick as a peice of cardboard when its empty and compressed down)I have used the bag on short training rides (30-35miles) and I find that my back doesnt get too sweaty. which is the regular and main complaint when it comes to using backpacks for cycling but i do tend to get pretty sweaty so YMMV.Plenty of reflective detailing to make sure youre seen day and night. Chest strap to keep the bag in place even though its not really necessary if since you only pack light and the bag stays in position pretty well even without.I suggest using the bag to carry things like gilets, arm/leg warmers, a waterproof jacket, bike pump, snacks and your mobile phone while your puncture repair tools, Co2 and what not can be carried in a small saddlebag of your choice which is how I use mine.Come to think of it, There is plenty of space to carry a few Capri-Sun pouches - Just anything that comes in pouches like capri-sun will work very very well with this bag!If i had to think of anything negative to say a bout the bag. I would say the lack of some sort of clip to carry your helmet for when youre off the bike like Osprey has on their bags. That would really elevate this bag to god tier status. My Race EXP Air had some webbing that held my helmet when off the bike so why cant this have a similar feature or one borrowed from Osprey??---- Its a very small niggle. Definitely a feature that would be nice to have but doesnt affect the functionality of the bag. I'll just have to settle for using a cheap carabiner or velcro straps
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Great little pack - hardly notice I have it on my back when I’m out riding.

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