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For Battlefield 2 - Modern Combat, 75 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.9.

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OK, So what to say that has not already been said? This is the ultimate war game.I will start off with the online mode, as this game was designed for online play only... It was only once it got moved to xbox360 et al that the game got a single player mode.Online, you have the choice to set up your own map (which to be honest i have not done) or you just press the quick play option.. my preferred choice. You are then connected up to the servers and after a short loading time, you are chucked into the action- this is usually at your HQ, if you join the game at the start. If not, if your team has captured any of the other flags on the map, you can start from there,just ensuring you are in the thick of the action straight away. A quick note about the game itself... you can be happily walking along, and then all of a sudden you are dead... is this frustrating? Yes it most certainly is, but at the same time adds quite a bit of realism to the game, whether you stand on a land mine, killed by a helicopter you never saw (or heard) coming, or a sniper from a mile away, just shows what sortof dangers are inherent in being in a theatre of war. I am not particularly good at this game... sometimes i do pretty well, but on the whole i am a bit naff, but the funny thing is, this takes no enjoyment away from the game. It is still great to be in the thick of action, whether you are camped at a base, or out on the streets. It is just superb.Single player:This can be frustrating, and would be better to think of it as a refresher course on the little details in the game. The AI in your team, can be best described as total (*&*&ing idiots, but if you view this as a FPS, designed to be played on your own, then you can pass it off as a moderatley good fun episode. Considering you do get to fly helicopters in the single player game, and board boats and the rest of the vehicles, it is really not a bad FPS, but certainly not as immersing as other games. This is an extra to the Console game, and as not on the PC version, so you can say to yourself that it is an extra game in itself to what it was originally designed for, however this is not a game you should buy for the single player, as it is not intuitive. You buy it for the online game, and is by far the best online game i have ever come across, whether it be on PC or console.My thoughts are that even the 'great' online games do not even come close to this for sheer entertaining, seat of your pants fun... this includes doom URT, and even the MMORG's which i do love, so not come close to this for pick up ability, and absorbtion into the game.If you have xbox live, you should have this game.
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BF2:MC is a great game, in my opinion the best currently on the 360 even if it is only a port from the PS2/XBOX version.This game was only really created for one purpose and that was to play online and that is where the game excels itself over the competition. The BF2:MC demo on xbox360 live was the number 1 xbox306 live game for a week after is release, that shows how populer this game is. the online experience itself is again, great. The maps are detailed and can support upto 24 players simultaneously, the teams are always even, or within 2 people, so no one team can be overwhelmed. games can swing either way on all maps, just because you select the team that won the previous round dosent mean your gauranteed to win,in some cases your more likley to lose.but no game is perfect, in some cases you will get people purposly killing own team mates for what seem like completly stupid reasons. one case of this happend when i played the 360 demo for the first time. I get into the helicopter at the start of the round when over the comunicator somone says "dont take off, wait for me" so i wait for him to get in, he hangs around the helicopter pad with a rocket launcher and i knew what he was going to do but it was to late for me to do anything about it, he fires the rocket and i die. these sorts of people come in 3 forms, 1 accidental ( not often but it does happen, ive done it myself) 2 one of (these guys will just hit you once or twice for the hell of it) and the 3rd one is constant (they will purposly hunt you down throught the entire round killing you when they can. Unfortunatly the vote kicking system isnt very good but the new gamer rep feature of xbox360 live is a small deterant but again its not effective.overal the online aspect of the game is very very good, the best out there. Dont let the bad aspects put you of, if you are looking for an all action online game then get this.one last point, this game isnt the same as the PC version, its completly diffrent. The maps, vehicles, weapons they are all diffrent from the console version of the game. bare that in mind if you are moving from PC to xbox360
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This game, in my eyes is possibly the best Battlefield game made. Sure the offline is not that great, but it's good for a bit of fun when your xbox live is down or you just feel like playing alone. The online though...Wow, that is pretty much one of the only words to sum it up. You could say it is fantastic, you could say brilliant, but those words are not enough to describe the brilliantness of the online. Who wouldn't enjoy driving around in a convoy of humvees, only to see an enemy helicopter rise and blow that humvee up in front of you with a barrage of missiles, only for you to swerve left into a warehouse, being trapped and then watching your teammates back you up with tanks,or who wouldn't enjoy running around on foot charging in on the front line, firing off bullets as bullets wizz past your teams front line, with a few tanks behind you and a helicopter for air cover, only to run behind some cover from the onslaught of bullets.The online game is different everytime you join a game, whether your a sniper, engineer, assault or support, that is only the half of the difference in games. The maps are huge, lots of players jump into one map and vehicles are everywhere, the experience is unforgettable, and a hard one to put down. You'll almost not want to pick it up again because you think the experience might not be as good as before... but it is.The offline is rather hard and you need to have alot of patience for that, but it also has some fun. You will unlock sort of side missions, where you have to race around in humvees or fly a helicopter around the map.Although the offline isn't great, the online is too good to miss, and that's why i gave it 5 stars. But remember, if you don't have xbox live, don't expect anything as spectacular as this...
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I bought this to play on xbox live and not really for the single player game. After a few hiccups with the game freezing i can now say that this is a great fps for the xbox 360.The online game is a little wierd. You can go for a quick game or custom match but either way there is no host to the game (a little like Halo 2's matchmaking) but you join EA's servers and choose your side in the battle.The plus side in this is that because it is a dedicated server there is NO LAG which is brilliant. I have played for about 4 hours so far and seen none at all which is impressive with all the explosions going on.There are 5 types of soldier that you can choose from each time you spawn including Assault,Sniper and support. Personally i alwys choose assault which is your standard soldier.At the end of each match there is a vote for which map to play next which is an interesting way to get around the 'no host' problem. Also if someone is team killing then you can vote them out of the game.The 15 or so maps are REALLY good and varied from city landscapes, to frozen wastelands, to an Arab looking small town. The graphics are very good but not quite pushing the xbox 360 to it's limits.There are only two game modes - capture the flag (which takes place on smaller versions of the full maps) and Conquest (which is basically a territores game and takes place on full maps)Overall the multiplayer over xbox live (there is no splitscreen or system link) is fantastic and although hard at first, is well worth the effort to learn the ropes.The single player is identical to the original xbox game and is OK but nothing special really.The real fun is to be had online...
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Ok first things first, don't compare this game to the pc versions. It has been made for a console, so it is obviously going to be different, and it will obviously be limited in a certain way =)The game itself is a fun game to play, and is very challenging. The point score system is hard to keep up, so it ensures you play well and focus in game. It gives you a tension, cus the better you play, the better you develop and the more you unlock. Being battlefield, it is a intense fighting zone, not completly realistic if you compare it with the likes of Socom, however the fast paced, hardcore action keeps you immersed.Think of it like this, with so many guns blazing, and vechiles driving about,most of them hostile, you gotta watch your back and try not to die. This is an amazingly fun game, and is sometimes bloody hard to acheive your goal.Online is a great laugh, playing with up to 25 people, however this doesn't mean that single player is a downer.The single player feature in the game puts you in to over the top combat across the world. As you progress you rise in ranks and unlock better and more sophisticated weaponry.The missions are mixed and you also are able to access challeges, like hotswapping or races. You are timed and they can be extremely hard to complete. But that's part of the fun, also the parachuting you can do! Hooyah!The game gives you 200 missions in single player, I've played for hours and only done 17 missions, that's a long lifespan for a game people.Have fun should you choose to buy it, it's worth it.
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I got the demo not long ago, downloading it on Xbox Live Marketplace, it was 300 or so megabytes, i played the demo, one level, one multiplayer round. And i was blown away, literally. When one first enters the game, you are greeted to the sounds of explosions and fire, there literally is not a single moment when there is peace. You choose from different classes such as engineer, support gunner, sniper (with a cool gps tool), assault which each have their own unique weaponry and each army you can play have their own unique weaponry/vehicles. The game is set in rather modern times, possibly in ours. It focuses on a war between the US & China in a battle of the superpowers,there are other combats going on around the world, the EU against Khazikstan and US against the MEC (Middle Eastern Coalition). All of these battles have their own atmosphere, wether it be a sandy desert town with bullet holes in the walls and destroyed mosques or a freezing cold arctic wasteland with snowmobiles and such. This game is truly a excellent experience and well worth the 39.99, i have played other top 360 games eg-Elder Scrolls Oblivion and this one tops the lot. Its especially fun to play with friends, so if your into mostly online (and some single player campaign) madness with friends or foe, this is for you.
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I got this game for the original xbox and was impressed greatly by the multiplayer, unfortunately, the single player part of the game got a bit repetitive and I ended up putting it down after about an hour and a half! But I am here to talk about the 360 version, which, in a word, is amazing! I managed to get my hands on a pre-sale copy, unfortunately, because EA haven't set up the Live service yet I haven't been able to play it on live. But the single player has obviously had more work from the outset than the xbox version. The graphics are amazing, I couldnt help but feel as if I was playing Ghost Recon: advanced Warfighter for a while though but this is definately better.I also recently hadthe oportunity to play the online demo of battlefield 2: modern combat and I am simply amazed by the addictivity of this game. I played it solid for 2 hours before I had to turn it off simply because my batteries ran out in my controller and needed recharging. The graphics are great and I cant fault them!I recommend this game for anyone who like mass multiplayer games and who like the FPS genre in general! Even if you have the original xbox version I recommend you get this game!
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I bought this game fairly recently and to be honest my initial thoughts of the game were not positive to say the least. The whole "hot swapping" feature in the game felt tacky and the ai seemed to be way to difficult to beat. i found it very frustrating. Eventually though after getting used to the controls and the hot swapping feature I have to say that this game is in a class of its own, when mastered, the hot swapping feature is essential for dominating the battle field and as for as knowing what your objectives are , just press pause and you are told exatly what must be done. the online mode is the real gem of this game though with tons of maps,vehicles and different classes so you'll be playing against people of a similar skill level as your self.there are a decent amount of weapons much more than you would find in ghost recon for example, and theres also a challenge mode which gives you various tasks to complete just for the fun of it.This is a great game to play ,but when compared to call of duty 2 its a completely different beast. its originality may put some people off, but when you get the hang of it you'll be hooked.
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i think this game has alot to offer and i have really enjoyed my time playing this game. the weapons are great the graphics are great and the game has a very realistic feel to it. the only problem in this game is that the way the enemy die feels slightly unrealistic because they fall to the ground like a rag doll and thier limbs flop around like a strong gust of wind has grasped hold of them. the new hotswaping technique is a completly new concept and provides a major advantage in the mist of war. the reason i say enjoyed playing this game is because i have got stuck on a level and cannot get it done. but that aside this game has alot to offer and is a favorite of one of my mates as before i purchased an xbox 360 this was the game he always wanted to play.i hope this review has spured you on to purchase this game with a very interesting concept... Tom
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After completing COD 2 i decided right from the release date that i was going to buy BF2. Single player campaign is a bit iffy. The fact is that once you progress into the later stages of the game it gets very very hard. The good thing about single player is the ability to "hotswap". This is a great idea and allows the player to zoom around all the different characters on the map and take control (i wouldnt recomend this game to offline users). Turning to multiplayer i was amazed at the size of the maps and the variety of factions, vehicles and men. The graphics could clearly be improved but are easily workable. As for gameplay you wouldnt find a better game.The maps are huge which allows the user to use a vehicle to its full potenial. Lastly the ranking system is ingenious and the clan tool is a great idea. DEFINATLY BUY THIS GAME IF YOU HAVE XBL!
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Hotswap WOOSH! This is one of my favourite games on PS2. Even in the offline single player mode the missions are non linear, so you never have the same battle twice. And hotswapping is great. Fancy a shot at being a sniper? just look at him and press square and WOOSH! the camera flies across the fabulous landscape before lodging in the head of the hotswapee. You can even nick one of the games many vehicles off the computer this way. The missions are great fun, whether you're chasing patrol boats in a helicopter gunship or defending an oil rig, scooting round the desert in a hummvee or attacking a submarine base. Your performance in the mission earns you stars which earn you ranks and weapon upgrades.I've not got an online PS2 yet but I've heard great things about the multiplayer so I can't wait.
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Battlefield 2 for Xbox 360 is very addictive. The game can be hard at times & dying just at the wrong time can be frustrating, but it never discourages me from playing at all. The missions are varied, graphics are stunning & very detailed, & the audio is totally amazing.The variety of gameplay is a real highlight. Hotswapping, for example, allows you to switch from one member of your team to another almost instantly, done by pressing the X button. This works brilliantly, & it gives you the chance to view the battle from many points on the map.Special mention must go to the handling of the vehicles. The tanks feel satisfyingly heavy to drive, while Hummers are faster & more manouverable.Overall a superb game,& a great way of showing what the xbox 360 is capable of. One of the very best.
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Battlefield 2: Modern Combat features a propaganda fueled single player campaign where you will see both sides of a conflict in one of the most treacherous regions in the world - Kazakhstan. Online play will have you fighting for one of 4 sides - the US, the European Union, the Chinese, or the newly formed Middle East Coalition whilst armed with the latest modern weaponry, not forgetting the ability to control any of the 30+ vehicles in the game.This title promises to blow the pants off any Halo game, Bungie are going to have to suck you into the screen and put 117's Assault rifle in your hands to beat this!!! It's that dam awesome!


This is the best online first shooter game I've been on. No problems loading it up and there are no problems while online. Up to 24 people can be in each battle. It never gets boaring. Create a clan match and join up with friends to go against other clans. Over 12 different maps to play on aswell as different characters all with different types of weopends aswell as lots of different vehcles from boats to helicopters aswell as land vehcles like tanks and other trucks and stuff! 1 player gets a bit boaring although there are 200 levels to keep you busy aswell as other challenges. Its a must online game.


This is the best PS2 online game there isNo doubt about it.Nigh on lag free, quickish to load12v12 matches MAASSIVE online community.Good ranking system etc.This is an online game, if you aren't going to play it online, i don't suggest it.OFFLINE Star Wars BattleFront 2 is better..Online, this rules the war gamesThe graphics aren't very good, they aren't bad but anyway.Its very well balanced, no troop is completely over poweringThe problems:Offline = fundamently boring.Only 5 types of troop (Although they are good)Great feel to this game, you feel like you are in a real war!

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