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For Apple iPhone 4, 170 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.4.

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Esprimere un giudizio sotto il profilo di design ed ergonomia è quasi inutile visto che Apple da anni non sbaglia un colpo in questo ambito e l’iPhone non fa eccezione. Si tratta di un prodotto molto riuscito e che manifesta sia una maniacale cura dei materiali che uno studio accurato di come gli utenti lo impugneranno e lo useranno. In questi anni i prodotti disegnati da Johnatan Ive si sono fatti sempre più raffinati e mutuano dettagli l'uno dall'altro: così dentro iPhone 4 troviamo tracce di iPad ma anche un allontanamento dal retro curvo delle precedenti serie 3G di iPhone.Alcune soluzioni come lo schermo che si orienta a seconda di come si tiene il telefono sono sperimentate e usate anche da altri produttori di cellulari,altre ancora sono del tutto peculiari di iPhone come il numero ridottissimo di tasti ma anche queste non nuove. Di nuovo ci sono però il doppio tasto per il volume, a nostro giudizio indubitabilmente preferibile al vecchio tasto a gondola, e il profilo squadrato.Quest’ultimo dettaglio ha permesso ad Apple di far percepire al di sotto delle misure reali, più sottile, ma soprattutto ha migliorato largamente il feeling del dispositivo che offre una migliore sensazione una volta impugnato; prendendo in mano prima il nuovo iPhone e poi quello quello vecchio l’impressione che si ricava da quest’ultimo è di qualche cosa di economico e di più triviale. Una buona parte dell’effetto è sicuramente conferito dal retro in vetro e dal metallo (si tratta di resistente acciaio) che contorna il bordo e che funge anche da antenna. Messo in tasca, iPhone, proprio per questa forma squadrata, sparisce e si tende a dimenticarsi dove lo si è riposto.Detto degli aspetti estetici dell’hardware si deve dire di quelli funzionali e anche sotto questo punto di vista iPhone compie un significativo passo avanti in due settori chiave: schermo e processore. Del Retina Display e dei suoi pixel da 78 micrometri (invisibili all’occhio umano, dice Apple), della densità di 324 pixel per pollice e dei 960x640 pixel di risoluzione si è detto moltissimo, ma fino a quando non si è davanti allo schermo e lo si vede a occhio nudo non si percepisce che cosa questi freddi dati significano in pratica. Detto in poche parole iPhone ha il miglior schermo che abbiamo mai visto in un dispositivo portatile, persino superiore a quello già più che eccellente di iPad. Tutto quello che si vede è più dettagliato e contrastato. PROCESSORE E VELOCITA’Per quanto riguarda il processore, invece, che è il noto A4 di Apple usato da iPad (anche se nessuno è in grado di dire per certo che la versione sia quella di iPad) gli effetti si notano sulla responsività del sistema e nell’uso della applicazioni. Tutto è molto più veloce: dal lancio dell’interfaccia a quello delle applicazioni. Il confronto, in particolare, con il vecchio iPhone 3G che è il target di Apple, è tutto a favore di iPhone 4 che straccia letteralmente il suo predecessore, ma anche il 3GS, seppure ancora scattante, perde qualche punto con iOS 4 a bordo. Buona parte del merito è sicuramente, oltre che del processore, anche della memoria Ram portata a 512 MB contro i 256 del modello precedente. Al momento invece non ci sono indizi sul processore grafico (potrebbe essere il PowerVr SGX535 di Imagination) che comunque fa egregiamente il suo dovere nei giochi 3D che abbiamo provato, inclusi quei pochi già aggiornati alla risoluzione del Retina Display.BATTERIAIn queste 4 settimane d'uso abbiamo testato a lungo laRead full review...
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Why this product?I don't usually hanker after gadgets but I SO wanted an iPhone having seen my children and their partners using theirs and looking sadly at my own, rather pathetic, alternative. So, I gave in to greed and took my first big step as an eBay buyer. This was scary for me, but the experience was safe and sweet in the end - the price and service were both excellent.Likes and dislikes:I LOVE this iPhone - I can't stop playing with it - and I am someone renowned for having a mobile 'phone which is almost permanently switched off! I have only had it a few days and I have already downloaded so many really useful (and some really silly!) apps.I'm amazed at the quality of the images and how easy it is to use all my desktop favourites on the iPhone once the appropriate app is downloaded.How does it measure up? Did I make a silly decision? (After all, it IS a LOT of money!) No - there is NO COMPARISON between this iPhone and the phone it is replacing - it's a whole different world, especially in respect of using the internet. The syncing with iTunes is a bit tricksy (but I have never found iTunes to be particularly intuitive - Apple needs to look at this again, I feel) but I've managed to do the necessary and it is well worth the effort to have such a beautiful, stylish and functional piece of kit in my bag. Another downside is that the battery powers down quite quickly and takes an age to charge - something else for Apple to address. Sometimes I seem to get 'stuck' on a screen and can't see how to find my way out or back to a place I've been (especially in relation to maps) but that will come with practice, reading the manual more carefully and getting masterclasses from my various offspring. I also notice that there are on on-line video masterclasses which I can tap into which is a very helpful idea.Will it be a five-minute wonder for me?No - I think that I will finally become a fully signed-up member of the mobile-using world now that I have my iPhone. It's so seductive that I'm currently 'watching' for another one because my husband is jealous and he wants one now! Not so surprising you might think, but he was 73 last month - evidence if it was needed that this 'phone is so simple to use and so beautiful/versatile that it can be the silver-surfers' 'phone of choice. If you get the chance to try one have a go - you won't regret it, but you will almost certainly be looking to buy one shortly after!Read full review...
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The iPhone 4 is a great piece of kit, which is solidly built while still maintaining an attractive look and feel. It has so many apps & games you couldn't possibly use all of them. I have found the phone easy to use & so much fun whilst learning to do so. It has the capability to play all your favourite music, films, apps & games, with many of the latter being free from iTunes Store. I do however find the battery life somewhat of a disappointment but this is only the case when I am using it for anything other than phone calls. Also the ability to set up the phone exactly as you would like (i.e wallpaper screens & adding music or video without iTunes) is somewhat hampered by the IOS software Apple offer,but for me these are minor niggles. The 5MP camera has also been surpassed massively with the likes of the Samsung Galaxy SII (my second choice of smart phone) which has an amazing camera but I feel lacks the solid build quality of the iPhone. With a trail of broken phones & cracked screens in my wake this became a real factor for my choice to purchase the iPhone & after fitting with an Otterbox Defender it just sealed the deal. For some it is a little on the expensive side too. Overall then I am more than happy with the 32gb Apple iPhone & will continue to enjoy it for the foreseeable future or until my wallet (or my wife) can warrant the purchase of an upgrade to hmmm maybe the iPhone 4s?Read full review...
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I bought the iPhone due to the fact that all my mates have iPhone and am the only one with Nokia and they keep telling me to buy one, my first impression when I got the phone is that this phone is not worth the money I paid for it, in my opinion, this phone worth no more than £200, to be honest I couldn’t find any difference between iPhone 4 and iPhone 3Gs, apart from the camera and the design of the handset itself, so why this big different in price in them? My partner own an iPhone 3Gs 32GB and she doesn't want to swap it with the iPhone4 and she's a big fan of iPhone but she doesn't think the iPhone 4 is better than the one she has apart from the design but she still prefer iPhone 3Gs.Don't get me wrong but there are far better touch screen out in the market now and if you get a chance to choose between iPhone4 and Samsung Galaxy SII, go for the Samsung, better screen size, nice bright colours and outstanding camera. I had a chance to play with one in the phone shop and I was very impressed with it and couldn't find anything that I didn't like about it. I don't want to put you off the iPhone but honestly try different touch screen phones before decide about the iPhone. I know there are lots of reviews but I just wanted to make it nice and simple and I hope this help and good luck.Read full review...
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I love the smooth feel and look of the phone. It has a clear bright screen, it's easy to find your way around, easy to sync to iTunes and download apps, keyboard very sensitive but great to use, decent camera and as a phone I've had no problems.Bad points:BATTERY - I had read how short the battery life was but didn't expect for it to be so short! I hardly use the phone and have to recharge every day, sometimes twice (if I've played a couple of games of scrabble!) so goodness knows how people manage who need to use it regularly. Sitting beside my bed doing absolutely nothing during the night last night the battery life went from 43% to 29% in less than 7 hours.The other problem I had was actuallylinking the phone to the internet - not being very technically minded and not having anyone around who is, I struggled and had to resort to contacting the line provider and trawling through Apple's FAQ before I managed to get internet connection some days after getting the phone. The instructions with the phone are not very comprehensive for a new user to a smart phone.Read full review...
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This is a beautifully made device,bought to supplement an iPad but with phone capacity and the ability to carry about unobtrusively when travelling around but sharing all the data of the larger device,albeit on a smaller screen.The screen resolution is beautifully clear and sharp,the only downside for me being the need to scroll down pages in apps like Facebook,but you have to accept this with a device this small.Mine came already equipped with the latest IOS 7.1 and has revealed no bugs from the update that I'm so far aware of.All my existing apps have installed faultlessly,including Mobimaps with street view,Google Earth and my favourite drawing program You Doodle Pro.I have not so farinstalled a SIM card but have been using my 3 mobile wifi device as with my iPad and have had none of the signal loss that used to be reported with the IPhone 4.I chose this version because for me a newer generation iPhone is too expensive.Battery life and camera are excellent,the latter miles better than the iPad Mini 2.All in all I give this device full marks!Read full review...
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If you have no pressing need for the improvements in the 4S model and want to save yourself a bob or two - get an iPhone 4. Available to canny buyers for good prices as adopters dump them for the 4S, this model has lots of life in it yet!For most of us, what can it not do? the interface is intuitive, the choice of apps or programs is mind boggling, and it replaces so many devices it repays its purchase price almost immediately.Use it on WiFi at home and when in the car (or on the road by whatever means) use a WiFi Mobile hotspot to stay connected whereever!Battery life is really good even for hard use and as with everything,there is a lovely battery app which will give you detailed life span info for each use scenario you might have.I see 24hrs music playback on 62% battery, or 6hrs web browsing on WiFi, or 6hrs video playback.I am not an Apple evangelist, this was my first Apple phone after buying the iPod Touch about a year ago.Highly recommended.Read full review...
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As a recent convert from Android, I've got to say I'm quite impressed with the iphone. I always thought it was for posers and the technologically challenged, and maybe it is, but at the end of the day it simply works, and works simply!That, however, is it's weakness. It's a bit too simple. The interface is really beginning to show it's age (hurry up ios 6!), and it no longer feels sophisticated to way it did a few years ago. The inability to customise the interface is a shame, so individuality is pretty much impossible apart from background pictures.Texting is a particular joy, the keypad is brilliant. The phone's a bit large though, I tried to convince my wife to have one (and get her away from her nasty Nokia 5800)but it's just to big for her everyday use. Can't help feeling that Apples' missing a trick here, how about a nano iphone for the ladies?But, as previously stated, if you want a simple phone that simply works, it's brilliant.Simples!Read full review...
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I bought an iPhone 4 32GB for two main reasons. I love apple products and I needed room to hold all my music.The product, despite not being the latest iPhone, still delivered to a very high standard. I really enjoy Apple' iOS because of how easy it is to use, the wealth of apps avaliable and of course iTunes.But the actual phone itself is also amazing; one of the highest quality phones I have ever owned. The model is slim yet feels solid to hold, which is partly what makes iPhone's so popular. iPhone 4 was the first one to have the 'bar' feel and is definitely a more bold model the the iPhone 3.My only qualm would be the battery life, which doesn't last very long for playing games, which is annoying.But this great phone makes up for itself easily. The iPhone 5 is bigger yes, but in value the iPhone 4 is now available most places for around £200 - well worth it as I'm sure anyone with one will tell you.Read full review...
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- Outstanding fast for such a small piece of technology!- Beautiful, smooth and sleep design.- Battery life not too bad! Needed recharging only once after TONS of use on first day with all the playing around. On an average day, used about 50% for me (inc: Texting, Wi-Fi and web surfing)- No too brittle! Get a case to project the outside and will survive a long time.- Swapping between Surfing, Texting and music playing is mind-blowing. No lag or freezing up at all!- Camera has great software to turn those 5MP pictures in to stunning quality! Don't be fooled by an 8MP phone, the software that builds the overall picture is far more important.The camera records HD vids and takes pictures in great quality!Only bad note could be the Apple ID/Game Centre log-in and all the signing in to places but ones set up, will only require the password from time to timeMoney well spent!Read full review...
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Fully recommend this phone to anyone looking for a iPhone without spending a total fortune.Now in the middle of the iPhone range it can and does what even the latest iPhone can do.Who cares if its not 4g as that technology is only available on a couple of phones in a few of the major cities,just save your money and get one of these.It boasts a better camera and better screen clarity and is slightly faster.you get a lot for your money here.With apps growing even larger the iPhone caters for just about everyone young and old.Now the downside, who on earth ever thought a phone with a glass back was a clever idea,looks nice yes,practical No.If you have a iPhone 3GS don't rush out to upgrade as itdoes the same,just a few useless apps etc that probably no one really uses,never seen any of mine use them.Overall a damn good upgrade phone that will only improve as time goes on.Read full review...
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I've always wanted a new phone and when i have seen the iphone 4 i decided - this is the one i'll buy!I'm loving the phone; tons of great stuff and a lot of it is free (or even more if you jailbreak your device ;) )Even though lots of people complain about the batery life, i wouldn't say it is so bad. If you are a moderate user like myself, don't liste to music every single time you have the phone with you, it will last 4 days easily without needing a recharge.If you want something really functional and simply a great device, the Iphone is the way to go!


It's a brilliant phone, obviously because its a smart phone it needs charging everyday, but still its unreal. I had an ipod touch and when it was damaged I thought why not get a iphone. It has a huge memory, sharp camera, easily assess your emails, twitter, facebook, bank, maps, weather, skype, ebay etc. Fantastic apps for everyday needs, especially if you travel a lot. The only thing I was disappointed with is that you can't use your itunes as a ringtone, you have a choice of the sounds that's already built in. Highly recommend this phone though.


The phone itself is excellent. The supplier first class. The real test comes when you sign up to a telephonic provider. This can either ruin your purchase because the service is poor or enhance the purchase. The EBAY aspect of this purchase was very good and I am very impressed with the phone itself. I wanted a smartphone and I have got one at a decent price. I don't know how it compares to Androids for example but it does everything I want it to. There is nothing I dislike so far.


It's not very fast compared to my later iphone models but decent working machine. Though the ios 7 is outdated, I like the simplicity of the music player more than on the new ios-es. I love the design and the feel of the phone. It is a bit on the heavy side and that is something I love about it, feels quality. I use it as a music player/ipod and a secondary phone, a nice piece of iphone history. It is a keeper as they are dirt cheap.

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