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For The Shoot (PS3), 43 customer reviews collected from 2 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.1.

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For many The Shoot has to go down as a rental. Such an opening statement shouldn't be considered a damning indictment of this rail shooter's quality, though. For a genre whose natural home is the arcade, most rail shooters are a rental at best and over the years there have plenty undeserving of even that. The Shoot absolutely is deserving of an early Move adopter's attention and I wouldn't discourage first-time buyers from considering going the whole hog and adding it to a family Christmas PS3 bundle. It's good old-fashioned wholesome fun, to the Move motion controller what Duck Hunt was to the NES Zapper.Central to these family leanings are the wooden cutouts you spend the entirety of the game shooting.No blood and gore, no profanity, just a good slice of humour and a surprising amount of character in the wooden targets. As for that age rating, it seems that PEGI wasn't quite sure whether to rate the game a 3+ or 12+. In the end it settled on 12+, which is a shame because, although there are props of zombies and robots loosely based on the Terminator franchise, The Shoot is best appreciated as a light-hearted party experience for all ages.The action takes place on movie sets. A director calls the shots as you take them. If you do badly, he'll make you retake the scene. If he's impressed by your acting (i.e. the star quality of your shooting) he'll offer you further roles, which leads to one of the game's failings. You don't move on to the next film set just by completing the last one, you have to do it in style, something that can and probably will become frustrating later on to the casual players that the game wants to attract.The Western from the Move Starter Pack's demo is followed by sci-fi, mobster, horror and deep sea 'shoots'. The graphics, therefore, serve up a good deal of variety and fresh ideas as you progress. The gameplay, however, remains largely identical throughout. The shooting itself benefits from a quick and easy calibration process. After two quick shots in opposite corners of the screen, you're up and running and you always feel like you're aiming at the targets on the screen, even if you have the PS3 Camera off to the side of the TV. It feels as close as possible to the proper lightgun games of old, but to get the best experience, you really do need to buy the official gun attachment for the controller. It instantly makes the game more satisfying.Putting together combos opens up special abilities that require motion gestures to initiate. All the way through you'll be physically ducking and dodging and even pirouetting your way to a Ballerina Trophy (or, if you have the knowhow, conning the game with simpler gestures that make it think you're doing those things - something that Move gaming was supposed to leave behind with the Wii Remote).Another big plus is that this, to the best of my knowledge, is the first game of its type to include Trophies/Achievements (with Time Crisis: Razing Storm following closely behind), which adds a good deal to the replayability if you enjoy collecting such things. Earning the Platinum will extend the game's life and challenge while still being obtainable during that aforementioned rental period. Trophies and the thoughtful implementation of them will be a huge boon for this genre. With The Shoot, much like everything about the game, it's off to a solid start.The main campaign's lack of a two-player mode is the biggest bone of contention. You're restricted to unlocking the shorter Score Attack mode when ganging up. Loading times leave a lot to be desired as well. For what is a party/arcade game, the levels like to arrive fashionably late as you wait at lengthy static screens. Likewise, the director's commentary can begin to grate. Among other repetitive lines, your gunslinging skills are frequently rewarded with yells of 'this is the dawning of awesome!'. I'm inclined to agree with him on that one. The Shoot feels very much like the dawning of a rosy future for Move.
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It's a lot of fun but only if you calibrate the move controller correctly. I used it in a gun accessory and aimed ball part at TV and pressed the move button and it was flawless and fast paced but it's best to be standing or sitting in the excact place you calibrated it otherwise you gotta compensate for where you are or just recalibrate it.This game isn't a's good time crisis game its a fun on rail shooter of a movie sets. The idea is the director filming and your the star and every time you hit the right mechanical targets you get points but every time you don't you make his movie bad and anger the director and eventually too much you lose a life and so on till game over or you complete the levelI felt it wasn't awful but my self and my partner loved it.I like the cheesy voices and the style they used I'm not sure why people gave it 1 or 2 stars maybe because it's cartoony or the didn't calibrate it right but it's worth the cheap price
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Ordered this game because we had played the sample on the 'move' starter disk. It's great - definitely get a gun holder to put the controller in.You have to score certain points in the career before unlocking areas in the 'quick play' mode; however, having this game for less than a month and not putting too much time into it I've managed to unlock all but the graveyard.It's a great game that reminds me a bit of Duck Hunter - not complicated, simple, but fun. The different movie styles, different scenes, and extra bonus games (provided you find all the puzzle pieces) are a nice touch.I would reccomend this game to those who like quick games, not complicated ones.The price is reflective of what you'll get - great entertainment; however, after some time I could see it getting boring due to it not being challenging or intricate.
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This is by far the best playstation move game I have ever played. I played the demo when I first got the move and then loved it so much I went and bought it. This is fantastic! The levels are brilliant and you get literally hours of enjoyment out of it.As a party game, you can pass the remote around and just keep playing and see who's getting good scores or you can have two remotes and play against each other for top score. I've played this with a few people and it really gets everyone up and shouting at the screen.On your own, the game keeps you on your toes and you have to expect the unexpected as me and my friend came to discover on 'Robotomous Crime.' This game is well worth the money and will keep you playing for months.Every time you have a few people round, break out this game and you'll all have a great time.
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Bought this for the kids after finally getting 'Move'ed up on the PS3.This really is a good fun game, but as said, there's 1 big flaw....The kids sit down with their guns all ready. The game loads (which does take a long time!)The screen appears, but where is the multiplayer?You have to perform a training exercise, which is OK, for 1 person, to teach you the controlls and special moves.OK, that's out the way, now let's play!But again, where is the multiplayer?The big flaw is, until 1 person completes a mission, there is no multiplayer.So you have to finish the western game, then both can play.Not the biggest dissapointment in the world, but it felt completley needless.Why not just let 2 people shoot it out from the start?
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Me and my fiance love this game. It's fun and will be a laugh when we have friends over too. I also bought the sony gun for the controller. it makes the experience a little better but its just as good without the gun. My only worry is that for adults, it may be a little easy. I think i could complete it quickly which would be a shame. I think there should be an option to buy more levels online. Overall a fun game for all the family!


Fun game for kids. Dated by 2020 standards but does the job and is still fun for younger ones and parents.. Seems hard to get past the first level though to find all the puzzle pieces. Will keep looking... Is fun shooting everything. The PS3 camera eye is OK. Losses accuracy at times but a wiggle and it seems to re centre again. I would recommend for some light fun...


Thi is excellent game for anyone who wants to spend time with family (and PS3 of course). Because there is no real violence it can be played by very young kids and I even convinced my wife (who hates playing console games) to try it and she was delighted.Of course it is not hard core game or very long but it is excellent if you want to relax and have some good time.


I really enjoyed playing The Shoot! A fun shooting game without the gore and splatter of the usual shooting games, but more funny with cardboard cutouts of the bad guys! The only thing I didn't like is that it ended very soon... Now I have to go back to each level and try to get golden performance trophies!


Again after buying the move controller, this looked like a great game to keep the kiddywinks amused. Unfortunately it doesn't have that balance between fun and downright frustration finely weighted and I feel that frustration rather than fun is the result. Another bookend gathering dust now


This game is so nostalgic, it reminds me of the really good arcade games. You shoot the bad cowboys etc. As a parent it is great as there is no blood and actually you are shooting cardboard cutouts as the video game is like a bad movie being recorded - fantastic. Very retro. I love it.


2 years ago I bought the PS3 Move accesoiries. For the last 1,5 year they were collecting dust.So I bought this PS3 game a while ago.See it as the modern version of the Nintendo Duck Hunt game.it's quite nice to play as a casual gamer.


I do like this game! I bought a second copy for a friend of mine, who played it with me and wanted to have it too, asap!!!Playing with a friend is even funnier, so...call some people and enjoy the Shoot!


if you'd like to beat the cowboys to the draw, this is the one to get. Lots of fun along with the other games on the disc, i'm enjoying it very much.


In contrast to other similar games like Killzone3, TimeCrissis4, this game force you to get up from yours comfortable chair and have fun.

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