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For The Guided Fate Paradox (PS3), 8 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.1.

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In The Guided Fate Paradox Nippon Ichi (famous for their Disgaea series) decided to move away from the usual strategy RPG formula and tried a rogue-like gameplay: your character and the enemy take turns to perform one action, e.g. movement or attack. It works quite well, but the game feels more like the visual novel where the story and dialogues are more important than action. The story itself is quite original about a teenager becoming a god and having to fulfill people's wishes, the usual humour is still present, the world (Celestia and Netherworld) will be familiar to those who played other games by Nippon Ichi, but personally I prefer the Disgaea series maybe because gameplay in them is much more addictive.The Guided Fate Paradox is still quite a good game and if you need some jRPG to fill your time before holiday season, this may be a good choice.
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Great game, turn based 2D art, dungeon crawler. Good sense of humour.It can be a bit grindy, but because the dungeons are random it doesn't really get too boring. If you mess up you know it was your fault and your fault only. If you enjoy how punishing games like Dark Souls can be then this invokes similar emotions when you die and get kicked out of a dungeon, losing every weapon you took with you (including ones you may have invested many hours in upgrading)Each stage during the main story has a unique twist to it making it interesting but in reality the main story is only a tiny fraction of the game,preparing you for the ultimate challenge of the 100 level dungeons which must be completed without leaving or dying.This game helped spark a genuine interest in this genre when previously I'd tried many titles and failed to really get into them.
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a marvelous mad game from the makers of the disgaea series, the story is also more like the polar opposite. if you did'nt get enough of the lunacy, this is the perfect fit


This game kinda reminds me if Azure dreams on yhe ps1, which is why it's fantastic, it's very addictive, hours & hours of gameplay. All round great jrpg

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