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For Star Trek Shattered Universe (Xbox), 7 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.1.

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This game does have is moments of sheer excellence in my view, then again, it also has its moments of pure annoyance where all you would like to do is snap the disc in half, i found these few and far between though.Moments of excellence, things like taking down battleships when your entire group focuses together, plus the added realism that should you get hit by the weapons of a crusiser like the enterprise, it doesn't happen like a pee shooter, your shields will be gone and the ship will react like a fly does to a fly swatter!!!!Moments of sheer disbelief... the mission where you have to destroy around 25 mines in under a minute when your ship only reaches the first mine after 25 seconds is a good example of annoyances (still not got past this level)So the graphics aren't the best,i didn't buy this game expecting them to be the best, also the controls are not as bad as everyone else makes them out to be, there quite functional on the standard pad (no idea about the new slimline offical pad)... i bought this game expecting it to be borderline dire, and its proved a pleasant surprise, i cannpt see why its mocked so heavily, please ignore all reviews singing only its praises, and ones that slate it only... just make your own damn decision and either rent this or buy it (its not eactly expensive is it).
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This is the first time ive heard of this game but cant wait now! Im am big fan of all the series and have always been confined to the PC for ST games. If its anything like the 2 elite force games or even remenisent of the Armada games il be queing up for this one!


As described, many thanks.

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