

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Fissler 8111005000 reviews.
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For Fissler 8111005000, 1 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.

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This isn’t a bad beginners Fissler set, but there are a few letdowns that others have mentioned:1) the handles get extremely hot and can’t be held without mitts/a towel.2) the lids don’t fit tightly with the pots so move around a lot when cooking.3) the handle of the lid is extremely small and you can only fit two fingers. You may end up burning yourself on the glass.Apart from that, the pots are relatively sturdy, look good and the heat distribution is perfect. Given the price, they’re still worth buying. If you want to drop £400-500 though, get the original Fissler set instead.

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