

Reviewbucket.co.uk scanned the internet for Fissler 1612005000 reviews.
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For Fissler 1612005000, 3 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.7.

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I use these on a gas hob. Despite claims to the contrary, the handles get too hot to touch, even when using them over a gas jet a lot smaller than the base of the pan. Heat also conducts into them when emptying liquids, defeating the point of their pouring feature. The pans themselves are good quality stainless steel and easy to clean inside. Unfortunately, it's hard to clean around the handles on both the pans and the lids. Don't expect the lids to sit snugly either. For the cost, I expected a lot more. In fact, I hate them so much I won't be buying any more Fissler products on principle.


I'm not happy with it. I'm sure these are fake ???

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