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I am not a fan of sci-fi movies and i have never like 'The Matrix', however when my brother got this game for his birthday last year, i got a chance to play on it, and i thought why not. I am very glad i did play on it because i soon became hooked, and even when i was having lunch or somthing, the game was calling me. I'm not really sure what attracks me too it so much, because it certainly isn't the fact that it's the Matrix, but whatever it is, it worked for me.In the game you can play as either Ghost or Niobe who are really Neo and Trinity in the films, so i don't know why they have changed their names for the game, but there you go. Anyway, you must fight them through the levels (i forget how many there are)getting the baddies. Sounds easy huh?The graphics in this game are pretty amazing, for saying that this game first came out early 2003 and that goes together with the reasonably good gameplay to make quite a good little game.You get several weopons in the game, including machine guns and stakes (for the vampires) however the main weopon in this game is the extensive list of Kung-Fu moves that each character can perform on the enemy. I am i fan of martial arts films, and so for me, this part of the game is probably the best.There are two ways to to do this game, you can use stealth or just charge in and kill your opponents. I personally prefer the latter, and the cool Bruce Lee type moves are perfect for this. However, i recommend that you use a little of each, and that way you will get much more out of the game.The general levels are quite easy and defeating the baddies isn't hard, especially when you can turn on 'bullet time' which basically slows everything up, allowing you to dodge bullets and punches. If you have ever seen the Matrix, you will know what i'm talking about. One thing that i do find annoying in the game though, are the agents, or more specifically, the fact that no matter how hard you try there is absolutely no way of defeating them. Probably my favourite baddie, has to be the vampires which you get later on in the game. It's cool how you have to beat them up and then just when the time is right, shove that big wooden stake through their evil heart.The end of the game was slightly dissappointing for me though, as the last two levles were really stupid, and i had know idea what they were supposed to be about, or how to complete them. In the end, i ended up completing them accidently, which is a shame really. Maybe this is because i don't know anything about 'The Matrix'.Overall, a good little game which should be played by any Matrix fans, especially if you have seen the second installment, 'The Matrix Reloaded' because this is supposed to be a sort of 'tie-in'. As i have said, i good game all round and i real treat for Matrix fans.
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The Matrix has spawned many imitations in the movie world but nothing captures the brilliance of "bullet time" like this title. To convert the very escence of the Matrix to a video game and make it playable and entertaining is no mean feat, but Shiny have pulled it off. While watching the movie you actually want to BE Neo; running along walls and cartwheeling past SWAT teams while pumping them full of lead. Now you can! However, you play as either Ghost or Niobe, each having slightly different paths through the game-world. Ghost is a master of weaponary while Niobe can handle herself behind the wheel of any vehicle.The majority of the game is simply a "go into room, kill guards, go to next room,kill more guards" affair. However, no other game has given the player such a diverse range of moves in which to deal out damage. Imagine cartwheeling past a concrete column firing off round after round of ammo with bullets and their trails whizzing past, landing in the middle of a few guards, jumping on to a wall then reverse kicking away from it into the face of one of the SWAT guys, sweeping the legs off another and punching him out of mid-air across the room, only to finally run along the wall at the last guard guns blazing, flipping off the wall 'Trinity-style' - job done! It's ALL possible here.Why only 4 stars? Well, it's not the hardest game in the world, and the graphics are a little sparse and lazy. Also, the controls sometimes work against you - when going up or down stairs you'd like the right stick to look up or down to see what is there, but this only puts the camera into first person mode. Seeing as you can't move in first person it's a little pointless. The only other thing that lets it down is...well, I want to play as Neo!! Nothing major, but come on Shiny, Neo is the ONE! Special mention must go to whoever did the sound because it's spot on. All of the effects and music from the movie are here, especially in "bullet time" with the bullets whooshing past the screen and the punches/kicks lifted straight from the kung-fu scene of the movie.What surprises me is the price of this title. Even at £50 this would sell, but at £35 then you simply MUST own this. If you liked Max Payne then this is more of the same but with fancy moves. Go on, take the red pill and see how deep this game really goes...
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The makers of "Enter The Matrix" told us that this game is sort of like The Matrix 2.5 - a hybrid between the 2nd and 3rd episodes of the movie. Right from the start we see that this isn't just hype. Actors from the second movie appear in FMV sequences not seen in The Matrix Reloaded, because they were filmed solely for the game. While this adds to the feeling that you're really part of the movie, the lack of a coherent plot in the game takes part of this away.Playing as one of 2 characters from the movie (which can only help with replay value of the game) you really get to do everything that Neo and Trinity do in the movies. Being able to slow time down while you leap in the air,ninja-kick a guard under the jaw, and send his friend flying across with your fist is so much fun, you'll want to yell out "Bring 'em on!"The controls are a little weird to get used to. One joystick is pointlessly and unhelpfully used for both turning and moving, but a few levels of gameplay and this quickly doesn't become much of an issue. There are plenty of savespots, and loadtime isn't noticeably painful.As a 'special feature' the game blurb says that you get to "hack into your console" - which is a lot less exciting than it sounds. You get a UNIX-style prompt to work from within the special features, and in the file structure you'll find a password you need to enter into a website. I've not bothered with that yet, but it would be nice if this feature gave you extra powers or abilities within the game. I'm having far too much fun slowing down time and kicking butt for this to distract me, but it may well be useful in extending the lifespan of the game after I've finished.In summary then, it's a very kung-fu, action-oriented game. Not nearly as thought-provoking as the movie, but still a lot of fun.
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Forget about sinclairlouis' review, there is NOTHING missing in this game, trust me. I've been fortunate enough to play a full working game and not just one little level, and it is awesome, the amount of depth here in terms of action and moves is something we have never seen before. This will be the best game you ever play, it really is that good. With lots of extras such as an hours worth of specially shot footage with the actual cast from Reloaded, the ability to be able to hack into your machine, the game being integrally linked to the film and lots more you will be sitting in front of your console for days. I won't give too much away about the gameplay coz i cant do it justice here,just grab a controller and you'll see what i mean, if you are not left speechless then i'll eat my hat. Flying, driving, running up walls it's all here.As for sinclairlouis' gripe about there being fighting and not the running as in the first film...duh! this is a NEW film with a NEW game. And the game was completely scripted by the films directors, so i think they would know best about what should be happening seeing as they wrote the films!So you see, this HAS to get a five star, there's just no point in moaning about trivial little things because this is more than a game, it's an experience, a unique one at that. Just like bullet-time has now become passe with everyone copying it nowadays, get ready for a flood of Enter the Matrix type games in the not too distant future, but for the moment savour the ORIGINAL and throw yourself into the world of the Matrix Reloaded and buy this game...it's history in the making, just like Morpheus said 'You can take the blue pill or the red pill'. Awesome!
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It was my first purchase online, let alone through Amazon. I've been dying to get my hands on this game for the last 5 months, and was pretty much picking through every tit-bit online to find out all I can. When this game turned up just before my weekend started, it was loaded straight into the system - lights and mobile off.Firstly, kudos to the FMV and the story. It's perfect for a movie tie-in. You feel like there's an involvement with the upcoming Matrix Reloaded movie. There's never any doubt what exactly you're doing; whether it's stealing a package, helping out a few NPC's, or just laying the smackdown in an airport, because a nice movie clip beforehand lays it all out.Then theres the combat.Whenever I used the "focus" option that slows down time so I can do all the funky things that Neo did in the first movie, I practically choked on my fillings. This was SWEET. Within the first five minutes, I had punched a post office guard in the face, kicked him into the air, pulled his shotgun out of his hands, and blasted him with two rounds before he touched the ground. The downside is, if you're fighting more than one character, it can become a little...jerky. Not in a bad way, but it's not something that had been wholly dealt with in the same way as in X Men: Wolverine's Revenge. It's fight-able and cool, but it aint perfect.Overall, the game itself impressed the hell out of me. the "hacking" option is proving to be addictive, the game itself is still unfolding (I'm on level 3, it took me the weekend to get this far, and it's bloody hard!) and I'm loving every minute of it.
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In the immortal words of Victor Meldrew, 'I don't belieeeve it!' A film license that not only stays true to the film, but Enter the Matrix runs parallel and happens to be one hell of a game!The game starts where the Animatrix short, 'The Last Flight of the Osiris' left of, with the two selectable characters, Niobe and Ghost, attempting to retrieve data left by the doomed ship. The first level eases you in nicely, with just the right amount of braindead guards to get a feel for the combat system.It's pretty standard punch, kick, jump, block sort of stuff until you hit the 'Focus' trigger where you enter the famous 'Bullet Time'. Running up walls and backflipping, jumping at pillars and roundhouse kicking off them,spiralling towards enemies whilst firing guns from both hands, this is what we were waiting for! The chance to pull of crazy moves like Neo, Trinity and Morpheus! In fact, one section of the first level is almost a re-enactment of the Government Lobby scene in the first film - right down to the pillars crumbling from the sheer weight of gunfire.The only thing that lets this game down is the slightly ropey driving sections where it feels like you're driving around an ice rink in a delivery van with wheels made of soap, but these scenes are thankfully not that common.The cut-scenes tie in very well to the film version, and are actually very entertaining. This game really does add something to the Matrix 'experience'. One word of warning. If you have not seen the film, DO NOT FINISH THE GAME. You really will spoil it!
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I bought this game for my nephew who is 7 years old, something that I should not have done since it is directed to players older than 15. So I took it from him and I played and played and got hooked for almost a week. I am new in videogames and PS2 (the last I played was lemmings at my Atari St). It was an experience similar to cinema but only better. Amazing storyline parallel to the 'reloaded' film. You get to be either Niobe or Ghost assisting Neo & co finishing or trying to finish their job. You get to find out info that you do not see in the movie (e.g. Ghost has the hots for Trinity). Similarly to the movie its end is a cliffhanger (come on 'revolutions' with a brand new game).It may not be that difficult to master and finish (it took me less than a week -mind you I have a full time job allowing me a few free hours a day- but the suspence, the action, all the nice tricks you can do using the special in the 'matrix(focus)moves' are breathtaking. In addition it looks and sounds like the movies (kudos to the sound effects team). I always thought that playing videogames is simply wasting your time. I am glad I wasted it this way. I don't know if this review is helpful to all you youngsters out there (especially coming from a guy who 20 years ago made the all time neighborhood record of 250000 points for Ms PacMan and has not touched anything since the glorious days of the Atari Lynx) but go ahead and 'Enter the Matrix' as I did.P.S. I wonder if it's time I should return the PS2 back to my nephew.
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Defy gravity, run on walls e.t.c. Lets face it we've all seen the matrix and weve all loved it. So now its time to enter the matrix yourself for the first time.Taking the role of either Niobe or Ghost you get to kick, punch and dodge your way through each level. All the Moves from the film are in there, and you get to fight head-to-head with agents.Although the first time you meet one you are guarunteed to soil yourself as they are just as tough as in the film. You get to fight with, and against characters in the film including fight levels against trinity and that weird seraph guy from the film. There is even an unlockable multiplayer mode thrown in!Here are some other facts about the game:Longetivity: 4/5 With two characters to play through, each with their own levels its gonna take some time.I myself am a die-hard gamer and i was a little concerned after reading reviews about the game being too short, but if you are a fan of the film, have no worries it will keep you gaming for man, many hoursGraphics: 3/5 Amazing character models and level design although some textures are repeated.fun factor: 5/5 You can enjoy hundreds of kung-fu moves such as bullet dodging manouvers and one-handed cartweels not even to mention the wall-running and kickin some american swat-assStoryline: 5/5 The story will keep you hooked untill the end i can guaruntee it. If you are a Matrix™, Its even more so sweet!my answer.... Blue pill definately. Buy the game, live the adventure!
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After watching the revolutionary film, The Matrix, fans have been fantasising about the release of a videogame based on the Matrix; and to be honest, it doesn't dissappoint.Enter the Matrix follows the stories of the Captain Niobe and her first mate Ghost. Niobe is the captain of the Logos and when in the matrix, her driving skills and martial arts make her pretty much unstoppable. Ghost, the first mate on board Niobe's ship, the Logos, specializes in weapons and hand to hand combat. If you see him with a gun, I suggest you run for your life!The game runs parallel to the film and follows the story of these partners in crime and how they contribute to the overall plot of The Matrix Reloaded.When playing the game,you have the option to dispose of bad guy either using a large variety of guns or an even larger variety of martial arts moves that make Bruce Lee look like a cudly toy.However apart from the amazing gameplay and easy controls, the major point of the game is Bullet Time, this gives the player the ability to focus Niobe or Ghosts strength so that for them, time slows down and enabling them to use another large set of martial arts moves, dodge bullets and run faster. The bullet time graphics allow you to see the bullets as you avoid them and the path they make through the air. It is this feature that makes Enter the Matrix one of the best games of the year. The good thing is, you don't have to be a hardcore fan to play it!
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I went and bought the game the first day it was released in the UK, and I was not disappointed. You choose you character, one of 2 - Ghost and Niobe - and you start the game with a movie clip, I presume on of the hours worth of movie made for the game and not actually taken from the movie. After that, it's straight into the action.We have all the moves that we've seen in the first movie, the cartwheel whilst shooting being one of my favs, the other being the whole jumping off the wall giving you my boot in the face.The game is slick and dark just like the movies and I guarantee you that this is the closest you'll get to being part of the movie's.However, like the first review said,there are a shed load of error bugs in here, though they didn't effect the gameplay or enjoyment for me. But people do pick up and hack away for those things. I think that these are here for the fact that the game had it's deadline, which they met, and maybe forced them to overlook these things.But none-the-less, this game is tops. It's a shame that there aren't as many agent fights in here, but the spar with Trinity (Ghost) and the chase by the many Agent Smiths well made up for that, especially because you could just turn around and fight the 4 or 5 Smiths behind you at that time, though that wouldn't be too recommended ;)But if you're a fan of the movies or just a fan of action, get this, it was well worth my hard earned cash :D
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The movie that spawned a thousand rip-offs finally has its game.The stupid thing was, you had to have a gun, you couldn't punch or kick.Then the 360 slow-mo's moved to racing games, strangely. Must have been low on ideas.By now we had all got bored of the Bullet-Time effects, mainly because they served little purpous.Anyway, Enter The Matrix bring a revival in Bullit Time, but now its got meaning. Watch as Ghost or Niobe run on to a wall swinging round and kicking a cop right in the face. You can see the bullits fly towards you, leaving their trails as you dodge by.The graphics are beyond words. Everything looks so realistic. Even the bullits. Guns.What fun.Dive forward through a spray of bullets blanting yours right between their eyes. You can do that trinity thing from matrix 1. You can do that neo thing where he picks up the gun in that spin. Its all in there.Guns. Punches. Kicks. Blocks. Agents.Sounds like fun.With over an hour of exclusive movie scenes not seen in the film, the actors providing the voices as well make it even more real.The car chases. Very good. Slightly glichy, but you wont care.This is the Game of The Year so far, will that last, only 2003 can tell us. Essential. Get it. NOW.GRAPHICS 9SOUND 10GAMEPLAY 9LASTABILITY 9MATRIXABLITY 11but remember, no-one can be told what the Matrix is, you have to see it for yourself...
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This is one of those games that could have turned out really bad, and I really mean bad. Just think of the seemingly endless stream of titles that populate your local bargain-bin, and you'll realise that an awful lot of them are awful movie-games that had the potential to be so good. Thank Heaven then, for the Wachowski brothers, who have ensured that this game is one of the best I've played, particularly in its genre. Probably the best thing about the game is the sheer number of times you go "Wow!" whilst playing it. The sheer joy you experience when you replicate one of those gravity-defying moves we all marvelled at in the cinema, is unrivalled by any other game,and the immense variety of amazing stunts means that you don't stop gawping until the very end. Sharp graphics and the specially-written plot with unique film footage, combined with the eratic, orchestral music common to the films creates a real sense that you really are part of the Matrix world. The only disappointing thing is the hacking, which I feel should be a lot more in-depth and allow you to change a lot more things once you get used to it. With the release of this, and "The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers", things seem to be looking up for movie-games, and the bargain-bins may be a little less full in the future.
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Well after getting some money in my pocket and hearing good reviews from friends and gaming magazines I decided to go and buy Enter The Matrix. This game will not dissapoint you , with its well designed levels and good graphics just being the start , this will keep you hooked for ages. You can choose to play as either Niobe or Ghost (characters from The Matrix Reloaded) and each character has thier own different role to play in the game. Niobe is mainly the character that goes in for all the action and fighting while Ghost mainly covers people and does the protecting. Some of the games finer points is the amazing Bullet Time (Or Focus as it is known on the game.)This is where everything around you slows down giving you the chance to take advantage of your enemies slowness. Also , the Hacking is good idea from here you can drop weapons into the Matrix and view maps , pictures and movie clips as you hack deeper and deeper. The AI in this game will not disspoint you either with plenty of SWAT and Agents chasing , fighting and shooting after you. Hey , complete the game and you even to get to see a cool Matrix: Revolutions trailer which you cannot see anywhere else for now. Overall this game is well worth the money and I guarentee will have you hooked and deserves all 5 of its stars.
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First things first - do not expect this game to bring any great advancements in the computer game field - it doesn't. What it does do, and very well at that, is give us an alternate view at goings on around the time that the Matrix Reloaded is set.The storyline runs basically parallel to goings on in Reloaded, and the characters are all much the same, though there are a few extras. Whereas in the film we concentrate on the activities of Neo, Trinity and Morpheus, in Enter the Matrix you take the role of Niobe or Ghost, their equals on another ship.Gameplay is good, though very linear. This is obvious though, as the story for this was written basically as a movie plot by the wachowski brothers,therefore the game must stick to that plot. The various 'focus' skills available are interesting, and some quite entertaining, but can wear a bit thin after a while.To put it simply, this is one to go for if you want to see the underlying story to what goes on in the matrix reloaded. Without the Matrix connections, this would be a distinctly average game, but the plot is interesting and it has been tied up nicely.The hacking mode is mildly entertaining, though the items and levels you can unlock are quite disappointing.
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This game is a god-send for fans of The Matrix, even people who don't like The Matrix movies or are at all intrested in the franchise, will still like/love this. The graphics aren't at all great, but decent enough. The controls are definetley neat, making it so easy to understand while playing, you might find some of it just TOO easy, especially if you're the Hardcore Gamer. But, despite this, like all games should, it does gradually get harder towards the end. Taking control of 2 characters is great, especially when they both have a variety of individual skills and moves. When you hear about the hour extra movie footage, you might find that a weak spot for your'e wallet, but when it comes down to it,you won't really notice or really appreciate it at all. (Unless you're a Matrix nutcase, of course)All in all, 4 Stars in bang on when it comes to Enter The Matrix, with 2 different playable characters, with their own seperate missions and storylines, it's pretty lengthy, not to mention a host of great cheats like multiplayer and training levels. If you should like the idea, the fighting stuff, and flashy slow-motioned eye candy, then you WILL like this. So, go buy this, it's cheap too!
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