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Well, before i bought it the standards had a lot to live up to. Although the last game was of little interest by way of characters and occasionally the story, but the action gameplay was incredible, and now we have a marked improvement in path of neo. Let's face it you don't buy the game for the story, one which cinematically opens up new questions in every scene without answering any of the previous ones, you buy it for being neo and laughing as helpless CGI characters fall under your might.When they say you follow the trilogy, that's all they mean and more. You start by choosing whether to take the blue pill or red pill at the start of the film. You also have loads of crazy in depth sub-quests.Anyone who bought the previous game knows that you spend time in the locations such as the chateau, as you do in this one, except it's some crazy physcadelic S&M factory with weird mazes (don't worry, it's not a set of puzzles like prince of persia, though there are gameplay similarities). These sub-plots are interesting and weird, but can get repetitive.For gampeplay i give it 9/10. You follow a very accurate progression, with new abbilities either given to you or you upgrade them yourself. Like the previous reviewer said, in the burly brawl, you can do more or less all the same moves. Fighting wise, they've just massively improved on the last game, which was always going to be difficult.There are one or two drawbacks. Upon completion, which i mastered in 1 and a half days (and frankly i'm a rubbish gamer)you can go back and repeat all the joys of your old missions, but you can only do it with the abilities you had at the time, so now my neo is the hardcore guy you see at the end, if you play a previous mission used to the other techniques and moves, it's weird cos it's like you take a step down and makes it less enjoyable.Graphics are good, not amazing but there's so much interaction available you really can't complain, basically everything can be destroyed. The controls aren't the most sensible ever but they shouldn't give you a claw hand.Overall i'd give it a 4.5, cos the game is immense, you can literally step into neo's shoes, leading up to code vision, stopping and reflecting bullets, flying/super-jumping and kicking around an army of smiths. BUY It.
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I brought this game on the day of release as I am a huge matrix fan. I was expecting it to be O.K but something mainly for fans of the films, but this is a great game in its own right.The game follows Neo through the Matrix films. This starts as Mr Anderson in the business offices where he first tries to escape Agent Smith. This progresses, and when he awakens in the real world, he starts to learn more interesting and varied moves, becoming more and more impressive. This continues to the apocalyptic showdown at the end between Neo and Smith.The graphics are really what let this game down. Although the characters are incredible, their are glitches where at times you won't be able to see your character because of the camera angle (which is a bit annoying.)This is not a fatal flaw as on the whole its fairly impressive, but this really does have an effect on the overall score. Locations are well detailed, and almost everything can be destroyed from pillars to walls, to the works, adding a nice touch to the game.Gameplay wise you have an incredible arsenal of moves and combo's, throws etc, which vary from weapon to weapon, meaning that theres always something new. These become more impressive as you go on, unlocking bigger and better combo's. For instance, at the start, you can't dodge bullets, later you learn to dodge them, finally, you'll be able to just stop them. Cool. The locations are all from the three films, such as the lobby scene, and the fight with Agent Smith in the Subway, to the hundreds of Smiths you fight in the second film. There are some interesting additions, such as the training simulator where you see Neo first learning attacks in a chinese martial arts computer game-its a nice touch. Add to this the guns, and more guns, and you've got a great computer game.The music is alright, its all taken from the films, so nothing new. However, there is an all new ending to the Matrix on the disc, some film footage, and some other goodies to unlock. However, the game is not very long, (7 hours.) Overall though, its enjoyable, easy to get to grips with (despite the magazines saying the controls would be poor) and its a great addition to any Matrix fan or any other person for their gaming collection.
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Playing as Neo through all the three matrix movies is an absolutely amazzing experience. Having reached the apartment block maze so far in the game, i am greatly impressed. However, i can't help feeling that we have been cheated out of the promised RPG aspect of upgrading Neo. Yes you can upgrade his abilities but only using a basic one point= one special move system. I was expecting a more deatiled Exp. points = ailities and specaials Final Fantasy X style sphere grid system. Still, that does not take away from the fact that the moves are absolutely amazing, more extreme and crazier kung-fu action than was seen on screen. Gameplay wise it plays like Prince of Persia with guns.The enemy AI ranges from pretty poor in many cases to relentless in others, making the difficulty at times, unbalanced. The shooting side of things is far from perfect. Target lock is fine but cycling through targets (which is frequently needed) is a bit of a nightmare. Maybe it is may severly abused joypad but it does not seem to switch fast enough during the intense fire-fights.The grpahical aspect of the game is excellent, capturing the feel of the movies. Sound & music is top notch and is also faithful to the trilogy. All the cast memebers have returned to provide the voices for their respective characters, so we do not get any second-rate impersonators. Being a die-hard Matrix fan i feel that this is THE Matrix game, it buries Enter the Matrix and dances on its grave! Its definitely not perfect but allows you to live out all your bullet time fantasies. Love the Matrix, love this!
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Yes, I think this game is the best released this year. You may think WOW! thats a bit extreme. I have 3 words for you "BUY THIS GAME!" Honestly you wont be disappointed.The system which controls Neo's fighting abilities is great. For instance when your fighting the 100 or so Agent Smith's (Matrix Reloaded) you can actually do more or less all the fighting bits you see in that scene. Its amazing!You not only complete bits seen in the film but also bits outside of it aswell.For instance remember the bit when Morpheus is speaking to the counicllor of Zion and he says how they have released more people from the matrix in 6 months than in 6 years. Well,you complete in a set of missions to release a few people out of the matrix.There is one problem, Neo can fly, stop bullets, release moves, stop time. And from that it would seem as though he is indestructible. The good thing about that is that he is not. However getting hit by one of the swat team members does kinda take the fun out of being "The One!"Apart from that MINOR lapse this game is definitely the best of 2005 and maybe even 2006 for that matter. Like my title when playing this game you actually are "The One!"
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Being a Huge fan of the films, it is fantastic to recreate the classic scenes, as well as some new ones that go behind the scenes. Standing on the rooftop dodging bullets is the closest anyone will get to being in the movie.The control system is a touch...deforming. If you are used to 'Enter the Matrix' you will perform some idiotic mistakes, but you soon adapt. The range of guns is limited, and they are unrealistically varied in power, from level to level. The melee weapons are far more satisfying; an acrobatic slice with a Katana is immensely funThe progression of moves you use coincides nicely with some scenes in the game - ie Bullet Stop is acquired in The Hallway where Neo first uses it in the movie.Others you gain when you need them, such as learning double jump when a huge gap needs to be negotiated.I could go on for ages in this vein, but I wont. If you liked the films, and played Enter the Matrix wishing you could be The One, this wont disappoint
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yes! the claw! I was quite amused when the officail ps2 magazine described the control system for this game as "a new contender for the ps2s strangest control system" as apparently, after 30 mins of play, this is how they foud them solves holding their pad.I really thought they were joking, until my freind brought a copy, and bot were they right.30 mins of play and i felt like i had no thumb, but as they say " no pain, no matrix game!"So a really difficult game to control, but visually and gameplay wise it really impresses, the fighting system and the special effects are much improved from the rather average 1st ps2 matrix game (and theres neo in it!) and thank god, theyve cut most of the dreadful 3rd movie out!All the great screnes from the movies are recreated brilliantly, making this game a great attempt at a PROPER matrix game, but whats with the controls.....
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I bought this game after reading some reviews that it wasn't a good game, had difficult controls and terrible graphics. When I bought it and played it, as it started off, the gameplay was a bit weird. But afterwards I knew that all I needed to be doing in this game was killing Agent Smith, over and over again! There are loads of 'forks' in this game where you can make your own choice on what levels and areas you want to go to. There is also lots of hidden content (video clips, cheats etc.) so make sure you play hard to find them! As for the graphics and controls, they're not bad, and look quite realistic in some levels and close-ups. There's a lot that happens in this game that runs alongside the Matrix Trilogy,but also a lot that you never got to see in the films. A great game and must have if you want to fully understand the whole Matrix Experience.
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I don't see why Atari bothered making the Enter the Matrix game,it was rubbish.However,this one is ten times better.In the Enter the Matrix game you played as one of two side-characters from the Matrix Reloaded film,Captain Niobe or Ghost,who appeared for like 1 scene in that film.While in this game you get to play as,yep you guesed it,Neo,the One.It mainly focuses on the first film and a lot of the fight sequences from the second,though.However,it does have a good final fight with Smith from the third film,but contains an end SLIGHTLY different to the one from the trilogy of films.A brilliant game and a must buy for anyone who loved the Matrix trilogy.A pity you couldn't play more from thethird film though.
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The game delivers a good experience and a moderate level of replayability. Watch the films before you play though.This gane is not 'Enter the Matrix', there you go, you can heave a huge sigh of relief.GRAPHICS: The textures on most of the characters or environments tend to be a bit flat, but to be honest you won't be standing still long enough to notice it much. But despite that, the environment does blow apart really nicely (Particularly in the big fight in the lobby with all those colums - from the first film when you go to save Morpheous).SOUND: Guns have nice sounding shots and cast sounds quite good.GAMEPLAY: Excellent Melee combat and Reasonably good shooting.Overall : 8.2/10


I am a major fan of The Matrix trilogy and so far this game has not let down my.expectations. The game play is particularly good, using Neo's special skills and developing them as the game moves forward through the fascinating,changeable and exiting storyline.One of my favourite aspects of this game is the fact that you can change the storyline through decisions e.g. choosing the blue pill or the red pill and choosing if you want to get caught by the Agents or not.Game arrived in great condition from the seller ReviewedGaming and took only 2 working days to arrive! I would highly recommend this seller as they also sent an email offering help if anything goes wrong with the product.


The fighting is amazing , i don't know how they managed it , but its fantastic, being able to fight more than one opponent at a time, pulling off some on the most awesome moves ever.However, i started the game and it was very confusing how they jumped some bits and then came back to them .. the chronology of Neo was a bit strange at some times. And Neo running is hilarious, he looks so funny and insecure.Basically, the fact that you can choose your destiny and create your 'own path' is fantastic,[oh and i chose the Blue pill at the beginning :D ]


recieved the game yesterday, at first i was slightly disappointed that although the graphics had improved since enter the matrix they were not vastly improved. I enjoyed enter the matrix due to the storyline and combat system. However once into the gam itself the combat system is improved in that there is a much wider variety of moves and weapons there is even a mickey take of enter the dragon and other asian cinema at the start.anyway very good soundtrack excellent gameplay


When i first saw this game on a shelf, i was in two minds about it. Crappy movie tie in? Or good attempt?This game is neither, its a brill adventure with guns and kung-fu. The ability to slow down time is obviously a must. Best bits include diving out of cover in slomo with two sub-machine guns, then smashing someone into the furthest wall with a flick of the finger. Highly recommended.


Been playing for a while, extremelly exciting fighting moves, the only part I do not like is the cinematics taken from themovie because It has 250 millisecond clips which makes it look like they are too cheap to play a 5 second video clip from Matrix 1, instead words are pieced together with other clips, alot like an advert/commercial flicking over channels. but good gameplay.


I bought the game 2 days ago and started playing and i am very happy being a great fan of the movies. But I found that enter the matrix was rubish at thought this one might be to but it was a lot better and it looks like it has a lot of stuff to do going through the whole 3 films. if you like action games and the matrix films you will love this game.

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