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Yesterday I recieved my copy of Enter The Matrix for XBox. Having waited so long for the release of Reloaded I was quite disappointed to find that we in the UK would have to wait another week to see it, so I rather welcomed this game as a way to distract me from my TMR anticipation. Many people have given this game a bad review, although none make any attempts at explaining this - other than "It's just not fun" . Well those undecided will be glad to hear that I totally disagree with these people.Enter The Matrix is THE GAME you've been waiting for, with a great plot that intertwines with that of the Matrix Reloaded without giving too much away. The control system compliments the gameplay nicely,and within ten minutes you will be kicking butt like you were The One himself. The bullet-time effect (or "Focus" as it is known) works perfectly, making it easy to overcome common enemies, just as you would expect if you had these powers. Of course it gets harder when fighting more "focused" enemies, with agents being almost impossible to kill.The graphics in Enter The Matrix are very realistic but don't expect eye-candy, as this game is more about gameplay than looks (although when you run up a wall and kick someone in the head for the first time you may think otherwise.. but that's just style, which this game oozes!). The one place where the game excells is the FMV sequences. Soon you will be drawn into the game like you have been with no other (well maybe Metal Gear Solid 1 on the PSOne was a similar experience.. but that wasn't The Matrix!). I won't claim that the acting is brilliant (as I know nothing about acting) but I was gripped right to the end of the game, and it is great to meet new characters who are so key to the movie's plot. Fans will LOVE these cut-scenes.If I have to make a complaint (which I find very hard considering I enjoyed the game so much) it would be that it can get a little repetetive shooting the common enemies, and by the end you feel a little tired, but that may just be me - after all it is far less repetetive than Halo. Also I wasn't as keen on the driving/shooting (thats shooting from a car/ship) scenarios as the rest of the game.Some may say that the game is a little short, and easy to finish. It took me a day to do Ghost's mission on Normal skill, so yes, it is rather short, but when you think that this is really an "interactive movie" then you can't really ask for any more. I'm sure if you knocked up the skill level a bit you would get more play-time out of it, but as a gamer who's more interested in the story side I found the skill/length to be quite adequate.One last thing I should metion is the Hacking option. This extra makes it possible to view images and FMVs from Enter The Matrix, and also add extra levels and objects to your saved game. I found it a nice addition, but don't expect it to be too gripping. As I say, it is only an extra.Overall this game is great. Any Matrix fan looking for a way to escape those withdrawal symtoms whilst waiting for (a)the cinema release, or (b) the DVD release, will find this game ideal, or if your looking to further your Reloaded experience then again, here is your chance. A big thumbs up, and definetly recommended to matrix-fans and casual gamers alike.
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This is it, the big one... while punters will flock to the cinema in their droves to see Keanu and pals kick butt in The Matrix: Reloaded, Dave Perry's Shiny Entertainment will be hoping everyone will want a piece of the action for themselves with the official videogame, Enter The Matrix. Featuring a plot written and directed by the Wachowski brothers, starring the actors from the movie with over an hour of additional movie footage shot on set, Enter the Matrix isn't some cheap film licence - it's an official companion to the movie, and you won't get the whole story until you've played the game and seen the film. Interested? Then take the red pill...Enter The Matrix looks absolutely stunning,jaw-dropping even. The screenshots cannot possibly convey the frenetic energy the game has to offer, but once you see the game moving, you'll be convinced you want to see how far this rabbit hole goes. Although it's an official companion to The Matrix: Reloaded, you don't actually get to play as Neo, Morpheous or Trinity (although they do appear in the game), instead you focus on other characters; namely pilot Niobe and Zen-buddhist assassin Ghost, either of whom you can guide through the game. The plot of the game runs parallel to that of the film, so you might see characters step out of one scene in the movie, and step into the next scene in the game - it's certainly a unique approach to videogame making. The Wachowski brothers are videogame lovers too, and wanted to make sure the game stood up to the quality of the movie, which, as well as know, is going to rock harder than we can ever imagine.The game is split into several sections; Fighting, exploring, flying, driving, hacking and more. The battle system in Enter The Matrix is unlike anything you'll have ever witnessed in a game before. Each character has a focus meter, which can be used to slow down the action in a bullet-time effect. So, this allows you to slow the action to a crawl, pull of incredible martial arts moves, take on more than one enemy at a time and yes, even run off walls, cartwheel, dive and generally look cool. This is no gimmick either, once you see Ghost run up a wall and adminster a flying kick to an enemy, you'll be sold - this is how bullet-time should be done. When you're not fighting, Shiny have added driving and flying sections (to go with those in the movie) where, depending on your character, you'll be in the driving seat or taking out enemies behind you in a Silent Scope-style shoot 'em up. All this will add to the 50 or so hours of gameplayEnter The Matrix has so many cool features, it's hard to fit them all in this short review. Yes, there's the running up the walls, with the kicking and the punching and the firing of the guns and the bullet-time, but there's so much more in store. For once, the hype seems to be justified, because Enter The Matrix has been made in full co-operation with the directors, actors and crew of The Matrix: Reloaded, it's the real deal and no expense has been spared. Believe it, Enter The Matrix is going to be absolutely bloody massive, just make sure you get in on the ground floor.
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Play as two back up characters from the Matrix: Reloaded film in a storyline that runs parallel to the film itself, in a game written by the Film's writers and producers.The first thing that stands out about the game is that it doesn't look as good as you thought it would. The graphics are more on par with "Grand Theft Auto" than "Dead or Alive 3". However, that all slips to the back of your mind, as you start to play the game, which lets you basically act as if you were part of Morpheus' crew, fighting for survival in the Matrix.You are an Expert in Martial Arts and Weapons.So, you run around, trying to save Zion, by hitting, kicking, shooting and blowing your way through droves of opponents.Added to this is your ability to "Focus" i.e.you know that the Matrix is a computer program, and by concentrating, use this knowledge to "bend" reality.Run at high speeds. Defy gravity by running on walls. Leap rooftops in a single bound. Dodge bullets, or shoot 7 enemies dead before they've even had time to draw their guns.Just for a bit of diversity, there are even levels where you will have to drive vehicles or ride shotgun.Not only very faithful to the film, the game, written by the Matrix writers, boasts its story to be a complement to the current "Matrix Reloaded" which has just hit cinemas now.Read the Manual. You don't like to read the Manual? OK, just read the bits that tell you how the controls work. Then you can make the most of your Matrix experience. The controls are just complex enough that you really ought to find out which buttons do what, but should be fine from that point on.The sound is very good, with the back up music pumping you up when you hit certain "crucial" moments in the game, and thanks to the "contractual small print", the characters are voiced by their actual Hollywood counterparts.Finally, there is a "Hacking" option in the game, which is based on the old "DOS Prompt". Fiddling around with this (get yer dad to help ya, he used computers back when DOS Prompt was all the rage) you can unlock info, film scenes, place more weapons in levels and all sorts of other clever things.So, while the gaming world get's over it's shock and horror that "Enter the Matrix" does not look like the "Cutting Edge Graphics Revolution" they expected, get the game and play it. You'll see in no time, by the sly smile on your face, as your character punts some poor baddie accross the floor until he smacks solidly into a wall, that if Enter the Matrix is anything, it's alot of Fun.
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I own most of the top titles that have been released since the launch of the xbox. Halo is very good, Splinter cell is probably even better... But Enter the Matrix beats them all!I bought the game for the 200+ martial art moves that can be applied by your character (and cos I am a big matrix fan anyway).But the one thing I have to say about this game that by far exceeded my expectations is the story line, its soo engrosing. Its like the best book you ever read, I just can't put the controller down! My girlfriend wakes up in the morning and thinks I have disappeared, as I get up early in the morning just to play! You can't play as Neo, Morpheus or trinity but you can play as either Ghost or Niobe,who are good characters in Matrix Reloaded. The game creators spent extra time with the movie stars to make the extra scenes in the game (that can only been seen in the game), have to say they are excellent! The game compliments the film, in that if you only play the game you don't get the full story, likewise if you just watch the film you don't get the full story!The only little dissapointing thing with this game is that you have to do a little bit of driving which is not the best, but it is only a little.The martial arts moves are fantastic, bending the rules of physics to run over and around walls is awesome, the detail in the characters is brilliant and the music really gets you going in those tense moments!Try fighting an agent (that by the way only Neo can stand toe to toe with) knowing you can't actually beat the him, you just have to try to disable him! Brilliant!!I must say I was worried that the martial arts moves in the game would be limited, then I started playing the game and now my worry is that there are so many trying to remember the button combos to pull them off is a task in its self!So for conclusion:The detail in the characters and the surroundings is awsome!The martial arts moves in the game cannot be beaten!The music just pulls you in even more, when your being chased by agents for example!Bullet time enables you to slow time down for an even better experience (by the way the bullet time is much better than that of Max Payne!)The story line is like the best book you ever read!All in all this game is the very best that I have ever played! You don't get bored! I have been playing the game for probably 15 hours so far and have still not finished it!Just brilliant!
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This is certainly a game which seems to have divided opinions down the middle; half of the people who’ve played it say it’s the best thing since sliced bread, whilst the other half say that it’s a rush-released mess. Personally, I tend towards the first group, though the game is not without it’s criticisms. Firstly, some of the animation is less than impressive. The action of Ghost running at full speed or climbing a ladder simply looks stupid. There are some problems with clipping and enemies disappearing behind walls and the like. And the difficulty level is pretty low, with a few hard sections seemingly tacked on to ensure the gamer does not complete the game first time. However, for me,these problems are all overshadowed by the diabolical driving sections. Mercifully, they’re pretty scarce, but if you’ve played a decent Xbox racer liker Project Gotham or SGT2002, you won’t believe your eyes. Driving games on the PSX wipe the floor with this. The graphics are poor, the handling terrible and the enemy AI is simply non-existent. Not good enough, Atari.The good parts to this game really are good, though. The hand to hand fighting and shootouts incorporating the use of bullet time are both huge fun and deeply satisfying. The plot, with extra scenes filmed especially for the game, weaves in and out of that of The Matrix Reloaded film, and fills in some of the background missing from it (an intention of the Wachowski brothers) and as such is both convoluted and interesting.In conclusion, then, I would most certainly recommend this game to those hardcore, obsessive fans of the Matrix series who unfortunately exist, and seem to believe everything in the film is fact. I’d also recommend it to normal people who enjoy the films for what they are, and also like games where you have a heap of weapons to play with, and legions of enemies to shoot and beat up. Just don’t expect perfection, as it was rush released to coincide with the release of the new Matrix film, and is therefore ever-so-slightly rough around the edges. On its own terms, though, it is an entertaining release, and justifies a large amount of the hype which preceeded it.
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Straight to the chase. Is it any good? Yes, but it has its problems.Granted, I havnt completed the game yet, but from what I have played, I must admit, im enjoying it so far. Basically, its a run and shoot affair, with a bit of driving/flying thrown in for good measure.First, ill get the bad points out of the way. Graphically, its not 100%. Whilst playing it, I couldnt help shake the feeling it was a bit rushed to get it out for the relrase date. Dont get me wrong, it has all the trade marks of the Matrix (everything is in a green tint), but some of the detection is off, and a couple of times, things just werent where they should have been (a phone seemed to be stuck half way in the wall at one point.Also, I ended up been half way into the ground and playing upside down at one point of the driving section. Also, the contol method isnt quite there. But im sure it is something that will get better the more its played. One gripe I have though withthe controls, is that its been set up with the new smaller controller in mind, so if you have the original joypad, be ready for a bit of finger stretching. Oh, and it can get just a little repetative.Now for the good stuff. Although it has its faults, I cant help but really like playing it. The story is superb, I was sucked in right away. Some of the cut scenes are amazing, real edge of the seat stuff. And the use of Focus (bullet time to me and you) is fantastic. As the game goes on, you get better at using it, and I was soon doing cartwheels and shooting at the same time. Also, the fact that you can play as 2 characters, so to play the game differently, is a bonus as it adds more life to it. I tried the haking system to. Its a bit of an odd one, but I can see where its going (I wont say any more, dont want to ruin the surprise).Its nice to see a movie tie in actually tied into a movie. Lots of references to the new film and Animatrix, so you really do feel as though your playing part of the bigger picture.If your a Matrix fan, buy it. If your not, firstly, shame on you, but rent it first.
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You loved the raw action in the film - now YOU get to do all the bullet-time moves and smooth kung fu!!I have the xbox version of Enter the Matrix. I was a little apprehensive to get stuck into this game because I liked the film so much (and also thought it might be too hard!) but there really was no need. This is an awesome game with incredibly addictive gameplay, never repetitive or uninspired only very very entertaining! The story follows alongside the films and it's written and directed by 'the brothers' Wachovsky who are avid videogame players themselves and it shows in this title!You choose to play as either Niobe or Ghost, I chose Niobe who is a captain of a ship in Zion's fleet,just like Morpeus. She is a kick-ass girlie with some awesome moves! She also does all the driving in the game, be it high speed car chases or the 'Logos' (her ship). (Although you don't get to see the whole story unless you play the game through as both characters.)I love the way she runs, it's captured straight off camera, very realistic. The game is as hi-tech as the films with incredible graphics and sound. You get some mean 'bullet-time' action only it's called 'focus' in the game - I love running along the walls while firing at the enemy just to follow it up with some kung fu kicks to finish them off.. Fantastic. You also get 'cinefiles' (up to an hour of film content with the real actors and sets) coming up quite frequently when you have finished certain missions, it's an introduction to the next sequence, and can offer clues as well. There are gameplay tips happening on screen on a regular basis which is rather helpful, this way you learn new moves and tricks when you need them in the game.This game is Matrix 1.5, with more clues into the matrix world and some background story which will tie in with the film (The Matrix Reloaded). I love this game and would recommend it to anyone! Have fun!
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This Game is by far the best reason to buy an Xbox, perhaps even above Halo (although I have to admit I havent played it - yet).First game I played on the Xbox - Matrix, W-O-W !!Where do I start, perhaps with the bullet time effect (similar to Max Payne but sooo much better), or maybe with the excellent DVD interlude sequence's that mix the two character's you can play into the Matrix movie-world, perhaps the drop-dead gorgeous graphic's (to see the chateau is to die for), or even the stunning Monica Bellucci kissing sequence (drool....).While the gamepad setting's cannot be changed (why ?) the pick up-and-play ability lets you master the control's very easily.First person action throughout is controlled by the left thumb stick while the right thumb stick allow's you to look at the level without moving (and in fact you can't move in this setting which sometimes is quite annoying). The weapons (oh my god, the weapons !!) are controlled through the scroll left keypad and give a choice of primary and secondary.My favourite part of the game is perhaps the one-on-one fight training sequence with Trinity, shwing !!!!!Some not-so-good part's of the game are the driving sequences (the windscreen is far too small to properly see where you are going) and the Mr Smith chase level, but this IN NO WAY detracts from the end results - a game worthy of 5 stars and a recommendation that your next pay cheque is spent on this game.Simply put, if you fancy yourself as Neo (Ghost in the game) in a Matrix world then buy it - because who doesnt ?
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The 4 years of patient waiting are finally over. The anger and confusion at never releasing a game to follow the first film has been forgotten and forgiven because it has finally arrived. Enter The Matrix has finally arrived, released at the same time as the long-awaited sequal to the Matrix. The buzz that has been surounding this game over the past year has been exciting, especially when news leaked out that the game's story had been written by the Wachowski brother's themselves, and the game would follow an independent storyline that was decremental to the film - without the game you won't understand the entire story line.The game had a lot to live up to; rumours of this nice story cross-over,and talk of never-before-seen special effects and graphics gave us all high-expectations and on 15th May 2003 we were able to judge for ourselves.You get to play one of two characters: Niobe and Ghost, two very important supporting characters in The Matrix:Reloaded. As you follow the story through your character gets to fight hand to hand combat and use a range of weapons which will be familiar with the fans of the film. You even get the chance to drive down the city streets, getting involved in high speed police chases.With graphics and special effects looking every bit like we were promised, coupled with fast-paced hard kicking action both on foot and in vehicles this game delivers everything we had hoped for. In a nutshell - the game is fantastic! Once you enter the Matrix you may never want to leave.
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finally we are allowed to Enter the matrix, and quite literally thanks to the good people who have finally descided to create a matrix game, and it is only 4 years late from when the first matrix film was released. If it's a matrix gane you would expect to play as either Neo or Trinity but you don't you play as either Naobi or ghost two of the new characters from the upcomeing film The matrix reloaded. You all probably now what bullet time is after playing so many games with it in like from Max Payne to even Tiger Woods( a golfing game), but if you don't know what it is itis when everthing slows down or freezes and the camera spins around.Each of the possible two players have there own area that they excell at such as Naobi can dive the fastes and ghost is the best gunman in the matrix universEnter the matrix is an action packed game were guns meet kung-fu. You can either use you fists to punch the living daylight out of people or simply shoot them the choise is up to you. No matrix game would be a matrix game if you didn't have the oppitunity to run up walls, and do fun but pointless flip to make you look cool.Though the matrix is mainly about the gun shooting and kung-fu style of kicking ass it will also give you the chance to dive a car or a hover craft whilst dealing with the police or the weird squidy things.The problem with this game is that the graphics are not the best that you have ever seen and so many games have ripped off the mntrixstyle action that it will be nothing new.
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Look lets not get bogged down in the specifics of which version is better on which console or whether you even like the matrix at all because you fancy yourself a wannbie film student with too much time for thought on your hands. This game is by far one of the best uses of a film leicence ever. It ties in with the plot of the second film and shows us footage not in the films. It is easily as enjoyable as say splinter cell, in fact its better. The fighting engine makes for some great close combat fighting in slow motion and this being the most motion captured game ever it feels awesome. In this game characters don't simply put there arms up to block they will actually avoid the move true movie kung fu style,if you go to sweap the leg they'll quickly move there leg out of the way. Games like Dead or Alive and Tekken have alot to learn from this fighting engine. Okay that said its not perfect and was rushed out for the second film some of the level design is a bit bland and with the release of the third film (yes it was a let down) it may have lost some of its appeal but personally its a gaming gem. I live in a student house and we all got well into it spent those evenings in after the pub just passing the controller watching each person trying to do cooler looking combo's than the other. Great game on xbox and on any other console I would imagine If your thinking about buying it then its simple... do!
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Good pointson foot missionsThis is the only decent thing in the game(exept maybe hacking).My first impressions were wow. The fighting system lookes amazing, I was startled when I saw Ghost stab a vampire with a steak then kiked the monster to the ground. My first impressions were created when I saw a psw preview footage on dvd before game came out. The only problem were the grathics(gameplays the most important thing).On the first leval you have to look for this package using any force nececary. You hold down the left trigger to go into slow mo(tion). You can run up walls then boot your opponent in the face,wicked stuff. You can choke people from behind, to ways of doing this,slow mo way or normal speed way.You can kick(B) or punch(X) your oponent. As you push one of these buttons the comuter randomly selects your move or it might depend on which way your facing. Slow mo shooting ISas good as max payne. Whist charging through leval there's an arrow at the top of the screen showing you were to go.Bad pointsOn onfoot missions look bland(the graphics arn't very good), some levals start to get repetetive, driving levals are rubbish.Saving every like 5 mins in a game spoils flow.Over allIt would of been 5 stars if game was trimmed down to just on foot missions (again drving bits are rubbish in my opinion). It could of been a classic if it had a couple more years of work on to it.
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This is a superb game… It has everything you had probably expected and more! You can run up walls beat up agents and use hi-tech gadgets! For the ultimate in gaming, this has to be the best! If you looking for a game that has twists and turns and keeping on getting more and more exciting then this is the game for you. If you had watched the film, then you’ll know who Agent Smith is. Well in the game, he looks as good as on the film. The environments and characters look as if it took them a long time to get every inch of detail in. This game is definitely a 10 out of 10 in my books. Recommended to anyone who loves the Matrix! With loads of agents to beat or shoot up, guns to choose from,walls to run up, moves to master and gadgets to choose this is one of the most interesting games of 2003! But don’t take my word for it, buy or rent it yourself and decide whether it’s worth the bother or not. Many of the reviews on other sites say that it’s a rubbish game and that it is pants. But I totally disagree. This game is superb and I wouldn’t be surprised if it reached number 1! This game is as cool as the next game that comes out or cooler! The matrix has always been a cool, exciting, unreal and breath-taking film and so is the game! If I could, I would rate it more! Top quality!!
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When you think of games which are related to films you normally think of either great games, like Goldeneye, or poorly made titles like Star Wars. With Enter the Matrix you get a mixture of the two.It would be a crime to say that this game is poor. The game features good gameplay, great cinematic clips and a good storyline. You also have the great bulletime mode which betters the excellent one on Max Payne.On the PS2 and Gamecube this game is good, but on Xbox you feel a bit short changed. The game is made for the PS2 and when making it for Xbox the producers hardly bettered the graphics. Due to this the Xbox is producing choppy, bitty graphics.Hardly the quality of Splinter Cell.There is also the fact that the game is small and can be completed quickly.The thing which drew me to this game was the bullet time mode. It allows you to slow down time and do amazing moves like walking up walls. You can also do some neat kung - fu. So is this a good game or not. Overall it's a good game, allowing you to play as in the matrix doing some great tricks and stunts. If you like Max Payne, it's a buy. If you like a good stoot 'em up, buy it. If you like a look game with a heavy storyline, think twice about it.
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I must say the "Enter The Matrix" game has some fun gameplay and the graphics are very good and you'll find this game exiting in the beginning and you just can't put it down you must play, and play. You got some AWSOME fighting moves in this game all the moves you see in the Matrix Movie, but the negative part about this game is that too easy, it took me just some hours, maybe 4-6 hours to complete the game and then what? You could try diffrent difficul levels but that would'nt make the game any better cause you play'd all the levels now you know everything, nothing to experiense, just the same stuff.But you get to see alot of movie clips from the Matrix Reloaded,that's cool tho.But I think this game is a game you HAVE to try sometime, but i would'nt buy it if you are looking for some game that you could play more than 2days without getting bored, hehe.And it's a stupid end to the game too, you get to sit in a howercraft shooting at sentinels and after that your like done, you see a movie, and then you get the credits, I find this game exiting the first time but second time, boring stuff.
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