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For Dead Head Fred (PSP), 5 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 3.6.

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First of all let me say that this games is an absolute blast of fresh air. On a system that was ruined by lazy ports and endless sports games an original property like this is exactly what the PSP needed. A combination of a platformer, scrapper and puzzle game wrapped around a unique and genuinely funny script seemed perfect. Unfortunately as a whole its a little bit of a let down.For starters the game will hit your with its excellent presentation. Staring Fred, a dead detective missing his head and investigating a twisted combination of gothic, noir and cartoon styled world, one can't help but wonder if one of the designers found some lost Tim Burton movie. Each character is interesting,well animated and unique. A witty script and some superb voice acting makes Fred surprisingly lovable for an undead foulmouthed detective. If any game deserved a franchise to flesh out and refine its world its this one.As great as the presentation is, this is ultimately a game not a movie, and that's where we see it start to go to pieces. The platforming works fairly well, but the slightly stiff controls work against it. The fighting engine is designed to be complex, but is sticky and often works better through random chance than through any kind of strategy. These two problems might not be too bad, but the game is also a little poorly paced. You start off with three heads but have them snatched away in the second level frustrating your approach to different puzzles. There are also a few dull woodland and graveyard levels to trudge through before something interesting comes along. By themselves the problems aren't bad, but all together they make the game feel a little messy.If your interested in a game for its nice graphics, sound and humour then defiantly give this a go. It's up there with oddworld for its imagination and laughs, but the blemished gameplay stops it from being a must have game.
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My son loves this game, brief review I know, but he'll tell you very quickly if something isn't good. Looks pretty good on PSP & I'm no expert.


A wierd but fun game which you really get stuck in to and it provides you with countless hours of gameplay.

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