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This is such a great game and such a great piece of work for any fans of the source material Rogue Troooper of 2000AD, for me it completes the story of Rogue and the Quartz Zone massacre of all the other Genetic Infantry (GI) men which formed the backstory of the comics I read (I began reading Rogue Trooper, properly, as opposed to the weekly episodes which I just assumed were similar to Commando though with futuristic touches, while ill one time and it was the story arc of Rogue's final confrontation the traitor responsible for betraying the GIs at the Quartz zone massacre).There are excellent cut sequences and the unique story features, such as the survival of KIA (killed in action)GIs on biochips which can be implanted in GI equipment until they can be respawned is all explained in the initial tutorial stages of the game. The only minor, story related, quibble I would have is that the game features GIs calling Rogue Trooper "Rogue" before they are dispatched to the Nu Earth war zone, so far as I understood "Rogue Trooper" only became "Rogue Trooper" when he literally went "Rogue", deserting the Souther forces (fighting them both I believe) in order to hunt down those responsible for the GI massacre (I think the culprit was either Nort spy or Souther turn coat but the story runs and runs, I think after a while regenerating his fallen comrades picks up from where who was responsible for the massacre/revenge story leave of). Besides that the story is perfect, I had expected a lot of deviation, the comic was abortively "relaunched" with a new version of Rogue called "Friday", in a supposedly gritty reboot, "post-Nam" rather than "post-WW2", but there is none of that, this the classic, and crowd pleasing Rogue Trooper.For anyone wanting to relive the comics of their youth this will be a real treat, for those new to the entire franchise it will be a treat too as it is a superb "future war" game, with great game play and lots of replay value to it too (the game has continued with incarnations on the subsequent next generation console platforms to the best of my knowledge). For retro gamers, well, there is the comment that I suspect I may be saying in a few reviews, that a lot of the landscapes and colour in this game are dark, therefore the darkening down of games, which I have found is only partially corrected with different peripherals for the console to correct for older console and more modern TV. As a result once or twice my character was killed by walking into chasms which I think would have been more easily discernable to the player with the graphics being on spec.The game is a later release on the PS2 so there are some great features that they had developed, thankfully, by then, such as no breaks for loading screens in play, there are split sequences and load screens between but these are minimal. The game asks you to create a profile from the outset and uses autosaving throughout, which is a God send for gaming I think, and you will be at a disadvantage if you do not have a memory card with sufficient space on it from the get go. The box has a molded place to keep a memory card too (there is also an accompanying glossy instruction manual with the one I have),The game may be short, as others have indicated, its also linear in its play with objectives reached by the same, single path and not a sandbox like the GTA games (think this game with its backstory would totally have lent itself to that kind of game) and there is little in the way of side quests (if you consider the use of stationary weapons to knock out particular enemy units a side quest, I guess, I dont). However, there is an unlockable encyclopedia and its great to see just how close the game designers decided to keep to the source material from inspecting this alone.There definitely is replay value with this, which I attribute to good game design and good playability. Recommended, it really is a superior late PS2 game and good retro title, with the added benefit that it ties in with comics that have retro value all in themselves too.
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Every once in a while a game comes along and suprises me and this was certainly one of them.It must be over 20 years since I last read the Rogue Trooper comic strip in the 200AD comic series. Those were the days young carefree and unaware of life's trials and tribulations.It is a comic series that I remember with great fondness imagine my surprise then when I heard about a game being made based upon the character.I must admit that I wasn't expecting too much as most comic adaptations fail miserably Judge Dredd springs to mind. However due to nostalgia I decided to take the plunge and purchase the game anyway.This proved to be a wise decision as the game was highly enjoyable and was true to the comics.The graphics whilst not ground breaking were very nice and crisp with the main protagonist's look and animation very impressive. Also worth a mention were some of the levels which looked impressive and were very well designed. The game offered a good mixture of indoor and outdoor levels set in different environments.The audio was functional with some pleasant tunes and orchestral scores. However the sound effects were very impressive the weapons had a good sound which lent an air of power to them. The voice acting whilst not great was adequate and suitable.It was the game play for me which really stood out, the option to go in all guns blazing or to employ a stealth approach ensured that you never really felt restricted as the option was always left to the gamer and not forced upon you like so many other games do. The level design also continued this theme as although linear offered various routes and options to complete the objectives.Most of the time I opted for the stealth approach by fixing the silencer to my weapon and sneaking around the levels hugging any cover i could find and then popping up just long enough for an instant head shot or to pop a cap in an enemy's oxygen tank which led to a rather amusing panic before the iminent proceeding explosion.The only negatives in the game were that the story was a little weak and it was all over way to quickly but perhaps that was because I really enjoyed myself and didn't want it to end.As i stated at the beginning of my review this game really surprised me as it proved to be one of the most fun and enjoyable games that i have played for awhile.
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Rogue Trooper won't take you long to complete, but it's a great ride getting there and you'll be replaying quickly without a doubt.This is a third-person sci-fi shooter which bases it's gameplay heavily on use of cover and the various futuristic weapons available. The cover system is very responsive and when you look at it in context well ahead of it's time, you'll duck down behind cover, pop up and take a few shots or throw a grenade, then pop back down before you get killed, there's enough health to let you deal some damage but not enough to sustain persistent run-and-gun tactics. You're always outnumbered and you're enemies will utilize cover in much the same way,gun battles are very intense and it's easy to get really sucked into them.The futuristic technology comes in the form of three bio-chips harvested from Rogue's dead comrades each containing a replica of their personality. The first biochip is Gunnar, a psychotic weapon enthusiast who unsurprisingly takes up residence in your rifle, he helps target enemies and allows the rifle to be placed as an automated and very trigger-happy sentry gun. The second biochip is Bagman, a supply expert stuck onto your backpack, he harvests 'salvage' from dead soldiers' armor and you use this to manufacture weapons, health-packs and ammo, the ability to build all the items you need instead of relying on what happens to get left lying around is very useful and more games should take note of the feature. The final chip comes from techy Helm who's implanted in your helmet, he provides the maps, opens locked doors, and hacks computer terminals for extra information, he can also project a holographic decoy soldier to distract enemies (Tip: combined with the sentry function on Gunnar this can make the enemy go after two different decoys while you sneak round the back and dispatch the bad guys with a few swift pistol rounds to the head). The biochips are well thought out and implemented, fitting perfectly into the game and providing huge potential for tactical variety.This game is never dull and is consistently great fun to play and very satisfying. You can pick it up for a tenner these days and it's well worth the money since the shear enjoyment of it will have you coming back again and again.
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As reviewed on my 2000AD blog Brit Cit Reviews.I have a real soft spot for the Rogue Trooper game. On release it was what got me into 2000AD in the first place and pretty soon after playing the game I purchased my first prog. Rebellion's previous attempt at a 2000AD video game (Dredd vs Death) recieved decidedly mixed reviews especially due to its short length and unfortunatly Rogue Trooper is also too short. This is however the only real critiscism I can level at the game as everything else is spot on.The graphics are eyecatching throughout with the wormhole in the skies of Nu Earth looking particularly great. Gameplay is always fun although perhaps a third person shooter isn't to everyones taste.Personally I think the game would have suffered had it been made in the more traditional first person style. The voice acting could so easily have been a problem but it is handled very well indeed with the three Biochips all sounding distinct from each other.The story is based on the hunt for the traitor General run of strips and does an admirable job of bringing Nu Earth to life whilst sticking close to its source material. A nice addition to the game is the unlockable encyclopedia which adds a lot of depth to the characters, weapons, vehicles, and animals that you will encounter throughout the game. Also included in the encyclopedia are actual panels taken from the Rogue Trooper strips which (along with design sketches for the game) show how true to the classic comic this game really is.If you have never played this game before then I suggest you do so immediatly. Its admitedly short but other than that is well worth playing whether you are familiar with the strips or not. Hell even if your not familiar with 2000AD you should play this game. If it brought me to 2000AD then Im sure it can do the same for others.
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The graphics are a bit cartoon like but very nice. Considering that Rogue Trooper is from a comic book this works out well. Those who used to read Rogue trooper as a kid will be surprised at how well the game captures the looks, atmosphere and most importantly the feel of the Nu-Earth environment. The developers have done an excellent job at staying true to the comic while making everything look so good and updated it a little. The controls may seem daunting at first as all the buttons on the Duel-shock are used but they are so well set out and intuitive that in no time the more seasoned gamers will not even be thinking about what their hands are doing.The way that the game takes you through the levels with a sort of training makes picking up the game even easier. None of this makes the game boring though, it actually makes it better. Being a 3rd person rather that a first person makes it simple to play and more enjoyable. It has to be the best 3rd person shooter I have played.The bad points are that there are not enough levels, the game is too short. There is so much more of the Rogue Trooper world that could have been incorporated into the game. This knocks half a star off my rating. There is also a serious lack in the "death match" aria and LAN/online material but that's about it. That's the other half star gone. (Oh, and the web site is terrible)Please, please, let us have a Rogue Trooper 2. Don't make it too different just with all the little things missing added in.Any Rouge Trooper fans of old that are a bit of an interest for shooters should love this game.
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This is a top shooter. Good story, easy controls and looks great. I was always a fan of Rogue when I was a kid reading 2000AD. I got the game purely for that and i was not dissapointed. I gave this 5 stars because I really cant think of anything bad to say about it. The cuts sceens are a little ropey but I didnt buy the game to watch stuff, I bought it to run about and blow stuff up!! Your gun, back-pack and helmet contain bio chips of 3 of your dead mates and they sort you out with ammo, ordinance and gagets. You pick up 'salvage' from dead enemy and even your own dead mates then your 'bag-man' uses it to manufactor all sorts of unnecessarily nasty things like micro-mines which you can deploy behind you as you run for cover....er...i mean 'tacticaly withdraw'any chasing enemy suddenly dont anymore ;-) You can also deploy your main gun as a sentry, he likes that ;-) Sticky grenades are funny. Just lob em on the ground and if an enemy comes near it, it jumps up and sticks on him... then he runs about like a headless chicken for a few seconds before spreading himself over a wide area. Holo-decoy is great too. Ah look.. i could bang on for ages. Im 38 and an ex-Brit soldier and I've played loads of games like this (its the soldier thing) some games keep me interested, some dont. This does, its a great game so get it!
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Not being a big fan of the comic I had no interest in this game at all, until I picked it up on the cheap. After playing through the game I can safely say it was amazing! Its basically a 3rd person shooter where you have to get from one objective to the next via killing a lot of bad guys and protecting the good guys. There is more to it than that though. The story is first class, basically you and your GIs get screwed over and get wiped out, accept for rogue trooper himself and with the help of three other dead GIs( rogue stores their memory chip in his gun, helmet and backpack ) goes about getting revenge.The gameplay is also amazing.You've got tons of weapons and gadgets to play about with and the opertunities to ambush your enemy with traps are constant. The graphics are also great and help create a believable future war story. Then you've got the great characters, dialogue thats constantly amusing and action set pieces that will blow you away (hovertrain section automatically comes to mind) and you have a game that every shooter fan must own!
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Younger gamers may not recall Rogue Trooper from the 2000AD comic and may overlook this game from Rebellion. That would be a mistake because this is one of the most enjoyable ps2 actioners I have ever played. The 3rd person view is far better than similar 1st person offerings allowing you to see your character as he ducks and dives and generally kicks butt. There are plenty of interesting weapons to use and plenty of checkpoints to save the game at. Each mission is a good size with lots of the enemy (Norts) lining up, only to get shot, snipered and blown up as you use the terrain to sneak around, or just run kamikaze style into the fray. The online play is great fun and supports the headset and up to four players in one game,although more online battle arenas would be nice. I play this against my brother online. He is a serious hardcore games nut whereas I only play a few times a week, but we both agree this is extremely playable and enjoyable for all skill levels, and I am really hard to please when it comes to games.
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I've put in about 6 hours on this game so far and I'm finding it absolutely superb. This is one of those beautifully balanced shooters - you can decide to run around blasting everyone and if you're a good enough shot you'll get through the level or you can take a stealthy approach. The stealthy approach is where this game really shines though - you can leave your gun on autofire and while it distracts the guards you can run up behind them and shoot them in the back. This is not a brain taxing game - it's all about the fighting so only get it if you're looking for a great shooter. I can't speak for the longevity of the game as I haven't finished it yet but so far it's the most fun game I'vebought in months.
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This is a truely unique game in many aspects and provides a fresh approach to 3rd person shooters. Its only limitation is its length-and i mean its only limitation. Each level is the right length to enjoy to its full potential but not lose interest and this is achieved by a seemless combination of gameplay and cinematic levels.For example, you can use gunnar as an automatic sentry whilst at the same time using bagman to produce ammo which is innovative and extremly practical. The variation of enemies and landscapes means you never tire of decimating nort legions!! This game is a must buy!!!


This is pretty good - despite my fears that it wouldn't make the transition from comic to playstation. There are plenty of innovative combat moves, like the sentry gun and the holo-decoy, that add to the fun. The environments look great too, and it's difficult enough to satisfy.


the game play and story is very good but there should be more levels


Very good its for my son he is really enjoying it


brilliant game


Great game!

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