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For Converse Poly Cross Body, 155 customer reviews collected from 3 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 4.6.

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Amazon has 151 customer reviews and the average score is 4.6. Go to this seller.
Ebay has 3 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.
Very has 1 customer reviews and the average score is 5. Go to this seller.


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Just what I was looking for. Holds everything I need and is not too big nor too small. Had a smaller bag before this but it wasnt quite right for holding what I need to carry with me and one before that was too big this is just perfect for me. It has a small zip compartment on front a big main compartment and a second smaller compartment and within the main compartment is a small zipped pocket section. I carry tissues, 2 inhalers for asthma, lip balm, small comb, my phone, purse, house keys, small bottle of hand sanitizer, earphones for phone, small hairbrush and some 'lady products' the strap however is quite small but its ok for me I suppose since I'm a petite 5ft 1"


Excellent bag, my husband bought it for my Christmas. I have never owned a cross over bag and at the time didn’t think I would use it as I’m more of a handbag girl but I love it.It is black canvas and has tons of room in it. A large compartment at the back with a zip inside for spare change. In front of that there is a smaller compartment that is so handy for anything you need to get to quickly for example a phone. At the front of the bag is the converse badge and a small zip compartment that has just enough room for money or lipstick etc.It’s a great wee bag and I would recommend it. Keeps hands free for extra shopping ?


This bag is great if you have a job where you need to carry money/pens etc and need to keep your bag on you for security. Lots of separate pockets. Big enough to fit lots in, small enough to wear all day and not be irritating. I can drive between clients without even taking the bag off which is great when you’re hopping in an out of the car constantly.It’s also discreet and doesn’t look like a money bag (which is predominantly what I use it for)


Great little shoulder bag used to carry my manly possessions of phone, wallet, sun hat, sun cream, sun glasses, 500mm bottle of water & keys while on holiday. I don't normally need to wear a man bag in the UK, but did on my holiday and this did the job just fine. It is small so probably wouldn't get much more than the items I have listed in it, but it was all I needed, so very happy with it.


Previously gave poor review because I did not know how to extend the length of the strap. Now I do I am delighted with this bag since my friend showed me how. It's not rocket science lol but I am dumb sometimes. Only fair to come back and change the review to reflect the real quality of the product.


Bought this to have a smallish bag when out and about with my toddler son, so I could keep phone keys and purse beside me while leaving the larger nappy bag at the pram.Used it practically constantly since. Very good size! Can go hands free and get on with stuff instead of holding it all the time


I have tried a few bags of this size because I am a wheelchair user I need it for certain things and have had a few bags break on me. This has not and I have had it for a few months. It works well and if I have a mishap with it, it will probably be my fault and I will get another like this.


Perfect for my teenager to take into town when he’s with his mates - he tends to lose all his belongings otherwise. This is “cool” apparently & it’s saved me having to replace wallets & bus passes. I have used it as well, and my only wish is that the strap were a little longer.


Love this... I am an old skater boy, so having a converse bag is great. Never thought I would have a manbag, but best thing I have bought in ages! Goes everywhere with me, so useful.Bit expensive for what it is, but seems well made.


Brilliant quality and the perfect size. Great if you like adding pins and badges thanks to the zip pocket at the front. Good adjustable strap and it looks and feels like it's made to last. Couldn't be happier with it!


I Like this bag, everyone said it rides to high but I thought that was a good thing as it sits under your arm so less easy for thieves to medal with, it comfy and unobtrusive, handy if you have a large phone etc.


Superb bag. Has 3 desperate comparts, and one of these also contains an inner compartment. Plenty of space for the majority of travel items. Well made with an adjustable strap that makes it comfortable to use.


This is my go-to bag. It fits just about everything in it, is sturdy and made from good material, and looks good with my outfits. If you’re someone who wants an everyday bag that fits everything, I recommend!


Very smart bag. Good quality materials including the metal fixings, zips etc. Numerous well arranged pockets. Simple and understated look. Comfortable to use. Excellent. Not a bad price. Fast delivery.


Came in handy when I travelled to Bulgaria on my own, held all my essentials when wandering about. Decent quality, holds what is needed. Only downside is that the strap could of been slightly longer.

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