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For Basil Urban Fold Messenger Bag, 2 customer reviews collected from 1 e-commerce sites, and the average score is 2.

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Beware - this pannier may be able to hold a change of clothing, but I wouldn't trust it with a laptop.I took this out for first run and came back with what would be a normal load for me - New York lock, tools, and a small amount of groceries. (3 items not weighing more than a kilo in total)My old pannier, even though a lot cheaper took all that and more with no problems.This one fell of my bike on the one part of my journey that has a small amount of bumps - and was only going a walking pace at the time.Found out that the attachments are only held on with 8 pegs that seem to be just punched into the backing of the bag, with nothing to lock them in place.I find this shockingly flimsy for an expensive bag,and am lucky I was not going any speed or carrying anything breakable.
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I used this pannier bag for a couple of months but then gave up on it, because it has a few design weaknesses. First off, it doesn't have a handle on the top for carrying around off the bike. The shoulder strap also can't be detached, which is a pain on the bike, as you need to carefully fold it under the flap to avoid it getting caught in the wheels. Inside the bag it looks and operates much like any messenger bag, and can comfortably house a laptop and other items. It has a separate waterproof cover, as the bad material itself is only showerproof.

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