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Having played Rogue Spear to death years ago and currently enjoying Raven Shield I decided to buy this. Ghost Recon is different in that it is a simulation of a six man special forces team on a battlefield during wartime as opposed to close quarters counter terrorism like Rogue Spear / Raven Shield. You will find sniper rifles and assault rifles as well as grenade / rocket launchers are more in use here than shotguns, sub machineguns and pistols ( although these still come into play). It may be over a decade old but I find it works fine on my windows 8 laptop and looks good with the resolution turned up. Especially the detailed battlezones and weapons .As this is more of a simulation than a pure action game strategy and care is needed when playing. For instance using a sniper to clear wandering patrols and lone guards before using an assault team to attack an enemy position instead of going in mob handed and getting killed. The sound is one of the strongest features and the attention to detail such as wildlife noises and rustling foliage makes the game very immersive. The atmosphere and tension created is amazing. However in my opinion it is vital to download some mods for weapons / missions as there is very little choice even with the two expansion packs 'Desert Siege' and 'Island Thunder'. Blood and guts wise there is a bit of gore what with bloody bullet holes and pools of ketchup for the unlucky ones who get shot or blown up but nothing massively gruesome.On the downside there are a few disappointments:1) Although there is a mod organisation feature on the options menu where you can activate and prioritise which mods are used you will find that some overrule others and it can be difficult to get several to work together ( in particular weapons mods) without problems. In order to use the Heroes Unleashed unofficial expansion for instance with other weapons mods, it was necessary to faff about moving and editing files for the various kits/ equipment / sounds etc. Still this is not a fault of the game itself, it's whoever makes the unofficial mods, but it's something to bear in mind if you are like me and want lots of weapon kits and missions. Granted I am obsessed with military hardware and am a nerd in that respect.2) As other reviewers have said it would be nice to see your weapons in first person view like in Raven Shield, but you do get used to it. Instead you just have an aiming reticule.3) Daftest feature is not being able to select individual weapons separately, just `kits' consisting of a primary weapon and secondary item ( like a pistol, extra ammo or hand grenades). These kits are fixed so it's not very flexible to use. Again you get used to it, but its totally stupid and unnecessary especially as the other Tom Clancy games let you have total freedom in choosing stuff. Also when lots of weapon mods are active scrolling though potentially hundreds of kits just to find a certain one is a chore, made worse as you cannot just enter the kit number you want or load a saved kit you have to manually scroll through them till you find it. And then do this for every man in your team! Crackers. ( I have over 700 rifleman and sniper kits running so it's a right pain).4) Tanks and other vehicles only appear in the missions / campaigns not the quick firefight missions.Apart from these negatives I would really recommend this game and at less than a tenner it's a bargain as you will get hours and hours of enjoyment out of it.I found it engrossing.
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I have mixed feelings about Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon. The actual gameplay is just pure brilliance; Red Storm traded the arcade run-and-gun style of games like Quake and Unreal for realism (one bullet can actually kill you, enemy opponents take cover if fired upon and don't just run blindly into your bullets). These changes pose a different kind of challenge to the player without taking away any of the enjoyment. There is nothing that quite gets the adrenaline pumping like stalking your enemy knowing that one careless step or missed shot could end your soldier's life instantly.For me Ghost Recon was one of the first games where the artificial intelligence of your team-mates and opponents were actually worthy of the tag - artificial intelligence.You're team-mates won't beat the missions on you're behalf, but are generally useful backups to have in fire fights and won't get stuck inside buildings or get themselves killed in idiotic ways too often. As hinted upon above, your enemies are competent adversaries (a Rambo walking around with guns blazing would only last a few seconds before succumbing to a headshot). My only gripe would be that their observation range seems somewhat short, while they react realistically to gun-shots falling around them, a lot of times they seem oblivious to any sounds further than 30 feet away. That said, being repeatedly killed by super intelligent & observant enemies would probably be no fun at all! At 2001 standards, the graphics were ok without being brilliant, and by today's standards they are not bad enough to detract from a good gaming experience.So why the mixed feelings? The big letdown for me was the storyline. Yes there is a story, Russia invading Georgia in 2008 (how prophetic for a 2001 game!), but the implementation was distinctly lacklustre. There are no cut-scenes to speak of, a weak low-budget intro movie and no end movie. Mission briefings consist of 2 maps and a brief written overview of what's happening in the global war effort along with your mission objectives. It's hard to know if your successful missions have any effect on the war effort as they are barely, if at all, hinted upon in the following mission briefing. In my opinion if they just called the game Ghost Recon and let you play the 15 missions randomly it would have made no difference to the experience, but because they plastered a famous novelist's name on the title I expected a bit more story for my bucks.That said, if you are considering buying the game, you can't go wrong getting this title. This game will give you many thrilling hours of gameplay and as I understand the multiplayer is also not too shabby. Oh and for the record, it didn't bother me that I couldn't see the barrel of my gun on-screen (a common complaint from other reviewers).
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Ghost Recon (and its two expansion packs) for under a tenner? That just has to be one of the best gaming bargains around.In GR you take control of up to 6 soldiers in up to three squads. You can switch between each man and control him individually, with his squad-mates following along under AI power.So - select you men, tool them up and get going on some very lovely maps. Clearly the graphics are no longer cutting edge, but little touches (such as swaying trees) make a big difference. As do the size of the maps - large. Lots to explore and a good bit of sniping to do.The missions in the three games are quite varied although I was disappointed with the Island Thunder pack.However this gamereally scores in two areas - expandability and gameplay.It is one of the very few games (along with Half-Life (first one), Hidden and Dangerous (first one, again), The Regiment and Call of Duty (yup - the original one)) that I play over and over again and get fully immersed.But while the other examples I've given are quite linear (indeed, some are very scripted) GR is much less so. It's a free-form game. Take whatever path you want to victory.I'm wary of using the word "realism" about these games but the ballistics are convincing, and the sounds are gorgeous. It's also a game where you can take very few wounds before you die. No health packs here, so be careful.There are some drawbacks - the lack of point of view weapon graphics is annoying at first, but one lives with it.The AI is not great, especially if you programme squads to do their own thing. I tend to take control of each squad in turn. Set up my MG squad to cover my advance. Pop a sniper somewhere unexpected and then move up my assault squad under direct control. Works well except where the mission has a time-critical element.However the main plus point for this game is the dozens of mods that are freely available. Some are basically full expansion packs - new maps, missions and weapons. Download these and you'll soon have hundreds (I'm not joking) of weapon kits to select from. I can thoroughly recommend Icebreaker, New Cold War, Free Russia, Free Libya, and Postcards from Peru. There are also various "realism mods" that tweak ballistics and improve wound decals. Gunslinger's Realism Mod (GRM4 and GRM6) are particularly recommended.I've played this game for years and it's the one I still go back to. Give it a go!
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In spite of the Ghost Recon series having been popular for a long time, I only got round to buying this game a couple of weeks ago.The enemy AI is good, sometimes a little too good to be realistic. I'm not sure most untrained militants / terrorists are capable of putting a bullet between the eyes of a specops soldier at 100 feet away within a second of spotting them.Your team AI is pretty good too. They know when to take cover, how to USE available cover, and you can generally rely on them to move through the map and look after themselves, whilst you take on the role of sniper.The maps look fantastic, you can go anywhere you like,there are plenty of well thought out vantage points and areas of cover to use effectively.The only thing that lets this game down is the weaponry. You don't actually see your weapon from the first person perspective. You get a cross hair but you don't see the gun. I cannot begin to understand why on earth they did this. It lets down a game that would otherwise be flawless. The choices of weapons are pretty poor too. There aren't many guns to choose from and you can only have specific kits, you can't mix and match your primary weapon, side arm etc. You can't customise with different scopes, silencers etc as per the rainbow 6 games, which is a great pity.In spite of this rather large let down, it's an excellent game and well worth the money, especially with the expansion packs included.
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This is a rare thing a game I have actually finished!Not only that but a game I have eagerly purchased all the expansion packs for and finished those aswell. This is recommendartion enough as I rarely have the time or the patience to spend hours completing games.If I can't grasp the basics quickly then forget it. There is something about the effort gone into producing this game-it just feels so well thought out. The control interface is pure class.Even though you control a small squad of ghosts it is a joy to pick up.A few years down ther line the graphics are old yes but strategy is still aplenty.Quite a steep learning curve at first but once the strategy of using covering fire is mastered the planning and execution of the missions is challenging but importantly fun.AI is a bit dodgy but once you learn how dumb your squad can be you anticipate this and know their limitations.A game for thinking action fans.Slow and steady wins the game!At this price this is a huge ammount of entertainment particularly if tyou have a low spec. PC.
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I bought this game because of the price (very cheap) and because it included the add on mission packs. The graphics look a bit dated now but the game more than makes up for this.I like the planning for the missions, quite simple choices, but in particular the ability to change between people in your team, and between teams during the mission makes it a better game than Rainbow Six. The maps are large enough to satisfy most people and as there are more than one way to accomplish each mission, and there are plenty of them, this is a game that can be played again without covering the same ground with the same people.


Ghost Recon has been arround for some time but it still entertains. Gold Edition gives you the original game plus 2 add ons. I bought it for under a fiver.Graphics are good, game play is good and the enemies AI is acceptable. Not only is it a first person shooter but strategy is important too as you guide 3 groups of fighting men around a mission map. Be careful of the enemies as they seem to be capable of shooting you between the eyes as soon as they spot you (literally).In summary, a good shooter taking you to Russia, Cuba and Eastern Africa - available at a bargain price. I'm glad I experienced it.


i had read some reveiws before i purchased the game the main comments were about the ghrapics so when i received my game i went to settings and ghrapics set the ghrapics to the highest and changed it from 16 bit to 24 bit which was a vast improvement, this game has always been one of my favorites since i first played it and all the add on games in early 2000, back then there was some very good mods to play from ghost recon gamers, i would suggest you play this game as much as you can because once they do away with windows vista thats it forever and XP finishs this april


One of the best pc games and add ons (not dlc, Back in the day we went out to pick up the expansion discs) I have ever played.Not shaw why Mr Microsoft wants us old gamers to repurchase digital versions of our games that don't ask for the disk.Rant overSteep learning curve of a game but we'll worth it.


Considoring the age of this game i am shocked . it is a great game that requires alot of skill and patience it is very hard but still amazing cant blive the price if you like tacical shooters this is a must buy


CD in very good condition install without any problem.However the game itself does not play with ease.Control of players a little cumbersome.




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